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Poverty in

Poverty in South
Now, more than a decade after
independence, South Sudan remains
impacted by fragility, economic
stagnation, and instability. Poverty is
ubiquitous and is exacerbated by conflict,
displacement, and external shocks.
Effects of poverty
In South Sudan, poverty and food insecurity are
prevalent despite the country’s abundance of
natural resources. Challenges include civil wars
and prolonged violence. These challenges
contribute to a significant number of people living
below the Poverty line within the nation.
Major reason behind Poverty in South Sudan

Reasons behind the poverty taking place in South Sudan, is from the political
conflict, compounded by economic woes and drought, which has caused massive
displacement, raging violence and dire food shortages. Over seven million
people, about two thirds of the population, are in need of aid, including around
6.9 million people experiencing hunger.

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