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Universidad Hispanoamericana

English Department
Course: Ingles I GIDI 101/ IIIQ 2022
Professor Marcela Montero Férnandez

General Instructions:
• You should work asynchronously watching videos, reviewing the unit and doing
grammar exercises.
• You can do the exercises in this same document.
• If you have any problem working on Tareas by TEAMS, contact your teacher by
WhatsApp, also for questions and queries within the group.
• Homework will close until 11:59 pm today after that no assignments will be received.

After studying the materials related to comparative,superlatives,and as +adj +as proceed

to complete the following handout.

Resource What did you learn?

Explain briefly

Video #1 ➢ That adjectives describes nouns

Comparative ➢ Such as giving us information, describing and I them or giving us and


➢ Comparative adjectives as the name

tell us they compare two things, places

or people; or they tell us in which way

they are different

Video #2 ➢ That adjectives describes nouns

➢ Such as giving us information,

describing and I them or giving us and


➢ Superlatives to compare three or more

things, places or people

➢ How one thing is different from the rest

Video # 3 As + adj/adv + as We use as- as to compare two items, we can use it in positive sentences and negative as


Ex: I’m as tall as my dad or my mom is not as

tall as my dad

***REMINDER **** The next class there is a short written test,

topics: past tense, pronouns, comparisons

Adjectives are used to describe nouns. If two nouns are being compared to one
another, we use comparative adjectives. When comparing three or more nouns, we use
superlative adjectives.

Adjective form Comparative form Superlative form

One syllable adjectives,

ending in E. Add -r: wider, finer, cuter Add -st: widest, finest,
Examples: wide, fine, cute

One syllable adjectives

with one vowel and one Double the consonant, and Double the consonant, and
consonant at the end. add -er: hotter, bigger, add -est: hottest, biggest,
fatter fattest
Examples: hot, big, fat
One syllable adjectives with
more than one vowel or more
than one consonant atthe Add -er: lighter, neater, Add -est: lightest, neatest,
end. faster fastest

Examples: light, neat, fast

Two syllable adjectives,

ending in Y. Change y to i, then add
Change y to i, then add -er:
-est: happiest, silliest,
happier, sillier, lonelier
Examples: happy, silly, loneliest

Adjectives with two syllables Use more before the Use most before the
or more, not ending in Y. adjective: more modern, adjective: most modern,
more interesting, more most interesting, most
Examples: modern, beautiful beautiful
interesting, beautiful

A. The following adjectives are irregular and don't follow the rules above. Do you know
their comparative and superlative forms? If so, write them next to the adjectives.

Good – Better or the best

bad – W o r s e o r t h e w o r s t

little- S m a l l e r o r t h e s m a l l e s t

much – More or Most

far – Further or the farthest
B. Which do you prefer? Explain your answers using comparatives. Write 2 sentences
using comparisons and superlatives

Which house would you choose to live in and why?

A. B.

$300,000 $75,000

I would like to live in House A because is bigger than House B, it’s a little bit more expensive but
it’s worthy

House A is the best house out of all of the ones I saw because I have a really big family, House
B is better for my mom and dad

Which car is better and why?

A. B.

$50,000 $15,000

Car A is better because let’s me honest it’s really flashy and bright everyone would look one
way or another

Car B is not the best but it the comfiest just looking at it you know it

Which watch would you like to have and why?

A. B.

$400 $75

Watch A is the most flashy watch I ever saw for my is not the best watch
But Watch B if you see it you know is not the newest or the most expensive watch but it gets the

job done

Use as +adj/adv+as

1. The blue car is as fast as the red car. (fast)

2. Peter is not as tall as Fred. (not/tall)
3. The violin is not as low as the cello. (not/low)
4. This copy is as bad as the other one. (bad)
5. Oliver is as optimistic as Peter. (optimistic)
6. Today it’s not as windy as yesterday. (not/windy)
7. The tomato soup was as delicious as the mushroom soup. (delicious)
8. Grapefruit juice is not as sweet as lemonade. (not/sweet)
9. Nick is as brave as Kevin. (brave)
10. Silver is not as heavy as gold. (not/heavy)

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