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Transaction Pending Authorisation Details - Acknowledgement

Success! Transaction is successfully approved.

New FPX B2B Payment

CMS Reference No CMSB2B22032023183482

Authorisation Status Approved

Transaction Date, Time 22/03/2023 17:46:32

From Account 07043011040474 - SRITI DARUL HADIS TASEK GELUGOR (PENTADB ( MYR )

Available Balance


Seller Order No./Payment Reference 0320230021528781C126699543

FPX Transaction ID 2303221745160825

Amount (MYR) 10,833.00

Service Charge (MYR) 0.00

Total Amount (MYR) 10,833.00

Notes : Please note that this transaction will expire if it is not approved within the next 5 days from the transaction date.

            This is not the final confirmation of your payment. Please check with your merchant for final status confirmation.
Authorisation History

Results 1 - 2 of 2

Date, Time User ID Role Action Comments

22/03/2023 17:46:32 bekamill33951 Maker+Checker+Observer CREATE

23/03/2023 10:08:57 beashril21837 Maker+Checker+Authorizer+Observer APPROVE

Results 1 - 2 of 2

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