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The Green Br)in – Ch)otic Processing by Arthur C)rm)zzi

The Green Br)in – Ch)otic Processing

By Arthur C)rm)zzi
B"sed on the Arthur C"rm"zzi Rese"rch on Br"in Processing
E"ch of us h"s " p"rticul"r kind of br"in processor, which we "re genetic"lly
built with. As we grow we le"rn to write other “softw"re”, so we c"n simul"te
things other processors do. With the softw"re keeps ch"nging, but our b"sic
genetic processor rem"ins the s"me. By identifying the fund"ment"l p"tterns
of the w"y our br"in genetic"lly processes the world "round us we overcome
misunderst"nding, conflict, "nd w"st"ge of individu"l "nd group potenti"l. It
helps us m"ximize our c"p"city, develop softw"re to "chieve gre"ter
competence "cross disciplines, underst"nd people "t " deeper level "nd
cre"te be"utiful rel"tionships.
Colored Br"in model is b"sed on genetic neuro-processing th"t "ffects
perception "nd communic"tion inter"ction in our world. Itʼs not "bout
person"lity or person"lity "ssessment.
We h"ve four different kinds of Br"in processors – Green, Red, Purple "nd Blue.
In this video below, Arthur will expl"in on the Green Br"in – Ch"otic processing.

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The Green Br"inʼs summ"ry:
● Must t"ke some kind of "ction to get cl"rity, time to "ct is "lmost
immedi"te (sometimes impulsive) "nd cl"rity is directly rel"ted to the
revel"tions from their "ctions.
● Sh"pe "nd resh"pe ide"s, solutions in the process of "cting on
● Get others involved "nd "sk for feedb"ck
● Processes their surroundings "s " summ"ry of the over"ll
● A little inform"tion quickly forms " comprehensive but fuzzy
perspective of wh"t the situ"tion is, c"n be, or how it could "ffect "nother
● A disorg"nized but effective, connect "s you "ct process, does
poorly with too much structure
● Re"soning "nd ide" gener"ting is in non-line"r r"ndom chunks,
testing elements in the "ction process to connect to the big picture
● Though they work on multiple projects, usu"lly only c"n fully
concentr"te on one situ"tion "t " time
● Resilient; get over neg"tive issues in shorter periods of time
comp"red to others
● Flexible in unknown environments
● M"kes more mist"kes th"n others but recover f"ster th"n
others… m"kes "nd fixes mist"kes in the cl"rity process of t"king "ction
● In groups, connecting with others with feedb"ck "nd r"ndom
support to requirements "s they "rise supports success.

W"tch Arthur C"rm"zzi sh"re in this Green Br"in video,…"nd ple"se comment
"nd sh"re this… especi"lly with people you work with "nd your spouse or
p"rtner, it will help them underst"nd you more "nd help you "ll "chieve more.
Also, Check out the First post in the Where is Your Br"in series th"t t"lks
"bout Ambiguity Relief 
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