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The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to
show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a
larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take
place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present
continuous exercises.
Present Continuous Forms
The present continuous is formed using am/is/are + present participle. Questions are
indicated by inverting the subject and am/is/are. Negatives are made with not.
1. Statement: You are watching TV.
2. Question: Are you watching TV?
3. Negative: You are not watching TV.
Present Continuous Uses
USE 1 Now

Use the present continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not
happening now.
 You are learning English now.
 You are not swimming now.
 Are you sleeping?
 I am sitting.
 I am not standing.
 Is he sitting or standing?
 They are reading their books.
 They are not watching television.
 What are you doing?
 Why aren't you doing your homework?

Positive form Present Progressive, using the words in brackets complete the sentences.
1. Sara (be, work) __________________________ in a language school.
2. He (be, run) __________________________ a marathon.
3. They (be, teach) __________________________ English.
4. Her students (be, come) __________________________ from all over the world.
5. We (be, go) __________________________ to school by bus.
6. In the classroom Charlie (be, have) __________________________ some troubles
with math.

Negative form Present Progessive, using the words in brackets complete the sentences.
1. The children (be/not) _______________ paying attention.
2. Carol (be/not) _______________ working in her duties.
3. I (be/not) _________________ drinking milk.
4. They (be/not) ________________ learning math.
5. I (be/not) _________________ having a good time.

Write in order the Questions in Present Progressive using the words in brackets.
1. (playing/be/she/soccer) _______________________________________________.
2. (speaking/they/be/in English) ___________________________________________.
3. (be/we/talking/in French) ______________________________________________.
4. (running/be/Julia/in the morning) _______________________________________.
5. (be/you/resting/on holiday) ____________________________________________.

Make your own sentences using Present Progressive.

1. ______________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________.
3. ______________________________________________________.
4. ______________________________________________________.
5. ______________________________________________________.
6. ______________________________________________________.

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