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Grade 12 Leadership Field Trip Reflection

Thinking about your learning experience


1) Attending the trip: Field trip attendance is mandatory in this course. If you cannot attend the trip due to an
extenuating circumstance, let your teacher know at least 1 day ahead of time.

2) Participation during the trip: While you are on the field trip, the purpose is for you to engage in
experiential learning while building your personal leadership capacity. Therefore, the expectation is that you
FULLY IMMERSE YOURSELF in the activities with an open mind. You should not be disengaged (i.e. on your
phone, etc). Note that your participation is part of this assessment.

3) Documenting your learning: You are highly encouraged to take photos and videos when possible during
the field trip. These can be used as evidence in your reflection and will also be essential on the Presentation
of Learning final evaluation task at the end of the course.

4) Reflecting on the field trip: After the experience, you will answer the reflection questions below. You are
encouraged to do this as soon as possible after the field trip while the memories are fresh in your mind. To
give yourself the best chance to earn a Level 4 grade, remember to include specific points answering the
questions and include detailed evidence to back up these points (i.e. examples, photos/videos, etc). You may
create a product type of your choice (i.e. typed, slideshow, video, etc).

Reflection Questions:
a) What were the highlights of the field trip? What could have been better? Please explain.

The field trip was awesome, it gave opportunity to working as a team during the sport, as well as
executing leadership in guiding the group, what would have been better is if we got the opportunity the
pick are own members in a group, although i understand the purpose of giving us random group
members, which was in order for us to adapt to new people and see how co-operative we would end up

b) In what way(s) did you or others try to enhance the experiences of participants during the field
trip? How were leadership (OLG#1) / group dynamics (OLG#2) / mentorship (OLG#3) important
in this process?

For short, having good leadership skills during this event was needed, without such a team would not
be co-operative and would fall off.

c) Describe one or more situations where you demonstrated teamwork and collaboration skills
with others. What was/were the common goal(s) in these situation(s)?

During the event me and my group members had a strategy, which for the gamemode where you step
on the color, that was told to step on, since there were 4 of us we stood on each corners of the wall,
which made it easier. We called out the others when the color they where suppose to step on was out
of view.

Assessment Rubric:

Success Criteria

I can effectively apply the rules of activities while safely and appropriately using any equipment.
I can effectively describe the importance of leadership / group dynamics / mentorship during the activities.

I can critically reflect on the experiences of myself and others while making connections to course OLG(s).

I can actively participate in the field trip experience and give my best effort during all activities.
I can demonstrate teamwork skills by working collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal.

I can organize my thoughts clearly so that my reflection flows logically.

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