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Communications Strategy on Ending the Gender-

Based Violence in cities

By Anil, Subhadra, Roshan

Communication is crucial for any project, organisation, or movement. For communication to

be effective, it has to be deliberate and strategic, the process of which consists of research,
planning, action, and evaluation.

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a serious human rights violence due to the normative role
expectations of each gender. GBV has harmful socio-economic consequences. Sustainable
Development Goal no.5 seeks to address the structural causes of gender inequalities which
are the underlying causes of GBV.

Communication Objectives:
- Position Gender-Based Violence as a serious crime
- Pitching the negative aspects of Gender-Based Violence such as suffering, pain,
violence, lack of self-confidence and psychological
- Raise media responsiveness regarding Gender-Based Violence
- Encourage speak-up culture about harassment, abuse, and exploitation
- Increase in the number of survivors who voice out and even report cases of the
sexual violence
- Communicating the good practices of staff care and treatment in the office setting
- Discourage the dismissal of the GBV cases upon mutual agreement between the
perpetrator and the survivor’s family using financial means or threat
- Encourage equal opportunities for all
- Seek the commitment of law enforcement agencies to take the GBV cases seriously
- Getting a diverse group of people (male, female, LGBTQI+) on board to support the
movement against Gender-based Violence

Target Audiences:
- Working professionals, both male and female
- Family members of working females
- General audiences as well as influencers
- Media - because it has the power to influence and change the status quo
- Employer and Employees
- Law enforcement agencies and judicial systems

Communication Tools:
- Website and social media channels
- Print materials such as flyers, brochures, pamphlets, and their e-copy versions to be
shared electronically
- Newspaper advertisements and pullouts
- Broadcast media such as TV & FM Radio
- Audio and video podcasts
- Physical visits to the colleges and organisations
- Webinars

Implementation strategy:
- Article with case stories and anecdotes
- Social media posts (short snippets, photo stories with captions)
- Video essays with motion/infographics
- Interviews with activists and survivors for their experiences
- Panel discussion with policymakers, activists and influencers
- Flyers and brochures
- Meetings, workshops and seminars with various stakeholders

Possible partners and stakeholders:

- National Women’s Commission
- Like-minded organisations/ NGOs
- Influencers (social media and celebrity)
- Local government
- Youth clubs
- Policymakers

Challenges for execution:

- Lack of speak-up culture due to the stigma and fear of public shaming
- Lack of institutional commitment from law enforcement agencies when it comes to
punishing the perpetrator
- Bribery to suppress the incident
- Discouragement form the family members
- Fear of being punished by the bosses and the organisations
- Lack of awareness regarding GBV in public

- News articles and blog posts
- Photographs with relevant captions, keywords and metadata
- Videos
- Animations
- Infographics
- Podcasts
- Flyers, brochures
- Promotions merchandises such as t-shirts, cups, diaries, pen etc

M&E: (KPI)
- Number of social media posts
- Number of case stories shared publicly
- Number of peoples engagement in social media posts, including likes, comments,
and share/retweets
- Web traffic to the website (articles, and featured stories)
- Number of videos, animated infographics and podcasts shared

- Numbers of unheard and unseen cases came into the limelight
- There were tons of people supporting the survivors and also raised their voices
against the Gender-based violence
- The increased no. of punishment from the law enforcement agencies
- Family support the survivors so that they are fully accepted and rehabilitated into
their families and society
- Increased number of media reports covering GBV and its various aspects
- Improved participation of all gender in the organisational decision-making process
- Policy-level discussion and formation of new laws respecting the dignity of all gender

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