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4 English Speaking & Communication

Communication Skills – Individual Response: Advice Wizard: K-Dramas

English Name: _________________________ ( ____ ) Class: _______ Date:_____________________

Part B - Individual Response

Generally, the Individual Response questions are based on the Group Interaction topic and the input
text. Although you are not shown the questions during the preparation time, you can anticipate them.

The Individual Response questions ask for things which are not openly stated in the text.
You may have to:

• give suggestions or advice

• make and explain choices

• give reasons

• give arguments for or against

• make predictions

• explain processes

• talk about your personal experiences or opinions

A. Making Predictions
Work in pairs. Look at the exam paper from the last lesson (Advice Wizard letter). Try to anticipate
what the Individual Response (IR) questions might follow based on the question types listed above.
Write 2 questions each, then take it in turns to ask each other these questions.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

B. Structure & Delivery: Read the individual response in the box below.

Why are Korean dramas and music so popular in Hong Kong?

Below is a student’s response to the IR question above. Read the items in the box and label them in

Order IR Dialogue
I also think the settings and storylines in local Hong Kong dramas are not as
glamorous, exotic or exciting. I'm just not that interested in dramas featuring families
that are very similar to mine, living in an area similar to mine. It seems so boring.

The fashion, hair and make-up are all very fresh too. I often get ideas for clothes to
buy or how to do my hair and make-up from watching Korean dramas. They seem
so much more modern and fun than Chinese dramas.

I think Korean dramas are popular in Hong Kong because they have more attractive
stars and more interesting stories than other kinds of dramas. While the local Hong
Kong dramas and stars are OK, they seem to lack the excitement and appeal of
Korean dramas for me.

These are just some of the reasons why I think Korean dramas are so popular in
Hong Kong.

Korean dramas are more exciting to me because they are set in Korea, a place I
have never visited. I am fascinated by the different places and things I see in Korean
dramas, as well as the different food and customs.

C. Comprehension

1. What does the student say about Hong Kong dramas?


2. What skill is the student demonstrating when talking about both Hong Kong & Korean dramas?

D. Identifying Question Types
Below are IR questions used in the exam. Read the missing question words and verbs, then add them
to complete the questions.

Do you think Should Why are What are

Do you watch Do you like Has the Would you watch

1. ___________________ Korean dramas and music? (__________)

2. ___________________ Korean dramas and music so popular in Hong Kong? (__________)

3. ___________________ older audiences like Korean dramas and music? (__________)

4. __________________ parents stop their children from watching too much television? (__________)

5. __________________ some benefits of watching TV dramas from other countries? (__________)

6. ____________________ a Chinese drama that is a remake of a popular Korean drama? (_________)

7. __________________ dramas with your parents? (__________)

8. _________________ popularity of Korean dramas & music affected local drama & music? (_______)

E. Now identify the question type by adding one of the following in the brackets after each question:

F. Asking & Answering - Structures: You are now going to take it in turns to ask and answer the
questions with your partner. Give yourself letters A and B. A will answer the questions in the blue
boxes, and B will answer the questions in the green boxes. Look at the structures below to help
you arrange your ideas.


Y/N, I do…
I think there are several reasons why…
Some benefits of… SHARE 2 TO 3 IDEAS/ REASONS
One reason is because…
For example,…
So, to conclude…
These are some examples/reasons why…

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