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Standard Report

King County, WA

Current population demographics and changes in demographic composition over time play a determining role in the types of
health and social services needed by communities.

Total Population
A total of 2,240,876 people live in the 2,115.58 square mile report area defined for this assessment according to the U.S.
Census Bureau American Community Survey 2017‐21 5‐year estimates. The population density for this area, estimated at
1,059 persons per square mile, is greater than the national average population density of 93 persons per square mile.

Total Land Area Population Density

Report Area Total Population
(Square Miles) (Per Square Mile)

King County, WA 2,240,876 2,115.58 1,059

Washington 7,617,364 66,455.50 115
United States 329,725,481 3,533,041.03 93
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract

Population, Density (Persons per Sq Mile) by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 5,000
1,001 ‐ 5,000
501 ‐ 1,000
51 ‐ 500
Under 51
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA
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Total Population by Gender

This indicator reports the total population of the report area by gender. The percentage values could be interpreted as, of all
the population within the report area, the male population is 50.53%; the female population is 49.47%.

Report Area Male Female Male, Percent Female, Percent

King County, WA 1,132,224 1,108,652 50.53% 49.47%

Washington 3,831,964 3,785,400 50.31% 49.69%
United States 163,206,615 166,518,866 49.50% 50.50%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Total Population by Gender
King County, WA

Female: 49.5%
Male: 50.5%

Total Population by Age Groups, Total

This indicator reports the total population of the report area by age groups.

Report Area Age 0‐4 Age 5‐17 Age 18‐24 Age 25‐34 Age 35‐44 Age 45‐54 Age 55‐64 Age 65+

King County, WA 125,112 327,378 179,643 406,305 346,600 296,314 264,972 294,552
Washington 449,543 1,230,917 658,252 1,152,156 1,044,100 939,276 965,348 1,177,772
United States 19,423,121 54,810,954 30,339,089 45,360,942 42,441,883 41,631,458 42,829,413 52,888,621
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Total Population by Age Groups, Total

King County, WA

Age 0-4: 5.6%

Age 65+: 13.1%

Age 5-17: 14.6%

Age 55-64: 11.8%

Age 18-24: 8.0%

Age 45-54: 13.2%

Age 25-34: 18.1%

Age 35-44: 15.5%

Total Population by Age Groups, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of age groups in the population of the report area.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of the total population in the report area, the percentage of
population age 0‐4 is (value)."

Report Area Age 0‐4 Age 5‐17 Age 18‐24 Age 25‐34 Age 35‐44 Age 45‐54 Age 55‐64 Age 65+

King County, WA 5.58% 14.61% 8.02% 18.13% 15.47% 13.22% 11.82% 13.14%
Washington 5.90% 16.16% 8.64% 15.13% 13.71% 12.33% 12.67% 15.46%
United States 5.89% 16.62% 9.20% 13.76% 12.87% 12.63% 12.99% 16.04%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Total Population by Age Groups, Percent



Age 0-4 Age 5-17 Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65+

King County, WA Washington United States

Total Population by Race Alone, Total

This indicator reports the total population of the report area by race alone.

Native American / Alaska Native Hawaiian / Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Races

King County,
1,356,265 144,474 420,434 13,687 16,370 98,422 191,224
Washington 5,465,011 293,401 682,711 90,789 50,902 378,956 655,594
United States 224,789,109 41,393,012 18,782,924 2,722,661 615,557 18,382,796 23,039,422
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Total Population by Race Alone, Total

King County, WA

Multiple Races: 8.5%

Some Other Race: 4.4%

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander: 0.7%

Native American / Alaska Native: 0.6%

Asian: 18.8%

White: 60.5%

Black: 6.4%

Total Population by Race Alone, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of population by race alone in the report area.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the population in the report area, the percentage of
population who are white is (value)."

Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Race

King County,
60.52% 6.45% 18.76% 0.61% 0.73% 4.39% 8.53%
Washington 71.74% 3.85% 8.96% 1.19% 0.67% 4.97% 8.61%
United States 68.17% 12.55% 5.70% 0.83% 0.19% 5.58% 6.99%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Total Population by Race Alone, Percent




White Black Asian Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Race
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Total Population by Ethnicity Alone

This indicator reports the total population of the report area by ethnicity alone.

Total Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino Population, Non‐Hispanic Non‐Hispanic Population,

Report Area
Population Population Percent Population Percent

King County,
2,240,876 224,407 10.01% 2,016,469 89.99%
Washington 7,617,364 1,007,881 13.23% 6,609,483 86.77%
United States 329,725,481 60,806,969 18.44% 268,918,512 81.56%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Total Population by Ethnicity Alone

King County, WA

Hispanic or Latino Population: 10.0%

Non-Hispanic Population: 90.0%

Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Total

This indicator reports the total of Hispanic or Latino population in the report area by race alone.

Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Races

King County,
77,258 2,872 2,260 4,158 341 88,263 49,255
Washington 401,161 10,227 6,745 21,293 1,814 349,729 216,912
United States 28,778,739 1,196,710 228,227 785,819 59,845 17,174,529 12,583,100
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Total
King County, WA

Multiple Races: 21.9%

White: 34.4%

Black: 1.3%

Asian: 1.0%

Native American / Alaska Native: 1.9%

Some Other Race: 39.3%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander: 0.2%

Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Percent of Hispanic Population

This indicator reports the percentage of Hispanic or Latino population in the report area by race alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the Hispanic population in the report area, the percentage of
population who are white is (value)."

Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Races

King County,
34.43% 1.28% 1.01% 1.85% 0.15% 39.33% 21.95%
Washington 39.80% 1.01% 0.67% 2.11% 0.18% 34.70% 21.52%
United States 47.33% 1.97% 0.38% 1.29% 0.10% 28.24% 20.69%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Percent of Hispanic Population




White Black Asian Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Races
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Non‐Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Total

This indicator reports the total non‐Hispanic population in the report area by race alone.

Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Races

King County,
1,279,007 141,602 418,174 9,529 16,029 10,159 141,969
Washington 5,063,850 283,174 675,966 69,496 49,088 29,227 438,682
United States 196,010,370 40,196,302 18,554,697 1,936,842 555,712 1,208,267 10,456,322
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Non-Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Total
King County, WA

Multiple Races: 7.0%

Some Other Race: 0.5%

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander: 0.8%

Native American / Alaska Native: 0.5%

Asian: 20.7%

White: 63.4%
Black: 7.0%

Non‐Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Percent of Non‐Hispanic Population

This indicator reports the percentage of the non‐Hispanic population in the report area by race alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the non‐Hispanic population in the report area, the
percentage of population who are white is (value)."

Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple

Report Area White Black Asian
Native Islander Race Races

King County,
63.43% 7.02% 20.74% 0.47% 0.79% 0.50% 7.04%
Washington 76.61% 4.28% 10.23% 1.05% 0.74% 0.44% 6.64%
United States 72.89% 14.95% 6.90% 0.72% 0.21% 0.45% 3.89%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Non-Hispanic Population by Race Alone, Percent of Non-Hispanic Population





White Black Asian Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Races
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Population by Combined Race and Ethnicity

This indicator reports the percentage of the total population in the report area by combined race and ethnicity.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the population in the report area, the percentage of
population who are non‐Hispanic white is (value)."
Note: Some of the combined race/ethnicity groups use acronyms for their names in the following table and chart. The full forms
are as followed:
Non‐Hispanic NAAN = Non‐Hispanic Native American or Alaska Native
Non‐Hispanic NPI = Non‐Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Non‐Hispanic Other = Non‐Hispanic Some Other Race

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Report Non‐Hispanic Non‐Hispanic Non‐Hispanic Non‐Hispanic Non‐ Non‐Hispanic Non‐Hispanic Hispanic or
Area White Black Asian NAAN Hispanic NPI Other Multiple Races Latino

57.08% 6.32% 18.66% 0.43% 0.72% 0.45% 6.34% 10.01%
County, WA
Washington 66.48% 3.72% 8.87% 0.91% 0.64% 0.38% 5.76% 13.23%
59.45% 12.19% 5.63% 0.59% 0.17% 0.37% 3.17% 18.44%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population by Combined Race and Ethnicity

King County, WA

Hispanic or Latino: 10.0%

Non-Hispanic Multiple Races: 6.3%

Non-Hispanic Other: 0.4%

Non-Hispanic NPI: 0.7%

Non-Hispanic NAAN: 0.4%

Non-Hispanic Asian: 18.7%

Non-Hispanic White: 57.1%

Non-Hispanic Black: 6.3%





Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic Asian Non-Hispanic NAAN Non-Hispanic NPI Non-Hispanic Other Non-Hispanic Multiple Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA Washington United States

Population with Limited English Proficiency

This indicator reports the percentage of the population aged 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home
and speak English less than "very well". This indicator is relevant because an inability to speak English well creates barriers to
healthcare access, provider communications, and health literacy/education. Of the 2,115,764 total population aged 5 and
older in the report area, 227,802 or 11.00% have limited English proficiency.

Population Age 5+
Population Age 5+ with Limited English Proficiency,
Population Population Age 5+ Percent
Report Area with Limited English Proficiency,
Age 5+ with Limited English Proficiency

King County, WA 2,115,764 227,802 11.00%

0% 25%
Washington 7,167,821 547,621 8.00%
King County, WA (11.00%)
United States 310,302,360 25,535,259 8.00% Washington (8.00%)
United States (8.00%)

Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract

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Population with Limited English Proficiency, Percent by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 4.0%
2.1 ‐ 4.0%
1.1 ‐ 2.0%
Under 1.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

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Population with Limited English Proficiency by Ethnicity Alone

This indicator reports the total and percentage of population aged 5 and older who speak a language other than English at
home and speak English less than "very well" by ethnicity alone in the report area. The percentage values could be interpreted
as, for example, "Among the Hispanic population in the report area, the percentage of the population with limited English
proficiency is (value)."

Report Area Total Hispanic or Latino Total Not Hispanic or Latino Percent Hispanic or Latino Percent Not Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA 54,723 173,079 26.86% 9.05%

Washington 234,917 312,704 25.95% 4.99%
United States 15,698,264 9,836,995 28.13% 3.87%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population with Limited English Proficiency by Ethnicity Alone




Percent Hispanic or Latino Percent Not Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA Washington United States

Population with Limited English Proficiency by Race Alone, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of the population aged 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home
and speak English less than "very well" by race alone in the report area.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the white population in the report area, the percentage of
populatuion with limited English proficiency is (value)."

Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area White Asian
American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
3.24% 1.54% 0.08% 9.01% 0.18% 2.65% 0.88%
Washington 2.86% 0.55% 0.09% 3.78% 0.12% 2.33% 0.81%
United States 4.50% 0.56% 0.12% 2.60% 0.03% 2.73% 1.43%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Population with Limited English Proficiency by Race Alone, Percent



White Black or African American Native American or Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Race
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Population with Limited English Proficiency by Race, Total

This indicator reports the total population aged 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home and speak
English less than "very well" by race alone in the report area.

Non‐Hispanic Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area Asian
White American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
41,943 19,938 1,028 116,830 2,290 34,366 11,407
Washington 148,453 28,387 4,781 196,315 6,416 121,083 42,186
9,591,872 1,201,065 259,920 5,548,234 71,952 5,817,975 3,044,241
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population with Limited English Proficiency by Race, Total

King County, WA

Multiple Race: 5.0%

Non-Hispanic White: 18.4%
Some Other Race: 15.1%

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 1.0%

Black or African American: 8.8%

Native American or Alaska Native: 0.5%

Asian: 51.3%

Population with Limited English Proficiency by Language Spoken at Home

This indicator reports the total population aged 5 and older who speak a language other than English at home and speak
English less than "very well" by language spoken at home in the report area.

Report Area Spanish Other Indo‐European Languages Asian and Pacific Island Languages Other Languages

King County, WA 55,732 39,576 110,072 22,422

Washington 240,728 82,818 189,495 34,580
United States 16,079,944 3,497,837 4,875,197 1,082,281
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Population with Limited English Proficiency by Language Spoken at Home
King County, WA

Other Languages: 9.8%

Spanish: 24.5%

Other Indo-European Languages: 17.4%

Asian and Pacific Island Languages: 48.3%

Citizenship Status
The table below shows the numbers and percent of population by citizenship status for the report area. According to the
latest American Community Survey (ACS), the report area has a total of 286,258 non‐Citizens, or 12.77% of the total
population of 2,240,876 persons, in contrast to the state average of 7.58% of the population and the national average of 6.58%
non‐Citizens living in the United States.

Born in Born
Report Area Native a US Abroad to Naturalized Non‐Citizen Non‐Citizen, Percent
Territory US Citizens

King County, WA 1,659,161 5,093 35,229 255,135 286,258 12.77%

Washington 6,360,038 23,749 117,048 539,258 577,271 7.58%
United States 279,427,702 2,074,899 3,378,072 23,141,369 21,703,439 6.58%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: County

Non US Citizen Population, Percent by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 4.0%
1.1 ‐ 4.0%
Under 1.1%
No Non‐Citizens
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

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Citizenship Status
King County, WA

Non-Citizen: 12.8%

Naturalized: 11.4%

Born Abroad to US Citizens: 1.6%

Born in a US Territory: 0.2%

Native: 74.0%

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Hispanic or Latino Nativity status
This indicator reports the nativity status of the Hispanic or Latino population within the report area.

Report Area Native Born Native Born, Percent Foreign Born Foreign Born, Percent

King County, WA 142,600 63.55% 81,807 36.45%

Washington 702,655 69.72% 305,226 30.28%
United States 41,130,718 67.64% 19,676,251 32.36%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Hispanic or Latino Nativity status

King County, WA

Foreign Born: 36.5%

Native Born: 63.5%

Hispanic or Latino Citizenship Status

This indicator reports the citizenship status of the Hispanic or Latino population within the report area.

Report Area Native Born Native Born, Percent Naturalized Citizen Naturalized Citizen, Percent Not A Citizen Not A Citizen, Percent

King County, WA 142,600 63.55% 21,201 9.45% 60,606 27.01%

Washington 702,655 69.72% 87,948 8.73% 217,278 21.56%
United States 41,130,718 67.64% 7,868,061 12.94% 11,808,190 19.42%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Hispanic or Latino Citizenship Status

King County, WA

Not A Citizen: 27.0%

Naturalized Citizen: 9.4% Native Born: 63.5%

Income and Economics

Economic and social insecurity often are associated with poor health. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of educational
achievement affect access to care and a community’s ability to engage in healthy behaviors. Without a network of support and
a safe community, families cannot thrive. Ensuring access to social and economic resources provides a foundation for a
healthy community.
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Income ‐ Inequality (GINI Index)
This indicator reports income inequality using the Gini coefficient. Gini index values range between zero and one. A value of
one indicates perfect inequality where only one household has any income. A value of zero indicates perfect equality, where
all households have equal income.
Note: Index values are acquired from the 2017‐21 American Community Survey and are not available for custom report areas or
multi‐county areas.

Gini Index Value

Report Area Total Households Gini Index Value

King County, WA 902,308 0.4723

Washington 2,931,841 0.4599
United States 124,010,992 0.4818
0 1
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract King County, WA (0.4723)
Washington (0.4599)
United States (0.4818)

Income Inequality (GINI), Index Value by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 0.460
0.431 ‐ 0.460
0.401 ‐ 0.430
Under 0.401
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

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Income Inequality (GINI Index) by Year

This indicator reports the GINI index from 2012‐16 to 2017‐21.

Report Area 2012‐16 2013‐17 2014‐18 2015‐19 2016‐20 2017‐21

King County, WA 0.4682 0.4674 0.4663 0.4672 0.4683 0.4723

Washington 0.4560 0.4569 0.4568 0.4573 0.4574 0.4599
United States 0.4804 0.4815 0.4822 0.4823 0.4817 0.4818
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Income ‐ Median Household Income

This indicator reports median household income based on the latest 5‐year American Community Survey estimates. This
includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are
related to the householder or not. Because many households consist of only one person, average household income is usually
less than average family income. There are 902,308 households in the report area, with an average income of $145,743 and a
median income of $106,326.

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Median Household Income
Report Area Total Households Average Household Income Median Household Income

King County, WA 902,308 $145,743 $106,326

Washington 2,931,841 $111,431 $82,400
United States 124,010,992 $97,196 $69,021
0 200000
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract King County, WA
Washington ($82,400)
United States ($69,021)

Median Household Income by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over $70,000
$60,001 ‐ $70,000
$50,001 ‐ $60,000
Under $50,001
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

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Median Household Income by Household Size

This indicator reports the median household income of the report area by household size.

1‐Person 2‐Person 3‐Person 4‐Person 5‐Person 6‐Person 7‐or‐More‐Person

Report Area
Households Households Households Households Households Households Households

King County,
$56,235 $117,288 $140,378 $164,768 $146,709 $133,729 $124,283
Washington $42,676 $89,393 $105,737 $119,989 $108,085 $106,696 $114,162
$35,334 $76,650 $89,386 $104,149 $97,274 $94,889 $102,234
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Median Household Income by Household Size





1-Person Households 2-Person Households 3-Person Households 4-Person Households 5-Person Households 6-Person Households 7-or-More-Person

King County, WA Washington United States

Median Household Income by Race / Ethnicity of Householder

This indicator reports the median household income of the report area by race / ethnicity of householder.

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Non‐Hispanic American Indian or Native Hawaiian or Some Other Multiple Hispanic or
Report Area Black Asian
White Alaska Native Pacific Islander Race Race Latino

King County,
$111,977 $57,027 $127,469 $55,640 $76,212 $65,033 $90,099 $74,271
Washington $84,831 $59,874 $112,781 $54,965 $79,483 $59,211 $74,664 $63,477
$75,208 $46,401 $98,367 $50,183 $71,029 $55,769 $65,220 $58,791
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Median Household Income by Race / Ethnicity of Householder




Non-Hispanic White Black Asian American Indian or Native Hawaiian or Some Other Race Multiple Race Hispanic or Latino
Alaska Native Pacific Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Households by Household Income Levels, Percent

Report Area Under $25,000 $25,000 ‐ $49,999 $50,000 ‐ $99,999 $100,000 ‐ $199,999 $200,000+

King County, WA 10.52% 12.23% 24.56% 30.93% 21.76%

Washington 12.90% 16.46% 29.70% 28.52% 12.42%
United States 17.18% 19.60% 29.63% 24.14% 9.46%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Households by Household Income Levels, Percent

Under $25,000

$25,000 - $49,999

$50,000 - $99,999

$100,000 - $199,999


0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5


King County, WA Washington United States

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Poverty ‐ Households in Poverty by Family Type

Married Male Head of

Report Total Households Non‐Family Households in Poverty ‐ Female Head of
Couples in Household in
Area Households in Poverty Including Persons Living Alone Household in Poverty
Poverty Poverty

536,432 73,161 45,414 11,414 3,194 13,139
County, WA
Washington 1,894,023 281,695 159,165 47,437 13,714 61,379
80,755,759 15,381,768 8,199,989 2,658,265 774,828 3,748,686
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: County

Married Family Households Living Below the Poverty Level, Percent by

Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 9.0%
6.1 ‐ 9.0%
3.1 ‐ 6.0%
Under 3.1%
No Married Families Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
 View larger map King County, WA

Poverty - Households in Poverty by Family Type

King County, WA

Female Householder: 18.0%

Male Householder: 4.4%

Married Couples: 15.6%

Non-Family Households: 62.1%

Poverty ‐ Population Below 100% FPL

Poverty is considered a key driver of health status.

Within the report area 8.43% or 186,252 individuals for whom poverty status is determined are living in households with
income below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). This indicator is relevant because poverty creates barriers to access including
health services, healthy food, and other necessities that contribute to poor health status.
Note: The total population measurements for poverty reports are lower, as poverty data collection does not include people in
group quarters. See Methodology for more details.

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Population in Poverty, Percent
Report Area Total Population Population in Poverty Population in Poverty, Percent

King County, WA 2,210,498 186,252 8.43%

Washington 7,478,757 746,904 9.99%
United States 321,897,703 40,661,636 12.63%
0% 25%
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract King County, WA (8.43%)
Washington (9.99%)
United States (12.63%)

Population Below the Poverty Level, Percent by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 20.0%
15.1 ‐ 20.0%
10.1 ‐ 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

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Population in Poverty by Gender

This indicator reports the population in poverty in the report area by gender.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the male population within the report area, the proportion
living in households with income below the federal poverty level is (value)."

Report Area Male Female Male, Percent Female, Percent

King County, WA 85,329 100,923 7.64% 9.23%

Washington 339,334 407,570 9.05% 10.93%
United States 18,132,275 22,529,361 11.44% 13.79%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population in Poverty by Gender



Male, Percent Female, Percent

King County, WA Washington United States

Population in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone

This indicator reports the population in poverty in the report area by ethnicity alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the Hispanic population within the report area, the
proportion living in households with income below the federal poverty level is (value)."

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Report Area Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino, Percent Not Hispanic or Latino, Percent

King County, WA 30,552 155,700 13.84% 7.83%

Washington 162,935 583,969 16.51% 9.00%
United States 10,560,320 30,101,316 17.71% 11.48%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone




Hispanic / Latino Not Hispanic / Latino

King County, WA Washington United States

Population in Poverty by Race Alone, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of population in poverty in the report area by race alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the white population within the report area, the proportion
living in households with income below the federal poverty level is (value)."

Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area White Asian
American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
6.46% 19.70% 17.10% 7.96% 8.45% 15.31% 10.76%
Washington 8.71% 17.47% 20.82% 8.70% 14.15% 18.07% 12.28%
United States 10.29% 21.71% 23.40% 10.31% 16.68% 19.06% 14.89%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population in Poverty by Race Alone, Percent




White Black or African American Native American or Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Race
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Population in Poverty by Race, Total

This indicator reports the total population in poverty in the report area by race alone.

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Non‐Hispanic Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area Asian
White American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
86,562 27,961 2,236 33,022 1,364 14,880 20,227
Washington 468,321 49,462 18,100 58,435 7,029 66,962 78,595
22,616,705 8,630,739 615,351 1,900,825 99,627 3,440,072 3,358,317
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Population in Poverty by Race, Total

King County, WA

Multiple Race: 10.9%

Some Other Race: 8.0%

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.7%

White: 46.5%

Asian: 17.7%

Native American/Alaska Native: 1.2%

Black or African American: 15.0%

Poverty ‐ Poverty Profile

This indicator reports the percentage of the total population living in households with incomes at various thresholds relative
to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). The Federal Poverty Level is updated each year and varies by household size and state
(there is one set of thresholds for the contiguous states ‐ Alaska and Hawaii thresholds are determined independently). For
further information, please see the latest poverty guidelines .

Report Area 50% or Less 51% ‐ 100% 101%‐150% 151% ‐ 200% 201% ‐ 500% Over 500%

King County, WA 4.04% 4.39% 4.50% 4.98% 31.71% 50.38%

Washington 4.72% 5.27% 6.42% 7.15% 39.55% 36.89%
United States 5.78% 6.85% 8.11% 8.47% 40.25% 30.54%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2021. Source geography: Tract

Poverty - Poverty Profile

King County, WA

50% or Less: 4.0%

51% - 100%: 4.4%

101%-150%: 4.5%

151% - 200%: 5.0%

Over 500%: 50.4%

201% - 500%: 31.7%

This category contains indicators that describe the education system and the educational outcomes of report area

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populations. Education metrics can be used to describe variation in population access, proficiency, and attainment throughout
the education system, from access to pre‐kindergarten through advanced degree attainment. These indicators are important
because education is closely tied to health outcomes and economic opportunity.

Attainment ‐ Overview
Educational Attainment shows the distribution of the highest level of education achieved in the report area, and helps schools
and businesses to understand the needs of adults, whether it be workforce training or the ability to develop science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics opportunities. Educational attainment is calculated for persons over 25 years old,
and is an estimated average for the period from 2017 to 2021.
For the selected area, 31.9% have at least a college bachelor’s degree, while 14.8% stopped their formal educational
attainment after high school.

Percent Population with No High

No High School High School Associates Bachelors Graduate or School Diploma
Report Area Some College
Diploma Only Degree Degree Professional Degree

King County, WA 6.33% 14.8% 16.9% 7.9% 31.9% 22.1%

Washington 8.08% 21.8% 22.7% 10.2% 23.1% 14.2%
0% 50%
United States 11.13% 26.5% 20.0% 8.7% 20.6% 13.1%
King County, WA (6.33%)
Washington (8.08%)
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: County United States (11.13%)

Population with No High School Diploma (Age 25+), Percent by Tract, ACS

Over 21.0%
16.1 ‐ 21.0%
11.1 ‐ 16.0%
Under 11.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA
 View larger map

Attainment - Overview
King County, WA

No High School Diploma: 6.3%

Graduate or Professional Degree: 22.1%

High School Only: 14.8%

Some College: 16.9%

Bachelors Degree: 31.9%

Associates Degree: 7.9%

Other Social & Economic Factors

Economic and social insecurity often are associated with poor health. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of educational
achievement affect access to care and a community’s ability to engage in healthy behaviors. Without a network of support and
a safe community, families cannot thrive. Ensuring access to social and economic resources provides a foundation for a
healthy community.

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Households with No Motor Vehicle
This indicator reports the number and percentage of households with no motor vehicle based on the latest 5‐year American
Community Survey estimates. Of the 902,308 total households in the report area, 93,917 or 10.41% are without a motor

Percentage of Households with

Total Occupied Households with No Motor Households with No Motor Vehicle, No Motor Vehicle
Report Area
Households Vehicle Percent

King County,
902,308 93,917 10.41%
Washington 2,931,841 198,606 6.77% 0% 20%

King County, WA (10.41%)

United States 124,010,992 10,349,174 8.35% Washington (6.77%)
United States (8.35%)
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract

Households with No Vehicle, Percent by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 8.0%
6.1 ‐ 8.0%
4.1 ‐ 6.0%
Under 4.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

 View larger map

Households with No Motor Vehicle by Tenure

This indicator reports the total and percentage of households with no vehicle by tenure.
These numbers in the following table could be interpreted as (take the first two columns as an example), "Within the report
area, there are a total of (value) owner‐occupied households with no vehicle. This accounts for (value) of all the owner‐occupied

Owner‐Occupied Owner‐Occupied Households, Renter‐Occupied Renter‐Occupied Households,

Report Area
Households Percent Households Percent

King County,
12,589 2.47% 81,328 20.76%
Washington 38,994 2.09% 159,612 14.96%
United States 2,482,367 3.10% 7,866,807 17.94%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

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Households with No Motor Vehicle by Tenure




Percentage of Owner-Occupied Households with No Vehicle Percentage of Renter-Occupied Households with No Vehicle

King County, WA Washington United States

Insurance ‐ Uninsured Population (ACS)

The lack of health insurance is considered a key driver of health status.

In the report area 5.37% of the total civilian non‐institutionalized population are without health insurance coverage. The rate
of uninsured persons in the report area is less than the state average of 6.36%. This indicator is relevant because lack of
insurance is a primary barrier to healthcare access including regular primary care, specialty care, and other health services that
contributes to poor health status.

Uninsured Population, Percent

Total Population
Uninsured Uninsured Population,
Report Area (For Whom Insurance Status is
Population Percent

King County,
2,228,015 119,551 5.37%
WA 0% 25%

King County, WA (5.37%)

Washington 7,502,835 477,069 6.36% Washington (6.36%)
United States (8.77%)
United States 324,818,565 28,489,142 8.77%
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21. Source geography: Tract

Uninsured Population, Percent by Tract, ACS 2017‐21

Over 20.0%
15.1 ‐ 20.0%
10.1 ‐ 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

 View larger map

Uninsured Population by Gender

This indicator reports the uninsured population by gender.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the male population within the report area, the proportion
without health insurance coverage is (value)."

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Report Area Male Female Male, Percent Female, Percent

King County, WA 69,561 49,990 6.19% 4.53%

Washington 270,656 206,413 7.23% 5.49%
United States 15,608,815 12,880,327 9.78% 7.80%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Gender





Male, Percent Female, Percent

King County, WA Washington United States

Uninsured Population by Age Group, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of uninsured population by age group.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the population under age 18 within the report area, the
proportion without health insurance coverage is (value)."

Report Area Under Age 18 Age 18 ‐ 64 Age 65 +

King County, WA 2.23% 7.26% 0.97%

Washington 2.93% 9.12% 0.74%
United States 5.30% 12.29% 0.80%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Age Group, Percent



Under Age 18 Age 18 - 64 Age 65 +

King County, WA Washington United States

Uninsured Population by Age Group, Total

This indicator reports the total uninsured population by age group.

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Report Area Under Age 18 Age 18‐64 Age 65+

King County, WA 10,655 106,097 2,799

Washington 51,906 416,639 8,524
United States 4,168,731 23,905,904 414,507
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Age Group, Total

King County, WA

Age 65+: 2.3% Under Age 18: 8.9%

Age 18-64: 88.7%

Uninsured Population by Ethnicity Alone

This indicator reports the uninsured population by ethnicity alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the Hispanic population within the report area, the
proportion without health insurance coverage is (value)."

Report Area Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino, Percent Not Hispanic or Latino, Percent

King County, WA 38,329 81,222 17.19% 4.05%

Washington 163,686 313,383 16.53% 4.81%
United States 10,601,031 17,888,111 17.65% 6.76%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Ethnicity Alone




Hispanic or Latino, Percent Not Hispanic or Latino, Percent

King County, WA Washington United States

Uninsured Population by Race, Percent

This indicator reports the percentage of uninsured population by race alone.
The percentage values could be interpreted as, for example, "Of all the non‐Hispanic white population within the report area,
the proportion without health insurance coverage is (value)."

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Non‐Hispanic Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area Asian
White American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
3.34% 8.14% 14.22% 4.34% 6.82% 24.97% 5.89%
Washington 4.46% 7.80% 13.94% 4.94% 9.26% 22.34% 7.20%
United States 5.97% 9.95% 19.32% 6.28% 11.15% 19.86% 11.99%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Race, Percent




Non-Hispanic White Black or African American Native American or Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Race Multiple Race
Native Islander

King County, WA Washington United States

Uninsured Population by Race, Total

This indicator reports the total uninsured population by race alone.

Non‐Hispanic Black or African Native American or Alaska Native Hawaiian or Pacific Some Other Multiple
Report Area Asian
White American Native Islander Race Race

King County,
42,449 11,629 1,913 18,189 1,106 24,392 11,217
Washington 222,611 21,958 12,268 33,504 4,586 83,228 46,397
11,551,841 3,994,355 513,337 1,173,774 67,107 3,608,346 2,728,966
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2017‐21.

Uninsured Population by Race, Total

King County, WA

Multiple Race: 10.1%

Non-Hispanic White: 38.3%

Some Other Race: 22.0%

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 1.0%

Asian: 16.4% Black or African American: 10.5%

Native American or Alaska Native: 1.7%

Teen Births
This indicator reports the seven‐year average number of births per 1,000 female population age 15‐19. Data were from the
National Center for Health Statistics ‐ Natality files (2014‐2020) and are used for the 2023 County Health Rankings.
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In the report area, of the 406,872 total female population age 15‐19, the teen birth rate is 7.9 per 1,000, which is less than the
state's teen birth rate of 14.9.
Note: Data are suppressed for counties with fewer than 10 teen births in the time frame.

Teen birth rate per 1,000 female

Teen Births, population, ages 15-19
Report Area Female Population Age 15‐19
Rate per 1,000 Female Population Age 15‐19

King County, WA 406,872 7.9

Washington 1,516,332 14.9
0 40
United States 72,151,590 19.3
King County, WA (7.9)
Washington (14.9)
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
United States (19.3)
Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC ‐ National Vital Statistics System. Accessed via County Health Rankings. 2014‐2020. Source geography: County

Teen Births, Rate Per 1,000 Females Age 15‐19 by County, CDC NVSS 2014‐

Over 37.0
25.1 ‐ 37.0
15.0 ‐ 25.0
Under 15.0
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA
 View larger map

Teen Birth Rate per 1,000 Female Population Age 15‐19 by Race / Ethnicity
This indicator reports the 2014‐2020 seven‐year average teen birth rate per 1,000 female population age 15‐19 by race /

Report Area Non‐Hispanic White Non‐Hispanic Black Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA 4.0 14.0 24.0

Washington 11.0 17.0 30.0
United States 13.5 28.3 29.4

Teen Birth Rate per 1,000 Female Population Age 15-19 by Race / Ethnicity




Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA Washington United States

Health Behaviors
Health behaviors such as poor diet, a lack of exercise, and substance abuse contribute to poor health status.

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Alcohol ‐ Heavy Alcohol Consumption
In the report area, 366,386, or 20.09% adults self‐report excessive drinking in the last 30 days, which is greater than the state
rate of 17.98%. Data for this indicator were based on survey responses to the 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
(BRFSS) annual survey and are used for the 2023 County Health Rankings.
Excessive drinking is defined as the percentage of the population who report at least one binge drinking episode involving five
or more drinks for men and four or more for women over the past 30 days, or heavy drinking involving more than two drinks
per day for men and more than one per day for women, over the same time period. Alcohol use is a behavioral health issue
that is also a risk factor for a number of negative health outcomes, including: physical injuries related to motor vehicle
accidents, stroke, chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and mental health conditions such as depression and
suicide. There are a number of evidence‐based interventions that may reduce excessive/binge drinking; examples include
raising taxes on alcoholic beverages, restricting access to alcohol by limiting days and hours of retail sales, and screening and
counseling for alcohol abuse (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use, 2020).

Percentage of Adults Self-

Population Age Adults Reporting Excessive Percentage of Adults Reporting Excessive Reporting Excessive Drinking,
Report Area 2020
18+ Drinking Drinking

King County,
1,824,114 366,386 20.09%
Washington 6,027,251 1,083,512 17.98% 0% 30%

King County, WA (20.09%)

United States 256,451,565 48,725,797 19.00% Washington (17.98%)
United States (19.00%)
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Accessed via County Health Rankings. 2020. Source geography: County

Excessive Drinking, Percent of Adults Age 18+ by County, CDC BRFSS 2020

Over 21.0%
18.1 ‐ 21.0%
16.0 ‐ 18.0%
Under 16.0%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA

 View larger map

Tobacco Usage ‐ Current Smokers

This indicator reports the percentage of adults age 18 and older who report having smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their
lifetime and currently smoke every day or some days.

Within the report area there are 9.60% adults age 18+ who have smoked and currently smoke of the total population age 18+.

Percentage of Adults Age 18+

Total Population Adults Age 18+ as Current Smokers Adults Age 18+ as Current Smokers (Age‐ who are Current Smokers
Report Area
(2020) (Crude) Adjusted)

King County,
2,274,315 9.60% 9.50%
Washington 7,693,612 13.15% 13.45% 0% 20%

King County, WA (9.60%)

United States 331,449,281 14.30% 14.60% Washington (13.15%)
United States (14.30%)
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Accessed via the PLACES Data Portal. 2020. Source geography: Tract

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Current Smokers, Adult, Percent of Adults Age 18+ by ZCTA, CDC BRFSS
PLACES Project 2020

Over 23.0%
20.1 ‐ 23.0%
17.1 ‐ 20.0%
Under 17.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA
 View larger map

Health Outcomes
Measuring morbidity and mortality rates allows assessing linkages between social determinants of health and outcomes. By
comparing, for example, the prevalence of certain chronic diseases to indicators in other categories (e.g., poor diet and
exercise) with outcomes (e.g., high rates of obesity and diabetes), various causal relationship may emerge, allowing a better
understanding of how certain community health needs may be addressed.

Birth Outcomes ‐ Low Birth Weight (CDC)

This indicator reports the percentage of live births where the infant weighed less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs., 8
oz.). These data are reported for a 7‐year aggregated time period. Data were from the National Center for Health Statistics ‐
Natality Files (2014‐2020) and are used for the 2023 County Health Rankings.

Within the report area, there were 11,619 infants born with low birth weight. This represents 7.0% of the total live births.
Note: Data are suppressed for counties with fewer than 10 low birthweight births in the reporting period.

Percentage of Infants with Low

Report Area Total Live Births Low Birthweight Births Low Birthweight Births, Percentage Birthweight:%

King County, WA 174,215 11,619 7.0%

Washington 609,074 39,707 6.5%
United States 26,896,859 2,203,029 8.2%
0% 9%
Note: This indicator is compared to the state average.
Data Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, County Health Rankings. 2014‐2020. Source geography: County King County, WA (7.0%)
Washington (6.5%)
United States (8.2%)

Low Birthweight, Percentage of Live Births by County, CDC NVSS 2014‐


Over 9.0%
8.1 ‐ 9.0%
7.0 ‐ 8.0%
Under 7.0%
No Data or Data Suppressed
King County, WA
 View larger map

Low Birth Weight, Percent by Race / Ethnicity

This indicator reports the 2014‐2020 seven‐year average percentage of live births with low birthweight (< 2,500 grams) by race
and by Hispanic origin.

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Report Area Non‐Hispanic White Non‐Hispanic Black Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA 6.0% 9.0 6.0%

Washington 6.0% 10.0 6.0%
United States 6.9% 13.6 7.4%

Low Birth Weight, Percent by Race / Ethnicity



Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Hispanic or Latino

King County, WA Washington United States, 5/8/2023

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