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GRADE 11 School Grade Level 11

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area General Mathematics

Teaching Dates and Time week 2 Quarter First

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

 A. Content Standards
Standards The learner's demonstrate
demonstrate anan understanding
understanding o the ke! conce"ts o rational
rational unctions.
#. $ero
ancee Stand
s The learne
r's shall
shall %e a%le
a%le to accura
l! ormu
e and
and sol&e
sol&e realli
e "ro%
lemss in&ol&
ing ration
al unc
C. 5earning
!""G!#I$#" !""G!#I$#% !""G!#I$#&

II. CO'TE'T (ational Functions (ational Functions) *+uation and ,ne+ualities Sol&ing (ational *+uations and ,ne+ualities


A. (e*erences
". Teacher's Guide "ages Teaching Guide or Senior -igh School General Mathematics
Mathematics "".233

%. 5earner's Material "ages /0A

&. Tet%ook's "ages General Mathematics. (e #ooks Store 21
. ona a er a s rom

n (esour
ce 5(
5( ortal
ortal www.!a! www.+ui""
B. Other Learning (esources General Mathematics
I. +(OCED)(ES

Gi&e some rational e+uations

Challenge the class to "ro&ide as
A. (e&iewing "re&ious lesson or (e&iew on the $ol!nomial (e&iew o $re&ious 5esson0 Checking o and ask students some
man! solutions and non solution as
"resenting the new lesson Functions the assignment strategies the! could tr! or
the! can.
sol&ing it.
$ro&ide eam"le o alge%raic (ewrite the ine+ualit! as a single
e"ressions and ha&e the class i denti! *liminate denominators %! raction on one side o the
$resent the ollowing i the! are rational or not. multi"l!ing each term o the ine+ualit! s!m%ol and  on the othe
scenario to demonstrate reallie e+uation %! the least common side. :etermine o&er what inter&als
a""lications o rational unctions. denominator.
denominator. *liminating the raction takes on "ositi&e and
B. *sta%lishing a "ur"ose or the
denominators ma! introduce negati&e &alues.
etraneous solutions. Check the
solution o the transormed
e+uations with the original

$resent the ollowing scenario to :istinguish among rational e+uations) Factor each denominator in the Sol&ing ine+ualit! and a""l! the
the class. These are reallie rational ine+ualities and rational raction. Check or etraneous "rocedures.
relationshi"s that can %e modeled unctions. solution %! su%stituting the
%! rational unctions. ,ndicate that answer %ack to original e+uation
C. $resenting
C. $resenting eam"les0 instances unlike "ol!nomials unctions)
o the new lesson rational unction) rational unctions
ma! contain a &aria%le in the

D. :iscussing new conce"ts and

 Answer the guide +uestions. Answer the guide
guide +uestions. Answer the guide +uestions. Answer the guide +uestions.
"racticing new skills ;1
E. :iscussing
E. :iscussing new conce"ts and
Grou" ork *ercises Grou" ork *ercises Grou" ork *ercises
"racticing new skills ;2
-. :e&elo"ing master! 85eads to
orksheets orksheets orksheets orksheets
Formati&e Assessment 39

G. Finding
G. Finding "ractical a""lications o
conce"ts and skills in dail! li&ing Cite the a""lication o rational Cite the a""lication o rational
unction e+uation

5et the learner a""l! the conce"t

in sol&ing rational e+uations to
5et the learner "ro&ide a reallie 5et the learner determine the rational 5et the learner a""l! the conce"t in
/. Making generali<ations and sol&e word "ro%lems. (ational
eam"le or scenario that can %e unction) a rational e+uation and a sol&ing rational ine+ualities to sol&e
a%stractions to the lesson e+uations can %e a""lied to
modelled %! a rational unction. rational ine+ualit! word "ro%lems.
"ro%lems with &aria%les in the

Seat work Finding the solution or

I. *&aluating learning *"eriment 5ight relecting o a Seat work :etermine the rational #oard ork Factor each each rational
rational e+uation
e+uation and
small mirror into a wall. unction. denominator in the raction. ine+ualit!.
J. Additional acti&ities or
*ercises More *ercises More *ercises Gi&e additional "ro%lem
a""lication and remediation

. (E!A(,S
orksheets can %e gi&en as an orksheets can %e gi&en as an orksheets can %e gi&en as an orksheets can %e gi&en as an
assignment assignment assignment assignment

I. (E-LECTIO' &isit htt"00de"edtam%a!an

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