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What facts did you note? What feelings did you have?

Sibling competition impacts the ● As I was reading the article, I

development of other children in thought about past students
the family. I have had where I could
clearly see the impact of
Labels (the “scholar”, the “social” sibling rivalry. I specifically
child, the “creative” child…etc.) thought of a female student I
can result in increased had whose younger female
competitiveness and impact self sister was gifted, while she
esteem by giving children the idea was not. I saw the tole this
that they can only succeed in one took on her confidence. It did
area (athleticism, academics, social not push her towards
skills, creativity). underachievement, but
instead it caused her to put a
Siblings that are very close in age, great deal of pressure on
siblings that are the same gender, herself.
siblings of an extremely gifted
child, and a family of children with ● I thought about the few
one who is much younger are all times that I have had twins
sibling combinations that in my class. Even though it is
predispose children toward natural to make some
underachievement. comparisons, it is important
that teachers avoid labeling
Sibling competition, especially as well. Sibling rivalries can
when the oldest sibling is very be challenging enough
talented, can result in younger without teachers reinforcing
siblings underachieving as a way to the same harmful labels and
seek attention and gain family ideas children may get at
recognition (even if it is negative). home.

Some level of sibling rivalry or ● I liked the idea of parents

competition is not a negative thing explaining the idea of a
and parents should not strive to “whole smart family” so they
eliminate it. Children are expected can understand that one
to have differences and should child’s success and
have the opportunity to explore achievement does not limit
and find healthy ways to argue and that of others.
express those differences.
What questions came up for What ideas were sparked?
The way we, as teachers or
How has social media parents, label students affects how
they see themselves. If you call one
increased awareness of sibling
sibling the smart one, the others
stereotypes? (First born, will believe they are not as smart
middle child, youngest) as their brother.

How can teachers help to Drop-out and rebellious gifted

minimize sibling rivalry in students’ attitudes could stem
from having gifted older siblings.
sibling groups with gifted They are rebelling against their
learners? own abilities to gain attention,
negative or positive, from their

Our expectations, as parents and

Why does having a gifted
teachers, have a bigger impact on
sibling sometimes lead to a how siblings get along. If you
better behaved child? expect your children/students to
get along, and provide necessary
What are some resources for support, you are setting them up
teaching students that fair for success.
doesn’t mean the same? Tips for parents to help promote a
healthy relationship between
● refrain from labeling your
● spend quality time with each
● Ensure that each child gets
their time to share during
● Avoid letting one child be
more privileged than the
other (Sally has to take out
the trash but Johnny has to
clean three bathrooms)
● If one child is struggling with
academics, knowledge that
struggle and how it must
emotionally affect them.
Address the emotional need,
not the expectation for being
a high achiever.
How to adapt these tips for
educators/ Implementation Plan:
● Refrain from labeling your
● make time to build
relationships with each of
your students
● Let all children have equal
opportunities to share
● When addressing academic
struggles with students,
account for how the student
is emotionally struggling
with their lack of success
when speaking to them.
● One way to use 3 of these
tips is to implement sharing
good news with your class
every morning. Every
student is given the
opportunity to share one
good thing with the class
while everyone else listens

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