Corporal Punishment Argumentative Essay

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Corporal punishment has been effective for decades. It should be allowed in schools.


1. It commands respect.
2. It teaches students a sense of responsibility.
3. It motivates students to do better.
4. It encourages obedience.


1. It can easily become abuse

2. It can make students fearful to speak up or participate.
3. It may encourage the ideology that being beaten is okay.
4. It can hinder the student-teacher relationship.

Introductory Paragraph

It is a well known fact that the millennial generation was brought up with corporal
punishment being a form of punishment in school, and due to this fact, the millennials are
known to be respectful of the opinions of others, they take responsibility for their actions,
they are easily motivated to do something better, and they are obedient when it comes to
rules. Also, to this day, they are not bad off. They are quite a successful generation, and that
might be due to the way the were brought up, the things they were taught, and the
punishments they were given, one of which was corporal punishment. Nevertheless, corporal
punishment has its negative effects as well. Teachers might have personal issues at home, and
if corporal punishment is in place, and they choose that as the form of punishment for the
student, they might take out that anger or stress from that personal issue on the student, which
will no longer considered a form of punishment, but a form of abuse. Due to the behaviour
from this one teacher, students might eventually be scared or frightened to speak up or
participate in class, with the fear of that happening to them nagging their mind. This can
hinder the relationship between students and teachers, and give students or society the idea
that being beaten like that is a normal thing or that it is acceptable. The impending argument
will be based on the latter points.

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