Alkaloids From Bocconia Frutescens and Biological Activity of Their Extracts PDF

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Pharmaceutical Biology

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Alkaloids from Bocconia frutescens. and Biological

Activity of their Extracts

Eugenio Sánchez-Arreola, Luis R. Hernández-Molina, José L. Sánchez-Salas &

Gudelia Martínez-Espino

To cite this article: Eugenio Sánchez-Arreola, Luis R. Hernández-Molina, José L. Sánchez-Salas

& Gudelia Martínez-Espino (2006) Alkaloids from Bocconia frutescens. and Biological Activity of
their Extracts, Pharmaceutical Biology, 44:7, 540-543, DOI: 10.1080/13880200600883106

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Pharmaceutical Biology
2006, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 540–543

Alkaloids from Bocconia frutescens and Biological Activity

of their Extracts

Eugenio S
anchez-Arreola, Luis R. Hern
andez-Molina, José L. Sanchez-Salas, and Gudelia Martı́nez-Espino

Departamento de Ciencias Quı́mico-Biol

ogicas, Escuela de Ingenierı́a y Ciencias, Universidad de las Américas,
Puebla, Cholula, Puebla, México

In Mexican traditional medicine, Bocconia frutescens L. Bocconia (Papaveraceae). From Bocconia latisepala were
(Papaveraceae) is known as ‘‘gordolobo’’ or ‘‘llorasangre.’’ isolated the compounds sanguinarine, protopine, cheler-
Natives use this plant to treat skin ulcer, dermatitis, and ythrine, and allocryptopine (Domı́nguez, 1965), which
some respiratory tract infections. In this study, the aerial were also isolated from B. arborea and B. cordata (McLean
parts afforded the alkaloids dihydrochelerythrine, ()-6- et al., 1969). From B. cordata, Konda et al. (1985) isolated,
acetonyldihydrochelerythrine, ()-6-acetonyldihydrosan- in addition, the compound bocconine. From the lipophilic
guinarine, as well as b-amyrine acetate and 2-decanol. leaf extract of B. integrifolia was identified the compound
The structures were determined by spectral methods 12-methoxydihydrochelerythrine (Oechslin et al., 1991).
including UV, IR, NMR and mass spectrometry. The anti- Navarro et al. detected antimicrobial compounds in B.
microbial activity of extracts and pure compounds was arborea (Navarro et al., 1998). Recently isolated from
tested with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseu- aerial parts of Bocconia arborea were the compounds
domonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus subtilis. This study sup- ()-6-acetonyldihydrosanguinarine (1), ()-6-acetonyldi-
ports the use of B. frutescens in traditional medicine. hydrochelerythrine (2a) (Fig. 1), ()-6-methoxydihydro-
chelerythrine, ()-sanguidimerine, chelidimerine, and
two new compounds named bocconarborine A and B
Keywords: Alkaloids, antimicrobial activity, Bocconia
(Julian & Delgado, 2001). From the roots of Bocconia frutes-
frutescens, Papaveraceae, phytochemistry.
cens, bioactive benzo(c)phenanthridine alkaloids were iso-
lated, which inhibit specific receptors of the human
angiotensin AT1 and endothelin ETA (Caballero-George
Introduction et al., 2002, 2003).
This is the first time that the phytochemistry of the
Use of plants by human societies has a long and interesting aerial parts of Bocconia frutescens L. and the biologi-
history. It is well-known that, since remote times, plants cal activity of their extracts were studied in order to
satisfy diverse necessities, among which are recovery and support its use in traditional medicine. The aerial
maintenance of health; this is very important in both rural parts of this plant are used in an infusion or pulver-
and urban areas in many countries. The knowledge of the ized. The infusion is used to cure some digestive
local flora by numerous ethnic groups of México repre- and respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis
sents one of the main linkages to their past culture. An (Martı́nez, 1984). On the other hand, the juice of this
important part of this flora is traditionally used by villagers plant or the pulverized plant is used in the treatment
as medicinal plants for alleviating a large number of com- of skin ulcers and eruptions (Martı́nez, 1977). In
mon diseases. This is also true for many ethnic cultures of México, B. frutescens, traditionally known as ‘‘gordo-
other countries. lobo’’ or ‘‘llorasangre,’’ is a tree that grows in the
Various studies involving chemistry and biological Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosı́, Veracruz, Oaxaca,
activities have been undertaken on species of the genus Chiapas, and Puebla states.

Accepted: June 12, 2006

Address correspondence to: Eugenio Sanchez-Arreola, Departamento de Quı́mica y Biologı́a, Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad de
las Américas, Puebla, Santa Catarina Martir, San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, 72820 México; E-mail:

DOI: 10.1080/13880200600883106 # 2006 Informa Healthcare

Biological activity of Bocconia frutescens 541

Extraction and isolation

Dry and pulverized leaves (200 g) of B. frutescens were
extracted with hexane to afford green oil (15 g). A por-
tion (5 g) was column chromatographed on silica gel.
Fractions eluted with hexane-CH2Cl2-ethanol (1:1:0.1)
contained ()-6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine (2a) as a
yellowish solid, which was recrystallized to obtain fine
and colorless crystals; the next fractions, eluted with
the same solvent, contained the mixture of (2a) and dihy-
drochelerythrine (2b) (Fig. 1), which was further purified
in a silica gel column using CHCl3-methanol.
On the other hand, dry leaves of B. frutescens (235 g)
were extracted with ethanol to afford green oil (16 g). A
portion (8 g) was also column chromatographed on silica
gel using hexane-EtOAc (0–100%) as solvent. From the
first fractions, eluted with hexane, 2-decanol was isolated.
Fractions eluted with hexane-EtOAc (19:1) contained
()-6-acetonyldihydrosanguinarine (1), which was puri-
fied by other column chromatography. Fractions eluted
with hexane-EtOAc (9:1) contained b-amyrine acetate,
which was purified by crystallization (Mahato & Kundu,
Figure 1. Structures of Compounds 1 and 2.

Biological method of evaluation

Materials and Methods Disk diffusion method, employed to evaluate the
extracts, is one of the bioassays mostly utilized for its
General experimental procedures
simplicity and reproducibility in Müeller-Hinton
Column chromatography was carried out on Macherey- [National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards:
Nagel Silica gel 60 (70-230 mesh). Optical rotations were Performance standards for antimicrobial disk suscepti-
measured on a Perkin-Elmer 341 polarimeter (Germany). bility test (Approved standard, M2-A5). Villanova, PA,
UV spectra were measured on a Varian Cary 100 spec- USA, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Stan-
trometer (Australia). IR spectra were obtained on a dards, 1993]. The microorganisms used as reference for
Biorad FTS135 spectrometer (USA), and 200 MHz 1H this test were Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 4012), Bacil-
and 50.3 MHz 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Var- lus subtilis (ATCC 465), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC
ian Gemini 2000 spectrometer (USA). 260), and Escherichia coli (ATCC 128). Positive control
was ciprofloxacin (5 mg=disk). Negative control was
sterile distilled water.
Microorganisms were inoculated in 5 ml of Trypticase
Plant material
Soy Broth (TSB) and incubated during 18 h at 37C.
This plant was collected in the Veracruz state, México, Then, the inoculums were adjusted in comparison with
during December 2001. A specimen voucher (V-5488) Tube 0.5 of McFarland standard (equivalent to
was deposited at the herbarium of the Instituto de Inves- 1.5  106 units of colonies formed per milliliter). The
tigaciones Biol
ogicas, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa extracts to test were prepared in a solution at 5% with
region. the proper solvent. The paper filter disks were sterilized
and impregnated with 10 ml of samples, previously fil-
tered through a 0.22-mm filter. The negative and positive
controls were prepared as described for the samples at
Preliminary tests
the same time.
Qualitative tests for leaves and stems, involving color- Each strain was spread with a cotton swab in three
ation and precipitation reactions, were performed to directions. After the plates were dried, the disks impreg-
detect active principles like alkaloids, leukoanthocya- nated with each extract were placed over the agar. Each
nins, saponins, triterpenes, glycosides, steroids, and test was made by three replications and then incubated
anthraquinones. These tests were performed according for 24 h at 37C. The positive cases were determined by
to the method described by Domı́nguez (1973). the presence of an inhibition zone in the disk containing
542 E. S
anchez-Arreola et al.

Table 1. Metabolites in leaves and stems of Bocconia frutescens. Antimicrobial activity

Test Leaves Stems The results of the bioassays of antimicrobial activity for
E. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and B. subtilis are sum-
Rapid method of þ þ
marized in Table 2, in which is shown the activity of the
Web for alkaloids
Method of Cain þ 
whole extracts against E. coli and S. aureus.
for alkaloids The diffusion test in disk was undertaken for the
Method of Cain   four purified compounds isolated from the leaves of
for leukoanthocyanins B. frutescens to detect possible antibacterial activity,
Method of Cain þ  but none of the pure compounds showed inhibitory
for saponins effects on bacteria.
Method of Cain þ 
for triterpenes
Method for   Conclusions
cardiotonic glycosides B. frutescens is distributed widely in tropical and temper-
Method for steroids þ  ate zones, pine and mesophyllic forest. In the America
Method for  
continent, its distribution goes from north of México
to south of Bolivia, including the Caribbean islands.
Method for  
cyanogenic glycosides Common names in México, among others, are ‘‘cuatla-
taya,’’ ‘‘gordolobo,’’ ‘‘llora sangre,’’ ‘‘mano de le on,’’
and ‘‘palo santo.’’
the extract, which is measured with the aid of a ruler or Because of the different kinds of compounds observed
vernier. in preliminary phytochemical tests like alkaloids, sapo-
nins, terpenes, and steroids, the medicinal value of this
species was established. It is already established that anti-
Results and Discussion bacterial action is attributed to the presence of these
metabolites. Hence, detection of these kinds of metabo-
Preliminary tests for detection of secondary metabolites lites is very important to decide to test the extracts for
These tests were performed in the laboratory following antimicrobial effectiveness.
the methodology mentioned above. In Table 1 is listed With regard to the antimicrobial activity, the inhi-
the results for leaves and stems. bition grade presented by different extracts on the bac-
terial cultures clearly showed the action of leaf ethanol
extract as well as the stem hexane extract on S. aureus
Identification of secondary metabolites (Gram positive) and E. coli (Gram negative) (Table 2).
In this study, the following substances were isolated: ()- Both leaf hexane extract and stem CH2Cl2 extract
6-acetonyldihydrosanguinarine (1), ()-6-acetonyldihy- showed moderate activity. However, the concentration
drochelerythrine (2a), dihydrochelerythrine (2b), b-amyr- was not sufficient to cause an evident activity on P. aer-
ine acetate, and 2-decanol. The compounds isolated were uginosa and B. subtilis cultures; only the positive control
purified by column chromatography on silica gel. The showed activity against these bacteria.
structures were determined by UV, IR, 1H and 13C Because more than 90% of Staphylococcus aureus
NMR, and mass spectra. These spectra are in good strains are resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics
agreement with the spectral data reported in the litera- (Coello et al., 1994) and may cause important diseases, it
ture (Mahato & Kundu, 1994; Juli an & Delgado, 2001). is very significant that extracts of Bocconia frutescens show

Table 2. Inhibition halos of B. frutescens extracts.

E. coli S. aureus P. aeruginosa B. subtilis

Sample ATCC 128 ATCC 4012 ATCC 260 ATCC 465

1. Leaf, EtOH 17 mm 21 mm 0 0
2. Leaf, hexane 5 mm 6 mm 0 0
3. Leaf, CH2Cl2 0 0 0 0
4. Leaf, MeOH 0 0 0 0
5. Stem, hexane 11 mm 14 mm 0 0
6. Stem, CH2Cl2 9 mm 10 mm 0 0
(þ) Ciprofloxacin 5 mg=d 32 mm 32 mm 32 mm 26 mm
() Sterile distilled water 0 0 0 0
Biological activity of Bocconia frutescens 543

activity against this microorganism. S. aureus may mainly Chimera C (2004): Bird-facilitated dispersal of the invasive
cause infections in the respiratory tract and in skin tree Bocconia (Bocconia frutescens) in a Hawaiian dry
wounds. On the other hand, E. coli may cause infections forest. Hawaii Conservation Conference Abstracts p. 5.
in the digestive tract. Based on the fact that the extracts Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS).
of Bocconia frutescens show activity against these micro- Honolulu, HI.
organisms, its traditional medicine use, like those described Coello R, Jiménez J, Garcı́a M, Arroyo P, Minguez D,
in the ‘‘Introduction’’ section, is totally supported. Fern andez C, Cruzet F, Gaspar C (1994): Prospective
The chemical study on leaf ethanol and hexane extracts study of infection, colonization and carriage of methi-
afforded ()-6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine (2a), ()-6- cillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an outbreak
acetonyldihydrosanguinarine (1), b-amyrine acetate, and affecting 990 patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis
2-decanol, but no compound showed activity with the 13: 74–81.
bacteria used. This fact can be due to the following factors: Domı́nguez XA (1973): Métodos de Investigaci on Fitoquı́-
(a) the activity is due to a synergic action; (b) the active mica. México, Noriega Editores, Editorial LIMUSA.
substance is a product of the metabolic transformation Domı́nguez XA, Garcı́a J, Monroy A (1965): A chemical
of the isolated products; (c) the isolated metabolites really study of Bocconia latisepala Wats. Can J Chem 43:
have no activity against the bacteria used. More studies 679–682.
should be performed to elucidate these suggestions. ISCs and CGAPS (Invasive Species Committees of Hawaii
This plant is used in many countries of the Americans and Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species)
as a medicinal; however, in other countries of the world, (2003): Report for the Calendar 2003 year.
this species is considered as a pest. For example, in Juli
an A, Delgado G (2001): ()-Bocconarborines A and B,
Hawaii, where this plant is known as plume poppy, it is novel 1,3-bis-benzo[c]phenanthridinyl acetone alkaloids
being fought due to its invasive ability (ISCs & CGAPS, from Bocconia arborea. Rev Soc Quı́m Méx 45: 189–194.
2003; Chimera, 2004; Klasner et al., 2004). This plant Klasner F, Hu D, Dicus G (2004): National Park service
was first cultivated as ornamental, but now grows wild. invasive species inventories and ‘‘vital signs’’ monitoring.
No medicinal use is given in Hawaii; however, in light Hawaii Conservation Conference, Abstracts, p. 15.
of these investigations, it would be very important and Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS).
useful to take advantage of this plant as a medicinal, Honolulu, HI.
instead of eradicating it from Hawaii’s forests. Konda Y, Harigaya Y, Onda M (1985): Studies on the con-
stituents of Bocconia cordata. Structure elucidation of
bocconine by means of nuclear magnetic resonance
Acknowledgment spectroscopic studies. J Heterocycl Chem 23: 877–879.
Mahato SB, Kundu AP (1994): 13C NMR spectra of penta-
We wish to thank to M.S. Santiago Mario Vazquez
cyclic triterpenoids—A compilation and some salient
Torres for plant collection and its classification.
features. Phytochemistry 37: 1517–1575.
Martı́nez OE (1977): Flora de Veracruz, fascı́culo 77. Vera-
cruz, Instituto de Ecologı́a, A. C. Xalapa, Riverside,
CA, University of California, pp. 25–27.
Caballero-George C, Vanderheyden PML, Apers S, Van den Martı́nez M (1984): In: Las Plantas Medicinales De México,
Heuvel H, Solis PN, Gupta MP, Claeys M, Pieters L, 3rd ed. Bota: Mexico city, MX, México.
Vauquelin G, Vlietinck AJ (2002): Inhibitory activity McLean DB, Gracey DE, Saunders JK, Rodrigo R, Manske
on binding of specific ligands to the human angiotensin RHF (1969): Some benzophenanthridine alkaloids
II AT1 and endothelin 1 ETA receptors: Bioactive benzo from Bocconia arborea. Can J Chem 29: 1951–1956.
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