60sscoop HW

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: Jean Chretien Nzonzi

1. What was the Sixties Scoop (and why is it called "the Scoop")?

The Sixties scoop is a movement that was born between 1960 and 1980. Many children from
indigenous families were adopted and sent somewhere to North America and Europe. Those
children were taken away from their families in exchange for some amount of money. The word
“scoop” was used because those children was moved away from their families like objects
without any consent.

2. On the same webpage, you will find a handful of video clips. Watch two (2). Then
answer the following:
Why was this a common practice (i.e. what did the provinces have to gain by
adopting out children

It was beneficial for the provinces to adopt out children because the taxpayers wouldn’t
have to foot the bill for indigenous children in provincial care.

3. Write your reflections on how this adoption practice relates to some of the issues
raised in class (e.g. representation, the cultural imagination, ethnocentrism, language
communities, etc.) 
Personally, I think this adoption practice might had caused an Idiolect issue to many
children who were adopted. The fact that they were separated from their motherland and
brought somewhere they couldn’t speak their mother tongue made them kind of lose their
true identity.

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