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Terminal Commands & Login Definitions

Task Terminal command DCP2000/DCP2K4 ShowVault/IMB IMS1000

Mounting USB in read write mode mount -o rw,remount /media/usb0 Yes Yes Yes
Mounting root in read write mode mount -o rw,remount / Yes Yes Yes
RAID speed check hdparm -t /dev/md0 /dev/md1 Yes Yes Yes
HDD speed check hdparm -t /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc Yes Yes No
RAID Status Check more /proc/mdstat Yes Yes Yes
Reinitialize RAID command sh /doremi/sbin/ Yes Yes Yes
Check SMART for software RAID smartctl -d ata -A /dev/sda (sdb, sdc) Yes Yes No

Check SMART for hardware RAID /doremi/sbin/raidmgr.out --status --smart No No Yes

Underflow check zgrep underflows /doremi/log/* Yes Yes Yes
Dolphin decoder crashes check zgrep crash /doremi/log/* Yes Yes Yes
Time zone set-up rwdo tzconfig Yes Yes No
Time zone set-up dpkg-reconfigure tzdata No No Yes
Log in password root: veeone | admin: 1234 | manager: password | doremi: doremi Yes Yes Yes
Network restart /etc/init.d/networking restart Yes Yes Yes
RTC (Real Time Clock) /doremi/sbin/mcsetup --get-rtc Yes Yes Yes
Copying files cp /directory/file /directory/ (syntax: cp source destination) Yes Yes Yes
Checking for packages that have been
more /doremi/log/update.log Yes Yes Yes
attempted to be ingested

Generating Reports through terminal sh /doremi/sbin/ Yes Yes Yes

Software configuration status /doremi/bin/drminfo.out Yes Yes Yes
Get SBC network /doremi/sbin/sbcsetup.out --get-network Yes Yes Yes
Date date Yes Yes Yes
Duration server has been on for uptime Yes Yes Yes
List of processes running in order of PID# ps auxw Yes Yes Yes

List of processes running and more in order of

top Yes Yes Yes
highest consuming process

Memory Info cat /proc/meminfo Yes Yes Yes

How much space is left on mounted file

df -h Yes Yes Yes
systems and where they are mounted
Media Block Status /doremi/sbin/mb_ctl.out status No Yes Yes
Network Info ifconfig Yes Yes Yes
To delete certificates rm -rf /doremi/etc/certs/mine/* Yes Yes Yes

To verify and repair certifcates /doremi/sbin/sbcsetup.out --verify --force-repair Yes Yes Yes

Login privileges are listed below from the lowest level to the highest level of privileges
Type Login name Password Privilege Definition Type

Projectionist is a standard user allowed to use the

Projectionist doremi doremi Doremi applications present on the unit without Projectionist
changing the configuration

In addition to Projectionist's privileges, a Show Manager

Show Manager manager password Show Manager
user is allowed to ingest and delete content.

Show Manager ingest password Login only accessible through ftp for content ingestion Show Manager

In addition to Show Manager's right, a Super User has

the privileges to configure the unit. For example, the
Super User admin 1234 Super User
Super User can update the firmware and software,
macro and Device Manager configuration.

An Administrator user will be a user in the group of

“root.” The Administrator can perform all of the privileges
Administrator root veeone Administrator
listed above in addition to creating, modifying, and
deleting user accounts.

Doremi Labs ~ 1020 Chestnut Street Burbank CA 91506 USA ~ +1(818)562-1101 ~

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