DIARY Writing

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Dear diary, today i had a very revolutionized day, my teacher Jackie, played a video related
with beauty culture.This video made me have uncertainty to know more about the beauty

I think that the part that i was more curious about was were the protagonist of the video
answered to the question, Why the most part of the womans have pressure to be beautiful?
When I heard that question I didn't suppose that the answer was going to be that the women
have pressure to be beautiful because of all of the other women that we see like: influencers,
actresses,singers…they have a lot of power on how I feel about myself. They are the main
creators of stereotypes in our society. At first I disagreed with that answer, but later i realized
that they are beauty gurus and they are specialized in beauty culture, so they know more
than me about that. On the other hand, I started to remember why I started to use makeup
and creams daily. It was because when I was 12 years old i started watching Lizy P, a
youtuber that stuck out in the world of the beauty, she started to project an image of beauty
that was so superficial, and through that she imposed my beauty standards in women.
However, after this video my ideology of beauty changed completely, now in my opinion is
that everyone can do whatever they want, and that doesn't mean that if someone doesn't
follow society standards they are less beautiful.

Moveover, after the video we had a debate in class, my class had two different opinions; the
first one was that we are not pressured by society to be beautiful and the opposite one was
that we are pressured by society with advertising, celebrities, etc. I notice that most of the
boys in my class were agreed with the first opinion. This made me consider that girls
appearance it's more considered in our society that boys image. We are more pressured or
we feel like it and we have the need to look like celebrities,models, etc. The boys in my class
were the clear example that men are not as pressured by society. I think this is because
nowadays women's looks is one of the main things that we consider for job interviews, or
when you meet someone for the first time. But for men there are other things that we usually
look for, rather than their physical appearance. Generally this is what it's usually that boys
feel less pressured but even if they don't have that many standards they can still feel
insecure, so we shouldnt be creating standards for them.

To conclude, I think we should stop focusing on beauty, and focus more on how people feel
with the standards that have been created. All of our society should work together to stop
making beauty culture so dangerous.

Well I need to go to dinner, so goodbye diary.

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