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Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with one suitable

Remember to use Longman to check the meaning of the words you don’t

Most people I know (1)           Will         never go to a martial arts movie, even if
you paid them, but I defy anyone not to enjoy seventy minutes in the dark with
Jackie Chan. For a start, Chan is more interested in apologetically evading the
bullies that want to do him in than in violent
confrontation. Chan is a likeable, bumbling everyday
man who tries to extricate himself from scrapes with his
astounding athletic (2)          Habilities          : as he
leaps up the side of a building, you (3)
         Would           swear he was on wires. With the kind
of agility (4) normally                limited to monkeys and
flies, Chan seems (5)              Been       of climbing up
any surface. But it is extremely (6)             Where       
for him to go on the offensive. The films of lesser action
stars like Jean-Claude Van Damme provide a diet of
relentless violence, punctuated (7)       Every              
now and (8)            Than         by some semi-moronic 'witticism', but Chan's
balletic altercations with his enemies are as a (9)          Rule           oriented
around the art of comic evasion.

True, nobody (10)         Should            ever win a screenwriting Oscar (11)

            For        one of his films: they're full of lines like 'I'm sorry we didn't get the
tape, four of our guys (12)          Got           blown up', and they have the most
tenuous of plots. But Chan is simply a person of (13)           Considable         
charm with an enormous flair (14)            For         physical comedy. And it is
wonderful that he is still making (15)           Such          films at the age of fifty.
2. Read the three texts below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d)
best fits each gap:

Another election defeat, so the leader resigns.

The party seems to have (16)                     the
knack of winning and the leader must accept the
responsibility. In ( 17)                     succession,
several (18)                     politicians enter the
race to succeed (in both senses) but they are all
grey men and none could be described as the
(19)                     contender. But then, after weeks of indecision, a (20)
                    leader puts his name forward. His stomach is as big as his ego, at
61 he has already been described as (21)                     the hill, but at least he has
a personality.

16 missed omitted mislaid lost

17 fast frenetic quick ceremonial

18 middle medium median mediocre

19 first prominent leading crucial

20 born crowning made prominent

21 over beyond up down

Many people have proposed that no employee

(22)                     be asked to work more than a
35-hour week. This sounds fine in theory though
in practice is (23)                     to give rise to all
sorts of problems if applied too strictly. On the
other hand, the proposal can be seen as a
welcome attempt to stem employers’ seemingly
(24)                     demands for longer hours. For some time, the underlying (25)
                    has been for the working week to become longer and even the most
unambitious employee has found it hard to fight the (26)                     towards
longer working days and work-dominated weekends. Anyone who can stop this
encroachment of the workplace into our leisure hours can boast a (27)

22 might should would will

23 liable license likewise linked

24 unstopping runaway permanent incessant

25 cause trend current support

26 tendency tenement tenancy tenacity

27 forthcoming lengthy lasting maintained

I remember an extraordinary character who lived in the village when I was little.
Every day he (28)                     spend hours just standing in his doorway shouting
abuse at passers-by. If anybody complained and the police were called (as from
time to (29)                     they were), he would respond by saying that he (30)
                    be willing to be less abusive if only people would try a bit harder not
to be so ugly. Considering his own less-than-perfect visage, this was a bit rich. In
fact the man had no (31)                     qualities whatsoever. Foul-mouthed,
gap-toothed and frankly very smelly, he possessed merely an infinite (32)
                    for being annoying, often by displaying an (33)                    
ability to divine the thing you liked least about your own personal appearance
andshouting about it so that everyone turned to look.
28 will would should can

29 time now then again

30 could may should might

31 rescuing retrieving recovering redeeming

32 ability capability capacity quality

33 unknowable uncanny unwary untenable

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