About The Writtter

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Where do you live?

I was born in Mcallen Tx and have basically lived here for most of my life. I’ve built a love
for this city like no other. I always dream of being able to afford to go to a major city but to be
honest I know it would be hard to leave my hometown. Most of my friends are people I played
soccer with when I was younger or people I went to school with. Recently this last couple of
years I’ve been getting into a group at church that I went with with my friends.

What is your school life?

I’ve never considered myself to be the perfect student, in fact I sometimes really struggle
with different assignments. Trying to write essays and attempting to express myself in written
form isn't my thing. But at least I’ve always been very committed to finishing all my assignments,
but now it's the time to perfect my writing abilities.
Right now I'm a freshman in utrgv majoring in finance. Business classes have always
been in my interest, so I knew I was going to do something in that field. I ended up with finance
due to the amount of opportunities that come with it. Also I believe that having money
management skills is something that can be very beneficial for my life later on.

Career Goals

Currently I have a part time job at a car wash near my house. I decided to get this job not
only because of the good pay for easy hours but because it is a sales role, where I can learn
how to talk to customers for future reference. For my future goals, I’m very invested in learning a
skill like, sales, marketing or copywriting. I want to be able to work for an amount of companies
to help them get more sales and this gives me the opportunity to have multiple clients paying
me monthly. After investing some money, I would love to retire with a car lot, flipping cars has
always been something that interests me. Therefore, having my own lot, and employees I think
would be a dream come true.

What Languages do you speak?

I was raised for 8 years in Mexico, and with my family and most of my friends I speak
mainly Spanish, but since I’ve been living here in the US for so long I think my English is pretty
good but still not perfect.

How do you spend your time?

I enjoy hanging out with friends and working out. I also spend a big time of my week
working to earn money to go out and travel.

What influences who you want to be?

I am very motivated to become someone important with my own business. My dad is
probably my biggest motivation to keep going with my career. I want to be able to support my
parents, I know how hard they have worked to give me all the opportunities I have to become
successful so I want to make sure they know how grateful I am for everything by paying them
back in the future.
What is your school life?
When I was in high school I played soccer with the school’s team and my coach is a very
motivational man not only in the sport but in the classes too. He was the teacher for all my
business classes so I thank him for everything he did for us and giving me a different point of
view on how possible it is to actually make my dreams come true. I did go through some
struggles mainly in playing soccer. I had acl and meniscus reconstruction surgery when I was a
sophomore so I had to miss that season but now I believe that it was something that made me
even stronger in many ways.

What is your job or career life?

I currently work at a car wash and my job there is to sell memberships. Although it may
not seem like alot I see it as a good way to start my career, I love the magic behind sales and
making a profitable business so any experience that I can get with sales and getting used to
talking to customers I believe can really be helpful in the future for my career.

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