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QCVN 08:2009/BXD

QCVN 08: 2009/BXD compiled by the Institute of Construction Science and Technology, submitted by
the Department of Science, Technology and Environment for approval and issued according to
Circular No. .........28/2009/TT - BXD dated .... 14.... month .8.. 2009 of the Minister of Construction.
QCVN 08 : 2009/BXD standard includes the following parts:
Part 1. Subway;
Part 2. Garage.

1. Scope of application

This regulation includes compulsory regulations applied in: formulation, appraisal and approval of
investment projects on construction of subway works; design, construction and renovation of lines,
individual works and equipment of subways.

2. Explanation of words
The terms used in this standard are presented in Appendix A.

3. General provisions
3.1 Subway works must ensure safe passenger transport, meet the requirements of standards on: sanitary
and epidemiological; occupational safety for operators; environmental protection and fire prevention.
3.2 Metro lines must be built on the basis of the overall development diagram of all types of urban traffic,
the approved development diagram of the subway in terms of route direction, length, and location. stations,
focal stations, administrative offices, production workshops, connections to the lines of the common railway
network and in accordance with urban construction planning.
3.3 Stations should be located in the centers of the high-passenger areas, near railway stations, bus
stations, ship terminals and other crowded places of the city.
When there is a distance of 3000 m or more between adjacent stations, in the middle of this section, there
should be an additional exit for passengers from the tunnel to the ground or into a collective protection zone
for passengers.
3.4 Metro lines should in principle be laid underground, shallow or deep. When crossing rivers and lakes,
through non-populated areas, along railway lines, etc., floating sections can be placed on the ground,
overhead in closed or open corridors.
3.5 It is not allowed to construct shallow tunnels, open excavation works on conservation lands, forbidden
forests, botanical gardens, forestry parks, forest parks and in protected areas of historical relics. , cultural.
3.6 To ensure the construction of shallow tunnel sections, technical areas with a width of not less than 40
m must be arranged. It is not allowed to build houses in these technical zones before completing the
construction of subway works.
3.7 The laying of underground technical systems (electricity, water...), planting trees and arranging lawns
in technical areas as well as construction in a 30 m wide strip of land adjacent to the boundaries of the
Technical areas need to be approved by the metro design agency.
3.8 The intersections between subway lines with each other and with lines of other types of traffic must be
located at different levels.
At intersections of roads, there should be one-way branch roads.
3.9 Each subway line must be arranged to run independently. At complex intersections, it is allowed to link
between routes and organize train runs according to the itinerary.
3:10 The Route ờng subway is double track, h -run go right.
Each route must have a focal station, a dead-end section and a technical service station for wagons.
3.11 Metro lines must first be connected to lines in the common rail network. As the metro network
increases, an additional connection is required every 50 km with lines in the common rail network .
3.12 When designing subway lines, it is necessary to make maximum use of underground space to arrange
urban infrastructure works.
3.13 The basic parameters of the works and equipment of the route must ensure the carrying capacity of
the maximum calculated number of passengers at the operating stages as follows:
Stage 1: from year 1 to year 10;
Stage 2: from the 10th to the 20th year;
Phase 3: according to the time of computational exploitation (more than 20 years).
3.14 Structures of entrances to underground works must eliminate the possibility of overflowing water into
tunnels during flood and flood with the highest probability of exceeding water level once in 300 years.
3.15 On subway lines, measures must be taken to protect the spaces of stations as well as buildings along
the route from noise and vibration when the train is running, escalators and other train equipment.
underground works.
3.16 In subway construction, additional structures and equipment are required for defensive use.
3.17 Near stations, public restrooms must be arranged in accordance with urban construction planning.
3.18 Houses for staff of management-operators, operators, dispatchers, repair-assembly, medical and
other specialized departments should be located on the ground.
The departments directly related to the service of the route should be located at the stations.
3.19 Commercial areas, exhibition stands and other passenger service items in subway works are not
allowed to be located at the bottom of the ticket booth at the station lobby.
C á c class entries c plots ng p ì nh n à y kh umbrella ng inadequate- reachable clearance or l u- u th cell
ng , for service h à nh kh á ch v à kh umbrella ng Duo c g â y t á c e Separate any benefit e amniotic with
c cells ng technology for service of t à u e rea underground .
3:20 C á c the ph á p Technical Arts v à techniques art new under l loud nh region x â y up v à declaration
th á c t à u e rea underground , m à ch u a c ó in c á c t à i if ti ê u standard , c ó can inadequate- reacha
ble á p use tr u conventions ti ê n in zone box n hard to
try experimental science learned enough reachable c á c c Matt relating gi á m e Estimate x á c receive ,
after that if needed to set th ì e Article adjust the t à i data set design .
3:21 When
the set design , x â y up v à wealth creation c á c c umbrella ng p ì nh t à u e rea underground should e gloomy s
ure c á c y ê u bridge follows :
- C á c the ph á p engineering arts to e gloomy sure kh umbrella ng g â y the incident in qu á tr ì nh x â y
up v à declaration th á c c umbrella ng p ì nh ;
- Use manual c á c character data , set to
be , c á c processing the current e ại , ph buzzing with the c á c ti ê u Standard , c ũ ng nh u use use c á c
character data , set equipment , c á c institutional Is enough reachable institutions created under c á c ti
ê u Standard n u conventions dainty à i c ó evidence received technical arts t u Matt ng application .
- C cell ng now ho Asia x â y up tr ê n c Matt basis c á c ph -
uo ng means out e ại of organizations where c Matt instructions h ó a v à self e Separate h ó a qu á tr ì nh
thi c umbrella ng , c ũ ng nh U
a p use c á c to configure e ow h ì nh , detailed information set is v à m á y m ó c stone p to c á c ti ê u pr
epare national health ;
- C á c ph u
Matt ng facilities engineering technology , the ph á p regulation plan - kh umbrella ng time c umbrella ng p
ì nh underground v à c á c e Article events declaration th á c to e gloomy told police to à n ch Asian medi
cine , police to à n running t à u , safe to à n for h à nh kh á ch tr ê n ships , tr ê n ladders book , in an
elevator m á y , p ê n s â n ga v à in c á c enough wall cellar ;
- C á c the ph á p engineering arts to e gloomy sure ti ê u standards protect students , provided e Estimat
e sure household employee e Separate the c cell ng nh â n v à nh â n vi ê n for service in c á c class e bu
ckling x â y Construction v à declaration th á c user manual ;
- C Matt gender or á v à self e Separate cough Asia at e a c á c qu á tr ì nh open th á c user manual , n â
ng high- ti ê n Comfort e i re of h à nh kh á ch , n â ng high n ă ng Productivity employee e Separate the n
h â n vi ê n , tu â n prime c á c danger ê n switches born th á i TB e Separate v à competence fine engine
ering technology ;
- C ó measures ph á p th í ch where security guard m umbrella i tr u- wall around around , di t í ch schedul
e using v à v ă n ho Asia.
4. Construction survey work
4.1 The survey 's á t x â y up to enough reachable carried out for service to the established plan á n e you
r cost t u x â y up c umbrella ng p ì nh v à c á c b u conventions set design according to rules e fixed .
Internal storage references s á t have
to cover include references s á t e ia substance c umbrella ng p ì nh , monitoring e ia c umbrella ng p ì nh
, e ia technical arts m umbrella i p u Referral v à references neck when needed equipment .
C á c the results survey s á t to l à c Matt basis dd To x á c e Estimate c á c ph u
Matt ng ph á p Exam c umbrella ng of l í, kind except e-
U reachable c á c t á c e Separate risk insurance for m box i tr U wall around around .
Survey s á t x â y d cable
network must cultivate â n prime c á c ti ê u Standard dd yet set the system network television ê u prepar
e enough reachable choices to choose á p use .
4.2 update th á i e ất background have enough reachable e Article investigation in violation of example re
achable x á c e Estimate c ó t Chapter ng t á c of competition c umbrella ng v à declaration th á c online t
à u e rea Underground v à m umbrella i tr u Referral e ia nature . As such,
e o s â u references s á t have big h Matt n -
dimensional s â u rock y c á c inadequate- wall cellar kh umbrella ng í t h Matt n 10 m .
4.3 C á c holes drilled th ă m d ò carried out in qu á tr ì nh references s á t have enough reachable filled e
in full to à n office .
4.4 Survey s á t e ia technical arts m umbrella i p u wall should be e gloomy sure :
- Stone nh gi á total of example reachable c á c e Article facilitate self pediatric ê n v à technical arts ;
- Provision b á o du reachable these variables e guava c ó may occur out of
the system itself pediatric ê n when x â y up v à declaration th á c c umbrella ng p ì nh t à u e rea undergr
ound ;
A ề made enough reachable solutions ph á p ng ă n prevent the post- results any benefit e amniotic with
m box i p u Referral v à Comments on Du reachable c á c the ph á p security guard v à kh cell i s status th
á i m umbrella i p u Referral self pediatric ê n .

5. Design requirements
5.1 The ability to navigate and transport
5.1.1 The traffic capacity of the route to be selected is not more than 40 trains per hour.
In order to calculate the power supply and train control equipment, the throughput capacity needs to be
increased by 20%.
5.1.2 The maximum number of carriages in a train shall be determined for each period of operation.
5.2 Plans and longitudinal sections
5.2.1 The minimum depth for laying underground structures must be sufficient to allow a pavement layer to
be built over it.
5.2.2 Line segments when changing lanes must be connected by circular and transitional curves.
5.2.3 On curvilinear sections of main and connecting railways, the outer rails must be arranged higher than
the inner rails.
5.2.4 The approximate envelope dimensions of the tunnel and the distance between the axes of adjacent
tracks are taken according to Appendix B.
5.2.5 Longitudinal slope of underground sections, closed sections placed on the ground and overhead must
not be less than 3 o / oo and not greater than 45 o / oo , of open road sections above ground and overhead -
not more than 35 o / oo .
5.3 Stations
5.3.1 Stations, on the ground, should be arranged in straight sections of the route; according to the
longitudinal section should be arranged in high places, one-way slope with slope equal to 3 o /oo .
Stations are allowed to be arranged at curves with a radius of curvature not less than 800 m and a vertical
slope of up to 5 o /oo or on flat areas with conditions to ensure drainage.
5.3.2 Terminals must have at least two lobbies.
5.3.3 At stations and transfer facilities between stations, there must be escalators at the height difference
greater than 3.5 m on the way of passengers.
The number of escalators in the station must be determined on the basis of concurrently ensuring the
following conditions:
- To understand the maximum calculated passenger flow when having to free people from the station;
- An escalator must be repaired;
- Stopping an escalator due to unforeseen causes.
With the same conditions as above, it is necessary to ensure that in one lobby in a station there must be
no less than 4 escalators, in the other hall - according to calculations, but not less than 3.
In berth transfer works that do not separate passengers in different directions, the number of elevators must
be determined according to calculations, but not less than 4 units; when ramification - as calculated, nh u ng
not less than 2 in each direction.
5.3.4 In stations, there must be elevators, lifts, or taxiways for people with disabilities.
In the elevator boxes, there must be stairs, exit lighting and pressurized air supply so that when there is a
fire, it can be used as an exit for passengers and for fire fighting units to approach the station.
5.3.5 In the corridors between the stations and in the underground passages over 100m long, it is necessary
to have conveyors to transfer passengers.
5.3.6 On transfer stations, a separate lobby is required for each station. When ensuring the independent
working of stations during the time of fire, a common hall can be arranged in one of the stations.
5.3.7 At the station, it is necessary to have production rooms, living rooms for technicians and health care
5.3.8 At deep stations and shallow stations where possible, cable tunnels for the main cable lines should
be provided. These cable tunnels are connected to structures near the station and to train tunnels.
5.3.9 Architectural finishing materials for passenger compartments of the station must be durable and easy
to clean.
5.4 Train tunnels, connecting tunnels, works adjacent to tunnels
5.4.1 Train tunnels and connecting tunnels must have internal dimensions to ensure traffic clearance in
accordance with the requirements in Annex B, as well as arrange in them equipment of the railway, working
bridges. , appliances, lights, service cables and other equipment.
5.4.2 Location and internal dimensions of works in tunnels with production functions, making additional
exits to the surface and into the collective protection zones of passengers, as well as connecting roads
between the tunnels. One-way train tunnels must be determined on the basis of their function taking into
account the requirements on technology and operation, urban construction status and fire safety.
5.4.3 In c evil on the ground of section open subway line must be illuminated and fenced with a height of
not less than 2.5 m.
5.5 Urban infrastructure works
5.5.1 The design of the metro route must be carried out taking into account the integrated exploitation of
urban land, in the connection of underground and floating urban infrastructure facilities with access to
stations and roads. tunnel. The functioning of these facilities must not adversely affect the safety of subway
5.5.2 The load-bearing structures of underground and floating urban structures, connected to the works of
the subway, should be designed in accordance with this regulation.
5.5.3 The technical and fire safety assurance system of urban infrastructure works must be completely
independent from the corresponding subway system.
5.6 Construction structure
5.6.1 Covering structures and load-bearing structures inside underground works as well as architectural
finishing materials of works must meet the requirements for durability, long-term durability, fire safety, and
stability under various effects of the external environment.
Structures, construction materials used and construction methods must ensure the specified life of the
underground construction shell.
5.6.2 Tunnel shell must be sealed and made from assembled reinforced concrete members or cast iron
members, or concrete or reinforced concrete blocks.
5.6.3 Loads from earth pressure on tunnel casing and their respective reliability coefficients should be
determined on the basis of results of engineering geological survey and accumulated experimental data on
loads. measured under similar building conditions.
5.6.4 Standard vertical and horizontal temporary loads applied to the tunnel shell from above ground
vehicles; temporary load on the tunnel shell arising during construction taking into account the
characteristics acting on the shell of the lifting-transporting equipment and other equipment taken according
to the selected standard system.
5.6.5 Temporary loads on the tunnel shell arising during construction are taken taking into account the
characteristics acting on the shell of lifting-transporting equipment, assembly equipment or other
equipment. The reliability factors for these and other temporary loads are taken from the selected standard
5.6.6 Calculation of underground structures shall be carried out according to limit states taking into account
possible combinations of loads and adverse effects acting on individual parts or the whole structure that
have can act simultaneously during construction or when exploiting and using.
5.6.7 The load-bearing structures inside the station and other underground structures are usually made of
reinforced concrete. For station columns, lintels in the aisles, beams, braces and their interconnections,
joints for tunnel shells of different diameters and waterproofing of the most important points are permission
to use metal structures.
5.6.8 Underground structures must be protected from ingress of surface water, groundwater as well as
other types of water and liquids.
Do not allow groundwater drainage into the tunnel.
5.6.9 The protection of building structures from aggressive impacts of the external environment is taken
according to the selected standard system.
5.7 Tracks and contact rails
5.7.1 C á c enough wall rails e rea tr ê n gland enough ờng have enough reachable t í nh with load weight
t loud nh t í nh to á n v à transport speed running trains nh u in Table 1.
Table 1.

Static load from the carriage shaft to the rail, Kn

Line type đường Train speed, km/h, not more than

Main road 147 (15) 100

Road in the station 78 (8) 40

Access ramp 78 (8) 75

All parts of the track must ensure:

- The train runs smoothly and safely at the specified speeds;
- The stability of the track gauge and the entire track;
- Insulation of the rail circuit;
- Technology for periodic maintenance and repair of railway lines.
The track structure should be of one type and favorable for repair.
5.7.2 Rail tracks are also used to conduct electricity in the train's power supply grid, in train control devices
and to check the integrity of the rails.
5.7.3 The track width of the track between the inner edges of the top of the rail is taken as follows, mm:
- On straight and curved sections with a radius of 1200 m or more: 1435;
- On curved sections with radius from 600 to 1200m: 1439;
- On curved sections with radius from 400 to 600m: 1445;
- On curved sections with radius from 125 to 400m: 1450;
- On curved sections with radius from 100 to 125m: 1455.
Deviations from the standard gauge width on straight and curved sections should not exceed 2 mm.
5.7.4 Rails of main train lines on straight and curved underground sections with a radius of 300 m or more
should be welded to rail pins.
5.7.5 Rails and rails must be suitable for the type of rail and have the corresponding forks of the marks 1:9
and 2:9 respectively.
5.7.6 At elevated sections of the road above ground, it is necessary to have guardrails of bridge type or
braking corners.
5.7.7 Conductive rails must be equipped with contact rails with the bottom ground.
Contact rails must be covered with an insulating protective box.
5.7.8 Rail tracks and contact rails shall be anchored to prevent displacement.
5.8 Ventilation
5.8.1 Underground works must have tunnel ventilation and local ventilation by artificial air blowing.
Tunnel ventilation system must be arranged for passenger rooms in underground stations or closed above-
ground stations, for transfer corridors between stations, for train tunnels, dead-end tunnels, tunnels
connecting branches, including closed sections on the ground.
Local ventilation should be provided for production, living and other rooms located underground or above
5.8.2 Ventilation systems must ensure gas exchange and air movement speed in buildings and rooms
according to standards.
5.8.3 Calculation temperature and heat of outside air for rooms with air inflow from the ground are taken
according to QCVN 02: 2009/BXD Natural conditions data used in construction, including to the change of
parameters as it passes through the ventilation channels.
For underground spaces with air flowing from tunnels, the air temperature is taken as calculated value in
the corresponding tunnel, taking into account the tunnel ventilation scheme applied.
5.8.4 When designing the tunnel ventilation system, the following must be taken into account:
- Standard parameters of microclimate and air composition in buildings according to 5.17;
- The standard meteorological conditions of the city;
- Hydrogeological conditions along the route;
- The presence of hot water, sulfuric water in the surrounding soil;
- the release of radon, methane and other gases from the surrounding soil;
- The superiority of the amount of air blowing in compared to exhaling 15 ¸ 20 %;
- Ensure no less than 3 times/hour of air exchange according to the internal volume of the passenger
compartments and other spaces with tunnel ventilation;
- Supply air t yes outside no less than 30 m 3 / hour, in peak hours is not less than 50 m 3 / hour for each
- Ensure the allowable limit concentration of harmful substances in the air of the tunnel and passenger
compartments according to 5.17.4;
- The year-by-year heat balance ensures the allowable parameters of temperature and relative humidity of
the air at a minimum increase of the surrounding soil temperature;
- Exhaust smoke when burning at the station and in the tunnel;
- The influence of adverse factors arising in emergency situations due to technological and other
characteristics that have been foreseen;
- The use of equipment to reduce noise and vibration arising when the ventilators work;
- The use of solutions to reduce the effect of the "blowing wind" effect when the train is running.
5.8.5 Tunnel ventilation in combination with other engineering solutions in smoke escape mode must
ensure effective smoke protection for emergency exits in underground and closed underground stations, in
buildings transfer works between stations, in train tunnels and dead-end tunnels, in tunnels of connecting
branches as well as in closed sections on the ground.
5.8.6 Allowable sound pressure levels at stations and in train tunnels are taken according to 5.17, above
ground - according to current regulations.
5.8.7 Distance from aboveground ventilation equipment stations of tunnel ventilation to main streets and
roads, closed or open car parks, commercial areas, and windows of homes and businesses not less than
25 m, to refueling stations for automobiles, storage facilities for oil and oil products, gas, wood materials,
gas and oil pipelines, oil processing works and chemical industry - not less than 100 m.
In narrow urban construction conditions, ventilation equipment stations working regularly in discharge mode
are allowed to be located less than 25 m from the circulation part of the road.
5.9 Supply, Drain and Drain
5.9.1 Metro works must have a common internal system or separate systems for pipelines of drinking-
domestic water, fire-fighting water and technological water.
5.9.2 The water supply for the public or private system of domestic water is taken from the city's water
supply pipe network or bore wells in accordance with current regulations, while the water source for the
separate fire protection system or water technology - from bore wells or above-ground water reservoirs.
5.9.3 At each station, it is necessary to have a water receiver from water sources. In the common conduit
system, there must be 2 heads receiving water from different sections of the water supply, in a separate
system - 1 receiving water for drinking - domestic needs and not less than 2 receiving water for other
purposes. fire fighting needs and technology.
5.9.4 In underground and closed above-ground sections, there must be a common system of main water
lines to supply water to stations, to tunnels, to works in tunnels and to branch networks. locally from main
routes to water consuming households.
5.9.5 . The common water pipeline network must ensure the calculated water flow taking into account the
needs of drinking-domestic and fire-fighting water.
5.9.6 Living rooms of railway stations and low-voltage stations must be equipped with hot water supply
5.9.7 Underground works must have a system of self-flowing water collection and forced drainage when
the waterproofing ability of the basement shell is reduced, when fighting fires, when cleaning works, when
technological equipment is working. .
To collect water and discharge water into the city's drainage network, it is necessary to have pumping
stations to discharge water.
5.9.8 Metro works must have a domestic water pipeline system to collect and drain wastewater from
technical-sanitary tools.
5.9.9 Water intake, discharge and drainage devices must be equipped with meters, which count water
consumption and discharge liquids into the city network.
5.10 Power Supply
5.10.1 Electricity supply to consumers of the metro line should be done from low-voltage stations running
trains and low-voltage stations.
Low-voltage stations for train operation must be arranged at stations, low-voltage stations - at stations and
in tunnels where loads are concentrated.
5.10.2 Power supply to low-voltage stations running trains must be done by a cable network of 10 kV voltage
from 3, and when it is not technically possible, from 2 independent supply sources from the city's electricity
system. It is necessary to use the power station of the power system directly as the first power supply, and
the second and third power supply - from low-voltage stations running trains adjacent to the route.
5.10.3 To ensure reliable power supply, power consuming devices are rated as follows:
a) Special group of class I electricity consuming equipment - communication equipment, train control
equipment, equipment for remote control and radio control of electrical equipment, emergency lighting
network .
b) Class I: train running network, escalator, working lighting network of tunnels, automatic fire detection,
fire alarm and fire fighting equipment, smoke protection devices, drainage devices , signal protection
devices and automatic payment system.
c) Class II: working lighting network of stations.
d) Class III: tunnel ventilation equipment not used in smoke protection systems and other electricity users.
Devices for automatic closing of the backup power source for a special group of class I receiving equipment
and class I receiving equipment must be located in electricity consuming households.
It is allowed to disconnect the train network while the dispatcher transfers the power supply by radio control
5.10.4 The third independent power source for a special group of class I power consuming equipment is
the power source that ensures continuous supply for the calculated loads for 1 hour.
These uninterruptible power sources should be arranged separately from low voltage stations and low
voltage train stations in rooms with independent entrances and ventilation systems.
5.10.5 AC grids with voltage up to 1 kV must comply with current regulations with neutral conductors to
earth of transformers, in principle, according to the TN-C system, in particular cases (eg. for example, for
portable and mobile power consumers) – according to the TC-CS system.
The use of the TN-C system on extended sections of the lines in operation with the use of IT systems,
should be clearly demonstrated in the design task.
The parameters of the ac grid with voltage up to 1 kV of train control devices are taken according to the
technical documents of the respective control system.
5.10.6 To supply power to power consuming devices, the following voltages must be used, V:
In a DC grid:
a) 825: for the power grid to run trains, on the iron wheels of low voltage train stations;
b) 750, 550 and 975: on the power-consuming equipment of the train, respectively for the normal mode,
the allowable minimum and the maximum allowable when braking sharply;
c) 220: control and signaling circuits on auxiliary stations;
- In the alternating grid:
a) 380/220: escalators, ventilation and pumping equipment, lighting grids (work and breakdown),
communication devices and automatic payment systems;
b) 220: lighting and heating devices;
c) 12: portable and local lighting.
5.10.7 For works and underground rooms, there must be working and emergency lighting.
Incident lighting must be present in passenger, production and living-sanitary rooms of the station, in train
tunnels and in tunnels.
Emergency lighting must ensure safety and escape lighting functions.
5.10.8 The positive pole of the power supply to the train grid must be connected to the contact rails, the
negative pole - connected to the running rails.
The contact grid of the line must be divided into cells by the exposed air spaces of the contact rails on the
main roads in the area where the low-voltage stations are located, on the intersections between the main
roads and at the locations of the main roads. separation of main roads and roads with other functions.
The power supply to the contact grid of each main road, the lines in the station and the connections from
the low voltage station running the train must be separated.
In the contact grid of the main roads, it is necessary to use parallel docking stations when necessary.
5.10.9 Power grids must be protected against short circuits and overloads, especially parts of train power
grids (current transformers, 825 V distribution equipment, power cables, equipment) of the contact net), in
addition, - shall be protected against earthing.
When it is not possible to guarantee the above protection, separate technical solutions must be devised.
5.10.10 In the contact network, equipment (other than quick breakers made for rated voltage 1050 V) and
cables should take a rated voltage of 3 kV.
5.10.11 In power grids, cables that do not spread fire must be used.
5.10.12 Means of control and protection of underground structures against corrosive effects of electric
currents shall comply with 5.21.
5.10.13 There must be the same grounding protection system on the line.
5.11 Control of electrical equipment
5.11.1 Electrical equipment must have local control and, when necessary, remote control, radio control,
automatic electricity counting, signaling and measurement.
5.11.2 Control devices must ensure maximum automation of the equipment operation, control their preset
working modes and signal when there is a deviation from these working modes. .
5.11.3 Remote control of lighting electrical networks, electromechanical devices at adjacent stations and
tunnels must be done from station dispatching stations, control of line breakers of grid contact – from low
voltage stations running trains. Separate line breakers of the exposed grid in stations with railway
development must be controlled from the station dispatching stations.
5.11.4 The radio control of electrical equipment must be performed from the dispatching station of the line
in accordance with the applicable organizational structure of the dispatching stations.
5.12 Train running control
5.12.1 Each metro line must be equipped with control systems, including:
- Speed control system and train safety;
- Central electrical control of recordings and signals;
- Automatic closing of the road;
- Automatic train control system;
- Central dispatching.
In systems, there must be a reserve of primary nodes.
Central dispatching and automatic train control systems must be able to divide functions in a unified
automatic network controlling technological processes on the line.
NOTE: The weight of equipment and the steps for applying the cruise control system are determined
5.12.2 The equipment of the control center electrical system must be able to control the recordings and
signals (semi-automatic signals) from the dispatching station of the station where the railway is developed.
5.12.3 The equipment of the central dispatching system must ensure to control the movement of trains on
the line and to control the recordings and signals from the dispatching station of the line (dispatch control)
and from dispatching stations at stations (local control).
5.12.4 On branches connecting lines, there should be systems for trains to run in both directions.
5.12.5 Automatic road closing devices shall be arranged to coordinate the movement of main and auxiliary
carriages at night or rescue vehicles removed from the train line with control system components. The
speed and safety of the train is broken (or cannot be repaired).
5.12.6 The railway lines of the line should be equipped with ac-powered rail networks.
5.12.7 Power supply to train control equipment d.c. shall be obtained from separate batteries or from an
uninterruptible power supply according to 5.10 .
5.13 Contact Information
5.13.1 On the line, it is necessary to have a technology-operational communication system (VCN) of the
line and of the station along with a shared automatic telephone.
5.13.2 In the VCN component of the route, there must be information of the dispatching station and between
the dispatching stations, ship's radio communication, order protection information, fire safety and service
information, telephone use. General use ensures command, operation and control of the operation of lines,
units and services of the subway.
All forms of dispatching communication must include recording devices.
5.13.3 In the VCN component of the station, there must be communications by telephone, electric meter,
loudspeaker systems and radio observation, ensuring train operation control, passenger flow regulation,
control from the dispatching station the process of escaping people in case of fire, as well as the
communications of the dispatching station staff, the people in charge with the staff on the station and the
tunnels adjacent to the station.
5.13.4 To organize the VCN of the line and of the station, it is necessary to have both mainline
communication and communication networks, at the station, in the tunnel and locally.
5.14 Arrangement of operators
5.14.1 Employees of operating units serving passengers directly at stations, organizing train operations on
the route, regularly maintaining equipment and maintaining facilities should be arranged on stations.
5.14.2 The administrative-managerial apparatus serving and controlling the subway, as well as the staff of
the lines not directly involved in the work on the stations and in the tunnels, should be located in the stations.
building in accordance with 5.23.
5.15 Terminal Station
5.15.1 A focal station (depot) for gathering, technical maintenance, periodical repair, intermediate repair
(when there are repair workshops) and irregularities of tramcars.
5.15.2 In the premises of the focal station, it is necessary to arrange administrative and production buildings
and facilities, the technical networks on the premises, the train parking lines, the fire-fighting lines and the
completed pavement roads. connected to city roads, including future development of routes and hub
The campus of the focal station must be convenient, well-lit and fenced with a height of not less than 2.5
m, protected by lighting. Outside, along the fence, there must be a protection area - sanitation, trees and
car park.
The width of the protection - sanitation area from the outermost parking lot to the houses must not be less
than 300 m.
5.15.3 Manufacturers to arrange secondary power stations, workshops, warehouses and employees,
should be built 3 ¸ 4 floors high.
These buildings must be equipped with radios, telephones, electric meters, fire safety systems and
protective signaling.
5.15.4 Repairing houses and train stations must be available from the first stage of metro line operation.
In the composition of the train parking lines, there must be 2 extension lines used for parking, backup and
test run.
The effective length of each extension must not be less than the maximum calculated length of the train at
the operating stages according to 3.13, of the test track – from 600 m to 800 m. One of the stretches can
be used as a test track.
5.15.5 Transmission rails and non-electrical rails must withstand the calculated load and train speed
according to Table 2.
Table 2.

Static load from the passenger carriage shaft The speed of the train, km/h, not more
onto the rails, kN (T) than

Train parking road 78 (8) 15

Road in the junction 78 (8) ten


5.15.6 Power transmission rails are used as conductors to the power supply network of the train, in the
equipment that controls the running of the train and controls the integrity of the rail network.
5.15.7 The approximate envelope dimensions of the tunnel and the distances between the axes of adjacent
tracks are taken in accordance with Annex B.
15.15.8 The gauge width between the inner edges of the top of the rail shall be taken:
a) On straight and curved sections with a radius of 100 m or more: according to 5.7.3 ;
b) On curved sections with radius from 60 m to 100 m: 1459 mm;
Deviation from standard gauge widths on straight and curved sections should not exceed 2 mm.
5.15.9 For the connection of parking lines, type P50 markings marked with a 1:5 cross shall be used.
5.15.10 The parking lines for power transmission trains and the lines of the terminal station in the air
chamber for the train must be equipped with rails in contact with the current below.
The contact rails shall be covered with an insulating protective box.
5.15.11 Power supply for buildings, structures and electrical networks should be taken from low-voltage
stations running trains and low-voltage stations.
The power supply for low voltage train station and low voltage station is similar to 5.10.2 .
5.15.12 The power supply to the towing power network must use direct current with a voltage of 825V.
Power supply for locomotives and lighting equipment must use AC voltage of 380/220 V taken from total
transformers with neutral grounding wire according to TN-C system, and in special cases (eg for example,
for movable and transportable consumables) according to the system - TN-CS, for train control devices -
from similar separate transformers 5.10.5 .
For each group of households consuming electricity, there must be 2 transformers.
5.15.13 Parking lanes are to be equipped with centralized electrical switchgear , semi-automatic signal
lights (with directional signals and route indications on separate beacons), normally, by single rail circuits.
Control of recorders and beacons must be done from central power stations.
5.15.14 In the focal station, there must be a technology-operated communication system (VCN) by line and
by station.
In the VCN component along the route, there must be communications for train operation and power supply,
communication in the tunnel and telephone communication for common use.
In the VCN component of the base station, there must be shift contacts at the depot, log communications,
online communications, stationed radio and operation-repair communications, and loudspeaker
communications and announcements.
5.15.15 Cable lines should be laid in cable structures, as well as laid open on separate vertical structures.
5.16 Fire safety
5.16.1 All construction structures of rooms and underground works must conform to fire danger group K0
according to Appendix C.
5.16.2 Ground-floor vestibules of stations, houses and works of junction stations and buildings on the
ground with other functions must have fire resistance level not lower than level II and have no structural fire
hazard group. lower than group C1 according to Appendix C.
5.16.3 Construction structures of underground works must have fire resistance levels as in Table 3.
5.16.4 Closed tunnel construction structures of above-ground (overhead) sections of the route, as well as
of closed underground stations, must be suitable for fire hazard group not lower than K0 and have fire
resistance limit not less than R45.
5.16.5 Construction structures of cable channels in stations and in secondary power stations, of cable-
ventilation channels under station platforms must have a fire resistance limit of not less than R45. of
channels that open up on the platform must have a fire resistance rating of not less than EI 15. In the cable-
ventilation channels, openings are allowed to collect and release air from the passenger spaces.
Partitions in cable tunnels must be class 1 fire partitions with fire resistance levels not less than EI 45.
Table 3.

Fire resistance limit not

Texture name
less than

Outer shells of platforms and naves of the station, of the tunnel, of the structures near R90
the station and near the tunnel

Outer casings of train tunnels and dead end tunnels R90

Station pillars and columns R90

Covering wall of elevator well and stairs in elevator room REI 120

The wall of the stair cage REI 120

Walls of substations R 90/EI 60

Walls and floors of grease and paint warehouses REI 120

Outer casings of escalator tunnels and station halls R60

Enclosure wall between train tracks and cable-ventilation channels kênh R45
Fire resistance limit not
Texture name
less than

Stair shafts, beams, steps, landings, landings of stair cages R60

Internal floor structure: beam plate bản REI 60, R60

Walls of rooms of classes C1 - C3, of corridors, covering walls, buffer rooms, transit R 45/EI 30
corridors for passengers located above train tracks

Walls (partitions) of emergency exits connecting tunnels R 45 (EI 45)

Self-closing fire doors EI 30

Load-bearing structure and cover of the train changing paths on the platform and on the REI 90
train tracks of the station.

Walls (partitions) of rooms class C4, D and E REI 15 (EI 15)

Ceilings hanging in the corridors RE 15

5.16.6 There should be at least one bulkhead in the loop cable tunnels of the station. The partitions must
be class 1 fire partitions. The doors to the tunnels and the doors in the partitions must be class 2 fire doors
with a fire resistance limit of not less than EI 30. Each fire compartment must have an automatic fire alarm
device. and when the fire load is more than 180 MJ × m -2 , an automatic fire fighting device must be added.
5.16.7 The lobby of the station located in the house with other functions or adjacent to it, must be separated
by fire-blocking walls and floors of class 1 (Appendix C) and have a direct exit to the outside.
5.16.8 Underground rooms must have fire doors with fire resistance limit not less than:
a) Doors in walls and partitions with standard fire resistance limit - EI 30;
b) Doors in partitions dividing corridors into segments with a length not exceeding 60 m - EI 15;
c) Doors in the remaining bulkheads - EI 15.
Fire doors of grease and paint warehouses must be self-closing and open to the outside. In the openings,
there must be thresholds or ramps with a height of not less than 0.15 m.
There are no requirements for fire resistance and no fire resistance limits for materials used to make doors
to the halls on the ground, to the galleries above the stairs leading to the underground passages, to the
ticket booths of the stores. underground halls, access to rooms that are not regularly employed, access to
bathrooms and other similar rooms.
The window bars of the halls facing the street must be moved out.
5.16.9 To make drainage cells in the passenger compartments of the station, it is not allowed to use
materials with fire hazard groups higher than G1, V1, D1, Т1.
5.16.10 Contact rail protection boxes should be made from materials of fire group G1.
5.16.11 For facing structures and covering floors of station facilities, non-combustible materials must be
Finishing and cladding of walls and ceilings on emergency exits must use non-combustible materials, and
non-combustible paint must be used for painting.
For finishing and cladding of separate parts of the walls and ceiling of the station, when justified, it is allowed
to use materials with fire hazard characteristics not lower than groups G1, V1, D2, Т2 .
5.16.12 In the rooms of the station frequently staffed, the floor covering on the keramzit concrete layer
requires the use of linoleum with fire hazard characteristics not greater than groups G2, V2, RP2, D2, Т2.
In living rooms, production rooms and other rooms that are not regularly staffed, it is necessary to use floor
coverings made of non-combustible materials.
Sound-absorbing finishes of rooms and suspended ceiling structures should be made of non-combustible
materials. In living rooms, it is not allowed to use materials with fire hazard characteristics greater than
groups G2, V3, D3, Т3 for finishing and facing.
5.16.13 Seat structures on the platform must be made of non-combustible materials, seat surface - from
materials with fire hazard characteristics G2, D2, Т2.
5.16.14 . The intersection of fire-blocking structures with air ducts must not reduce the fire resistance of the
fire-blocking structure. The fire resistance limit of the air ducts and of the fire suppression valves is
determined according to the selected standard system.
5.16.15 The floor of the cable-ventilation compartment in the escalator tunnel must be closed and have a
fire resistance rating of not less than REI 45. The outlet of the ventilation channel to the surface must be
located not less than 15m from the entrance to the lobby.
5.16.16 Rooms and other space-planning parts (halls, ticket booths, escalator tunnels, platform spaces and
station aisles , tunnels) of underground facilities must be comply with the classification of fire and explosion
hazard groups.
5.16.17 Must ensure the escape of people from underground works in case of fire. On the escape routes,
it is necessary to protect people from the impact of dangerous factors due to fire.
The calculation time for the escape of people out of the station must be determined according to the
selected standard system taking into account the characteristics of the station and the maximum number
of people in the buildings of the station.
5.16.18 To escape from the station platforms, the following routes are required:
a) Follow the escalators and (or) class 2 stairs, along the corridors, through the ticket booths of the halls,
the underground passages – to the exit door;
b) Through the transfer facilities – to the station of another line and continue as item a)
5.16.19 The length of dead-end sections of rooms and structures (corridors, cable tunnels, ventilation
channels, etc.) must not be greater than 25 m.
5.16.20 The number and total length of exits from rooms, floors and buildings must be determined according
to the maximum number of people that may need to escape through them and the permissible limit distance
from the place. As far as possible, service personnel to the nearest emergency exit.
5.16.21 From the platforms of the platform, there must be no less than two separate exits to escape people.
5.16.22 On stations with deep transfer terminals with common halls, the separate exploitation capabilities
of stations must be ensured and they are protected from being penetrated by dangerous factors when a
fire occurs at one of the stations. arrange fire-blocking areas where air is blown, buffer compartments are
blown with air, and exits pass through the air zone).
5.16.23 In living and production rooms, the width of corridors and stairs must be taken not less than:
a) Of the corridor: 1.2 m;
b) Of stair treads: 1,0 m;
c) Of open stairs between 2 floors inside auxiliary station: 0.8 m.
The width of the stairs should not be less than the width of the stairs.
Clearance height of horizontal sections of emergency exits must not be less than 2 m.
At the staff's escape places, it is allowed to lower the height to 1.8 m on a length not exceeding 0.6 m.
5.16.24 In order to free passengers from a train stopping in a train tunnel, there must be escape routes: in
single-track tunnels - on one side and in double-track tunnels - on both sides.
The width of the emergency exits in the tunnels at a height of 1.5m from the surface of the walkway should
not be less than 0.7m. On the walking path, there must not be any obstacles to obstruct the free movement
of people.
5.16.25 In order to relieve passengers, there must also be connections to transfer from one tunnel to
another, including: connections for people, ventilation connections.
The distance between these connecting lines should not be more than 160 m when using a train that is not
able to travel between cars and not more than 200 m when it is possible.
The width of the seams for people must not be less than 1.5 m, the height is not less than 2 m; the door
opening width is not less than 1.0 m. The door must be open to both sides.
The seams must have indicator lights.
5.16.26 Additional exits in the middle part of train tunnels between stations or passenger collective
protection zones must have buffer compartments supplied with air when burning not less than 20 Pa, with
safety systems. separate fire and rescue systems.
The volume of a collective passenger protection zone is determined from the maximum possible passenger
capacity of a train at any calculated operating stage of the route with an area norm of 1 m 2 for 1 person.
The calculation time for passengers to stay in the collective protected area is not less than 7 hours. A
collective protection zone is divided into a separate fire compartment..
5.16.27 Supply of fire fighting water for above-ground works must comply with current regulations, and for
underground works – according to this regulation.
5.16.28 On the city's water pipe network, there must be no less than 2 fire hydrants at a distance of no
more than 100m from the entrance to a shallow station and not more than 20m from the above ground
lobby or from the entrance to the underground transfer deep station lobby.
In the focal station, the fire hydrants must be arranged on the parking area at a distance of no more than
100 m, as well as in the buildings. These throats must have light indications .
Station on the campus of clues, to fire hydrants, allowing the external water source ( the tanks) with
conditions to ensure use them at any time of year.
5.16.29 Buildings, buildings and rooms on the ground must be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing
devices and fire alarm signals according to current regulations, while underground - according to Table 4.
Areas in station roads (dead ends), where night stops are arranged, must be equipped with local fire fighting
5.16.30 Supply power to fire protection devices according to 5.10.
5.16.31 At each station, in the works of the station and in the train tunnels, there must be a notification and
control system for people's escape in case of fire and in case of emergency.
5.16.32 Smoke protection (BCK) for emergency exits at stations and at transfer facilities between stations
must ensure the release of passengers, service personnel and smoke-free access tunnels. near the station,
as well as the adjacent station.
BCK must also be present on the exit routes for service staff in the lobby of underground stations with
production, administrative, sanitary - living and other service compartments arranged at 3 heights or more.
5.16.33 Security clearance for escape routes in train tunnels must ensure:
- The airflow must have a direction opposite to the direction of exiting people and be stable on sections that
change the airflow direction (when releasing people in one direction from the fire source).
- Reduce the air velocity in the tunnel to 0.5 m/s when freeing people in two directions from the fire.
5.16.34 In order to secure the station and tunnels, it is necessary to use tunnel ventilation and on-site
ventilation equipment, and when necessary, additional technical means – pressurized ventilation devices
must be used. specialized use and the walls in the upper part of the platform (nave) to create smoke zones.
5.16.35 Control diagram of on-site ventilation equipment must be capable of automatically shutting down
when burning.
5.16.36 The calculation of the balance sheet system must be carried out:
a) For the station:
- When there is a fire in the first, last and middle carriages of the train for all train lines of the station;
- In case of fire in the escalator tunnel, in the engine room of the escalator and in the lobby;
- In case of fire, the escalator moves to the dock;
- When there is a fire in the train in the tunnel.
b) For train tunnels – when there is a fire in the train.
Table 4.

Automatic fire fighting

Automatic fire alarm device
Rooms, buildings, equipment
Rated criteria corresponding to fire load

Cable channels, tunnels along stations, cable storage More than 180 MJm -2 180 MJm -2 and smaller

Cable-ventilation channel - Regardless of area

Rooms for 10 kV distribution equipment; 825 V; 380 - As above


Electrical panel room - As above

Storage for grease and paint Regardless of area -

Class C1 rooms according to fire danger level As above -

Rooms C2 and C3 according to fire danger level 300 m 2 and larger Less than 300 m 2

Power supply cabinet and escalator control in engine Volume inside the cabinet -

Area of spans for stopping and repairing in the 4500 m 2 and larger Less than 4500 m 2
buildings of the main station when the area of the fire
compartment is equal to

5.16.37 Anti-smoke ventilation for administrative, medical, production rooms and other rooms, including for
commercial buildings, must ensure that there is no smoke contamination of escape routes from these rooms
during the clearance period. escape from the station to the outside.
5.16.38 The electrical equipment must be suitable for the grade of the fire danger zone according to current
Electrical wires and cables must not spread fire.
5.16.39 Underground rooms of the station and works inside the tunnels need to have initial fire fighting
5.16.40 The main storage compartments used to store fuels must be located in the aboveground part of
the subway facilities.
Oil and paint stockpiles should be located at the height of pedestrian crossings and the engine room of
5.17 Hygiene and epidemiological assurance
5.17.1 In subway constructions, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements must be observed in order to
ensure favorable and safe conditions for the transportation of passengers and the work of subway staff and
construction organizations.
5.17.2 In passenger rooms, the following microclimate parameters must be ensured:
a) during the warm part of the year (average day-night temperature of outdoor air is more than 10°С) – air
temperature between 18°С and 28°С, average air velocity from 0 ,5 m/s to 2 m/s.
b) during the cold period of the year (average day-night temperature of outdoor air equal to or less than
10°С) - air temperature between 10°С and 16°С, average air velocity from 0.5 m/s to 2 m/s.
The average speed of the air on the platform of the subway station when the train is coming and going is
not allowed to exceed 2 times.
5.17.3 In the production rooms that are regularly staffed and in the health protection rooms, optimal
microclimate conditions must be ensured, in the remaining living and production rooms that are not regularly
staffed - not lower than the permitted level under current regulations.
5.17.4 In the air in the tunnels and passenger compartments, the concentration of contaminants should not
exceed the maximum permissible limit concentration (NGC) for residential atmosphere according to the
standard. current.
5.17.5 In the air of the production rooms, the content of harmful substances must be in accordance with
the standards of the industrial production environment.
5.17.6 concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere of the passenger space shall not exceed 0.1% by volume
at the time of the year and 0.12% warmer in the cold time of year.
5.17.7 Sound pressure levels, sound levels and equivalent sound levels, as well as maximum sound levels,
shall not exceed the values given in Table 5.
5.17.8 Time echoes between the average frequency (500 ¸ 2000 Hz) must be between 1.2 ¸ 1.4 s for two
road trains station and 1.4 ¸ 1.6 s for The station has 3 train lines.
5.17.9 The sound pressure levels and the total infrasound pressure level must not exceed the allowable
limit value and the allowable value according to current regulations.
For intermittent infrasound and time-varying infrasound, the sound pressure level should not exceed 120
5.17.10 Air ultrasonic sound pressure levels at work sites, peak values of vibration velocities, and ultrasonic
contact velocities for workers shall not exceed allowable limit values according to current regulations.
5.17.11 Vibration acceleration and vibration velocity values; The values of vibration acceleration and
vibration velocity of local vibrations must not exceed the allowable limit values (Appendix D).
5.17.12 The values of vibration acceleration and vibration velocity of local vibrations should not exceed the
allowable limit values (Appendix D).
5.17.13 Electromagnetic radiation effects of radio waves (30 kHz to 300 kHz) to persons working in areas
where such sources are affected; for the remaining group of people, including passengers, must not exceed
the allowable values according to current regulations.
5.17.14 Ion emission levels for staff and passengers must not exceed the levels specified in QCVN 05 :
2008/BXD Housing and public works - Life and health safety.
5.17.15 The permissible voltage levels of 50 Hz electric fields depending on the time of personnel presence
in the electric field shall not exceed the requirements of the applicable regulations.
Table 5.

Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave ranges

Sound levels
with mean geometric frequency, Hz and sound
Room type equivalent levels L акс ,
sound levels, dBа
31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBа

1 Production rooms The allowable limits of sound pressure, of sound and of equivalent sound for the
and staff most basic types of labor and workplaces must not exceed the requirements under
workstations in current regulations. onion
passenger rooms

2 Passenger rooms: 85 100

in underground -
stations 80 95

In open ground 80 95
stations. -
75 90

3 Wellness rooms 76 59 48 40 34 30 27 25 23 35 50

4 Rest rooms of the

76 59 48 40 34 30 27 25 23 35 50

5 Living rooms
(except for items 3 90 75 66 59 54 50 47 45 44 55 70
and 4)

N o t e - In item 2, the numerator is the allowable values of the sound, the denominator - the optimal

5.17.16 When using recording booths and computer rooms, workplaces, microclimates, ionic and chemical
compositions of the atmosphere, noise, vibration, illumination and resting conditions Employees' rest must
conform to QCVN 05: 2008/BXD Housing and public works - Life and health safety and current regulations.
5.17.17 Central stations and subway lines must have special facilities and equipment to clean technological
wastewater, including water from cleaning machines in passenger rooms and other rooms.
5.17.18 The size of the protection- sanitization zones at the construction and operation stage of the
subway must not be less than 300 m.

5.18 Protecting the surrounding environment

5.18.1 The arrangement of underground works must not disrupt the hydrological regime of the existing
water works and the hydrogeological conditions of the adjacent areas.
5.18.2 Structures on the ground that are sources of air pollution near the ground must not be located in
places where gas accumulates, where there are high atmospheric pollution indexes, from the windward
side of the buildings requiring Ask for exceptionally clean air.
5.18.3 Drainage of wastewater from underground structures into urban stormwater drainage systems is
allowed only after cleaning. The composition of water purification works and the degree of cleaning must
comply with the current regulations.
5.18.4 .For the purpose of the protection and rational use of green areas, historical and cultural monuments,
compliance with the requirements for natural areas in need of special protection must be carried out. in
accordance with measures to balance and protect nature.
5.19 Protection against noise, vibration and corrosive current for urban buildings
5.19.1 Houses and urban structures must be protected against noise and vibration occurring during
construction and when trains run during the operation and use of subways.
5.19.2 In rooms of houses and public buildings, noise levels and infrasound levels must not exceed the
values stated in QCVN 05 : 2008/BXD Housing and public buildings - Life safety and health and applicable
Maximum mean squared value of vibration velocity in octave bands with mean geometric frequency
16; 31.5 and 63 Hz shall not exceed the permissible values specified in Table 6.
Table 6.

Permissible value
Rooms and houses
m/s dB

House 0.00011 sixty seven

Hospitals, nursing homes 0.00008 sixty four

Executive house - executive, public house 0.00028 75

Schools, library reading rooms 0.0002 72

1. For corrected values of vibration velocity, the limit values in m/s are increased by 2.1 times (+6 dB), for equivalent
values – reduced to 0 ,32 times (- 10 dB).
2. During the day, in residential rooms, hospitals and sanatoriums, it is allowed to exceed the standard value by 1.8
times (+5 dB).

The test of the effectiveness of noise and vibration protection for residential rooms and public buildings
according to the regulations should be carried out when the train is running in service mode.
5.19.3 Urban underground structures should be protected from the corrosive effects of electric currents
(electrochemical corrosion).
Testing the effectiveness of the protection of these structures must be carried out in the first 2 years of the
subway line.
5.19.4 When combining the works of the metro line with the works with other functions, these works must
satisfy the requirements in 5.21 .
5.20 Protection of structures against the impact of aggressive environments
5.20.1 Structures of buildings, buildings and metal equipment parts (equipment cabinets, metal structures
and so on..) must be protected against corrosion under the influence of aggressive environment generated
from nature and technology.
5.20.2 Corrosion protection of escalators, blowers, pumps, electrical equipment, cables, etc. must be
carried out in accordance with their respective specifications.
5.20.3 Corrosion protection of construction structures of metro must be in accordance with current
regulations taking into account the characteristics of the structures and the conditions of their operation.
5.21 Protection of structures and equipment of the subway line against corrosion caused by
electric current
5.21.1 The protection of structures and equipment of the subway line against current-induced corrosion
(electrochemical corrosion) must comply with current regulations and the requirements of this regulation.
5.21.2 Reinforcement of reinforced concrete members and steel structures of bridges and bridges shall not
form a pin connection with the running rails and with the finished shell of the tunnel.
5.21.3 On underground sections of the route, on bridges and bridges, there must be test points for corrosive
5.21.4 Electrical corrosion protection effectiveness test must be carried out after the first 2 years of subway
line operation.
5.22 Protection signal
5.22.1 The automatic protection signal shall have:
- at the entrances to the passenger rooms;
- at the entrances to the production rooms, there are devices to ensure the operation of the line, the safety
of passengers and the organization of train operation;
- according to the perimeter of the fence of the works on the ground (head station, open sections of the
route, etc...).
5.23 Administrative – production house
5.23.1 To ensure functional division of metro line, there must be:
- The administrative house of the line to arrange the operating apparatus, technical-administrative staff and
other departments.
- Buildings for arranging dispatching stations of subway lines, dispatching management technical systems,
information systems, computer centers and other technical means related to subway control;
- House to arrange technical staff to remotely direct the line operators.
5.23.2 Buildings to arrange dispatching stations of subway lines must be located at the intersection between
subway lines, right near the station or combined with the station lobby. The house must be connected to
the tunnels of the lines, used for staff travel and cable laying.
5.23.3 Houses to arrange technical staff must be available for each line and located near the station or
combined with the station lobby.
5.23.4 Buildings for the placement of dispatching stations and technical personnel must be included in the
composition of the first starting train section of the first line.
For the first stage of operation, it is allowed to build only houses to arrange dispatching stations of the
combined route in which the functions of administrative houses and houses for technical staff are allowed.
5.24 Industrial safety
5.24.1 In an investment project on construction of a metro line, there must be a combination of specific
organizational, technical and economic solutions to ensure safe working during construction and avoid
negative impacts. to the surrounding environment.
5.24.2 Specifications of tunneling, conveying, lifting and pressure vessels (including imported ones) for
construction, technological processes, construction materials and structures must comply with industrial
safety requirements.
5.25 Technical and Protected Areas
5.25.1 The works of the metro line must be marked on the city topographic map of 1:500 scale with symbols
demarcating the technical exploitation and protection areas.
5.25.2 The conduct of certain work within the technical and protected areas is only allowed with the
agreement of the organizations that design and operate the metro line.
5.25.3 At ground-level stations, there must be technical construction areas 20 m wide and not less than 60
m long on each side to ensure the renovation and expansion of the station size.

6. Construction
6.1 The preparation for construction must be carried out in accordance with current regulations on
organization of work construction.
Works of subways involving tunneling and construction in underground conditions are classified as
dangerous production works.
6.2 When preparing and carrying out construction and installation work, it is necessary to organize and
carry out inspection of compliance with industrial safety requirements, in which:
- There must be standard technical documents specifying the rules for conducting work and zoning of
possible incidents.
- Conduct monitoring of the status of buildings and structures in the area that may be deformed when
tunneling through;
- Ensure regular inspection of the condition of the temporary support system for the underground
excavations and the condition of the fixed tunnel casing being inserted;
- Conduct forecasting, testing and certification of engineering structures and equipment ;
- Implement industrial safety requirements on storage of dangerous and toxic substances;
- Establish and maintain the working state of the system to ensure life safety, observe, notify, inform and
support operations in the event of an incident.
6.3 Underground surveying in construction must be carried out, ensuring accurate transfer out of
landmarks, axes of the building and its parts with permissible accuracy in order to achieve the required
level of product quality. construction products and monitor the deformation of existing houses and structures
in the area under construction.
6.4 Before construction, it is necessary to establish on the ground the geodetic landmark system serving
The average squared error of the positions of the points of the ground grid of the baseline geodetic datum
system must not exceed 15 mm, per 1 km of the leveling step - not more than 5 mm.
When digging through underground, it is necessary to establish a baseline system of ground surveying -
The relative error of the underground grid should not exceed 1:20,000, the mean square error per 1 km of
the leveling step - 10 mm; orient the digging hole by the gyroscope - 15''.
Orientation must be repeated every 200 m penetration.
6.5 Underground monitoring during construction and installation needs to ensure that the tunnel size can
be controlled according to Appendix B and the allowed errors of the actual dimensions of the assembled
tunnel cover and the whole block compared to the design position. next.
6.6 Geotechnical works during construction must ensure:
- Having actual documents on engineering geology of the works under construction;
- Determine the concordance between the geotechnical data in the design file with the actual data,
established at the site;
- Forecasting in advance the geological conditions of the works in the tunneling area;
- On-site monitoring of surrounding environmental parameters and technical - natural systems;
- Ensure the safety of tunneling works by assessing the stability of the ground in the excavation;
- Timely intervention in the construction process in case of danger caused by adverse geological conditions;
- Participating in the study of the ground work;
- Making reports on the results of geological works in service of construction.
6.7 Construction technology must ensure that the displacement of the soil mass and the settlement at the
ground level are minimal, without endangering the integrity of buildings, structures and urban
underground engineering systems .
It is not allowed to leave gaps between the surface of the outer shell of the building and the soil.
6.8 Construction sites must be fenced in accordance with regulations.
6.9 It is only allowed to start the main construction work after the acceptance and put into use the temporary
administrative-living rooms and the technical assurance system.
6.10 Before carrying out construction works in places where soil, groundwater is contaminated or the air is
contaminated with harmful chemical and biological substances, in places with excessive noise, places with
vibration , radiation or other harmful factors have been indicated in the construction project organization
plan, they must be tested for their contamination in accordance with the recommendations of the medical
assessment agencies.
In places where the soil and water contaminated, then the protection of employees fo cable network must
ensure compliance with the regulations on radiation safety.
6.11 Microclimate parameters, physico-chemical factors in production and administrative-living rooms on
the construction site must comply with current regulations on occupational hygiene and safety.
6.12 The artificial lighting in the rooms and on the premises of the construction site must comply with the
current regulations on lighting.
6.13 In the area of underground construction site, it is necessary to ensure microclimate parameters
according to Table 7. When it is not possible to achieve these parameters, necessary protective measures
must be taken.
6.14 The chemical composition of the air in the workplace, the amount of dust and aerosols in the air must
comply with the current regulations on occupational safety and health.
6.15 The level of impact of physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic field, etc.) at the workplace
must satisfy the requirements of current working environment hygiene.
6.16 The construction of the upper structures of the route shall be carried out:
a) When constructing by closed excavation method - after completion and acceptance in writing of the
part of the works, waterproofing the basement shell, pouring concrete foundation below the railway track.
b) When constructing by open excavation method - after backfilling the excavated hole and stabilizing the
settlement of the tunnel shell.
c) During construction on the ground - after finishing the installation of underground engineering systems
and preparing the roadbed.
Table 7.

Microclimate parameters Permissible values

Air temperature, o C 16 ¸ 19 20 ¸ 23 24 ¸ 26

Relative humidity, % 80 ¸ 30 75 ¸ 30 70 ¸ 30

Air velocity, m/s 0.1 ¸ 0.5 0.6 ¸ 1.0 1.1 ¸ 1.5

1) In wetlands allow an additional 10% increase in the relative humidity of the air;
2) The speed of air movement is large corresponding to the highest temperature.

6.17 The installation of the contact rails is carried out after rough finishing of the tracks, the shifters and the

7. Acceptance and put into operation

7.1 The organization of acceptance and put into operation must comply with the basic principles of
acceptance of completed construction works.
Acceptance shall cover all types of works, equipment, structures and works including hidden parts.
7.2 Construction works are put into acceptance test only after the detected shortcomings and notes have
been rectified, the calibration tests are completed, the installed equipment is tested and the equipment is
guaranteed. given specifications and working modes of the device.
7.3 Constructions may be accepted and put into operation in whole or in part, or in starter combinations, if
specified in the design documents.
The following items must not be excluded from the composition of the starter assembly:
- Houses and structures serving subway workers;
- Works and equipment to ensure occupational health and safety conditions for subway workers;
- Works and equipment to ensure fire safety;
- Solutions to protect the surrounding environment;
- Branch lines connecting subway lines and train lines in the common railway network;
- Information lines;
- Solutions to complete the ground after finishing construction;
- Combined workshops for repairing equipment (escalators, transformers, electric motors, pumps, blowers,
...), as well as facilities for troubleshooting facilities.

In this standard, the following terms and definitions are used:
A.1 Ventilation station – a separate building or located in another building above ground level, used in
ventilation systems to capture and release air.
A.2 Ventilation equipment – combination of ventilation equipment, electrical engineering, ancillary
equipment and rooms containing equipment, horizontal, inclined or vertical ventilation channels and air
collection (exhaust) elements .
A.3 Line laying depth
A.3.1 Deep Laying – the line is located at a depth where train stations and tunnels are constructed by a
closed method, without exposing the natural soil surface.
A.3.2 Shallow placement – line at the depth where stations are constructed by the open method, train
tunnels – by the open or closed method at the minimum allowable depth.
A.4 Centralized protection zone for passengers – a separate underground space to arrange passengers
when a dangerous situation occurs in the train tunnels for people's life or health; This zone is equipped with
its own systems for fire safety, lighting, communication, ventilation and drainage.
A.5 Uninterruptible power source – electrical equipment, consisting of a battery, an electrical energy
converter and a distribution unit.
A.6 Metro line (line) – an independent part of the metro system with stations, train tracks and dead ends,
used to run trains along a line.
A.7 Subway – a type of electric passenger transport in the city (underground, above ground, overhead) not
on the streets
A.8 Protected Area - land located above existing metro works and adjacent to it whose use for new
construction, road construction, engineering systems installation, well drilling, etc. is subject to consent. by
the subway authority.
A.9 Passenger Conveyor – transport device: surface composed of plates or a continuous moving belt
used to transport passengers horizontally or from one height to another.
A.10 Passenger compartment – parts of the station (ticket office, corridors, stairs, platform booths...),
used to accommodate and serve the movement of passengers.
A.11 Transit facility – facility located between stations, used to move passengers from one station to
another, including passenger spaces (corridors), escalators and stairs, and stalls production and living
A.12 Carrying capacity – number of passengers carried (thousands of passengers/hour) at the largest
possible running scale (number of carriages in a train and number of trains per hour) in one or both
directions .
A.13 Train capacity – the scale of train operation (pair of trains) that can be realized in a unit of time (hour,
day) depending on the level of technical equipment and the method of organizing train operation.
; calculated number of passengers for different road segments.
A.14 Start-up complex - a section of line, part of a station, junction or other part of a metro facility, together
with their engineering systems, separated from the building component construction, ensuring the
temporary function of the work in the first stage of exploitation.
A.15 Lines of the route
A.15.1 Main road – the road to run passenger trains on the route.
A.15.2 Station line – road for turning, standing and technical service of rolling stock;
A.15.3 Connecting line – road to connect the lines of the route with the lines of the hub station or the roads
of other lines;
A.16 The lines of the hub station
A.16.1 Depot road – road for assembly, test run, loading and unloading, located outside buildings.
A.16.2 Road in the terminal – road for parking, technical service and repair of trains, located in buildings.
A.17 Station – Underground or aboveground train station used to transport passengers, including halls,
escalators or stairs, platforms and naves, and passenger service spaces customers, arrange operators and
production equipment.
A.18 Technical areas
A.18.1 Technical area for construction - urban land for the construction of other sections of the subway
by open excavation, for the arrangement of junction stations and other facilities on the ground, as well as
other facilities. construction site serving the construction of items of subway works by the closed excavation
A.18.2 Technical area for exploitation – vacant land, adjacent to subway works used to ensure normal
operation of the works (entry and exit doors for passengers, arrangement of repair machinery) repair,
equipment and materials in the repair phase)
A.19 Dead- end – tunnel section with one or two electric rails, used for turning, stopping and technical
service of rolling stock on the line.
A.20 Train power network – electrical network, ensuring the transmission of electrical energy from the
power station to the train. In the composition of the train power network there are contact and consumption
A.21 Local ventilation equipment - equipment used to ventilate production, living, administrative and other
rooms of underground stations and works in tunnels.
A.22 Tunnel ventilation equipment – equipment used to ventilate passenger spaces of underground
stations, train tunnels, dead ends and connecting tunnels.
A.23 Emergency exit – exit to the open air or to the adjacent fire compartment.
A.24 Operators (employees) – people with specialized training who have passed a knowledge test for the
type of job or position held.

B.1 The envelope dimensions of the tunnel shell are the limiting contours of the transverse section
(perpendicular to the train axis), in which, apart from the train and the equipment, there shall not be any
fixed structural parts or any construction structure, except for tunnel supports, taking into account the
permissible errors in their manufacture and assembly.
B.2 The space between the envelope dimensions of the tunnel shell and the equipment specified for the
arrangement of railway equipment, electrical automats, mechanical control systems for train operation,
communication, power supply, lighting, sanitation techniques, as well as small paths for service personnel
to travel, small bridges and platforms in tunnels between stations.

THE SIZE OF THE Vault Enclosure

B.3 The dimensions of the tunnel cover must comply with the instructions in Figure B.1-3 (1-3) when the
contact rails are arranged on the left side of the track.
B.4 Enclosure size C mk (Figure B.1) is specified for straight and curved railway sections with a radius of
200m or more, located in tunnels running circular cross section with diameter 5100 ¸ 5200 mm.
B.5 On curved sections, the axis of the tunnel must shift to the inside of the curve relative to the axis of the
track by a quantity q (mm) determined by the formula:

- 1700 (1670) - respectively the distance from the center of the contour to the point in the plane tangent to
the track crests at the middle of the track, when using rails Р50 and Р65, mm;
- tg a - angle of inclination of the road relative to the horizontal.
B.6 For branches serving at curves with radius less than 200 m, the dimensions C mk should be increased
to ensure the arrangement of equipment and cables between them and the envelope. O m .
B.7 The shape of the contour C mn (Figure B. 2) lies above the level of the rail vertices specified for line
segments. For curve segments, the horizontal dimensions of this contour must be increased.
B.8 The shape of the contours C mn (Figure B.3) above the level of the track vertices (except for the column
contours) is established for straight line segments. The transverse dimensions of the right part of this
contour and the distance to the barrier on platforms located at the curves must be increased.

Figure B.1 - Enclosure size C mk (for circular tunnels )

Contour of the road for service personnel

The contour of the drainage ditch;

The contour of the track platform

1. * Dimensions are increased by 30 mm when placing rails of type P65 for railway tracks;
2. a – depending on the structure of the track taken in the range of 450 ¸ 550mm;
3. The axis of the contour is taken along the line passing through the center of the track perpendicular to
the plane tangent to the track crests;
4. Slope i with straight segments is taken as 0.03, with curves taken depending on the difference of outer

Figure B.2 - Contour C mn (for rectangular section tunnels)

Column contours;

Handrail contours on bridges, escalators and retaining walls on the

ground sections of the route;

The contour of the upper drainage ditch of the track on the concrete
The contour of the railway platform on the concrete layer;

The contour of the roadbed on the rock layer.

1. * Dimensions are increased by 30 mm when placing rails of type P65 for railway tracks;
2. Dimension a depends on the structure of the track taken from 450 ¸ 550 mm;
3. Slope i for straight road sections is taken as 0.03, for curved sections, is taken depending on the
difference of outer rail;
The shape of the contour C mn below the level of the top of the rails is specified for both straight and curved
line segments.

Figure B.3 - Contour C mc (for stations)

Railing contours on bridges, escalators and retaining walls on the

ground sections of the route;

Base contour of the track on the concrete layer;

The contour of the railway base on the rock layer;

Handrails on the platforms;
The contour of the drainage ditch when placing the upper layer of
the track on the concrete foundation;
Contour for columns.
1. * The size is increased by 30 mm when the P65 type rail is placed in the track
2. Dimension a depends on the structure of the track taken from 450 ¸ 450 mm;
3. The slope i for straight lines of the track is taken as 0.03. For curve segments, the slope i is taken
depending on the offset of the outer rail.
4. The size of 3150 mm allows to be used for the walls of the working spaces on the passenger platform,
on the section with a length of up to 10m from their edge.
The shape of the contour C mc is below the level of the rail crests, as well as the horizontal distance to the
column envelope is specified for both straight and curved line segments.
B.9 The distance between axes of adjacent train tracks on straight sections, as well as on curved sections
with a radius of 500 m or more, shall not be less than, mm:
On main lines in double tunnels:
- without intermediate supports 3400
- on bridges and escalators 3700
On the main lines at the above-ground sections and at level crossings, as well as at the turning lines for the
4000 carriages.
On parking roads 4200
On the parking lanes for the opening of railway carriages 1435 mm 4800 rộng wide
On the train lines in the hub station (indoor) 4500
For curves with a radius of less than 500 m, the above distances, excluding those on parking lanes, must
be increased.

C.1 Classification of building materials by fire properties
C.1.1 Construction materials are classified into combustible materials and non-combustible materials
according to the values of the experimental combustion parameters as follows:
a) Non-combustible material, when simultaneously:
- the temperature of the furnace does not increase by more than 50 ° C;
- the mass of the sample is reduced by not more than 50%;
- the duration of the flame does not exceed 10 seconds.
b) Combustible material is a material that, when tested, does not satisfy one of the three factors
NOTE: Test parameters are determined according to standard TCXDVN 331:2004 (EN ISO 1182) “Test for
incombustibility of building materials” or equivalent .
C.1.2 Combustible materials are classified into 4 groups according to the values of the experimental
combustion parameters as follows:
Table C. 1 - Classification of combustible materials by flammability
Fire group of Fire parameters
materials của
Gas temperature Degree of Degree of Sample burning
in the chimney (T) damage damage by time
according to sample weight
[oC] [seconds]
sample length (L) (m)
[%] [%]
G1 - Weak fire £ 135 £ 65 £ 20 0
G 2 - Medium fire £ 235 £ 85 £ 50 £ 30
G 3 - Normal Fire £ 450 > 85 £ 50 £ 300
G 4 - Strong fire > 450 > 85 > 50 > 300
NOTE: Test parameters are determined according to G OCT standard 30244-94 -
Method II “Building materials. Flammability test method”.
C.1.3 Combustible materials, classified into 3 groups according to their flammability, with test fire
parameters as follows:
Table C . 2 - Grouping of combustible materials according to flammability
Flammable group of materials Critical surface heat flux intensity [kW/m 2 ]
first 2
V1 - difficult to ignite ³ 35.0
V2 - moderately flammable greater than or equal to 20.0 and less than 35.0
V1 - flammable < 20.0
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30 402 -
9 6 (ISO 5657-86) “Building materials . Test methods calculated catch fire " or
C.1.4 Combustible materials, classified into 4 groups according to their ability to spread fire on the
surface, with test fire parameters as follows:
Table C . 3 - Grouping of combustible materials according to the spread of fire on the surface
The group spreads fire on the surface of the Critical surface heat flux intensity [kW/m 2 ]
RP1 - no propagation ³ 11.0
RP2 - weak propagation Greater than or equal to 8.0 and less than 11.0
RP3 - moderately contagious Greater than or equal to 5.0 and less than 8.0
RP4 - strong spread < 5.0
NOTE: The laboratory parameters are determined according to standard GOST 30 444 -
9 7 (ISO 9239-2) "Building Materials . Test method for flame spread ” or
C.1.5 Combustible materials, classified into 3 groups according to their ability to produce smoke, with the
following test parameters:
Table C . 4 - Grouping of combustible materials according to their ability to generate smoke
Grouping by material's smoke-generating ability The smoke generation coefficient of the material
[m 2 /kG]
D1 - low smoke generation £ 50
D2 - moderate smoke generation Greater than 50 and less than or equal to 500
D3 - high smoke generation > 500
NOTE: Test parameters are determined according to GOST standard 12.1.044
“Explosion hazard of substances and materials. List of indicators and methods of
determination” or equivalent.
C.1.6 Combustible materials, classified into 4 groups according to toxicity, with toxicity index H CL50 of
combustion products as follows:
Table C . 5 - Grouping of combustible materials according to toxicity
Grouping by material toxicity H index CL50 [g/m 3 ], corresponding to exposure time
5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes
first 2 3 4 5
T4 - Extremely high toxicity £ 25 £ 47 £ 13 £ 10
T3 - High toxicity 25 to 70 47 to 50 13 to 40 10 to 30
T2 - Moderate toxicity 70 to 210 50 to 150 40 to 120 30 to 90
T1 - Low toxicity > 210 > 150 > 120 > 90
NOTE: The experimental parameters and the calculation of the H CL50 criterion are carried
out according to the GOST standard 12.1.044 “Explosion hazard of substances and
materials. List of indicators and methods of determination” or equivalent.

C.2 G Fire resistance limit of building components

C.2.1 The fire resistance limit of a building member is determined by the fire resistance period (in minutes),
the appearance of one or several signs showing the specified limit state for that member:
- R: Loss of bearing capacity;
- E: Loss of integrity;
- I: Loss of insulation.
C.2.2 The fire resistance limit of a building element is determined through testing according to the specified
standards and is denoted by REI, EI, RE or R.
For example, a member is required to withstand fire REI 120 means that the member must maintain all
three capabilities simultaneously: bearing, integrity and insulation for a period of 120 minutes; A member is
required to have a fire resistance rating of R 120, the member only has to maintain its bearing capacity for
120 minutes, without insulation and integrity.
C.3 Grouping of building components according to fire hazard: According to Table C.6.
C.4 Classification of fire-blocking parts
C.4.1 Fire-stop components are used to prevent fire and combustion products (heat, smoke, toxic gases)
from spreading from one space with fire to another space.
Fire-blocking components include fire-blocking walls, fire-blocking floors, and fire-blocking partitions.
C.4.2 Fire-blocking parts are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.
Table C . 6 - Classification of fire hazards of building structures
Fire Allowable damage size of Appear Fire hazard properties of
hazard structure (cm) surface materials
group of
building Group by characteristic
Vertical Horizontal Thermal effect C kay Fire Catch Generate
texture texture fire smoke
first 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K0 0 0 KCP KCP --- --- ---
K1 £ 40 £ 25 KCP KCP KQD KQD KQD
£ 40 £ 25 KQD KCP G2 V2 D2
K2 Greater than Greater than KCP KCP KQD KQD KQD
40 and less 25 and less
than or than or
equal to 80 equal to 50
Greater than Greater than KQD KCP G3 V3 D2
40 and less 35 and less
than or than or
equal to 80 equal to 50
K3 No specified
NOTE: Determination of damage size and fire appearance according to GOST 30403-
96 “Construction structure. Method for determining the degree of fire hazard” or
- KCP: Not allowed
- KQD: Not regulated
- It is allowed not to test to determine the fire hazard group of the structure as follows:
+ is classified in group K0, if the structure is made of only non-combustible materials;
+ is classified in group K3, if the structure is made from only G4 combustible materials;

C.4.3 Depending on the fire resistance limit of the enclosure of the fire-blocking part, the fire-blocking part
is classified into types according to Table C.7. Door panels, hatches, hatches, windows, stop valves,
screens covering openings on fire-blocking parts are classified into categories as shown in Table C.8.
Table C.7 Classification of fire-blocking parts

Fire resistance limit Panel type that

of fire-blocking covers the openings
Name of fire
Species parts, not less than on the fire stop, not
prevention unit

first REI 150 first

Fire prevention wall
2 REI 45 2

Fire baffle first EI 45 2

2 EI 15 3

first REI 150 first

2 REI 60 2
Fireproof floor
3 REI 45 2

4 REI 15 3

The fire resistance of a fire-blocking part is determined by the fire resistance of its constituent parts; that
- The enclosure of the fire-blocking part;
- Components for stabilizing fire prevention components;
- Structures on which the fire-blocking part rests;
- The connections between the component parts of the fire-blocking part.
Table C.8 Classification of vent seals on fire arresters

Components that seal the openings Species Fire resistance limit, not
on fire arresters less than

first EI 60

Door, trap door, cover door, stop valve 2 EI 30

3 EI 15

first E 60

Window 2 E 30

3 E 15

Diaphragm first EI 60

C.4.4 Buffer compartments are classified into categories as shown in Table C.9.
Table C.9 Classification of buffer rooms phòng

Class of constituent parts of the buffer room, not less than

Buffer room type
Bulkhead Floor Ventilation plate

first first 3 2

2 2 4 3

C.5 Classification of buildings (buildings) according to fire resistance grade

C.5.1 Fire compartment: The building (works) or part of them is separated from the building (works) or other
parts by type 1 fire-blocking walls – called fire compartments.
C.5.2 A building (building) or a fire compartment is classified into fire resistance grades as shown in Table
Table C.10

Fire resistance limit of building components (works), not less than

Fire Floor Parts of a roof

The Staircase
resistance dividing without an attic
level of outer
Load- floors
house wall is
bearing (including The
(work) not Seamless,
structures in the attic landing
load- Tiles wooden Inner wall
and scale
bearing beams
basement) sheet

I R120 E30 REI 60 RE 30 R30 REI 120 R60

II R90 E15 REI 45 RE 15 R15 REI 90 R60

III R45 E15 REI 45 RE 15 R15 REI 60 R45

IV R15 E15 REI 15 RE 15 R15 REI 45 R15

DRAW No specified

C.6 Classification of buildings according to structural fire hazard: According to Table C.11.
Table C.11

Structural Fire hazard group of building structure, not less than

fire hazard
group Bearing bars Exterior wall Walls, Walls of stair Ladder
(columns, from the partitions, chambers boards and
beams...) outside floors and and fire- ladders in
roofs without blocking stairwells
an attic parts

S0 K0 K0 K0 K0 K0

S1 K1 K2 K1 K0 K0

S2 K3 K3 K2 K1 K1

S3 No specified K1 K3

C.7 Classification of production according to fire and explosion hazard

Buildings and spaces used for production and storage are classified according to the fire and explosion
hazards of the substances and materials contained in them as shown in Table C.12.
Table C.12 Classification of fire and explosion hazards for houses and rooms
Fire hazard class of Properties of substances and materials that are (formed) in a house or room
the house
A - There are combustible gases, flammable liquids with a flash point of not
higher than 28 o C, with a volume that can form an explosively dangerous
Danger of fire and
gas-vapour mixture that, when ignited, creates residual explosive pressure
math in the room exceeds 5 kPa.
- There are substances and materials capable of explosion and fire when
reacting with water, with oxygen in the air or with each other, with a volume
so that the calculated residual explosive pressure in the room exceeds
5 kPa.
REMOVE - There are combustible dust or fibers, flammable liquids, with a flash point of
more than 28 o C, flammable liquids, with a mass that can form an explosive
Danger of fire and
gas-dust or gas-vapour mixture. , when ignited, the calculated residual
explosive pressure in the room exceeds 5 kPa.

Table C.12 (Continued)

Fire hazard class of Properties of substances and materials that are (formed) in a house or room
the house
C1 to C4 - There are flammable or non-flammable liquids, flammable and non-
flammable substances and materials in solid state (including dust and
Fire Danger
fibers). Substances and materials, when reacting with water, oxygen in the
air or with each other, have the ability to burn, but provided that the room
contains these substances and materials that do not belong to classes A or B
- The division of rooms into grades C1 to C4 according to the specific fire
load value of the substances contained therein is as follows:
C1 - Having a specific fire load greater than 2200 MJ/m 2

C2 - With specific fire capacity from 1401 MJ/m 2 to 2200 MJ/m 2

C3 - With specific fire capacity from 181 MJ/m 2 to 1400 MJ/m 2

C2 - Has a specific fire load from 1 MJ/m 2 to 180 MJ/m 2

EASY There are non-combustible substances and materials in a hot, red hot or
molten state, whose machining process is accompanied by the generation of
thermal radiation, sparks and flames; Solids, liquids, and combustible gases
are used as fuel.
E Substances and materials that do not burn in the cold state

D.1 Permissible limits of airborne ultrasound in workplaces.
Table D.1

Mean geometric frequencies of the third okta Sound pressure levels, dB

band, KHz
12.5 80
16.0 90
20.0 10 0
25.0 105
31.5 100.0 110

D.2 Allowable limits of ultrasonic exposure for workers.

Table D. 2

Mean geometric frequencies Maximum values of vibration Vibration velocities, dB

of the okta bands, KHz velocity, m/s

16 ¸ 63 5.10 -3 100
125 ¸ 500 8.9.10 -3 105
1000 ¸ 31500 1.6.10 -2 110

D.3 Permissible values of vibration in passenger rooms.

Table D.3

Mean geometric frequencies of Allowed values along the axes X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ,

the band, Hz
Vibration acceleration Vibration velocity

m/s 2 .10 -3 dB m/s.10 -3 dB

2 10.0 80 0.79 84
4 11.0 81 0.45 79
6 14.0 83 0.28 75
8 28.0 89 0.28 75
16 56.0 95 0.28 75
31.5 110.0 101 0.28 75

Selected values, selected ten 80 0.28 75

equivalent values and their levels

NOTE: For non-stationary vibrations the permissible values of the levels

in Table (3) allow an additional 10 dB, and for absolute values
multiply by 0.32

D.4 Permissible limit value of vibration at work in production rooms with sources of vibration.
Table D.4

Allowed values along the axes X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ,

Vibration acceleration Vibration velocity
geometric m/s 2 dB m/s.10 -2 dB
frequencies of
the band, Hz 1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 Okia 1/1 Okta 1/3 1/1 Okta
Okta Okta Okta Okta Okta

1.6 0.089 99 0.89 105

2.0 0.079 0.14 98 103 0.63 1.30 102 108
2.5 0.070 97 0.45 99
3.15 0.063 96 0.32 96
4.0 0.056 0.10 95 100 0.22 0.45 93 99
5.0 0.056 95 0.18 91
6.3 0.056 95 0.14 89
8.0 0.056 0.10 95 100 0.11 0.22 eighty 93
10.0 0.070 97 0.11
12.5 0.089 99 0.11
16.0 0.110 0.20 101 106 0.11 0.20 92
20.0 0.140 103 0.11 seven
25 0.180 105 0.11 eighty
31.5 0.220 0.40 107 112 0.11 0.20 92
40.0 0.280 109 0.11
50.0 0.350 111 0.11
63.0 0.450 0.79 113 118 0.11 0.20 seven 92
80.0 0.560 115 0.11 eighty

Selected and
0.10 100 0.20 92
values and their

D.5 Permissible limit value of vibration at work in production rooms without sources of vibration and in living
Table D.5

Mean Allowed values along the axes X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ,

frequencies of Vibration acceleration Vibration velocity
the band, Hz
m/s 2 dB m/s.10 -2 dB

1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 Okta 1/1 Okta 1/3 1/1 Okta
Okta Okta Okta Okta Okta

1.6 0.035 91 0.350 97

2.0 0.032 0.056 90 95 0.250 0.500 ninety 100
2.5 0.028 89 0.180
3.15 0.025 88 0.130
4.0 0.022 0.040 eighty 92 0.089 0.180 91
seven 85
5.0 0.022 0.070
eighty 83
6.3 0.022 0.056
8.0 0.022 0.040 92 0.045 0.089 85
10.0 0.028 seven 0.045
12.5 0.035 eighty 0.045
seven 79
16.0 0.045 0.079 98 0.045 0.079 84
89 79
20.0 0.056 0.045
91 79
25.0 0.070 0.045
93 79
31.5 0.089 0.160 104 0.045 0.079 84
95 79
40.0 0.110 0.045
97 79
50.0 0.140 0.045
99 79
63.0 0.180 0.320 110 0.045 0.079 84
101 79
80.0 0.220 0.045
103 79

Selected and
equivalent 84
0.040 92 0.079
values and their

D.6 Permissible values of workplace vibration in health protection rooms.

Table D.6
Mean geometric Allowed values along the axes X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ,
frequencies of
the band, Hz Vibration acceleration Vibration velocity

m/s 2 .10 -3 dB m/s.10 -4 dB

2 4.0 72 3.2 76
4 4.5 seventy three 1.8 71
8 5.6 75 1.1 sixty seven
16 11.0 81 1.1 sixty seven
31.5 22.0 eighty seven 1.1 sixty seven
63 45.0 93 1.1 sixty seven

Selected values, 4.0 72 1.1 sixty seven

equivalent values
and their levels

NOTE: 1. Allowed daylight hours in rooms are 5 dB higher than standard levels;
2. For non-stationary vibrations the permissible values of the levels in Table 6
allow an additional 10 dB, and for absolute values multiply by 0.32

D.7 Allowable limit values of local vibration (X l , Y l , Z l ) in production.

Table D.7

Mean geometric Allowable values along the axes X l , Y l , Z l

frequencies of the band,
Hz Vibration acceleration Vibration velocity

m/s 2 dB m/s.10 -2 dB

8 1.4 123 2.8 115

16 1.4 123 1.4 109
31.5 2.8 129 1.4 109
63 5.6 135 1.4 109
125 11.0 141 1.4 109
250 22.0 147 1.4 109
500 45.0 153 1.4 109
1000 89.0 159 1.4 109

Selected values, selected 2.0 126 2.0 112

equivalent values and their
1 Scope of application

2 Reference standards

3 General Provisions

4 Surveying and construction work

5 Design requirements

5.1 Ability to run trains and transport

5.2 Plans and longitudinal sections
5.3 Stations
5.4 Train tunnels, connecting tunnels, adjacent tunnel works
5.5 Urban infrastructure works
5.6 Construction structure
5.7 Tracks and contact rails
5.8 Ventilation
5.9 Water supply and drainage
5.10 Power Supply
5.11 Control of electrical equipment
5.12 Control the train to run
5.13 Information, contact
5.14 Arrangement of operators
5.15 Terminal Station
5.16 Fire safety
5.17 Hygiene and epidemiological assurance
5.18 Environmental protection
5.19 Protection for urban buildings against noise, vibration and current
5.20 Protection of structures against the effects of aggressive environment
5.21 Protection of subway structures and equipment from corrosion caused by electric current
5.22 Protection signal
5.23 Main house – production
5.24 Industrial safety
5.25 Technical and Protected Areas

6 Construction
7 Acceptance and put into operation

Appendix A Explanation of terms

Appendix B Some regulations on the size of subway lines

Appendix C Technical classification of fire safety toàn

Annex D Permissible Limits for Ultrasound and Vibration

Table of contents


QCVN 08 : 2009/BXD


1. Scope of application
This standard includes mandatory regulations applied in the formulation, appraisal and approval of
investment projects to build houses, works and car storage rooms (hereinafter collectively referred to as
car garages). ) regardless of the ownership type.
This regulation stipulates the main contents and requirements on solutions to planning space, structure,
technical equipment of car garages and their arrangement in residential areas.
This regulation does not apply to houses, buildings and rooms for storing cars used to transport explosives,
toxic substances, infectious substances and radioactive substances.

2. Explanation of words
The terms used in this standard are construed as follows:
2.1 Car garage – a house, building (or part of a house and building) or a dedicated open space for storing
2.2 Closed above ground car garage – car garage with outer wall.
2.3 Open garage - garage without walls. A garage is also considered open if the building has the two
longest opposite sides left open. An edge is considered to be exposed if the total area of the openings
along the edge occupies not less than 50% of its surface area on each floor.
2.4 Garage with ramps – garages use a series of floors that are raised evenly (or lowered evenly) or a
series of ramps connecting the floors to allow cars to get on and off the ground.
2.5 Mechanical garage – a garage where the transportation of cars to the storage locations is done by
specialized mechanical equipment (without the participation of the driver).
3. Arrangement of car garage
3.1 The arrangement of car garages in urban residential areas, the size of the land for them and the distance
from them to other houses and structures are specified in Appendix A.
3.2 Car garages that meet the requirements of this regulation are allowed to be built: underground or above
ground; partly below ground, partly above ground; adjacent to or located in buildings with other functions,
in which garages can be arranged under these buildings on the below-ground floors, basements, semi-
basements or lower floors of above-ground floors, as well as on open ground with specialized equipment.
A floor is considered below ground when the rooms of this floor have a floor level lower than the ground
level (according to the planning) by more than half the height of those rooms.
Underground car garages are allowed to be built even under paths, streets, squares, flower gardens, lawns,
3.3 It is allowed to arrange car garage adjacent to other functional buildings, except for the following fire
hazard groups: F1.1, F 4.1 and manufacturers of groups F 5, classes A and B as prescribed. in Appendix
3.4 Car garages are allowed to be located in other functional buildings with fire resistance levels I, II with
components made from non-combustible and difficult-to-burn materials, except for buildings of groups F
1.1, F 4.1 and buildings. produce group F 5 grade A and B (Appendix B). In buildings of group F 1.4, it is
allowed to arrange car garages regardless of their fire resistance level. In the buildings of group F 1.3, it is
only allowed to arrange garages for cars with fixed seats (without separate partitions) for vehicle owners.
Under the houses of groups F 1.1, F 4.1, it is not allowed to arrange a garage for cars.
3.5 It is not allowed to arrange closed car garage for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas
and liquefied petroleum gas in buildings with other functions or adjacent to them, or below ground level. .
3.6 Distance from fire protection from open ground (even with roof) to keep cars to buildings and buildings
of enterprises (automobile maintenance and repair services, industry, agriculture, etc.) etc.) is taken as
а ) To production houses and constructions:
- Having fire resistance grades I, II, and III of group S0:
+ from the side of the walls without openings – not specified;
+ from the side of the walls with door holes – not less than 9 m.
- Having fire resistance grade IV of groups S0 and S1:
+ from the side of the walls without openings – not less than 6m;
+ from the side of the walls with door holes - not less than 12m.
- Having fire resistance grade and other fire danger group (Appendix B) - not less than 15 m.
b) To the administrative and service offices of enterprises:
- Having fire resistance grades I, II and III of group S0 - not less than 9 m;
- Having fire resistance grade and other fire danger group - not less than 15 m;
- Distance from car parking lots to houses and works with fire resistance levels I, II of group S0 in the area
of technical service stations for cars with less than 15 seats from the side of the wall without door holes -
not specified.
3.7 Vehicles transporting fuels and lubricants are only allowed to store them on open spaces or in separate
single-storey buildings with fire resistance levels not less than grade II of group S0. The upper garages are
allowed to be located adjacent to the fire-blocking solid walls of class 1 or 2 of manufacturers with fire
resistance levels I and II of group S0 (except for buildings of classes A and B) when storing fire-resistant
buildings. The tank has a total storage capacity of fuel and lubricants not exceeding 30 m 3 .
On open spaces, the storage of cars carrying fuel and lubricants must be divided into groups with the
number of not more than 50 vehicles and the total capacity of the above-mentioned substances not
exceeding 600 m 3 . The distance between these groups of vehicles, as well as the distance to the land for
storing other vehicles, should not be less than 12 m.
The distances from the parking lots for cars transporting fuel and lubricants to the houses, buildings and
factories are taken according to Table 1, and the distances to the administrative and service buildings of
these enterprises – not less than 50 m.
Table 1.

Storage for flammable Distance from garage to house and building and distance
liquids, m 3 between garages, m

House and fire-resistant steps


first 2 3 4

Over 1000 to 2000 30 30 36

From 600 to 1000 24 24 30

Less than 600 18 18 24

Up to 300 18 18 24

Less than 300 twelfth twelfth 18

4. Spatial and structural planning solutions

4.1 Car garages above ground are allowed to be built with a height of not more than 9 floors, underground
car garages – not more than 5 underground floors.
4.2 Car stowing is done:
- When a driver is involved – following ramps or using ladders;
- When the driver is not involved – by mechanical devices.
4.3 In the allowed parking garages: working rooms for service and on-duty staff (check-in and ticketing
stations, dispatching, security), technical function rooms (for arranging technical facilities), restrooms,
customer luggage storage, rooms for the disabled, as well as public telephone stations and passenger
elevators. Their necessity, composition and area are specified depending on the size and operating
characteristics of the garage.
The cabin size of one of the passenger elevators must be able to accommodate the disabled using a
4.4 The fire and explosion hazard ratings of rooms and houses for storing cars are determined according
to Appendix B.
The rooms for storing passenger cars are allowed to be equivalent to C1 ¸ C4, the car garages - equivalent
to C class (except for cars with engines running on compressed air or liquefied petroleum gas).
4.5 Car garages built adjacent to buildings with other functions must be isolated from these buildings by
type 1 fire-blocking walls.
Car garages built in houses with other functions must have fire resistance levels not lower than those of the
same house and must be isolated from rooms (floors) of these buildings by partition walls and floors. Class
1 fire.
It is allowed to isolate construction garages in buildings of group F 1.3 with fire-blocking floors of class 2.
At that time, the residential floors must be separated from the garage by an uninhabited floor (eg, technical
It is not regulated to separate the garage to store a car of the owner in the houses of group 1a by fire
Above the openings of garages built inside or adjacent to other functional buildings (except for buildings of
group F 1.4), roofs made of non-combustible materials must be arranged. This racing roof must have a
width of not less than 1m and the distance from the edge of the roof to the lower edge of the window holes
of the sky houses must not be less than 4m or the door must be made of non-combustible materials.
4.6 When in the composition of the garage (according to the design task) there are need for service rooms
(technical service and repair stations, car inspection and adjustment works, car washing, etc.) must be
arranged into a separate house, a room or a group of rooms for the above purposes. These rooms can be
arranged right in the garages (except for open garages and garages located in houses) but must be isolated
from the garage by type 2 fire-blocking walls and type 3 fire-blocking floors. The entrances and exits of
these rooms must be isolated from the entrances and exits of the garage.
The composition and area of the rooms used to perform one or more technical and auto repair services are
regularly determined in accordance with the technological requirements.
4.7 The noise level in the rooms of the house with the garage must conform to the current regulations on
hygiene and epidemiology.
4.8 For garages built in buildings with other functions, it is not allowed to arrange inside common stair cages
and common elevator pits. In order to ensure the functional relationship of the garage and the house with
other functions, the exits from the stair cages and the elevator pit of the garage must be arranged to go into
the lobby with the main exit of the above building. at the same time, on the floors of the garage, it is
necessary to install type 1 buffer compartments (Appendix B) which are blown when burning. When it is
necessary to have a connection between the garage and all floors of the building with other functions,
smoke protection for the elevator pits and staircase cages must be in accordance with 5.15.
The connection of the car storage rooms on the floors with other functional rooms (except the rooms
mentioned in 4.3) or the adjacent fire compartments is allowed through the air-blown buffer compartment
or the water curtain above the magnetic door opening. garage side.
4.9 It is not allowed to arrange commercial rooms, stalls, kiosks, loading docks, etc. right in the car
storage rooms.
4.10 To move cars in multi-storey car garages, there must be ramps, sloping floors between floors or
specialized elevators (mechanical devices).
When using a structure with a continuous helix floor, each complete helix is considered as a floor.
For multi-storey garages with mezzanine floors, the total number of floors is determined by the number of
mezzanine floors divided in half, the area of one floor is determined by the sum of two adjacent mezzanine
4.11 The number of ramps and the required number of entrances in each garage is determined depending
on the number of cars arranged on all floors, except the first floor (for underground garages – on all floors).
including the mode of using the garage, calculating the flow rate and solving the solutions for the
organization of the premises.
Th cells ng th U wall , kind v à No. l u ợng enough wall steep enough reachable taken under the l u ợng c
ells t cells nh u follows :
- A ến 100 cars : a sufficient wall slope trimmer n c ó use manual t í n Brand t Chapter ng application .
- A ến 1000 vehicles : a sufficient wall slopes capital i or two enough wall slope trimmer n ;
- Tr ê n 1000 vehicles : two enough wall slope dollars i . Kh umbrella Table for ph é p announced tr í entra
nce v à o ( way out ) from c á c floor d u ới v à tr ê n the e ất through areas of l u u keep
the car in layer one or layer half- basement .
4:12 In
the c á c station to form k í n , c á c enough wall slope common to all the c á c floor have enough reachabl
e ng ă n c á ch ( c á ch ly ) p ê n each floor with c á c ph ò ng l u u hold car by c á c v á ch , door v à c á c
compartment e ệm ng ă n ch á y enough reachable blowing kh í when ch á y according to Table 2.
Table 2.

Type sta About limit under fire of c á c to configure how cover ( c á c v á Y eh u Bridge announ
tion out ch ng ă n ch á y ), ph ú t , kh umbrella ng small h Matt n ced tr í cavity e ệm

Wall Gate

EI 90 El 60 The buffer
compartment has a
depth that ensures the
gate can be opened,
but not less than 1.5 m

El 45 El 30 Unnecessary
On the

Doors and gates in fire partitions and buffer spaces must be equipped with devices that automatically
close in case of fire.
In one-story underground garages, in front of ramps that are not used as escape routes, there is no need
to arrange buffer compartments.
4.13 In ground-level garages, non-isolated ramps are allowed to be arranged:
In buildings with a height of no more than 3 floors with fire resistance grades I and II of groups S0 and S1
and the total area of floors (mezzanine floors), connected by non-isolated ramps, does not exceed 10400
4.14 From each floor of a fire compartment of the garage (except for the mechanical garage), there must
be not less than two dispersed exits leading directly to the outside or to the staircase cage.
Allow one of the exits to be located on the isolated ramp. The path that follows the steps of the ramp on the
mezzanine floor into the stair cage is allowed as an emergency exit.
The exits from the rooms mentioned in section 4.3, allow to go through the car storage rooms. Only the
luggage storage of guests is allowed on the first floor (arrival floor) of the garage.
The allowable distance from the furthest parking position to the nearest exit is taken according to Table 3.
Ramps in garages, which are also used as emergency exits, must have sidewalks not less than 0.8 m wide
on one side of the ramp.
Stairs used for emergency exits must have a width of not less than 1m.
Table 3.

Distance to the nearest emergency exit, when arranging parking space

Garage type Between the exits At the dead end of the room

Implicit 40 20

On the ground 60 25

NOTE – The length of the exit route is measured from the axis of the pedestrian and driveways taking
into account the vehicle distribution.

4.15 In order to get out of the ramp or into the adjacent fire compartment, fire doors must be arranged near
the gate or in the gates with a threshold height of not less than 15 cm.
To be able to place fire hydrants, in the lower part of the gates there must be flap doors with self-closing
wings measuring 20 x 20 cm.
4.16 When the roof deck is used as a car parking space, the requirements for this roof deck are the same
as those for normal garage floors. The upper layer of this roof deck must be made of non-combustible
materials not less than RP1 (Appendix B).
4.17 In the car storage rooms at the exits (entrances) of ramps or into adjacent fire compartments, including
to the roof deck (when the garage is arranged on the roof), there must be solutions to prevent the possibility
of flow fuel on fire.
4.18 Multi-storey car garages must have exits to the roof in accordance with the Fire Prevention and
Fighting Regulations.
4.19 The covering structure of the elevator pit must conform to the Fire Prevention and Fighting
4.20 In underground garages with more than two basements, in each fire compartment, there must be at
least one elevator working in the mode of "transporting the fire force" in accordance with the requirements
of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Regulations.
4.21 Garage floor coating must be resistant to oil products and dry cleaning (including mechanical cleaning)
of rooms.
The coating of ramps and walkways on them should be non-slippery.
Floor coverings must be made from a group of materials with a fire spread not lower than RP1 (Annex B).
4.22 At the locations of walkways and vehicle storage, the height of rooms and gates from the floor to the
lower edge of the protruding structure and hanging equipment must exceed at least 0.2 m above the height.
largest car and must not be less than 2 m.
4.23 The paths of cars in the garage must have directional lighting indications for drivers.
4.24 The parameters of the car storage places, ramps, paths in the garage, the distance between cars at
the storage place, including the distance between cars and the structure of the house designed to be
regulated depend on on vehicle type, storage method, vehicle size, handling capacity and distribution of
vehicles as required by the applicable selection criteria.
4.25 The minimum dimensions of the storage place are as follows:
- Length of a parking space: 5 m;
- Width: 2.3 m (for disabled people using wheelchairs: 3.5 m).
4.26 The rooms for storing cars are allowed to use a part of natural lighting or not use natural lighting.
4.27 In multi-storey car garages, the slope of the floors of each floor, as well as the trenches and troughs,
must ensure that liquids do not flow to the ramp and down to the floors below.
4.28 The ramps in the garage must satisfy the following requirements:
a, Longitudinal slope of straight, covered ramps along the axis of driving range must be no more than 18%,
longitudinal slope of curved ramps – not more than 13%, longitudinal slope of open ramps (without a roof)
– no more than 10%.
b, The horizontal slope of the ramps must not be more than 6%;
c, In ramps with pedestrians, there must be sidewalks not less than 0.8 m wide.
4.29 Inclined floors between floors must have a slope of not more than 6%.
4.30 Garage for storing cars with engines running on liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas
must supplement requirements for rooms, houses and buildings according to separate regulations.
4.31 Rooms for storing cars with engines running on liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas
must be arranged in separate buildings and buildings with fire resistance of grades I, II, III, IV of group S0.
Parking spaces for cars powered by liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas are allowed on the
upper floors of separate stand-up garages containing petrol or diesel cars.
There is no regulation on the arrangement of storage rooms for cars powered by liquefied petroleum gas
or compressed natural gas on floors of open garages, as well as mechanical garages (provided that
ventilation for the floors is ensured). vehicle storage).
4.32 Rooms for storing cars powered by liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas are not allowed
to be arranged:
a) In basements and semi-basements of garages;
b) In closed underground stations located in buildings with other functions;
c) In closed garages on the ground with non-isolated ramps;
d) When storing vehicles in compartments with no direct access from each compartment to the outdoors.
4.33 The required fire resistance level, the number of floors and the allowable area of a floor within the
scope of a fire compartment are taken according to Table 4.
Table 4.

Fire resistance Structural fire hazard Number of floors Allowable floor area within a fire
level of house group of houses (works) of a fire compartment, m 2
(work) compartment

I S0 5 3000

II S0 3 3000

4.34 Working rooms of staff on duty and service staff, water supply and fire fighting with pumps, transformer
stations (only with dry transformers), luggage storage for guests, rooms for disabled people are allowed.
located not below the first floor (top floor) of the building's basement. There is no regulation on the
arrangement of other technical rooms on the floors.
The rooms mentioned above must be isolated from the car storage rooms by fire partitions of type 1.
4.35 In underground garages, it is not allowed to divide parking spaces into separate compartments by
4.36 In underground garages with two or more basements, the exits from the basements into the stairwells
and the exits from the elevator cages must be arranged through buffer spaces that are blown when burning
at each floor.
4.37 The entrances and exits of underground garages must be separated from buildings as follows, m:
- To the entrances to the houses: 100
- To passenger rooms of bus stations, entrances of commercial organizations and public food: 150
- To agencies and enterprises to serve the people and administrative offices: 250:
- To park, exhibition and stadium entrances: 400
4.38 On the floors of the underground garage, there must be fire-fighting drainage devices. The above
drainage pipes must be separate for each basement. Drainage is allowed to enter the storm drain network
or reservoir without local cleaning.
4:39 Tier under fire y ê u bridge , the floor v à presence t í ch a floor for ph é p in violation of the one cavit
y ch á y taken according to Table 5.
Table 5.

Allowable floor area within a fire compartment,


Fire Structural fire Number of Single-storey Multi-storey house

resistance hazard group of floors of a house
level of houses (works) fire
house (work) compartment

I, II S0 9 10400 5200

S1 2 5200 2000

III S0 5 7800 3600

S1 2 3600 1200

IV S0 first 5200 —

S1 first 3600 —

S2 first 1200 —

DRAW No stipulations first 1200 —

4.40 In garages with fire resistance grades I and II, it is allowed to divide car parking spaces into separate
compartments. The bulkheads between compartments must have fire resistance limit R45 group K0; The
entrance to each compartment must be in the form of a mesh or have holes of size not less than 300 x 300
mm at a height of 1.4 ¸ 1.6 m to thread fire fighting equipment and check the fire protection status of
compartments. .
When there is a direct way to the outdoors from each compartment, it is allowed to arrange partitions made
of non-combustible materials that do not specify fire resistance limits in 2-storey buildings with fire
resistance grades I, II and III and indoors. a floor of group S0. For two-storey buildings, the floors must be
fire-blocking floors of class 3. The entrance gates to the compartments must also have holes of size not
less than 300 x 300 mm to insert fire fighting equipment and carry out inspection of the situation. fire
resistance of compartments.
OPEN CAR GROUND ON-ground garage
4.41 The required fire resistance level, the number of floors and the allowable area of a floor within the
scope of a fire compartment are given in Table 6.
Table 6.

Fire Structural fire Number of Allowable floor area within a fire

resistance hazard group of floors of a compartment, m2
level of houses (works) fire
house compartment Nh à one floor Nh à multiple floors

I, II S0 9 10400 5200

S1 2 3500 2000

III S0 6 7800 3600

S1 2 2000 1200

IV S0 6 7300 2000

S1 2 2600 800

4.42 The width of a house frame in the garage should not exceed 36 m.
4.43 It is not allowed to install compartments, build walls (except the walls of stair cages) and barriers to
obstruct ventilation. When it is necessary to divide the car parking space, it is allowed to use mesh walls
made of non-combustible materials.
4.44 The height of the separating wall at the floors must not exceed 1 m.
It is allowed to use nets made of non-combustible materials to make doors in the outer covering structure. At
that time, ventilation conditions must be ensured throughout the floor.
To reduce the effect of rain, there must be a roof over the door openings made of non-combustible
materials. At that time, ventilation conditions must be ensured throughout the floor.
4.45 In buildings with fire resistance grade IV, the covering structures of the escape ladder cages and their
parts must satisfy the requirements for stair cages of buildings with fire resistance grade III.
4.46 Smoke and ventilation systems are not required.
4.47 In open garages, there must be a place to store fire extinguishers (on the first floor).
4.48 The composition and area of the rooms, parking spaces, and parameters of the garage must be in
accordance with the specifications of the vehicle storage system used.
The e Article controller set is c err when , check Check the l à m of the n ó v à Security to à n ch á y of ga
s to have enough reachable carried out from ph ò ng e Article e o located in storey car e yes .
4:49 Nh à
( c umbrella ng p ì nh ) of c á c station to c Matt kh í l à m from animals whether kh umbrella ng ch á y eno
ugh reachable ph é p announced tr í tr ê n the e Land .
C á c station out enough reachable ph é p d buzzing ng frame metal type kh umbrella ng wrap against ch
á y with c á c to profiles which cover from animal material kh umbrella ng ch á y .
C á c station to c Matt kh í just enough reachable ph é p e locale immediately adjacent to
the c á c nh à officials n ă ng kh á c at position p í c á c t u Referral e ặc c ó gender limit under fire kh umb
rella ng small h Matt n REI 150.
4:50 A mass of gas out c Matt kh enough i reachable ph é p c ó effort contains kh umbrella ng qu á
50 car v à -way high nh à kh umbrella ng qu á 28 m .
When necessary organization of gas out from
the c á c blocks , th ì between c á c block n à y have enough reachable ph â n divided by c á c v á ch ng ă
n ch á y type 1.
4:51 Every one volume of gas to c Matt kh í to e gloomy sure to c á c car at Fire v à force l u ợng cure ch
á y to reach enough reachable from two ph í a e amniotic area together ( via c á c door window k í nh or c
á c hole openings ).
4:52 In a mass of gas to c Matt kh í for ph é p mounting e Lay c á c bridge lifts the open l à m from animal
s whether kh umbrella ng ch á y d à nh for generation network services for engineering technical c Matt k
h í under floors .
5. Technical systems
5.1 C á c generation systems engineering arts of gas out v à pages were carefully arts of ch ú ng must ph
buzzing with the generation system ti ê u standard choices choose á p use , exchange except c á c p u w
all with enough reachable n ó i in qui standard n à y .
In the garages, the requirements for fire-fighting water, ventilation systems are taken as for warehouses
with fire hazard class C (Appendix B) .
5.2 In multi-storey garages, the technical service pipes (water supply, drainage, heat supply) passing
through the floors must be made of metal.
Cable networks cut through the floor must also be placed in metal pipes or in technical boxes with fire
resistance levels not less than EI 45.
In underground garages, it is necessary to use shielded electrical cables that do not spread fire.
5.3 The technical systems of garages located in buildings with other functions or adjacent to them must be
independent of the technical systems of such buildings.
In case of placing the transition of the general technical system through the rooms of the garage in the
garage, the technical systems mentioned above (except for the water supply, drainage, and heat supply
pipes are made of pipes). metal) must be isolated by building structures with fire resistance levels not less
than EI 45.
5.4 The number of hydrants and the minimum quantity of water for a fire hydrant inside closed garages
should be taken as follows:
- When the volume of the combustion chamber is from 500 ¸ 5000 m 3 : 2 nozzles and 2.5 l/s for one
- When the fire compartment volume greater than 5000 m 3 : 2 taps and 5 l / s for a hose.
It is allowed not to place fire-fighting water supply pipes inside in one- and two-story garages with direct
outdoor exits from each compartment.
5.5 In open garages, including mechanical garages and roof garages, the internal fire-fighting water supply
system should be made of dry pipes with pipes protruding beyond a diameter of 89 (77). ) mm, fitted with
valves and connectors for connection to mobile fire fighting equipment when necessary.
5.6 In underground garages with 2 or more basements, the internal fire hydrant needs to be placed
separately from other internal water supply systems.
5.7 In underground garages with 2 basements or more, internal fire-fighting water pipes and automatic fire-
fighting equipment must have pipes protruding outwards with connectors fitted with counter-valves and
valves so that when need to be connected to mobile fire fighting equipment.
5.8 The calculated water consumption for the external fire fighting of closed and open ground garage
buildings is taken according to Table 7.
The calculated water consumption for external fire fighting of other types of garages is taken as follows:
- Underground garage with 2 floors or more: 20 l/s.
- Partition garages with direct outdoor exit from each compartment with the number of compartments from
50 to 200: 5 l/s, more than 200: 10 l/s.
- Mechanical garage: 10 l/s.
- Open parking lot with the number of vehicles up to 200: 5 l/s, greater than 200: 10 l/s.
Table 7.

The fire Structural fire Water consumption for fire fighting outside the garage
resistance hazard group of the for a fire, l/s, with the volume of the building (fire
level of the house compartment), thousand m3
Next Higher Higher Higher

5 5 to 20 20 to 50 50

I, II, III S0, S1 ten 15 20 30

IV S0, S1 ten 15 20 —

S2, S3 20 25 — —

DRAW No specified 20 — — —

5.9 On the supply network between the fire pumps and the fire water pipeline network, counter-flow valves
must be installed.
5.10 In the open garages in the car storage rooms, there must be supply - suction ventilation to dilute and
expel harmful emissions as calculated by the applicable selection standard.
In closed ground garages, mechanical ventilation only needs to be done for areas more than 18 m away
from the outer wall openings.
In underground garages ventilation systems should be separate for each floor.
5.11 In closed garages, it is necessary to install devices to measure CO concentration and corresponding
CO test signal detectors located in rooms with round-the-clock staff.
5.12 In the outgoing gas pipelines, where they cut through the fire partitions, it is necessary to install fire-
blocking valves open in normal state.
Transitional gas pipelines, which are outside the scope of the floor to be serviced or of the room separated
by fire partitions, must have a fire resistance rating of not less than EI 30.
5.13 Anti-smoke ventilation system should be installed to push the combustion products out of the burned
a) From the car storage rooms;
b) From isolated ramps.
5.14 Smoke expulsion should be carried out through suction wells with artificial air intakes.
Natural smoke is allowed to escape through windows and skylights equipped with a mechanical
mechanism to open the opening in the upper part of the window from a level of 2.2 m or more (from the
floor to the bottom edge of the opening) and to open the skylight holes. In this case, the total area of the
openings is determined according to the calculation but should not be less than 0.2 % of the room area,
and the distance from the windows to the furthest point in the room must not exceed 18 m.
Car garages, built in houses with other functions, must not push smoke through openings.
In garages with 2 floors or less above ground and in garages with 1 underground floor, natural suction
wells are allowed.
In garages with isolated ramps, at suction wells on each floor, there must be smoke valves.
The required amount of smoke exhaust, the number of wells and the number of smoke valves are
determined by calculation.
In underground garages, it is allowed to connect smoke zones with an area of not more than 900 m 2 in
each basement to a smoke well.
Exhaust smoke from ramps in aboveground garages is permitted through openings in the exterior walls
and in the roof.
5.15 Stair cages and elevator wells of garages must be supplied with pressurized air when burning or have
a type 1 buffer compartment with pressurized air when burning on all floors:
a) In a garage with two or more basements;
b) When the stairs and elevator cages are connected to the underground and above ground parts of the
c) When the stairs and elevator cages are connected to the garage with the above-ground floors of the
building with other functions.
5.16 In case of fire, general exchange ventilation should be ensured to be disconnected.
Tr ì nh self ( played themselves ) open system network security protection against kh ó i need enough rea
chable carried out tr u conventions when opening Contacts Systems th cell ng gi ó h ú t ( p u conventions
when granted ).
5:17 The e Article controller c á c generation network security protection against kh ó i need enough reac
hable carried out automatically e Separate - from c á c t í n signal b á o ch á y , c ò n e amniotic with e Art
icle controller from away - from £ e Article Control yourself e Separate , from c á c n ú t press or equipme
nt being c Matt kh í d buzzing ng hands enough reachable e locale at the
entrance v à o floors of gas out or in c á c compares to the scale of tr ê n c á c floor ( in c á c cabinet ph ò
ng fire ).
5:18 C á c the fate of c á c generation network security protection against kh ó i ( fan th cell ng gi ó, c á c
wells , enough wall pipe between ó, c á c van , c á c set to
be h ú t kh ó i v . v ...) must ph buzzing where ti ê u standard choices choose á p use .
In anti-smoke ventilation systems, fire-proof valves (including smoke valves) must have a smoke
permeability resistance of not less than 8000 KG -1 .m -1 for 1 m 2 of cross-sectional area.
5.19 When determining the basic parameters of smoke-exhaust ventilation, it is necessary to take into
account the following input data:
- The occurrence of fire (ignition of 1 car or fire in one of the auxiliary compartments according to 4.3) in
the above ground garages at the lower typical floor, and in the underground garage – at the typical floors.
upper and lower figure;
- Geometric characteristics of typical floors – usable area, receiving capacity, area of covering structures;
- Specific fire load;
- Location of door holes of emergency exits (opened from the fire floor to the outside exit);
- Outside air parameters.
5.20 The electrical engineering equipment of the garage must comply with the regulatory requirements for
electrical equipment installation.
5.21 The reliability of power supply to electricity consumers of the garages is taken according to the
following classes:
For class 1: electrical equipment used for fire protection, including automatic detection and fire fighting,
smoke protection, elevators for transporting fire forces, fire alarm systems, as well as fire alarm systems.
such as systems for automatic control of the air environment in storage rooms for cars powered by
compressed air and liquefied petroleum gas;
For class 2: power supply lines for elevators and other mechanical equipment for automobile transport;
Power lines for hand-operated gate openers and exit lighting for car parks, always ready to exit;
For class 3: other electricity consumers belonging to the garage's technological equipment.
Power cables for fire protection devices must be connected directly to the input electrical cabinets of the
house (building) and must not be used at the same time to supply power to other electrical equipment.
5.22 Lighting of car storage rooms must comply with the requirements of the selected system of standards.
5.23 The following lighting indications shall be connected to the emergency lighting network:
- Of emergency exits on each floor;
- Of the paths of cars;
- Of locations where connectors are placed for connection to fire prevention and fighting equipment;
- of the locations of internal fire valves and extinguishers;
- Of the locations where the outside water pipes are installed (on the outside of the building).
5.24 Motion guide lights must be placed at roundabouts, slope change positions, on ramps, on entrances
to floors, at doors on floors and into stair cages. the set.
The motion direction indicators are located at a height of 2 m and 0.5 m above the floor within a line of sight
from any point on exits and driveways.
5.25 In closed garages, at the entrances to each floor, sockets connected to the class 1 power supply
network must be installed for use with fire prevention and fighting equipment.
5.26 Automatic fire detection and extinguishing systems used in car garages shall satisfy the requirements
of the applicable standard system.
5.27 Automatic fire fighting in car storage rooms must be in the following closed garages:
a) Underground garage regardless of the number of floors;
b) Garage above ground with two floors or more;
c) One-storey above ground garage with fire resistance grade I, II and III with an area of 7000 m 2 or more,
fire resistance grade IV, group S0 with an area of 3600 m 2 or more, fire resistance grade IV , group S1 -
2000 m 2 or more, fire resistance grade IV made from materials not belonging to two groups S2, S3 - 1000
m 2 or more; when storing cars in separate compartments (according to 4.40) in these buildings – with a
number of compartments greater than 5;
d ) gas out in nh à c ó civil n ă ng kh á c ;
e ) in c á c space ph ò ng l u u hold umbrella t umbrella reachable d buzzing ng e To operate transfer pedi
atric ê n whether v à substances b cell i tr Matt n ;
f ) gas that is d u ới c á c bridge ;
g) mechanical garage. It is allowed not to arrange automatic fire fighting in single-storey underground
garages with a capacity of up to 25 seats built on vacant land.
5.28 Automatic fire detection shall be provided for:
a) closed single-storey above-ground garages having an area less than that specified in section 5.27 c, or
when the number of compartments does not exceed 5;
b) Rooms mentioned in 4.3, except for toilets and ventilation rooms.
In rooms with staff on duty day and night, automatic fire detection is not allowed.
5.29 In one- and two-story garages with compartments with direct outdoor exits from each compartment, it
is allowed to not be equipped with fire fighting and automatic fire detection.
5.30 Closed aboveground garages with two or more floors (except garages with direct outdoor exit from
each compartment and mechanical garages) with a capacity of up to 100-car must be equipped with fire
alarm system type 1, more than 100 seats-vehicle – type 2 according to Table 8.
Underground garages with two floors or more must be equipped with fire alarm systems:
- When the capacity is up to 50 car seats: type 2;
- Larger than 50 seats-car to 200-seat car: class 3;
- More than 200 car seats: type 4 and 5.
6. Mining requirements
6.1 Exits on each floor of the garage must have clear and conspicuous markings.
In order to mark the roads and main focal points (exits on floors, locations of fire valves, fire extinguishers
...) it is necessary to use luminous paints and reflective coatings.
6.2 Car storage rooms and ramps must have instructions on no smoking in the garage.
6.3 Garages shall be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment that meets the requirements of
selected applicable standards.
6.4 Specialized fire retardant coatings and penetrating paints on open surfaces of structures shall be
periodically restored or replaced when damaged (completely or partially unusable) or in accordance with
the deadlines. use specified in the specifications for these paints and coatings.
Table 8.

TT Features of fire alarm systems Fire alarm system type

first 2 3 4 5

first Fire alarm measures:

Audio signals (bells, sirens, etc.) + + * * *

Voice (tape and radio) – – + + +


flicker * * – – –

"exit" signal * + + + +

Motion guide beacon – * * + +

Motion guide beacons for each zone – * * * +

2 Communicating the fire alarm zone with the dispatching unit – – * + +

3 Fire alarm sequence:

All at the same time * + – – –

Only in one room (in a part of the house) * * * – –

first of the service staff, then of all in a individually established – * + + +


4 Full automation of control of the fire alarm system and the ability – – – – +
to perform a set of escape plans from each fire alarm zone

NOTES: '+' - required; '*' - recommendation; '-' - not required.

6.5 It is not allowed to renovate or use separate car compartments for repair work.
6.6 Working capacity of technical fire protection systems (fire valves and hydrants, fire pump stations, fire
detection equipment, smoke protection systems, fire alarms, devices) close the exits) must be inspected
not less than once a year and make corresponding records with the participation of representatives of the
fire prevention and fighting management agency.

A.1 The size of the land area of the car garages depending on the number of floors is taken as follows,
m 2 for one car-seat:
For garages:
- One floor: 30 m 2 /car seat
- Two floors: 20 m 2 /car seat
- Three floors: 14 m 2 /car seat
- Four floors: 12 m 2 /car seat
- Five floors: 10 m 2 /car space
- Garage on the ground: 25 m 2 /car space
A.2 Minimum distance from the entrances and exits of the garages to the intersection of the main road –
50 m; to the internal road - 20 m; to the stops of passenger vehicles - 30 m.
The entrances and exits of the underground car garage must be far from the windows of the houses, the
working rooms of the public houses and the grounds of the schools, kindergartens and medical institutions.
follow Table A.1.
Table A.1.

House (building) Distance, m

from garages and open parking lots with from technical service
capacity stations with capacity

From 10 11 ¸ 50 51 ¸ 100 101 ¸ 300 From 10 seats or 11 ¸ 30

seats or seats seats seats less seats

Housing - Window ten** 15 25 35 15 25

Housing - the edge of ten** ten** 15 25 15 25

the house has no

Public house – office ten** ten** 15 25 15 20


Schools, kindergartens 15 25 25 50 50 *

Medical institutions 25 50 * * 50 *
with nursing rooms

* Determined by agreement with the state management agencies on hygiene and epidemiology;
** For garages with fire resistance grades III - V, the distances taken are not less than 12 m.
1. Distance is calculated from the windows of houses, public houses and from the land boundary lines
of schools, kindergartens and medical institutions to the walls of the garages or the boundary lines of
the parking lot. open.
2. The distance from residential blocks to open parking lots with a capacity of 101 to 300 vehicles placed
vertically along the house is not less than 50 m.
3. For garages with fire resistance grades I - II, the distances specified in Table A.1, are allowed to be
reduced to 25% when there are no openable windows in the garages or when the entrances of the
garages are not open. garage on the side of houses and public houses.
4. Garages and open parking lots to store passenger cars with a capacity of more than 300 vehicles and
technical service stations with a capacity of more than 30 seats must be located outside residential areas
over a distance of not less than 50 m. away from the houses.
5. For garages with a capacity of more than 10 vehicles listed in Table A.1, the allowable distances are
taken by interpolation.
6. In citizen-owned single-storey garages, runways are allowed.

B.1 Classification of building materials by fire properties
B.1.1 Construction materials are classified into combustible materials and non-combustible materials
according to the values of experimental combustion parameters as follows:
c) Non-combustible material, when simultaneously:
- the temperature rise of the furnace does not exceed 50 ° C;
- the mass of the sample is reduced by not more than 50%;
- the duration of the flame does not exceed 10 seconds.
d) Combustible materials are materials that, when tested, do not satisfy one of the three factors
NOTE: Test parameters are determined according to standard TCXDVN 331:2004 (EN ISO 1182) “Test for
incombustibility of building materials” or equivalent .
B.1.2 Combustible materials, classified into 4 groups according to the values of the experimental
combustion parameters as follows:
Table B . 1 - Grouping of combustible materials according to their flammability
Fire group of Fire parameters
materials của
Gas temperature Degree of Degree of Sample burning
in the chimney (T) damage damage by time
according to sample weight
[oC] [seconds]
sample length (L) (m)
[%] [%]
G1 - Weak fire £ 135 £ 65 £ 20 0
G 2 - Medium fire £ 235 £ 85 £ 50 £ 30
G 3 - Normal Fire £ 450 > 85 £ 50 £ 300
G 4 - Strong fire > 450 > 85 > 50 > 300
NOTE: The experimental parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30244-94 -
Method II “Building materials. Flammability test method” or equivalent .
B.1.3 Combustible materials, classified into 3 groups according to their flammability, with test fire
parameters as follows:
Table B . 2 - Grouping of combustible materials according to flammability
Flammable group of materials Critical surface heat flux intensity [kW/m 2 ]
first 2
V1 - difficult to ignite ³ 35.0
V2 - moderately flammable greater than or equal to 20.0 and less than 35.0
V1 - flammable < 20.0
NOTE: The test parameters are determined according to the standard GOST 30 402 -9 6 (ISO 5657-
86) “Building materials . Test methods calculated catch fire " or equivalent.
B.1.4 Combustible materials, classified into 4 groups according to their ability to spread fire on the
surface, with test fire parameters as follows:
Table B . 3 - Grouping of combustible materials according to the spread of fire on the surface
The group spreads fire on the surface of the Critical surface heat flux intensity [kW/m 2 ]
RP1 - no propagation ³ 11.0
RP2 - weak propagation Greater than or equal to 8.0 and less than 11.0
RP3 - moderately contagious Greater than or equal to 5.0 and less than 8.0
RP4 - strong spread < 5.0
NOTE: The laboratory parameters are determined according to standard GOST 30 444 -9 7 (ISO
9239-2) "Building Materials . Test method for flame spread ” or equivalent.
B.1.5 Combustible materials, classified into 3 groups according to their ability to produce smoke, with the
following test parameters:
Table B . 4 - Grouping of combustible materials according to their ability to generate smoke
Grouping by material's smoke-generating ability The smoke generation coefficient of the material
[m 2 /kG]
D1 - low smoke generation £ 50
D2 - moderate smoke generation Greater than 50 and less than or equal to 500
D3 - high smoke generation > 500
NOTE: Test parameters are determined according to GOST standard 12.1.044 “Explosion hazard of
substances and materials. List of indicators and methods of determination” or equivalent.
B.1.6 Combustible materials, classified into 4 groups according to toxicity, with toxicity index H CL50 of
combustion products as follows:
Table B . 5 - Grouping of combustible materials according to toxicity
Grouping by material toxicity H index CL50 [g/m 3 ], corresponding to exposure time
5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes
first 2 3 4 5
T4 - Extremely high toxicity £ 25 £ 47 £ 13 £ 10
T3 - High toxicity 25 to 70 47 to 50 13 to 40 10 to 30
T2 - Moderate toxicity 70 to 210 50 to 150 40 to 120 30 to 90
T1 - Low toxicity > 210 > 150 > 120 > 90
NOTE: The experimental parameters and the calculation of the H CL50 criterion are carried out according
to the GOST standard 12.1.044 “Explosion hazard of substances and materials. List of indicators and
methods of determination” or equivalent.

B.2 G Fire resistance limit of building components

B.2.1 The fire resistance limit of a building member is determined by the fire resistance period (in minutes),
for the appearance of one or several signs showing the limit state specified for that member:
- R: Loss of bearing capacity;
- E: Loss of integrity;
- I: Loss of insulation.
B.2.2 The fire resistance limit of a building element is determined through testing according to the specified
standards and is denoted by REI, EI, RE or R.
For example, a member is required to withstand fire REI 120 means that the member must maintain all
three capabilities simultaneously: bearing, integrity and insulation for a period of 120 minutes; A member is
required to have a fire resistance rating of R 120, the member only has to maintain its bearing capacity for
120 minutes, without insulation and integrity.
B.3 Grouping of building components according to fire hazard: According to Table B.6
B.4 Classification of fire-blocking parts
B.4.1 Fire-blocking components are used to prevent fire and combustion products (heat, smoke, toxic
gases) from spreading from one space with fire to another space.
Fire-blocking components include fire-blocking walls, fire-blocking floors, and fire-blocking partitions.
B.4.2 Fire-blocking parts are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.
B.4.3 Depending on the fire resistance limit of the enclosure of the fire-blocking part, the fire-blocking part
is classified into types according to Table B.7. Door panels, hatches, hatches, windows, stop valves,
screens covering openings on fire-blocking parts are classified into types as shown in Table B.8.
Table B . 6 - Classification of fire hazards of building structures
Fire Allowable damage size of Appear Fire hazard properties of
hazard structure (cm) surface materials
group of
building Group by characteristic
Vertical Horizontal Thermal effect C kay Fire Catch Generate
texture texture fire smoke
first 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K0 0 0 KCP KCP --- --- ---
K1 £ 40 £ 25 KCP KCP KQD KQD KQD
£ 40 £ 25 KQD KCP G2 V2 D2
K2 Greater than Greater than KCP KCP KQD KQD KQD
40 and less 25 and less
than or than or
equal to 80 equal to 50
Greater than Greater than KQD KCP G3 V3 D2
40 and less 35 and less
than or than or
equal to 80 equal to 50
K3 No specified
NOTE: Determination of damage size and fire appearance according to GOST 30403-96 “Construction
structure. Method for determining the degree of fire hazard” or equivalent.
- KCP: Not allowed
- KQD: Not regulated
- It is allowed not to test to determine the fire hazard class of the structure as follows:
+ classified in class K0, if the structure is made of only non-combustible
+ classified into K3 class, if the structure is made from only G4 combustible

Table B.7 Classification of fire-blocking parts

Fire resistance limit Panel type that

of fire-blocking covers the openings
Name of fire
Species parts, not less than on the fire stop, not
prevention unit

first REI 150 first

Fire prevention wall
2 REI 45 2

first EI 45 2
Fire baffle
2 EI 15 3

first REI 150 first

2 REI 60 2
Fireproof floor
3 REI 45 2

4 REI 15 3

The fire resistance of a fire-blocking part is determined by the fire resistance of its constituent parts; that
- The enclosure of the fire-blocking part;
- Components for stabilizing fire prevention components;
- Structures on which the fire-blocking part rests;
- The connections between the component parts of the fire-blocking part.
Table B.8 - Classification of vent seals on fire arresters
Components that seal the openings Species Fire resistance limit, not
on fire arresters less than

first EI 60

Door, trap door, cover door, stop valve 2 EI 30

3 EI 15

first E 60

Window 2 E 30

3 E 15

Diaphragm first EI 60

B.4.4. The buffer compartments are classified into categories as shown in Table B.9.
Table B.9 - Classification of buffer rooms

Class of constituent parts of the buffer room, not less than

Buffer room type
Bulkhead Floor Ventilation plate

first first 3 2

2 2 4 3

B.5 Classification of buildings (buildings) by fire resistance grade

B.5.1 Fire compartment: The building (works) or part of them is separated from the house (works) or other
parts by type 1 fire-blocking walls – called fire compartments.
B.5.2 A building (building) or a fire compartment is classified into fire resistance levels: According to Table
Table B.10

Fire resistance limit of building components (works), not less than

Fire Floor Parts of a roof

The Staircase
resistance dividing without an attic
level of outer
Load- floors
house wall is
bearing (including The
(work) not Seamless,
structures in the attic landing
load- Tiles wooden Inner wall
and scale
bearing beams
basement) sheet

I R120 E30 REI 60 RE 30 R30 REI 120 R60

II R90 E15 REI 45 RE 15 R15 REI 90 R60

III R45 E15 REI 45 RE 15 R15 REI 60 R45

IV R15 E15 REI 15 RE 15 R15 REI 45 R15

DRAW No specified

B.6 Classification of buildings according to structural fire hazard: According to Table B.11
Table B.11

Structural Fire hazard group of building structure, not less than

fire hazard
group Bearing bars Exterior wall Walls, Walls of stair Ladder
(columns, from the partitions, chambers boards and
beams...) outside floors and and fire- mats in
roofs without blocking stairwells
an attic parts

S0 K0 K0 K0 K0 K0

S1 K1 K2 K1 K0 K0

S2 K3 K3 K2 K1 K1

S3 No specified K1 K3

B.7 Classification of production according to fire and explosion hazard

Buildings and spaces used for production and storage are classified according to the fire and explosion
hazards of the substances and materials contained in them as shown in Table B.12.
Table B.12 - Classification of fire and explosion hazards for houses and rooms
Fire hazard class of Properties of substances and materials that are (formed) in a house or room
the house
A - There are combustible gases, flammable liquids with a flashpoint of not
more than 28 o C, with a volume that can form an explosive dangerous gas-
Danger of fire and
vapour mixture that, when ignited, creates residual explosive pressure.
calculation in the room exceeds 5 kPa.
- There are substances and materials capable of explosion and fire when
reacting with water, with oxygen in the air or with each other, with a volume
so that the calculated residual explosive pressure in the room exceeds 5

REMOVE - There are combustible dust or fibers, flammable liquids, with a flash point of
more than 28 o C, flammable liquids, with a mass that can form an explosive
Danger of fire and
gas-dust or gas-vapour mixture. , when ignited, the calculated residual
explosive pressure in the room exceeds 5 kPa.
C1 to C4 - There are flammable or non-flammable liquids, flammable and non-
flammable substances and materials in solid state (including dust and
Fire Danger
fibers). Substances and materials, when reacting with water, oxygen in the
air or with each other, have the ability to burn, but provided that the room
contains these substances and materials that do not belong to classes A or B
- The division of rooms into grades C1 to C4 according to the specific fire
load value of the substances contained therein is as follows:
C1 - Having a specific fire load greater than 2200 MJ/m 2

C2 - With specific fire capacity from 1401 MJ/m 2 to 2200 MJ/m 2

C3 - With specific fire capacity from 181 MJ/m 2 to 1400 MJ/m 2

C2 - Has a specific fire load from 1 MJ/m 2 to 180 MJ/m 2

EASY There are non-combustible substances and materials in a hot, red hot or
molten state, whose machining process is accompanied by the generation of
thermal radiation, sparks and flames; Solids, liquids, and combustible gases
are used as fuel.
E Substances and materials that do not burn in the cold state

B.8 Grouping of buildings according to fire hazard in terms of functional use as shown in Table B.13.
Table B.13 - Classification of buildings according to fire hazard in terms of functional use

Group Use function of the project

F1 Permanently or temporarily occupied houses (including round-the-clock stay)

F 1.1 Kindergartens, kindergartens, special-use homes for the elderly and disabled (not
apartments), hospitals, dormitory blocks of boarding schools and facilities for children

F 1.2 Hotels, dormitories, sleeping quarters of nursing facilities and shared motels, campsites,
boarding houses and sanatoriums

F 1.3 Multi-apartment apartment house

F 1.4 Single-family dwellings, including row houses

F1 Permanently or temporarily occupied houses (including round-the-clock stay)

F 1.1 Kindergartens, kindergartens, special-use homes for the elderly and disabled (not
apartments), hospitals, dormitory blocks of boarding schools and facilities for children

F 1.2 Hotels, dormitories, sleeping quarters of nursing facilities and shared motels, campsites,
boarding houses and sanatoriums

F 1.3 Multi-apartment apartment house

F 1.4 Single-family dwellings, including row houses

F2 Mass cultural and sports works

Theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands, libraries and
F2.1 other buildings with a calculated number of seats for guests in closed rooms;
F 2.2 Museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar facilities in enclosed rooms

F 2.3 Facilities mentioned in F2.1 are open to the outdoors

F 2.4 The facilities mentioned in F2.2 are open to the open air

F3 Residential service facilities

F 3.1 Sales Facility

F 3.2 Public dining establishments

F 3.3 Station

F 3.4 General and emergency medical clinic

F 3.5 Guest rooms of life and public service establishments with an uncounted number of seats
for guests (post office, savings fund, ticket office, law office, notary office, door) laundromats,
tailors, shoe and clothing repair, barber shops, funeral parlors, religious establishments and
the like)

F 3.6 Physical training complexes and sports practice areas without stands, service spaces,

F4 Schools, scientific and design organizations, regulatory agencies

F 4.1 High schools, training institutions outside of high schools, professional high schools,
technical and vocational schools

F 4.2 Universities and training schools for professional improvement

F 4.3 Facilities of regulatory agencies, design organizations, information and publishing

organizations, scientific research institutions, banks, agencies, offices

F 4.4 Fire stations

F5 Manufacturers and warehouses, buildings and rooms with similar functions

F 5.1 Production buildings and buildings, production and testing rooms, workshops

F 5.2 Warehouses and buildings, car parks without technical and repair services, bookstores,
storage, storage rooms

F 5.3 Agricultural service houses

1. Scope of application

2. Explanation of words

3. Arrangement of car garage

4. Spatial and structural planning solutions

Request ch cancer

Underground garage for cars

Open ground garage for cars

Mechanical garage for cars

5. Technical systems

General requirements

Water supply pipe

Ventilation and protection against smoke

Electrical appliances

Fire fighting and automatic fire detection

6. Mining requirements

Appendix A. Regulations on the size of garage layout

Appendix B. Technical classification of fire safety

Table of contents

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