Cad C3 3ano 4opcao Tarefa Ingles

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C3_Tarefa_3A_Ingles Lu 15/05/12 16:24 Página 153

Módulo 1 – Text Grammar

Texto para os testes de 1 a 4. I. Complete with the right question-tag.

“In patients who recover from the vegetative state, the first 1. Snow is white, __________________________________?
signs of consciousness are often minimal and appear gradually.
The patient may start making deliberate, nonreflexive 2. You do like coffee, ______________________________?
movements but remain unable to express and communicate
3. I can come, ____________________________________?
thoughts and feelings. To classify these cases, doctors have
created a clinical category called the “minimally conscious 4. He should try harder, _____________________________?
state”. Like the vegetative state, the minimally conscious state
may be a transient condition on the way to further recovery of 5. They won’t help, ________________________________?
consciousness, or it may be chronic and sometimes permanent.
An important difference, though, is that patients who have 6. Nothing came in the post, _________________________?
remained in the minimally conscious state for years still have a
7. We’d never have known, __________________________?
chance of recovery. In a much publicized case, Terry Wallis, an
Arkansas man who had been in a minimally conscious state 8. He’d better do it, ________________________________?
since a road accident in 1984, started talking in 2003. Wallis
also regained some ability to move his limbs, although he 9. Asian people like rice, ____________________________?
cannot walk and still needs around-the-clock care.”
10. Do it now, _____________________________________?
(Scientific American)
11. We must be home at 10 p.m, _______________________?

12. It’s great to see each other again, ____________________?

1. Segundo o texto, pacientes que saem do estado vegetativo,
com frequência,
a) recuperam a consciência gradativamente.
II. Circle the correct alternative.
b) comunicam-se verbalmente de imediato.
c) costumam definhar paulatinamente.
1. Max won’t eat spinach. Neither ______________ George.
d) expressam poucos sentimentos.
a) do b) does c) is
e) fazem movimentos vagarosos.
d) has e) will

2. De acordo com o texto, “the minimally conscious state” 2. Bob can juggle with his eyes closed, and so ________ Max.
a) é uma condição que dura pouco tempo. a) is b) does c) can
b) leva o paciente a atender a uma série de comandos. d) has e) have
c) é um dos primeiros sinais do estado vegetativo.
d) pode ser um estado permanente ou transitório.
e) é uma situação clínica desprovida de atividade. 3. Sally’s been to Paris many times. So _____________ Julie.
a) is b) has c) does
d) did e) do
3. Terry Wallis
a) permaneceu consciente após um acidente.
4. Tom’s wearing blue, and so __________ the girls.
b) consegue fazer alguns movimentos.
a) is b) have c) are
c) perdeu a voz, durante um show, em 1984.
d) were e) was
d) não precisa mais de cuidados constantes.
e) faz exames médicos diariamente.
5. “I’d like a cup of coffee, please”
“So ______________ I”
4. “around-the-clock care” means: a) will b) would c) do
a) cuidado dia e noite. d) have e) had
b) medição contínua.
c) atenção noturna. 6. I wish it was Sunday.
d) ajuda para ver as horas. a) So I do b) So did I c) Neither do I
e) auxílio de um enfermeiro. d) I too do e) So do I

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7. Bill has eaten too much. but I’m sure that’s what pulled me through, “Campbell told the
a) So does Helen. b) So has his friends. Dallas Morning News. Campbell’s given 152 pints – 19
c) So did I. d) So have his friends. gallons – of blood in 31 years. Giving blood doesn’t hurt,
e) Neither have I.
Campbell said: “I’ve hurt myself worse shaving.”
8. John doesn’t eat broccoli. USA today – (UFPR)
a) Neither I do. b) Neither is Jane.
c) Neither don’t I. d) So do I. 1.
e) Neither do I. 01) Charles Campbell’s blood saved his mother’s life.
02) Charles Campbell’s blood donations may have saved his
own life.
III. Rewrite the following sentences. Use emphatic Do. 04) It is dangerous to donate blood very frequently.
08) Doctors do not believe Campbell was saved by his constant
1. My sister really works a lot. blood donations.
16) Charles Campbell has donated blood for over 30 years.
32) Frequent blood donations can be dangerous to clogged
2. John really put the book on the shelf.

2. What information is in the text?

01) The number of people saved by Campbell’s blood
TEXT COMPREHENSION 02) How many times a year Campbell donated blood.
04) Charles Campbell’s age.
One finds the most romantic people shopping at home 08) When Campbell had a heart attack.
improvement centers. My son was helping a couple _________ 16) The reason, according to Campbell, he survived his heart
a new door for their home. After he asked the man what size attack.
door they needed, the stumped husband yelled clear across the 32) The amount of blood donated by Campbell in 31 years.
store to his wife in home supplies, “Honey, c’mon over here and
see which one of these doors you can fit through.” 3. According to the text:
Terry Dennis – (Reader’s Digest) 01) Charles Campbell’s blood donations have helped many
people, including his mother;
1. Infere-se do texto que 02) Charles Campbell is 40 years old;
a) o homem sabia exatamente o que queria comprar. 04) Charles Campbell became thin because of frequent blood
b) o homem teve um gesto romântico quando a esposa donations;
aproximou-se. 08) Charles Campbell had clogged arteries;
c) a mulher deve ser muito gorda. 16) Charles Campbell believes his life has been saved by his
d) a esposa e o marido ficaram o tempo todo juntos na loja. blood donations;
e) houve uma séria discussão entre o vendedor e o comprador. 32) Charles Campbell says donating blood hurts more than
2. O verbo que falta na 2.a linha do texto é:
a) purchase b) sell c) advise Grammar
d) join e) hire
Circle the correct alternative.

1. ________________ information proved to be outdated.

Módulo 2 – Text a) A lot b) Many c) Much
d) Very e) Fewer
Leia o texto e faça o somatório das questões referentes ao texto:
2. It seems to me that we’ve had _____________ assignments
The first time Charles Campbell gave blood, it saved his this term than last term.
mother’s life. Since then, countless strangers have been helped a) many b) few c) a few
by his regular donations. Now he may be the latest beneficiary. d) less e) fewer
Campbell had a heart attack in January. Doctors told him his
3. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too
frequent blood donations over the past 31 years caused his blood ____________ weeds.
to become thin enough to leak through his dangerously clogged a) much b) few c) less
arteries and save him. “They can’t prove it without more studies, d) many e) a lot of
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4. I have ___________________ friends living in London. What’s a worried wife to do? Try the buddy system,
a) a little b) much c) a few Goldberg suggests. Schedule your doctor’s appointments on the
d) less e) very same day so you are each responsible for reminding the other to
attend. Also, explain to him that his health really maters to you,
5. The courts are inflicting ____________ heavy penalties in
an effort to reduce shoplifting incidences. and that he will set a better example for the kids if he takes care
a) very b) much c) lots of himself. Last, show him that good health can be fun. After all,
d) a little e) fewer you can always perform those necessary self-exams on each
6. We need ________________ furniture in this dance hall.
Can we have ___________ chair?
a) more – much b) much – much 1. O texto questiona:
c) less – fewer d) fewer – less
a) se o homem sabe lidar com as funções do seu carro, por
e) less – less
que não aplica seus conhecimentos de uma forma melhor?
7. ____________________ advice you get from experts don’t b) se um marido sabe consertar um carro, por que não sabe
seem to help. lidar consigo mesmo?
a) Many b) Few c) Fewer c) se o homem leva seu carro para um “check-up”, por que
d) A lot e) Much não faz o mesmo com ele?
d) se um marido sabe como consertar o carro da esposa, por
8. Cindy is __________________ shyer than her siblings. que ele não consegue fazer o mesmo com o seu?
a) a lot of b) much c) very e) se o homem leva seu carro para o conserto regularmente,
d) more e) less por que não sabe cuidar adequadamente da saúde, a dele e
a de seus familiares?
9. I’m having ________________ of trouble passing my
driving exam.
a) much b) a lot c) more
2. De acordo com o texto, os homens geralmente…
d) few e) less
a) acham que nada ruim lhes acontecerá.
10. _______________ people know as much about computers b) gostam de conversar longamente com seus médicos.
as Phil does. c) sofrem de uma síndrome esquisita, inexplicável.
a) Few b) Much c) Less d) acham que só suas esposas ficam doentes.
d) A lot e) Little e) dizem que não sentem dor nenhuma.

3. De acordo com o texto, as esposas…

a) conhecem, como ninguém, o medo que os maridos
costumam ter dos médicos e seus diagnósticos.
b) deveriam dar exemplo aos maridos e filhos, marcando
consultas médicas regularmente.
“Your husband never hesitates to take the car in for a tune-
c) deveriam sugerir aos maridos que visitassem seus médicos
up. So why does he always put off his regular medical check-ups?
pelo menos uma vez por ano, para exames de rotina.
According to Ken Goldberg, M.D., founder of the Male Health d) deveriam, sempre que possível, subestimar as queixas dos
Institute, in Irving, Texas, and author of “When the man you maridos.
love won’t take care of his health” (due out from golden books e) deveriam marcar suas consultas no mesmo dia em que
this winter), he probably suffers from “bullet proof syndrome” estão marcadas as consultas médicas para seus maridos.
- an attitude shared by most men, that nothing bad will ever
happen to them. When men do get sick, Goldberg says, they
tend to underestimate the severity of the problem to see any 4. Na frase, “health really matters to you”, o verbo significa:
associated pain as temporary or minor. To compound matters, a) parece. b) sugere. c) importa.
they’re less likely to make healthy lifestyle changes. d) desvia. e) alcança.

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Módulo 3 – Text 6. You’re much ________________ in real life than in photos.

a) pretty b) prettier c) more pretty
(UNICAMP) – A garota do anúncio fez uma opção por um d) prettiest e) most pretty
alimento. Que alimento é esse e o que a levou a fazer essa opção?
7. Who is ____________ : John or Paul?
a) more old b) oldest c) the oldest
d) older e) much old

8. It’s a long way from London to Moscow but London to

Sydney is ____________________.
a) farer b) more far c) farther
d) most far e) the farthest

9. The ______________ I get, the _______________ I forget.

a) older – more b) oldest – most
c) more old – more d) older – most
e) most old – more

10. I was really ill yesterday but, fortunately, I feel _________

a) worse b) best c) gooder
d) better e) worst


The New York Times

For the first time, gene therapy has unequivocally
succeeded, scientists say. Doctors used the treatment, which
involves adding working genes to cells, to save the lives of three
Grammar infants who might otherwise have died of a severe immune
Circle the correct alternative.
The success proves that gene therapy can work, researchers
said, but the patients had a disease that is especially suited for
1. The earlier we leave, the ________________ we’ll arrive.
the treatment.
a) soon b) soonest c) more soon
d) sooner e) very soon The researchers cautioned that the method might not be
immediately applicable to other diseases.
The patients were three babies who could not grow a
2. English cooking is bad but Scottish cooking
is____________. complete immune system. The only other treatment for the
a) more bad b) worst c) badder condition, a form of severe combined immune deficiency, or
d) best e) worse SCID, is a bone marrow transplant, which works just 60 percent
of the time. Otherwise, patients with SCID must live in germ-free
3. I’m so happy. I must be ____________________ woman in bubbles or fall prey to the ever-present microorganisms that
the world. most people can easily fend off.
a) more happy b) the least happy Three months after their gene therapy, the researchers
c) the happier d) the most happy recounted, the babies were home from the hospital, living like
e) the happiest any other children. Ten months later, their immune systems
were normal. Untreated infants born with SCID who are not
4. Could you speak _______________, please? kept in a sterile bubble become ill within months and die before
It’s a bad line. their first birthday.
a) louder b) more loud c) very loud
d) loudest e) most loud The New York Times on the Web

1. Os pacientes submetidos à terapia genética mencionada no

5. My job is getting __________________ and I can’t cope. texto
a) more hard and more hard b) hardest a) sofreram transplante de medula óssea previamente.
c) more hard d) harder and harder b) estão sendo mantidos dentro de bolhas esterilizadas, por
e) more and more harder precaução.
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c) realizaram o tratamento durante três meses ininterruptos. 2. According to the text, the Chilean president
d) sofriam de deficiência imunológica grave. a) will fight for significant changes in women’s political
e) tiveram alguns genes retirados e substituídos por outros. participation in the country.
b) has demonstrated political strength in Chile’s Congress
2. Segundo o relato dos pesquisadores, since her election.
a) as crianças submetidas ao tratamento passaram a levar vida c) is seen with caution with respect to improvement in
normal, após alguns meses. women’s position in the country.
b) as crianças tratadas desenvolveram o sistema imunológico d) hopes Chilean women will reach the same level as women
com menos de 10 meses de idade. in the other South American countries.
c) as crianças que não foram submetidas ao tratamento e) is worried about the percentage of women’s political
ficaram doentes em poucos meses. participation in Chile.
d) as crianças mantidas no hospital vivem como qualquer
outra criança, após 3 meses de tratamento. Grammar
e) as crianças, mantidas em bolhas esterilizadas, não Circle the correct alternative.
conseguem sobreviver após o primeiro ano de vida.
1. I never have _______________ trouble with the children.
3. Para os portadores de SCID, o transplante de medula óssea a) any b) some c) no
a) não é o tratamento mais adotado. d) none e) not any
b) pode vir a ser o tratamento mais adequado. 2. The room is empty. There’s ________________ in it.
c) é eficaz, após o tratamento realizado na bolha esterilizada. a) none b) no one c) no
d) é um tratamento experimental. d) someone e) something
e) não é eficaz em 40% dos casos.
3. ________________ cures a headache faster than an aspirin.
4. In “The researchers cautioned that the method might not a) None b) No c) No one
be applicable to other diseases.”, the underlined verb is d) Nothing e) Some
similar in meaning to:
a) stated. b) warned. c) proved. 4. ________________ of them can speak English well.
d) counted. e) denied. a) Nobody b) No c) None
d) No one e) Somebody
Módulo 4 – Text 5. Would you like ________________ to wash your hands?
a) any b) anything c) someone
d) something e) none
“CHILE, which has South America’s most successful
economy, elected its first female president this year. But the lot 6. _________________ can do this exercise. It’s very easy.
of Chilean women is by many measures worse than that of their a) Any b) Somebody c) Nobody
d) Some e) Anyone
sisters elsewhere in the region. A smaller proportion of them
work and fewer achieve political power. According to a recent 7. I doubt if there is ______________ person without faults.
report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, an association of a) any b) somebody c) anybody
parliaments, 15% of representatives in the lower house of d) no e) some
Chile’s Congress are women, less than half the proportion in 8. I’m hungry. I haven’t had ______________ for lunch yet.
Costa Rica and Argentina and below the leveI in eight other a) any b) something c) nothing
countries in the region, including Venezuela and Bolivia. d) none e) anything
Chilean women hope that Michelle Bachelet’s presidency will 9. Have you seen my car keys _____________?
improve their position but there are worries that she will do a) something b) anywhere c) any one
more harm than good.” d) somewhere e) anybody
The Economist August 12th 2006
1. According to the text, Chilean women 10. ___________________ scares him. He’s very brave.
a) have better work perspectives than other South American a) Nothing b) None c) Someone
women. d) Anybody e) No
b) lag behind women in other South American countries in
terms of political power.
c) work hard but don’t get good salaries despite Chile’s TEXT COMPREHENSION
economic development.
d) face many obstacles when they have to move to different Third Culture Kids
e) are taking different measures to overcome their political Countless people of virtually every nationality and from a
problems. great variety of backgrounds have the feeling of not belonging
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to anywhere in the world. They may be Americans who grew up You can master this rewarding art with the help of
in Singapore. But they may also be Japanese children growing Vegetables, the introductory volume in THE GOOD COOK
up in Australia, British kids raised in China etc. series. It’s a fascinating way to explore new cooking skills,
AlI of them have one thing in common – they are spending, because it doesn’t just tell you what to do – it actually shows
or have spent, at least part of their childhood in countries and you step by step, in mouth-watering, full-color photographs.
cultures other than their own. They are third culture kids Vegetables and its elegant companion volumes are like no
(TCKs). Children are TCKs for many reasons. Some have cookbooks you’ve ever seen. THE GOOD COOK series helps
parents with careers in international business, the diplomatic you expand your abillties, one-kind of food at a time: Poultry…
corps, the military, or religious. Others have parents who studied Eggs & Cheese… Salads… Fish… Classic Desserts and others.
abroad. StilI other families live for a period of time outside their We invite you to try out Vegetables for 10 days as our guest.
culture because of a civil unrest and war. See how THE GOOD COOK goes about making you an even
This is not a new phenomenon. TCKs have been around better cook! Mail the reply card today.
since the beginning of time, however, it has been increasing due
to the number of people involved in international career of all 1. O objetivo do texto é:
types. a) divulgar uma escola de culinária.
b) ensinar a preparar hortaliças.
( – Adaptado) c) promover uma coleção de livros de culinária.
d) deixar o leitor com água na boca.
1. According to the text, TCKs are e) ensinar a cozinhar em 10 dias.
a) children who were born in a country but live in another.
b) grown-ups whose parents work abroad. 2. Which question can NOT be answered from the text?
c) students who have been approved in international tests. a) Is the book illustrated?
d) people who enjoy domestic traveling. b) What is the price of VEGETABLES?
e) a group of young professionals who achieved a top career. c) How can vegetables be purchased?
d) What kinds of foods can be found on THE GOOD COOK?
2. According to the text, the number of TCKs e) How long can you try out VEGETABLES without buying
a) decreased very fast. it?
b) will be much lower in some countries.
3. In which of the following alternatives the word master is
c) is being reduced.
used in the same way as shown in the text?
d) is concentrated in Europe.
a) She’s had their master bedroom redecorated again.
e) has been rising.
b) He will master the language if he studies harder.
c) Cel. Barnes is the master of a large cotton plantation in
3. According to the text, the term great in – Countless people
of virtually every nationality and from a great variety of
d) Mr. M. is a master of the occult.
backgrounds have the feeling of not belonging to anywhere
e) All the lights can be controlled with this master switch.
in lhe world. – is correctly replaced by
a) limited. b) short. c) wide.
d) narrow. e) small. Grammar
Choose the correct alternative.
4. According to the text, the term Others in – Others have
parents who studied abroad. – refers to 1. A person ____________ has a positive outlook will do well
a) cultures. b) children. c) parents. in life.
d) reasons. e) countries. a) whose b) which c) whom
d) who e) why
5. The terms due to in – … it has been increasing due to the 2. The professor to ______________ I talked didn’t know the
number of people involved in international career of all answer to my questions.
types. – mean a) who b) that c) whom
a) but. b) instead of. c) opposite to. d) whose e) which
d) because of. e) however.
3. I know exactly _________ I’m going to do in the upcoming
Módulo 5 – Text a) what b) whose c) which
d) who e) that
Fine vegetable cookery is the art of knowing how to select
the best ingredients. how to hold all their color and taste – even 4. Stratford is the town ___________ Shakespeare was born.
under the heat of a broiler or barbecue – and how to transform a) that b) whose c) where
ordinary ingredients into praise-winning creations. d) which e) what

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5. The British Prime Minister, ___________ was interviewed disturbances. Tea and coffee act as stimulants, so avoid
yesterday, denied responsibility. them too. A warm bath and a cup of hot milk or herbal tea
a) that b) who c) whom are more likely to make you feel __________.
d) whose e) which 4 If you do wake up in the middle of the night don’t get up
until you are sure you are not going to be able to fall asleep
6. The company, __________ CEO is under investigation, is again. If you’re still awake after half an hour, get out of bed
doing very badly. and do something. Make a hot drink, read, write letters, or
a) who b) which c) whom listen to the radio until you feel sleepy again.
d) that e) whose
5 If you do resort to sleeping pills remember that long
term use can lead to bigger problems. Doctors are reluctant
7. My friend told me about a student ___________ has taken
to prescribe sleeping pills because they are so addictive and
the TOEFL test 12 times!
can make insomnia worse.
a) which b) whose c) who
d) whom e) what
1. Dentre as recomendações para uma boa noite de sono
relacionadas a seguir, qual não foi mencionada no texto?
8. Some of the courses ___________ I took last semester have a) “Se você não conseguir adormecer, ouça rádio ou leia
been very useful. alguma coisa.”
a) which b) who c) whose b) “Vá dormir quando estiver realmente cansado.”
d) what e) whom c) “Evite tomar chá ou café antes de dormir.”
d) “Não tome nenhum gole de bebida alcoólica.”
9. I can’t remember the name of the student ____________ e) “Se quiser comer algo, coma uma banana ou tome leite
science project received the prize. antes de dormir.”
a) that b) whom c) whose
d) which e) what 2. Segundo os médicos, os soníferos:
a) deveriam ter sua venda proibida.
10. The crowd, __________ were making a terrible noise, were b) causam dependência e podem piorar a insônia.
told to move on by the police. c) ajudam no início, mas viciam quem os toma após 15 dias.
a) which b) who c) that d) são livremente receitados por profissionais da saúde
d) where e) why desqualificados.
e) levam, mesmo após pouco tempo de uso, a problemas
11. The police have called in an expert to identify _________ irreversíveis.
handwriting is on the ransom note.
a) whose b) whom c) which 3. However, sublinhado no texto, transmite idéia de:
d) who e) that a) adição b) consequência c) causa
d) contraste d) dúvida
12. The school about ____________ they’re talking had the
best exam results in the country last year. 4. A palavra que falta no espaço em branco (3.o parágrafo) é:
a) that b) whose c) where a) glad b) sad c) sleepy
d) whom e) which d) nightmare e) conscious

Present / Past Tenses

Módulo 6 – Text
1. Last night when I __________ my homework, Alice called.
Self-help remedies a) did b) am doing c) was doing
d) done e) had doing
1 Don’t go to bed until you feel tired. Going to bed at a set
time will almost inevitably result in lying awake some 2. I wish he ______________ what to do.
nights. However, you should try to get up at the same time a) know b) knew c) knows
each day, regardless of the number of the hours you’ve d) has known e) was knowing
2 Avoid eating too late at night, allowing at least two 3. It ________________ quite hard, perhaps we shouldn’t go
hours for digestion before you go to bed. If you must have out tonight.
something, then try cereal, milk and a banana which are a) rain b) is raining c) rained
good snacks because they produce the relaxation-inducing d) rains e) was rainning
hormone serotonin.
3 Don’t drink too much alcohol. It may send you to sleep 4. All the players will go on holiday as soon as the
quickly but it also causes early waking and other sleep championship _____________.
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a) be over b) are over c) will be over 8. She acts as if she _____________ everything he’s saying.
d) is over e) has been over a) understand b) will understand
c) would understand d) understood
5. We wish we ________________ to your party. e) understands
a) can come b) could to come c) can to come
d) could coming e) could come
9. Listen! The baby __________________.
6. She ___________ on Wednesday. a) cry b) cries c) was crying
a) is coming b) come c) was coming d) cryed e) is crying
d) will came e) has come

7. I’ll have to finish the reports before the manager ________ 10. She’ll leave as soon as the bell _______________.
a) arrive b) would arrive c) arrives a) rangs b) rungs c) is ringing
d) is arriving e) will arrive d) was ringing e) rings

resolução dos exercícios-tarefa

n MÓDULO 1 são ingeridos pelo consumidor, além de serem mantidas
1) A 2) D 3) B 4) A “artificialmente” grávidas para que possam produzir leite o ano
I. Grammar
1) isn’t it? 2) don’t you? 3) can’t I?
1) D 2) E 3) E 4) A
4) shouldn’t he? 5) will they? 6) did it?
5) D 6) B 7) D 8) C
7) would we? 8) hadn’t he? 9) don’t they
9) A 10) D
10) will you? 11)mustn’t we? 12) isn’t it?
Text Comprehension
II. 1) D 2) A 3) E 4) B
1) E 2) C 3) B
4) C 5) B 6) E
7) D 8) E n MÓDULO 4
1) B 2) C

III. Grammar
1) My sister does work a lot. 1) A 2) B 3) D 4) C
2) John did put the book on the shelf. 5) D 6) E 7) A 8) E
9) B 10) A
Text Comprehension
1) C 2) A Text Comprehension
1) A 2) E 3) C 4) B 5) D

1) 19 2) 56 3) 25 n MÓDULO 5
1) C 2) B 3) B
Grammar Grammar
1) C 2) E 3) D 4) C 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C
5) A 6) C 7) E 8) B 5) B 6) E 7) C 8) A
9) B 10) A 9) C 10) B 11) A 12) E

Text Comprehension n MÓDULO 6

1) C 2) A 3) E 4) C 1) D 2) B 3) D 4) C
Present / Past Tenses
n MÓDULO 3 1) C 2) B 3) B 4) D
1) A garota do anúncio fez uma opção pelo leite de soja depois de 5) E 6) A 7) C 8) D
descobrir que muitas vacas recebem hormônios e antibióticos, que 9) E 10) E

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