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Program: Oral education of Tooth brushing methods

1. Defining the problem

Filipinos suffer from an alarmingly high burden of tooth decay that has been labeled
as a “silent public health crisis.” However, it is usually ranked last in an individual’s
priority and this high rate is seen across all age groups (Department of Health, 2006).
This is consistent with the prevalence of dental caries in the South-East Asia Region of
the WHO members states, affecting 70% to 95% of school-aged children and the
majority of adults. The prevalence of dental caries is greatly attributed to increased
access to sugar, and tooth decay is more rampant in transitional economies due to lower
prioritization of extensive care (Department of Health, 2006).

With that being said, schools like Claro M. Recto High school caters to public high
schoolers in which most belong to a low social economic class. Even though schools
have long served as a platform for public health interventions, there is no generally
agreed model for oral health promotion, and this includes proper tooth brushing.

2. Setting priorities

The priority of the said program is to

(1) Provide a school-based tooth brushing educational program because the assessment
has identified that there is a lack of oral health education available for the high school
students in Claro M. Recto High school
(2) Tooth brushing is the focus of oral education prevention is after all better than cure.
Tooth brushing can prevent gum disease. Refusal to brush one's teeth for several
days can lead to the onset of gum disease. Brushing also ensures the removal of
plaque, which is the primary cause for tooth decay and gum disease; it also arrests
the build-up of any plaque formation

3. Developing specific goals and objectives

Goal: For the attainment of improved quality of life through the promotion of oral health
and quality oral health care via tooth brushing


1. The prevalence of dental caries is reduced

2. The prevalence of the periodontal disease is reduced
3. Dental caries experience is reduced

4. Determining alternatives and strategies

Traditionally oral health education in schools has largely been imparted by dentists or
dental hygienists. However, the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of such an
approach are questionable. Therefore, dentistry student-led oral health education has

With that being said, the execution of the strategies are:

1. Formulate a lesson plan to ensure the full implementation of the program

2. Provide relevant, timely, and accurate information management system of proper
tooth brushing – while being engaging, and relaying heavily on visual aids.

5. Determining the methods of implementation

Presentation of methods of the toothbrush was used as a discussion point in the lectures
conducted by the 5th-year dentistry students at Centro Escolar University. Props,
games, attention grabbers, and reward systems are used to keep the students fully
engaged with the discussion.

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