Week 11

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Week #11

PROVOKE (make somebody angry)

For the government, the dissident’s rallies and statements are provocative.
Recently, the US government revoked many foreign students’ visas because of
national security.

VOCABULARY (lexicon)

EVACUATE (empty, vacate)

The village was evacuated because of forest fire.

The Japanese government prepared warning devices to evacuate people to
higher grounds in case of tsunami.

PREVAIL (be current or widespread; reign, win)

Stewart said in the statement that she would appeal the verdict: "I believe in the
fairness of the judicial system and remain confident that I will ultimately prevail."
This custom prevails over the whole area.

CONVALESCE (recover health and strength after illness)

She just got over a serious asthma and is staying in the countryside for

ANIMOSITY (hostility; enmity)

The two countries felt a burning animosity towards each other and there is
possible a war anytime.

ANIMATE (vivify; vitalize; enliven; invigorate; energize)

John is always popular in class because his presence can animate the whole
Rock and plastic are inanimate objects

CONCORD (peace; harmony; agreement)

These countries had lived in concord for centuries because of mutual benefits.
There is discord in this party. Some members disagree with its leader.

COURAGE (quality of being brave // bravery; boldness)

Courage is the virtue that makes other virtues possible. ~~ Winston Chuchill

CORPORATION (group regarded as individual by law; group acting as single

entity // company; firm; enterprise)

Often times, a big corporation would acquire much smaller rivals and thus
becomes even bigger.

CORPS (specialized military force; group of associated people // military unit;


His brother served in the medical corps during the Gulf War.
Corpses are kept in the morgue


voc-, vok- (Latin: call, talk, speak, say, voice; word)  121

vocation advocate
vocal advocacy invoke
vocalist invocation
vocable provoke
vocabulary equivocal provocative
unequivocal provocation
evoke revoke
vociferous evocative revocation
evocation irrevocable

vac, van, void (Latin: from vacare, "to empty")  36

vacate vacation vainglorious

vacuum vanity
vacation evacuate vanish
vacuous evacuee
vacant void
vacancy vain

valid-, val-, vale-, -vail, -valent, -valence (Latin [valere]:, to be strong, to be

worth) 

valid valor equivalent

invalid valiant
validate avail
value valence available
valuable covalence
invaluable multivalent convalesce
evaluate convelescent

prevail prevalent

anima-, anim- + (Latin: animal life, a living being, living; breath; soul; mind) 

equanimity animator inanimate

animal animus equanimity
animate animosity magnanimous
animation unanimous magnanimity

bio-, bi- (Greek: life; living, live, alive)  756

biochemistry biology symbiotic

biodegradable biosphere symbiosis
biography antibiotic

vigor- (Latin: liveliness)  17

vita-, vito-, vit- + (Latin: life)  65
viva-, vivi-, vivo-, viv- + (Latin: life)  98

vigorous vitality vita

vigor vitamin revitalize
invigorate vita
vital curriculum vitae; c.v.;

vivacious vivify survive

vivacity vivisect survivor

vivid revive

cor-, cord-, cour- (Latin: heart) 46

cardio-, cardi-, card- (Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)
 238

cordial record
core discord
discordant cardiac arrest
accord cardiology
according courage cardiologist
accordingly courageous cardiogram
encourage cardiovascular

corp-, corpor-, corpus- (Latin: body)  50

corps corpulent corporation

corpse corpus
corporal incorporate
corporeal incorporation

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