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Template a PowerPoint file that contains the colors, background format, font styles, and accent

colors for a presentation

Theme is a set of predefined fonts, colours, backgrounds and effects.
Layout is a predetermined way of organizing the objects on a slide including placeholders for title
text and other objects.

A placeholder is a region of a slide, or a location in an outline, reserved for inserting text or graphics
A text box is an object that contains text
An Active text box appears with dashed lines and sizing handles around the text
Sizing handles are small circles and squares on the corners and sides of the text box
The slide title text is a text box at the top of the slide that gives the title of the information on that
The slide content is a large box in which you type a bulleted or numbered list or insert some other
kind of object

Guidelines in Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentation

1. Make the objects appear bigger on screen (ex. The font size, pictures, etc.). How to estimate,
look at it 2 meters away
2. Keep the text simple.
 Avoid using too many fonts, colors, and styles.
 Apply the 6 x 7 rule. (no more than 6 lines per slide; no more than 7 words per line.
 Avoid “falling leaves” text.
 Do not use underline style for it signifies hyperlinks.
 Italic texts are difficult to read on screen.
 Use Bold style or apply color to emphasize
 Serif fonts are difficult to read on screen. Sanserif fonts are clearer.
 Use contrasting and complementary colours.
 Avoid using all uppercase letters.
3. Use numbers for lists with sequence. However, use bullets to show a list without
priority, sequence, hierarchy.
A bulleted list is a list of “paragraphs” with a special character to the left of each paragraph
 Bulleted item
 First-level bullet
 Second-level bullet
 Sub bullet
A numbered list is a list of paragraphs that are numbered consecutively on the slide

4. Keep the animation simple and to the point

5. Make the pictures appear clearer and bigger
6. Avoid distracting sounds
7. Slide contents must be progressive
8. Be consistent.

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