20 Development of Innovative Integrated Last Planner System (ILPS)

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International Journal of Civil Engineering

https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-020-00504-9 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)


Development of Innovative Integrated Last Planner System (ILPS)

Mughees Aslam1,2 • Zhili Gao1 • Gary Smith3

Received: 26 September 2019 / Revised: 1 January 2020 / Accepted: 29 January 2020

 Iran University of Science and Technology 2020

Last planner system (LPS) has been recognized as one of the most formidable tools for implementing lean construction
(LC) and improving construction productivity. The past 25 years have witnessed the sequential development of LPS but
still, the construction industry is unable to utilize its full potentials. It was reported that users of LPS were only able to
achieve 70% of their weekly assignments with much potential to perform better. Considering it is a complete lean
construction tool, LPS is mostly implemented in isolation, thereby exposing many areas that are overlooked and poorly
managed. In this study, an effort has been made in developing strategies to overcome LPS implementation challenges by
integrating LPS with other available lean tools and techniques. A systematic literature review is carried out, followed by a
conceptual development of findings and theories into a robust integrated LPS implementation model. Thirteen (13) major
shortcomings in implementing LPS and sixteen (16) lean tools to overcome these shortcomings are identified. Presently,
LPS is managed as a single entity. However, due to its vast diversity, all of its stages should be managed independently. In
this study, lean tools are integrated within LPS stages to develop the innovative integrated last planner system (ILPS),
allowing the management of LPS stages independently. Additionally, a guideline for sequential amalgamation of LPS with
the lean tools at different stages is presented to smoothen the ILPS implementation process. The ILPS will facilitate the
construction industry in utilizing LPS to its fullest potential. This newly developed ILPS will help the lean practitioners in
increasing construction productivity and reducing cost and time.

Keywords Integrated last planner system (ILPS)  Lean tools and techniques  Shortcomings  Look-ahead planning 
Constraint analysis  Visualization

1 Introduction

Last planner system (LPS) has been considered the most

common tool in implementing lean construction (LC)
philosophy due to its wide range of benefits offered,
& Zhili Gao especially in the areas of productivity, cost, and schedule
jerry.gao@ndsu.edu controls [1–6]. The most significant benefits of LPS are
Mughees Aslam reduction in project variabilities, improving and maintain-
mughees.aslam@ndsu.edu ing the smooth flow by exposing wastes, promoting the
Gary Smith culture of collaboration and trust among project stake-
gary.smith@ndsu.edu holders, and developing an environment that pursues con-
tinuous improvement. The successful implementation of
Department of Construction Management and Engineering, LPS has further reinforced the conceptual ideas of LC for
North Dakota State University, 1315 Centennial Blvd, Fargo,
ND 58108, USA achieving the anticipated outcome [6–9].
2 Apart from the successful implementation of LPS, there
Department of Construction Engineering and Management,
National University of Science and Technology, H-12 Sector, have been certain challenges and shortcomings identified in
Islamabad, Pakistan the system that are causing hindrances in receiving optimal
Department of Construction Management and Engineering, benefit. Many researchers hold the opinion that LPS is not
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102, USA being utilized to its maximal capacity due to certain

International Journal of Civil Engineering

inherent shortcomings [1, 3, 4, 6, 10–16]. Lack of visual- next team to subsequently integrate each component within
ization capabilities [17], incompatibility with project the final product. As an example, the architect hands over
delivery methods [18], underutilized look-ahead planning the drawing to the designer who, in turn, passes the design
[4, 6], nonperformance of constraint analysis [3] and lack to the construction team for its implementation. Hence, two
of considerations to continuous maintenance of flow [19] important aspects must be controlled within construction
are a few common shortcomings identified in the existing processes: (1) transforming conceptualized ideas into
LPS. Although LPS has resulted in improved percent plan reality and (2) maintaining continuous flow of products/
completion (PPC) of projects, lean practitioners are still information from one team to another in a reliable and
unable to complete more than 30% of weekly assignments sustainable manner. Diekmann et al. [27] have summarized
even after implementing LPS [20]. the five principles of LC as customer focus, culture/people,
Although state-of-the-art frameworks and implementing continuous improvement, workplace standardization, and
strategies are available to remove inefficiencies of the waste elimination. Ballard et al. [9] also used the same LC
existing LPS, these frameworks still lack the operational principles in their research for the Construction Industry
aspects of LPS. Most of the LPS implementation frame- Institute. The main foci of LC are to reduce waste within
works are broad-based and only target the macro-aspects of construction by maintaining constant flow, to provide
the project and organization [1, 11, 21, 22]. Concurrently, maximum value to the product in a sustainable way, and to
implementation strategies that specifically facilitate the continuously improve over time. All of its principles are set
implementation of various stages of the LPS are meagerly to achieve these goals for the overall benefit of the con-
explored [16, 23, 24]. Additionally, implementing strate- struction industry. The use of lean construction has ulti-
gies and shortcomings are explored in isolation to each mately resulted in cost and time reduction as well as
other and lack the necessary linkage between each other increased productivity of the construction process [28–30].
[3, 6, 23, 25]. This isolation in identifying shortcomings/ Over time, a number of tools and techniques have been
barriers and implementation strategies of LPS makes the identified which can simultaneously be used to achieve the
implementation process difficult and complicated. objective of LC. Ballard and Howell [31] have contributed
This paper outlines major shortcomings in the LPS a platform of LPS, on which many tools are grouped
through an extensive literature review with the purpose of together for efficiently addressing the objectives of LC.
developing implementation guidelines that can increase the LPS emphasizes the role and contribution of the last
efficiency of the existing LPS by incorporating new lean planner, a person who is responsible for the completion of
construction tools. The existing practices of LPS can be the production unit/individual task at the operational level
augmented by introducing tools and techniques that are [32]. The concept of LPS revolves around defining
compatible with LPS and have capabilities of reinforcing assignments based on what should be done, will be done,
the LPS implementation process. After integration with and can be done, through different stages such as master
other lean tools and techniques and targeting the required planning, reverse-phase planning, look-ahead planning and
shortcomings, an effort will be made to develop an inte- weekly planning. Master and reverse phase planning
grated last planner system (ILPS) model. This is a novel determines ‘‘what should be done’’ using the pull approach.
study in which the shortcomings in LPS are removed by As construction begins and recognition of resources and
utilizing the benefits of other tools in a sequenced and constraints becomes apparent, activities which ‘‘will be
phased manner, and implementation guidelines for imple- done’’ are identified using the look-ahead planning, nor-
menting each ILPS stage will be formulated. This research mally performed 5–6 weeks prior to the start of activities.
will benefit the contractors, owners, and clients in devel- Finally, during the weekly schedule, the construction crew
oping a more rational approach for implementing LPS will commit to perform the activities that ‘‘can be done’’
under the umbrella of LC philosophy. based on their capabilities and resource availability. During
execution of the assignments, the outcomes are measured
using the metric Percent Plan Complete (number of activ-
2 Lean Construction (LC) and Last Planner ities executed in a week/number of activities planned in a
System (LPS) week) to carry out depth analysis of all performed works.
The whole process revolves around achieving efficiency
Koskela introduced concepts of lean philosophy in con- through learning and collaboration by all the construction
struction by presenting construction as a production unit participants. The schematic explanation of the last planner
where production was conceptualized in three comple- is given in Fig. 1.
mentary ways: transformation, flow, and value [26]. Con-
struction relies on teams, each specializing in its own area
of expertise and capable of passing their product on to the

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Design to
Master Based on the Pull approach,
Schedule what we should do

Based on the available

Reverse informaon, eliminate the
Based on the
Phase constraints within sequence and
design, what
sizing work, what we can do
we should
do Based on the available
Ahead resources, previously measured
and analysis of PPC Charts,
selecng work which we will do

Weekly Measurement based on chart

Work PPC and analysis for avoiding
Measured for repeve errors
and analyzed Work Completed

Fig. 1 Last planner system

3 Impact of Last Planner System (LPS) sample of 50 projects to corroborate that projects with a
higher PPC also have higher performances. Since PPC is
Implementation of LPS has resulted in controlling cost and considered to be the most reliable method of measuring the
time overruns as well as enhancing construction produc- impact of LPS, researchers compared the LPS in terms of
tivity. Ballard et al. [33] assessed the performance of LPS change in PPC against existing management approaches.
in a number of projects and found a reduction of cost An increase in productivity along with average PPC
within the range of 10–50% as well as an increase in achieved after implementing LPS is shown in Table 1.
construction productivity by 30%. Similarly, other In comparison to traditional approaches, projects
researchers have also measured the performance of LPS in undertaken using LPS have clearly shown an increase in
terms of cost and schedule overruns and increased pro- PPC but at the same time, an average of 32% assignments
ductivity, and results concluded in favor of LPS is still not achieved. Howell and Macomber [41] further
[5, 32, 34, 35]. Thomassen et al. [36] and Mossman [37] concluded that companies should strive to achieve PPC
measured the safety-related benefits of LPS and concluded values over 80% and anything lower than 60% should be
a considerable decrease in safety incidents by the imple- considered as low performance. Similarly, Ballard and
mentation of LPS. Salem et al. [38] conducted a field study Zabelle [39] also recommended a PPC value of above 80%
to evaluate outcomes of the six lean construction tools as a benchmark for satisfactory performance. However,
(LPS, visualization, daily huddle meetings, first-run stud- based on the summary of results, the average PPC achieved
ies, 5S processes, and fail-safe for quality and safety) after implementing LPS is still around 68%, far below
through the lean implementation standards and perfor- expectations. Hence, there is a need for improving the LPS
mance criteria. Results implicated LPS as the only tool that by finding the main barriers hindering the construction
is complete in itself and can be applied to construction industry from using LPS to its fullest potential.
projects. In contrast, the author recommended modifica- The efficiency of LPS can never be underestimated but
tions for all the other tools prior to effective implementa- one should always remain in search of excellence to benefit
tion within construction in lean environments. the construction industry as a whole and lean practitioners
In most LC studies, the percent plan complete (PPC) is in particular. Lean construction philosophy advocates in
measured in terms of activities executed in a week divided attaining the best possible results through continuous
by activities planned in the same week [5, 39]. According improvement and learning from previous setbacks. Fol-
to Liu et al. [40], labor productivity was found to be pos- lowing the same path, LPS needs to be evaluated to remove
itively correlated with PPC and recommended to be used as drawbacks to achieve maximum efficiency.
a productivity measuring tool. Lagos et al. [21] used a

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 1 Impact of the last planner system

Researchers Change in Average PPC Assignment not Remarks
weekly PPC (%) achieved (%) achieved (%)

Ballard et al. [33] 27 70 30 Electric Contractor Venezuela

30 70 30 Chile
24 76 24 Subway projects
Daniel et al. [42] Increased 72 28 Project 1
90 10 Project 2
Fiallo and Revelo Increased 65 35 Foundation stage reached PPC up to 91% but decreased in
[34] structure and masonry assignments
Salem et al. [38] 50 75 25 Garage parking
Kim [43] – 85 15 7 projects data
77 23
76 24
59 41
75 25
80 20
47 53
Alcaron et al. [13] 56 71 29
Ahiakwo et al. 100 80 20
Bortolazza and 72.24 28 Industrial building
Formoso [20]
68.04 32 Residential buildings

4 Problem Statement and Current LPS the project level. Khanh and Kim [16] attempted to rank
Implementation Gaps the strategies for successful implementation of LPS but
were restricted to only look-ahead planning, team work-
Researchers have significantly contributed to developing shops and weekly work plans. In an attempt to develop a
LPS implementation frameworks and strategies. However, framework for successful implementation of LPS in Egypt,
there are still shortcomings in the developed frameworks Aboseif and Khallaf [23] proposed 9 strategies for 5
which need to be addressed for efficient application of LPS. identified challenges but fell short in providing the
Fernandez-Solis et al. [3] identified challenges for suc- methodologies for fitting the strategies into an overall LPS
cessful implementation of LPS at an organizational and model. Zaeri et al. [22] developed an automated excel
technical level but fell short in recommending the remedies spreadsheet to efficiently utilize project data in improving
for overcoming these challenges. Lagos et al. [21] sup- LPS implementation. The developed spreadsheet can be
ported the implementation of LPS using information used as an effective tool in the continuous improvement of
technology (IT); however, the use of IT in managing look- the applied LPS. Abusalem [24] identified critical success
ahead/weekly planning by removing the constraints along factors for implementing LPS at the project level; however,
with strategies to performing corrective actions was mea- detailed methodologies for incorporating critical success
gerly researched. Sabek and McCabe [1] developed a factors into the LPS model are not explained. Moreover,
framework for implementing LPS in mega projects by key barriers and success factors were also identified by
identifying 31 LPS implementation challenges and then other researchers to improve the efficiency of LPS [6, 10].
proposing a framework for successful implementation of Ebbs et al. [25] made an endeavor to provide the LPS path
the LPS. This framework discussed the holistic application clearing approach (PCA) by considering ‘‘shallow and
of the LPS at a macro-level but staged implementation of wide’’ organizational aspects rather than a more traditional
LPS at a micro-level (reverse phase planning, look-ahead/ ‘‘narrow and deep’’ project approach. According to the
weekly planning) is not elaborated upon. Micro-level authors, the 15-step action plan developed during the study
implementation strategies explaining each LPS stage will can effectively overcome LPS implementation barriers.
provide a way forward for new LPS users to implement at This implementation strategy is more focused on

International Journal of Civil Engineering

overcoming the organizational issues with a lesser impact 5 Methodology

on technical/project issues.
In summary, researchers have tried to streamline the To achieve the objectives of this study, an extensive lit-
implementation process of LPS by developing state-of-the- erature review was carried out. Databases of Lean Con-
art frameworks and implementing strategies to remove struction Journal (LCJ), American Civil Society of
inefficiencies in the current LPS model. However, neces- Engineers Online (ASCE), Science Direct and International
sary linkages between strategies and the current imple- Group of Lean Construction (IGLC) were used as baseline
mentation challenges could not be established. In some in selecting research papers for evaluating the objectives of
cases, challenges for successful implementation of LPS are this study. The research was organized into three stages as
identified but strategies to overcome these challenges are per the objectives of this study. In stage one, shortcomings
not discussed. This isolation in identifying shortcomings/ of LPS reported by researchers in the literature since 1992
barriers and implementation strategies of LPS makes the are extracted and summarized. In stage two, the LC tools
implementation process difficult and complicated. Addi- are identified and categorized based on their ability to
tionally, most of the LPS implementation frameworks are efficiently target shortcomings identified in the LPS. In
broad-based and targets the macro-aspects of the project; stage three, a new model ILPS is developed by integrating
whereas, strategies specifically targeting the operations of lean tools and techniques into its different stages. Key-
LPS are marginally discussed. words were established related to each objective of this
In view of the above-mentioned gaps, the main moti- research paper and used as the main method of searching
vation for this novel study is to develop implementation the requisite research papers for respective tools. Identifi-
strategies by not only identifying the current shortcomings cation of requisite papers was made in three steps. In step
in existing LPS but also providing strategies at the micro- one, all relevant papers were listed based on only the
level which can be useful in implementing different stages keywords without going into the details of the papers. In
of LPS. LPS has the capacity for further improvement to step two, the introduction and conclusion are utilized as the
develop a system that best suits the construction environ- basis for the retention of the papers. Lastly, step three is the
ment and helps to improve construction performance by final selection of the papers based on the complete context.
many fold. There are many tools identified by lean prac- A schematic explanation of the complete methodology is
titioners which can be used in eradicating the drawbacks of explained in Fig. 2.
LPS. To develop the most efficient last planner tool, a The major focus of this study is to develop an efficient
study of all the tools and techniques and the areas targeted LPS based on its operational processes only. The aspects
needs to be completed. The shortcomings of LPS can then related to behavior, commitments, financial support and
be addressed based on the operational capabilities of each education which can cause hindrance in implementing the
tool and their adaptability within the LPS. This research is LPS in its true form are not included. These are important
aimed at reducing the shortcomings of the LPS by duly factors that should be considered after all the shortcomings
integrating it with other lean construction tools. This will of the existing LPS are removed and the system is ready to
provide a platform in which benefits offered by each tool be implemented with its maximum optimization.
can be combined to achieve the most efficient system. We
can then provide a rational guidelines to owners, consul-
tants, and contractors to achieve the best results. The 6 Shortcomings in Implementing LPS
research will also provide tremendous benefits to the con- and Strategies to Overcome
tractors who are willing to moving towards LC by adopting the Shortcomings
a technique that can result in maximum benefits in this
competitive business. Apropos, the main objectives of this LPS has been considered to be the most formidable and
research are as follows: complete methodology for implementing lean construction.
• Identifying the shortcomings in the LPS However, at the same time, it has been explained theoret-
• Identifying the tools that are best suited to combat the ically as well as through case studies that LPS has inherent
shortcomings of the LPS shortcomings which needs to be addressed for its full
• Developing the efficient integrated last planner model utilization.
(ILPS), which can result in optimized performance by According to AbdelHamid [12], the major focus of LPS
integrating it with newly identified lean construction was to reduce the effects of variabilities. Instead, a mech-
tools anism should be developed to eliminate the variabilities by
• Providing guidelines for implementing various stages of uprooting their causes. The author recommended the use of
ILPS six sigma (SS) for eliminating the root causes of variability

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Literature Review
Stage 1 Idenfying the shortcoming of LPS Case Studies

1. Adopted from unpublished study of

Idenfying lean construcon tools 2. Checked for compability with LPS
Stage 2 that, if implemented along with LPS, 3. Where number of tools idenfied,
selecon based on beer performance
can reduce its shortcoming
as per ranking reported in a study by
authors (unpublished)

1. Idenficaon of different stages of

Idenficaon of LPS stages and their 2. Compability of idenfied lean tools
Stage 3 compability with lean tools with LPS stages based on their
applicaon methodologies and
3. Amalgamaon of lean tools within
different stages of LPS

Develop efficient ILPS model

Develop guidelines for implemenng ILPS model

Fig. 2 Research methodology

through systematically injecting the concepts of SS into planning and nonperformance of constraint analysis as key
LPS during all the stages of construction. A well-structured shortcomings in the LPS. According to the authors, two
framework was also presented by the author for inculcating main categories of LPS (planning and workforce) are too
SS in LPS [12]. Alarcon et al. [13] measured the impact of superficial to identify the causes of problems normally
LPS by studying more than hundreds of projects. Apart hampering construction performance. The major reason for
from the efficacy of LPS, few operational drawbacks in the the lack of effective implementation of look-ahead plan-
system were also identified. According to the authors, the ning as highlighted by Friblick et al. [44] is the non-in-
implementation of look-ahead planning remained a major volvement of employees and subcontractors.
problem due to the lack of understanding about look-ahead Implementation of LPS without the involvement of
planning. Moreover, corrective actions were also not taken downstream players can always be detrimental in achieving
anywhere during the implementation phase because com- true objectives of lean construction. According to Fuemana
panies found it difficult to accurately measure and analyze and Puolitaival [18], incompatibility of procurement
the performances. Another important shortcoming as methods with LPS is the key obstacle in implementing the
notified by the authors was the poor visualization capa- LPS. According to the authors, the traditional point-based
bilities of LPS in which information from one team could design method would not work in harmony with the LPS.
not be understood by the succeeding team. Use of infor- Lack of collaboration and employees/subcontractors
mation technology like building information modeling involvement during designing and planning processes are a
(BIM) to improve visualization has been recommended by few shortcomings of the traditional method that hampers
the author for further facilitating the implementation of the efficient implementation of LPS. To determine com-
LPS. Similarly, the major challenges identified by Dave patible methods of project delivery that work in harmony
et al. [15] in LPS are weak look-ahead planning, lack of with LPS, Matthew and Howell [45] suggested the use of
motivation for continuous improvement, and lack of root integrated project delivery (IPD) as a solution for the
cause analysis and collaborative aspects. Bortolazza and problems in which the whole team functions as a single
Formoso [20] performed quantitative analysis and reported unit with shared responsibilities.
the lack of effective implementation of look-ahead

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Ahiakwo et al. [17] highlighted the lack of material Table 3 List of major lean construction tools (unpublished)
availability as the topmost reason for incomplete assign- S/no. Lean construction tools Abbreviations
ments after the implementation of LPS along with diffi-
culties in managing the laborers, reworkings, incomplete 1. Last planner system LPS
design and poor weather. The authors concluded that the 2. Pull approach PULL
lack of material management, visualization of design into 3. Just In time JIT
construction, and risk assessment capabilities of LPS in the 4. Concurrent engineering CE
execution stage are some of the areas that need further 5. Poka Yoka PY
elaboration. 6. Daily huddle meeting DHM
Maintaining continuous flow is an essential component 7. Set-based design SBD
of Koskela’s three partite explanation of lean construction 8. Visual management VM
(transformation, flow, and value) [26]. Linghard and 9. First-run studies FRS
Wahdahl [19] analyzed the LPS in depth by taking into 10. Kanban KAN
account the mechanism of LPS in which the sequence of 11. Line of balance L of B
activities is determined based on duration and interrela- 12. Six sigma SS
tionships; whereas, the main themes of all types flow are 13. Prefabrication/modular PF/MOD
not taken into consideration. According to Linghard and 14. Fail safe for quality and safety FSQS
Wahdahl [19], in LPS, flow considerations are kept at look- 15. Integrated project delivery IPD
ahead level only in which different activities have to be 16. Building information modeling BIM
made ready for construction. Authors recommended 17. Value stream mapping VSM
incorporating the flow consideration during reverse phase, 18. 5S 5S
look-ahead and weekly scheduling also. The summary of 19. Theory of constraints TOC
the barriers is listed in Table 2 as well. 20. Target value design TVD
21. Standardized process SP
22. Kaizen KAIZ
7 Selection of the Lean Tools 23. Failure mode and effect analysis FMEA

To utilize LPS to its fullest capabilities, it is essential to

overcome challenges that are hindering its successful
implementation. LPS provides a set of tools as mentioned
reinforced with other lean tools and techniques to directly
in Fig. 2 for its implementation. These tools have to be
target the shortcomings and facilitate LPS implementation
as per its true spirit. Apart from LPS, many lean con-
Table 2 Shortcomings in the last planner system struction tools have been identified and measured for their
S/ Shortcomings in LPS References importance and efficacy. In an unpublished work of
no. authors, 23 major lean construction tools are evaluated
1 Lack of effective implementation of look- [13, 15, 20]
based on their performances and are shown in Table 3. This
ahead planning study provides a guideline for selecting tools and tech-
2 Nonperformance of constraint analysis [13, 20, 42] niques based on their performance evaluation and accept-
3 Nonperformance of root cause analysis and [12, 15, 19, 20] ability within the construction industry. Results of the
corrective actions study indicated that LPS alone cannot signify construction
4 Lack of supply chain integration [13, 17] as lean, rather group of tools and techniques when imple-
5 Lack of collaboration [15, 19, 45, 46] mented together with positive commitment and cultural
6 Difficult to handle downstream players and [18, 41, 45] acceptance, will make the construction leaner. In another
subcontractors/suppliers unpublished work of authors, it was established that each
7 Noninvolvement of key stakeholders in [18, 41, 45] lean construction tool is built to target certain areas of
different phases of construction construction. For example, tools such as Just in Time (JIT)
8 Contracting and legal issues [11, 45, 47] improve the supply chain of the construction project rather
9 Lack of training [41, 47] than scheduling. Conversely, LPS is more closely related to
10 Lack of consideration to all flows [19] the planning and execution aspect of the project rather than
11 Lack of communication [19] quality or design and Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is
12 Lack of visualization capabilities [17, 19] more focused on reducing the non-value-adding activities
13 Nonperformance of risk analysis [19] within the processes.

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Amalgamation of LPS with other lean tools and tech-



niques will help in removing shortcomings associated with

LPS. It should be ensured that lean tools and techniques
have objectivities and application methodologies that are


fully compatible and aligned with the LPS processes. Lean

tools and techniques for this study are selected from the


unpublished work of authors, in which each lean tool is

characterized by its objectivity and application method-

ologies. It facilitated the selection of lean tools for target-

ing the specific shortcoming of LPS.




8 Integration of Lean Tools with LPS

to Overcome Its Shortcomings




Based on the objectives and functionalities of lean tools, a

matrix as shown in Table 4 is developed in which targeted


shortcomings are cross-matched with the suitable tools to
overcome shortcomings within LPS. There are a number of

tools having the objectives and application methodologies

targeting the specific shortcomings in LPS. As an example,

tools like FRS, FSQS, SS, KAIZ, PY and TOC can facil- PF

itate LPS in finding the root causes of problems and sug-

gesting corrective measures. Similarly, VM, FRS, 5S,


KAIZ, BIM and VSM can provide excellent visualization

capabilities during LPS.



Many tools actually target the same shortcomings,

which not only can create confusion among the construc-


tion industry in deciding the best tool, but can also increase

the opportunity window for selecting the best tool to fit into

the organizational and project environment. Organizations

implementing LPS have to decide which tool best fits

within their operational needs and organizational needs.


Moreover, the benefits offered by the tools and techniques


can be an identifier of which tools can facilitate imple-



mentation of LPS. The data in Table 4 can be used as a

Table 4 Targeted tools to eradicate the shortcomings in LPS

guideline in selecting the tools for the successful imple-




mentation of LPS. Additionally, based on the theoretical


research and number of case studies conducted on the basis



of performance evaluation, the compilation of data and


subsequent ranking among the tools can be used as an


effective means in selecting the most appropriate tool.

Efforts are made in proposing at least two tools for each
area of improvement within LPS so as to give a broader
Nonperformance of risk analysis

Issues with look ahead planning

window of selection for the adopters of the lean con-

Contracting and legal issues

struction concepts. The subsequent ranking among the

Supply chain management
Lack of communication

tools is already developed by the authors in an unpublished

Lack of collaboration

Issues related to flow

study by duly incorporating data from 83 case studies, 53

Root cause analysis

Constraint analysis

literature reviews and 13 industrial studies in which dif-

Lack of training
Short comings


ferent tools and techniques as mentioned in Table 3 were


evaluated based on their performances. The outcome of the

same study has been used as the basis for selecting lean
tools that be integrated within existing LPS to improve its

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 5 Recommended tools for integration with LPS

S/ Targeted shortcoming Recommended Ranking as per Perceived benefit
no. tools unpublished study of

1 Root cause analysis SS and FRS 2 and 3 Conducting root cause analysis and suggesting corrective
2 Visualization BIM and VSM 3 and 5 Schedule planning will become more reliable based on future
prediction of outcome in collaboration with
multidisciplinary teams
3 Supply chain management 5S, JIT, KAN 5, 8 and 10 Improves the supply chain of the project and reduce the
material waste
4 Lack of communication BIM and VM 4 and 14 Automatic generation and upkeep of all information with
access to all key stakeholders at any time
5 Constraint analysis SS, VSM, LOB 2, 6, 11 and 13 Pre-visualization of all upcoming constraints and eliminating
and TOC the constraints that are continually coming
Reduction of all non-value-adding activities thereby
improving the schedule and reducing waste related to
6 Contracting and legal issues IPD and CE 15 and 17 Improves relationship between all key stakeholders including
the subcontractors
7 Lack of collaboration IPD, BR and 15, BR and DHM Increased collaboration among all stakeholders, simultaneous
DHM not listed involvement of downstream players and subcontractors
8 Nonperformance of risk analysis BIM, TOC, 4, 13 and 22 Effect of external risks like climate change, site restriction,
FMEA material availability, etc. can be minimized
9 Issues related to flow BIM, SBD/ 4, 9, 2, 6 and 5 Improves and maintains continuous flow during construction
TOC, FRS, Minimize the conflicts that can occur due to wrong
VSM, 5S interpretation of design
Add value and reduce design changes
10 Involving IPD, DHM, 15, 6, BR and DHM Subcontractors will start owning the project and give their
people/subcontractors/suppliers BR, VSM not listed best because of the pain/gain concept
11 Lack of training FRS, BR 2 and BR not listed Provides firsthand knowledge about processes and
implementation strategies for any activity
12 Issues with Look-ahead planning BIM, BR, TOC 4, 13, BR and DHM Better visualization and collaboration, removal of constraints
not listed

performance. The recommended tools based on their planned work-ready for smooth execution. In the end,
ranked order along with perceived benefits after amalga- complete construction is monitored and continuously
mation are explained in Table 5. improved to achieve the desired efficiency. All these pha-
ses have distinct functions and outcomes which must be
managed separately. The diversity within LPS compels
9 Development of Integrated Last Planner users to manage each phase separately. The problem arises
System (ILPS) when LPS is treated and managed as one unit thereby
neglecting the diversity of each LPS stage. To remove
The biggest challenge for lean practitioners is to integrate shortcomings of existing LPS, the lean practitioners must
different lean tools and techniques into various phases of manage every LPS stage independently by taking measures
LPS. Each LPS phase has been developed to plan and which can increase the efficiency of each phase. Use of
execute assignments during various phases of construction. different lean tools and techniques during various LPS
The master and phase schedules have to be developed well stages can be an effective way to manage LPS.
before the start of construction to identify the key mile- As already explained, lean tools have exclusive objec-
stones that must be planned using reverse planning. Look- tives and functionalities that can only work in harmony
ahead plans are developed during the construction for with each LPS stage, if they are compatible and comple-
removing the likely constraints and making work-ready. mentary to each other. As an example, whereas Just in
Only activities that are constraint free are kept for con- Time (JIT) can be an effective tool in planning and
struction. Weekly schedules are developed to align the managing supply chain activities during the look-ahead

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Design Procurement

Master BIM To ensure that allll

Pares of the
To ensure that
Planning VSM Contract owns the
design is in project from start ll
collaboraon with end with posive
key project contribuons
Seng up of

JIT, BIM, 5S Reverse Phase
Look Ahead L FRS

To ensure smooth
hand offs between
To ensure that all
trades and
resources, preceding
knowledge about
works, informaon
requirements of
and external
succeeding trades
condions are in full
by preceding trades
harmony and ready
for the workforce

To ensure that every team

is willing to perform the
work by commitment.
Definions, sequence, DHM,
sizing and learning are
clear to all

On the Day


Fig. 3 Integrated last planner model (ILPS)

stage, use of JIT during the master schedule can be less will decide the degree of implementation of LPS. More
effective. Similarly, the Theory of Constraint (TOC) can be collaboration among project participants will result in
used to remove constraints during look-ahead planning. better performance of LPS. Collaboration from the key
Based on the objectives and functionalities of lean tools stakeholders at the early stages and involvement of all team
that can effectively remove LPS shortcomings during dif- members including subcontractors in later planning will
ferent stages of LPS, a schematic model as presented in eradicate coordination problems among the project teams.
Fig. 3 is developed and explained below:
9.2 Improved Visualization During Design
9.1 Increased Collaboration and Construction

Collaboration through Big Room (BR) has to be ensured BIM being the most powerful tool should be utilized in
during all phases of LPS and the extent of collaboration visualizing the construction and should be incorporated in

International Journal of Civil Engineering

all the planning stages of LPS (master, reverse phase, look- subcontractors and suppliers. Their involvement will help
ahead and weekly). During the design stage, the integration in adjusting the tasks that have to be performed on-site. SS
of BIM and SBD/TVD will ensure the eradication of all is an excellent tool for analyzing the quality and perfor-
later on design and construction conflicts and also improve mance data and for identifying the likely causes of low
the workflow. Coupled with VSM, it will add value to the performance. JIT and KAN will effectively facilitate in
project in designing and master planning the project by planning the issues related to supply chain and material
incorporating all design/cost alternatives and removing/ management. Material management has to be deliberately
minimizing non-value-adding activities, respectively. planned and coordinated during look-ahead and weekly
During master planning, the use of BIM will be beneficial planning, respectively, using the JIT approach.
in identifying the milestones and planning the project in a
way it is best visualized. Efforts should be made that the 9.6 Improving Weekly Planning
design and master plan should be as realistic and con-
structive to reduce the later on changes in design and Weekly planning is carried out for all works that have to be
schedule to a minimum. performed. Last minute coordination and refinement within
the schedule is carried out. Downstream players and sub-
9.3 Improved Relationships contractors/suppliers are extensively involved in this stage
for identifying their state of readiness and for providing
The implementation process will be reinforced using the input. BIM can provide an excellent platform for coordi-
IPD method which works in harmony with the lean con- nation and final alignment of all teams for their respective
struction philosophy. IPD promotes collaboration, builds tasks. FRS can be utilized in refining the skills and getting
confidence and trust among stakeholders and ensures tak- acquainted with the new/uncommon activities. Tools like
ing measures that can be beneficial for all project JIT and KAN can be utilized for ensuring the timely
participants. delivery of materials from suppliers. Storage places, if
required, are further reconciled based on the site require-
9.4 Risk Analysis ments and adjustments are made. Worker’s tools can be
arranged using 5S so as to smoothen the issuing procedure
Reverse phase scheduling is based on the pull technique and ensuring safety at the site. The project will kick off
where the succeeding activity decides the delivery date of after weekly planning and will be measured for continuous
the preceding activity. Consideration of likely risks during improvement and assessed regularly during look-ahead and
this phase will remove uncertainties in planning. Moreover, weekly planning stages. DHM also provides a key platform
the use of FRS to streamline the implementation processes in which cross-functional teams work together to resolve
will enlighten the teams in performing tasks and will gear the issues in a coordinated manner. The whole cycle has to
them up for the coming assignments. To evaluate the be performed periodically, so that the implementation of
external risks, risk analysis should be performed after the LPS can result in enhanced benefits.
master planning or scheduling is complete and should be
given due diligence in the reverse phase scheduling by 9.7 Continuous Improvement
using tools like FMEA. VSM will further refine activities
based on their value-adding capabilities. After performing Organizations should develop performance measurement
the risk analysis and streamlining the implementation tools, so that they can analyze their performances and
process, the tasks that can be performed will be identified further improvements can be carried out. LPS uses weekly
and retained for look-ahead planning. PPC as an effective measurement tool for measuring con-
struction productivity. However, apart from PPC, the
9.5 Improving Lookahead Planning number of defects identified and rectified in weekly
assignments should be recorded and further analyzed to
Two important challenges for look-ahead planning are the ensure quality completion of construction assignments.
lack of constraint and root cause analysis. The reverse Analysis and results of both these measurements will be
phased schedule can further be scrutinized by performing used to ensure the refinement in the processes by correcting
constraint analysis to identify final tasks ready for work. the malfunctions and finally, a system should be evolved
Tools like TOC can be used in assessing the likely con- that looks to build itself through continuous learning.
straints and identifying the recommended strategies in
removing the constraints. Working procedures should be
redefined after removal of the constraints using BIM and
FRS and involve downstream players along with

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 6 Implementation tool of ILPS

Integrated last planner system (ILPS)–implementation tool for various stages
Input Process Output

(A) Master planning

3D model for architectural plans 4D scheduling using BIM Master schedule/planning
3D structural design 5D estimating using BIM Value/non-value-adding
Key personnel’s responsibilities chart Collaboration through Big Room (BR) activities
Organizational resources VSM Details of milestones
Input from owner and architect
Target cost
(B) Reverse phase planning
Master schedule Revise 4D scheduling using BIM Reverse phase schedule
Details of milestones Collaboration through Big Room (BR) Revised value-adding and non-
Key personnel’s responsibilities chart Risk analysis (FMEA) value-adding activities
Organizational resources Pull scheduling Revised milestones
Input from owner, contractor, architect/ VSM Identified risk and allocation of
engineers risks to tasks
Identifying requirements of succeeding activities for
Capabilities of sub-contractors and suppliers planning of preceding activities
(C) Look-ahead planning
Reverse phase schedule for coming 6 weeks Identifying constraints using TOC Work-ready list with no
Revised milestones Collaboration through Big Room (BR) constraints
Key personnel’s responsibilities chart Removing constraints Allocation of resources and
responsibilities to task list
Organizational resources Planning for next 6 weeks
List of backlogged activities
Input from owner, contractor architect, Visualization of complete process through BIM
with constraints
downstream players FRS to identify the methodologies of complicated and
6-week schedule
Capabilities of sub-contractors and suppliers uncommon tasks
List for ordering the key
Identified risk and allocation of risks to tasks Evaluating the shortcomings in the performed tasks and
Updated evaluation of progress incorporation of suitable remedies for avoiding
malfunctions in the plans
(D) Weekly planning
6-week look-ahead schedule Final coordination and commitment from all participants Work-ready list with no
Work-ready list with no constraints Collaboration through Big Room (BR) constraints
Key personnel’s responsibilities chart Check for availability of resources including materials and Allocation of resources and
equipment responsibilities to task list
Organizational resources
Planning for the week List of backlogged activities
Input from contractor,
having constraints
subcontractors/suppliers, and downstream Ensuring JIT delivery of materials
players 6-week schedule
Making storage places ready using KAN and 5S approaches
Allocation of resources and responsibilities to FRS to identify the methodologies of complicated and
task list uncommon tasks
Identified risk and allocation of risks to tasks
Updated evaluation of progress
(E) Continuous monitoring
Executed tasks progress Measuring the PPC weekly Updated evaluation of progress
Input from owners, architects/engineers, Measuring the number of defects in processes and quality Identification of the week/strong
contractor, subcontractors/suppliers, and issues during the week actions during execution of
downstream players Details about likely barriers in executing tasks the tasks
Recording lessons learned and remedial measures List of likely risks/barriers
causing low performances
Analyzing the progress and identifying the week/strong
areas Plan to improve the
Suggesting the remedies for incomplete assignments and
low-quality performances

International Journal of Civil Engineering

9.8 Suggested Guidelines for Implementing ILPS 11 Conclusions

No matter how efficient a model is, if it is not implemented The construction industry is in need of the efforts that can
properly, the results can be damaging. Unfortunately, the improve construction productivity and control time and
construction industry is struggling in utilizing LPS to its cost overruns. LC has been developed to overcome the
fullest potential due to the non-availability of any robust performance-based issues of the construction industry. LPS
implementation plan. Implementation of ILPS will always is a tool in practice for the last 24 years to achieve the
be a challenge for the construction industry due to its goals of LC. Although researchers have measured the
integration and amalgamation of many tools and tech- improved performances by implementing LPS, the full
niques. Realizing the implementation challenges, a com- benefits are still yet to be explored due to inherent issues
plete implementation guideline for ILPS is prepared based with the LPS. An effort has been made in this study to
on the model presented in Fig. 3. Each ILPS stage is fur- combat those areas of LPS that are hindering its efficient
ther explained in Table 6 to streamline the inputs, pro- implementation by integrating the existing LPS model with
cesses, and outputs required for its successful compatible LC tools and techniques. By identifying the
implementation. The organizations implementing ILPS can shortcomings of the LPS and attacking those shortcomings
follow the guidelines as shown in Table 6 to develop their with the best alternative tool, an efficient integrated last
own implementation techniques by duly incorporating lean planner system (ILPS) is modeled in this study. A toolbox
tools and techniques based on their capabilities, expertise, for implementing various stages of ILPS is also presented
resources, project environment and prevailing site to facilitate the construction industry for efficient imple-
conditions. mentation of ILPS. Theoretically, this study will increase
the body of knowledge by explaining the key functionali-
ties and methodologies involved during the efficient
10 Significance of ILPS implementation of LPS. It will increase the opportunity for
utilizing the LPS to its fullest potential by integrating it
Considering the tremendous benefits of lean construction, with other tools and techniques. Practically, this study will
organizations are always hunting for tools and techniques provide the contractors a way forward in implementing the
to better facilitate the adoption of lean practices. The LPS in a manner that will result in the best possible results
success of LPS clearly marked its ascendency over other with improved performances. Although the major aim of
lean tools. However, it was found that isolated application this study was to develop the conceptual efficient ILPS
of LPS exposed many areas in construction that were not model based on the literature and case studies, however,
managed by lean philosophies. Resultantly, the isolated the efficacy of this model should be tested in the field for
applications of LPS led to many shortcomings within the evaluating its practicability and validity. For the research-
system which prevented optimal performance. ILPS was ers, the ideas presented in this study can provide a foun-
developed to target the shortcomings of LPS by integrating dation for further exploring the integration of LPS with
them with other lean tools and techniques. Significance of other lean tools and refining the ILPS after its application
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