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poultry-yard (m), and the dwelling of the keeper (n).

among which an Essay on the Husbandry of Scotland,

(1788), a treatise on the principles of free government, and

surnamed Jourdain on account of his being baptized in the river

Anacreon. Anacreon had a reputation as a composer of hymns,

Algiers. He succeeded in landing, and proceeded to attack the

1905, however, about 37 had been certainly recognized, besides

Leon. Next turning his arms against the Moors, he obtained,

colourless, odourless gas, which for convenience is carried

a piling-up of anything; technically, in law, the continuous

remains of large baths ( Thermae Herculis) and a theatre.

bullet is used with the small-bore, smokeless- powder rifles.

by a treaty concluded with a British and Egyptian mission

married a number of his generals to Oriental princesses, and

(Polyb, v. 7. 4), whose name was changed into Philadelphia

ages. The Roman d'Eneas (c. 1160, or later), of uncertain

et Partures des . . . Adan delle Hale (Halle, 1900),

C. Its mean specific heat between 0 deg. and 100 deg. is 0.227,

in 1107 he succeeded to the Scottish crown; but, in accordance

which earth waves of several geological periods have broken.

low river, into almost numberless islands.5 At the narrows

which well represents the bewildering difficulties which the

(Shilluk, Dinka, Alur, Acholi, &c.). These had blended with

king went to Italy to receive the imperial crown; and from

of a concession to him that in March 1878 the British flag was

century. Della Valle and other commentators deny that they were

English Literature (to Wiclif) (trans. H. M. Kennedy,

death of her father in 526, she succeeded him, acting as

cities. In the same way Doris held one Dorian vote and
when, with his own vessel alone, he broke through the line

The chief results obtained by European experts showed

from 1818 onwards it has again increased under British rule.

Alabama. Old party lines were broken by the Compromise of

to show that a civilian first lord cannot dispense with the

(3991), which occupies the site of the Roman Milliana,

thought the price exorbitant, and only accepted the terms

purity of aesthetic pleasure must be added its refinement,

less than L. 5000. This he attributed to the loyal manner

Recte beatum; rectius occupat

relations. The one event mentioned by external sources is the

(Num. xxi. 24; Deut. ii. 37, iii. 16). The other limits of

first in Seville, and when the Guadalquivir was found

to be appointed censor of all plays brought on the stage.

was ordered to follow the army to the field as a private in a

became a subject of bitter controversy between the two

Herat. The depot for it is Kandahar, whence it finds its way to

prize jurisdiction to any court of admiralty, and the courts

modern times as Sampi, and which is utilized as the numeral

freight. The master may guard against this difficulty by

breaking up of a solid solution on cooling and the formation

unsuccessful; the red grouse (Lagopus scoticus), however, the

is, in general, extended to cover the latter. See works on

clothing. This model is now in the museum at Mustapha (see below).

various contexts it implies its various possible opposites,

AEGEAN SEA, a part of the Mediterranean Sea, being the

become proverbial for a loyal and devoted companion.

the latter became their younger sons. When a confederacy

wheat and barley before the ear forms, for fodder, and the

from an exposure of limestone and associated beds in Glen

be obtained in the crystalline condition from a solution

He would divide with Alexander the empire of the world; as a

ACANTHUS (the Greek and Latin name for the plant, connected

milk-fat, or less than 8.5% of non-fatty solids, it shall be

however, only about two months, when he was transferred to

kaivel, and the heap on which it lies is his. This system of

the colouring matter localized in granules in the peripheral

Piz Popena . . . . . . . . . 10,312 Central Grasleitenspitze . . . . .8,875

conditions of the pleasurable effects of colours and their

carbonate, permeated by a mother-liquor which is removed by

between him and the Byronic poet, Jose Heriberto Garcia

as an adult in the perch, pike and barbel: E. moniliformis

expelling his son Edwin. In 603 he repelled the attack of

were offered as payment of the same amount of debt in a foreign

addition, Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson were also candidates.

butter factories. The amount of ``total solids'' contained in

Arabs to the heterogeneous inhabitants of the Abyssinian plateau.

character of the Fox-hunting Squire, who is introduced as the

of the grooving of the cylindrical Whitworth bullet, and in

Veyle. Her great beauty and romantic history made her the

legislature, at its request, whether a proposed statute, if

the regency was settled; and a form of Lutheranism was adopted,

the family which ruled for nearly three centuries in Mahommedan

accommodation for 100 patients, who live on their field

those of Ewe speech, in the western portion of the latter;

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