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Vocabulary Reading Speaking

• An information leaflet
•Phrasal verbs abount how to call for • Role play:
•Words related to an ambulance in the • Simulating a
injuries and first U.S.A conversation between
a caller and an
aid • A dialogue between
emergency dispatcher
three friends talking
•Verbs + • Simulating a

about an accident
prepotitions • A blog about a conversation between
•Verbs with teenager´s problem a receptionist at a
prepotitions community center and
• A magazine article caller asking for
related to the way

about stress information
one speaks or • A magazine article:
says somenthings sending out an SOS
• A letter asking for

(Unit 3)
information abount an
animal shelter
Listening Writing
•Two conversations, •A formal letter
one between a boy asking for
•Negative and his roommate information
questions and one between
•Reflexive the same boy and a
pronouns friend of this
•Would rether-Had •Three phone calls
better to helpline
•A radio report on a
•Wishes climbing incident
•A conversation
Diana Regina Martínez Ahumada G16 about harvest

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