Perceptual Positions 131028 5

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Perceptual positions


First Position – concern for own needs

You  are  aware  of  and  come  from  your  own  feelings,  needs  and  goals  to  the  neglect  of  the  
other  person.  
Constructive  Use   Unconstructive  use  
Win/win   Win/Lose  
You  are  clear  about  your  own  needs  in  a   And  if  there  is  a  winner  –  it  will  be  you!  
way  that  informs  others  of  your  needs.  You   You  speak  to  persuade  rather  than  inform.  
communicate  your  needs  to  inform,  not  
persuade  others.  

Second Position – concern for the other’s needs

Your  attention  is  on  the  other  person’s  feeling,  needs  and  goals  –  and  the  effect  of  what  
you  do  and  say,  on  the  other  person.  You  are  more  aware  of  (what  you  think  are)  their  
concerns  than  your  own.  Psychologically  you  are  where  they  are.  
Constructive  Use   Unconstructive  use  
You  can  use  this  position  to  understand   You  use  this  position  to  avoid  upsetting  the  
the  other  person  –  to  tune  into  their   other  person.  It  may  be  interpreted  as  
concerns,  expressed  or  unexpressed.   approval  seeking  or  conflict  avoidant.  

Third Position – concern for the interaction itself

Your  attention  is  on  managing  the  interaction  itself.  You  are  a  disinterested  observer,  
aware  of  the  nature  of  exchange  and  the  dynamics  of  the  exchange.  Psychologically,  you  
are  a  ‘fly  on  the  wall’.  
Constructive  Use   Unconstructive  use  
You  can  use  this  position  to  understand   You  use  this  position  to  disengage.  It  
the  interaction,  so  that  you  can  improve  it   becomes  a  ‘tool’  to  reduce  the  sense  of  
for  both  of  you  (if  necessary).   personal  danger  or  insecurity  for  you.  

Fourth Position – concern for the larger whole (organisation or community)

Your  attention  is  on  the  consequences  of  the  interaction  for  the  organisation  as  a  whole.  
It  can  also  be  used  to  observe  the  dynamics  at  work  within  the  organisation  that  affect  
the  more  local  interactions.  Psychologically,  this  is  the  ‘helecopter  view’,  taking  the  
interaction  in  its  organisational  context.  
Constructive  Use   Unconstructive  use  
You  can  use  this  position  to  align  your   You  use  this  perspective  to  meet  the  
needs,  the  other  peron’s  needs  and  the   organisation’s  needs  at  the  cost  of  your  
organisation’s  needs.  You  can  also  use  it  to   and  other  individuals’  needs.  
identify  and  influence  less  constructive  
organizational  dynamics.  

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Perceptual positions
Name your issue:

First Person Perception

What  do  you  want,  need  in  this  situation?  
What  is  important  to  you?  
What  is  your  own  motivation?  

Second Person Perception

Who  else  is  involved?  
Names          
What  does  this        
person  want,  need?    
What  is  important        
to  them?    
What  is  their        

Third Person Perception

What  is  the  nature  of  the  interaction  between  yourself  and  these  people?  
What  are  you  doing  that  is  contributing  to  any  dysfunction?  
What  could  you  do  to  improve  the  quality  of  the  interaction  and  relationship?  

Fourth Person Perception

What  gets  rewarded  in  this  system?  
What  is  important  to  people  in  this  system?  
What  do  they  say  is  important  and  how  does  that  match  up  with  their  behaviours?  
What  are  the  invisible  undercurrents  that  form  the  context  within  which  your  
interaction  is  taking  place?  
What  patterns  emerge?  

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