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It is a non-parametric statistical test used to compare two samples or groups, that can be used in
place of an unpaired t-test. It is used to test the null hypothesis that two samples come from the same
population (i.e. have the same median) or, alternatively, whether observations in one sample tend to be
larger than observations in the other.
The Mann-Whitney U test is the nonparametric equivalent of the two sample t-test. While the t-test
makes an assumption about the distribution of a population (i.e. that the sample came from a t-distributed
population), the Mann Whitney U Test makes no such assumption.

Null hypothesis for the test:

The hypotheses of the Mann-Whitney U-test are very similar to the hypotheses of the
independent t-test. The difference, however, is that in the case of the Mann-Whitney U test, the test is based
on a difference in the central tendency, whereas in the case of the t test, the test is based on a difference in
the mean values. Thus, the Mann-Whitney U test results in:

o Null hypothesis: There is no difference (in terms of central tendency) between the two groups in the
o Alternative hypothesis: There is a difference (with respect to the central tendency) between the two
groups in the population.

“The Mann Whitney U test, sometimes called the Mann Whitney Wilcoxon Test or the Wilcoxon
Rank Sum Test, is used to test whether two samples are likely to derive from the same population (i.e., that
the two populations have the same shape).”

Mann Whitney test is the non-parametric alternative test to the independent sample test .It is the
non-parametric test that is used to compare two samples mean that come from the same population and
used to test weather two samples mean are equal or not.

Steps for performing the Mann Whitney test:

 Collect two samples and sample 1 and sample 2
 Take the first observation from sample 1 and compare it with observations in sample 2. Count the
number of observations in Sample 2 that are smaller than that and equal to it. For, example,10
observations in sample 2 are smaller than the first observation in sample 1 and 2 equal then out U
statistics for this sample:
10 +2(1/2) = 11
 Repeat Step 2 for all observations in sample 1
 Add up all of your totals from Steps 2 and 3. This is our rank sum.
 Now, we calculate the U statistics using following formula
U \ 1=n \ \ 1\ n \ \ 2\ + backslash frac\ n\ \ 1\ backslash left(n \ \ 1\ +1 backslash right )\ \ 2\ -R \ \ 1\
U \ 2=n \ \ 1\ n \ \ 2\ + backslash frac\ n \ \ 2\ backslash eft(n \ \ 2\ +1 backslash right )\ \ 2\ -R \ \ 2\

 n1: number of samples in sample 1

 n2: number of samples in sample 2 loo
 R1: Rank sum of sample 1
 R2: Rank sum of sample 2

 Now, our test statistic (U) will be smaller of U1 and U2.

 Now, we look to the critical values in the table with respect to n1 and n2 (take it UO).
 If U <= cup0 we reject the null hypothesis.
 Else, we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Assumptions for the Mann Whitney U Test
 The dependent variable should be measured on an ordinal scale or a continuous scale.
 The independent variable should be two independent, categorical groups.
 Observations should be independent. In other words, there should be no relationship between the
two groups or within each group.
 Observations are not normally distributed. However, they should follow the same shape (i.e. both
are bell-shaped and skewed left).
 The sample drawn from the population is random. 2. Independence within the samples and mutual
independence is assumed. That means that an observation is in one group or the other (it cannot be
in both).
Uses of Mann Whitney test:
There are following uses of Mann Whitney test:
 Mann-Whitney U test is used for every field, but is frequently used in psychology, healthcare,
nursing, business, and many other disciplines. For example, in psychology, it is used to compare
attitude or behavior, etc. In medicine, it is used to know the effect of two medicines and whether
they are equal or not.
 It is also used to know whether or not a particular medicine cures the ailment or not. In business, it
can be used to know the preferences of different people and it can be used to see if that changes
depending on location.
 The Mann-Whitney test is used as an alternative to a t test when the data are not normally
 The test can detect differences in shape and spread as well as just differences in medians.
 Differences in population medians are often accompanied by equally important differences in shape.
 Researchers should describe the clinically important features of data and not just quote a P value.

The Mann-Whitney test is a test of both location and shape. Given two independent
samples, it tests whether one variable tends to have values higher than the other. As Altman states, one
form of the test statistic is an estimate of the probability that one variable is less than the other, 1 although
this statistic is not output by many statistical packages. In the case where the only distributional difference
is a shift in location, this can indeed be described as a difference in medians. Hence, for example, the online
help facility in Minitab 10.51 states that the Mann-Whitney test is "a two-sample rank test for the
difference between two population medians... It assumes that the data are independent random samples
from two populations that have the same shape." Figure Figure11 shows two distributions for which this is
the case. One distribution is shifted 0.75 units to the right: the medians differ by 0.75 units but the shapes
are identical.

Theoretically, in large samples the Mann-Whitney test can detect differences in spread
even when the medians are very similar. However, an alternative form of the test is better than the standard
Mann- Whitney test for this purpose.2. The alternative test, however, is not very efficient when population
medians are unequal and is not widely available in statistical packages.

Differences in population medians are often accompanied by other differences in spread and
shape. Moreover, the difference in medians may not be the most striking or the most clinically important
difference. It is important to look at distributional differences and discuss them. Figure Figure22 shows an
example in which the median values are 0.65 and 1.14 units. The distribution with the larger median also
has larger spread. The spread is shown clearly in figure figure33, which shows box plots of samples of 25
drawn from these two distributions. (The P value from the Mann-Whitney test is 0.02.) If the difference is
assumed to be merely a difference in medians other clinically important information could be ignored.

Advantage of Mann Whitney test:

There are following advantage of test:
 States whether the difference is significant or occurred by chance.
 Shows the median between 2 sets of data
 You can use data sets of different sizes.
 Good with dealing with skewed data so data doesn't need to be normally distributed.

Disadvantage of Mann Whitney test:

There are following disadvantage of test:
 Lengthy calculation - prone to human error.
 Does not explain why there is a difference.
 More appropriate when the data sets are independent of each other.
 More appropriate when both sets of data have the same shape distribution.
 Become less accurate when the sample size is below 5 or above 20
In reporting the results of a Mann–Whitney test, it is important to state:
1-A measure of the central tendencies of the two groups (means or medians; since the Mann–
Whitney is an ordinal test, medians are usually recommended)
2-The value of U

3-The sample sizes.

4-The significance level.
Interpretation of the Result:
o If P value is greater than the value of level of significance so we will reject Ho.
o If P value is less than the value of level of significance so will accept Ho.
Exams Anxiety Among Students
Test Hypothesis
Ho: U1 =U2
H1: U1 is not equal to U2
Level of Significance
Test statistics
U = min (Ua, Ub)

OBS Samples N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
1 40 25.65 1026.00
2 40 55.35 2214.00
Total 80


Mann-Whitney U 206.000
Wilcoxon W 1026.000
Z -5.717
Asymp. Sig.(2-tailed) 000
a.Grouping Variable:
The following procedure used to find the result on spss
 In the start go to variable view, in name variable make samples and observation
 Zeroed both decimals
 Then label the value; group1 is labeled with “1” and group 2 labeled with “2”
 Now back to the data view
 In the samples columns, enter 40 times 1 for group1 and 40 times 2 for the group 2 which is already
 Put the all values of the group1 and group2
 After entering the values. Click the Analysis option on the top
 Then click the non-parametric test.
 Then click on it. Legacy Dialogs. Then, click the 2 Independent Samples
 Now the 2 Independent -samples Test box on Now. Put “OBS” in Test variable list and “Samples”
are in grouping Variable
 Then define groups1 is “1” and group2 is “2”
 Then click on OK

P>0.05 = Ho accepted
Ho is accepted.

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