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Listening: Responder a un ejercicio práctico sobre la información contenida en un video.

Completar las preguntas de acuerdo a la información del video.

1. Okay, Okay. If I were _________ for a day, I would want, um, world peace, no more hunger….



2. ...good things for the ______________, and bigger boobs.


rain forest

3. Well, see you _______________.

took mine

take time

look fine

4. Chandler, _________ about you?



5. If I were omnipotent for a day, _____________ myself omnipotent forever.

I could make

I'd make

I make

6. See? There's always one guy, "If _____________, I'd wish for three more wishes."

I had a wish

I would wish
I have a wish

7. Joey, hey ____________.




8. Hey, Joey, what would you do ______________ omnipotent?

if you were

if you are

9. Probably ________ myself.



10. Hey, if ___________________ dead, then I got no reason.

little Joey's

little toys

little noise

11. Joey, ________________.


I'm impotent

Convertir la actividad a un formato PDF, posteriormente subirlo a la plataforma TEAMS.

Speaking: En parejas, participar en una simulación donde indique qué puede suceder si se
cumplen ciertas condiciones. Realizará una entrevista con las siguientes preguntas:

1. Who would you talk to if you could travel back in time?

2. What would you say if you meet an alien from another planet?

3. What would you buy if you were millionaire?

4. What would you do if you could choose any job in the world?

Deberán grabar el video, donde ambos tomen el rol de entrevistador y entrevistado y lo subirán a
la plataforma TEAMS

Reading: Leer el artículo ¨If I ruled the world¨, responder la actividad de lectura,
posteriormente convertirla a PDF y luego subirla a la plataforma TEAMS.
-She would erase the borders
-I would spend i ton education and new technologies
-I would also finance new scientific projeects like a journey to mars
-I would forbid Justin Bieber
-I would forbid men not cut down trees
-I would also give 1000$E per month to every family in the world
-I would start great economic projects to help the african continente
-I would get rid of the nuclear wapons
-I would also protect more animals
-I would also to find a cure for every illness
Writing: Redactar un párrafo de no menos de 100 palabras donde conteste la siguiente

1. What would you do if you couldn’t use your smartphone for a week?

I think my productivity would increase to a great extent, the first thing I would do would be to
enter the stage of denial, I am so attached to my cell phone that I could not assimilate it at first,
then I would start to carry out the tasks that I have postponed due to the procrastination that
generated by the smartphone, I think I would spend more time with my family by not having
distractions that keep me away.

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