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Unit XI The Nervous System: C.

Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

106. Which structure in the vestibular apparatus is respon- 111. Which structure is maximally sensitive to linear head
sible for the detection of angular acceleration? movement in the vertical plane?
A) Statoconia A) Macula of the utricle
B) Macula B) Macula of the saccule
C) Semicircular canals C) Crista ampullaris of the anterior semicircular duct
D) Saccule D) Crista ampullaris of the horizontal semicircular
E) Ampullae duct

107. The concept of “autonomic tone” is quite advantageous 112. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall long-term
because it allows the nervous system to have much finer memories. Damage to which brain region leads to ret-
control over the function of an organ or organ system rograde amnesia?
than would otherwise be possible. This ability is ex- A) Hippocampus
emplified in the control of systemic arterioles. Which B) Dentate gyrus
action would lead to vasodilation of systemic arterioles? C) Amygdaloid complex
A) Increased activity of preganglionic parasympa- D) Thalamus
thetic neurons E) Mammillary nuclei of hypothalamus
B) Decreased activity of postganglionic parasympa-
thetic neurons 113. Which component of the basal ganglia plays the major
C) Increased activity of postganglionic sympathetic role in the control of cognitive (memory-guided) mo-
neurons tor activity?
D) Decreased activity of postganglionic sympathetic A) Globus pallidus
neurons B) Substantia nigra
E) Increased activity of preganglionic sympathetic C) Caudate nucleus
neurons D) Putamen
E) Subthalamic nucleus
108. A person who has had a traumatic brain injury seems
to be able to understand the written and spoken word 114. A 9-month-old boy is brought to the emergency de-
but cannot create the correct sounds to be able to speak partment by his grandmother because of irritability
a word that is recognizable. This person most likely has and vomiting. The parents dropped the baby off at the
damage to which area of the brain? grandmother’s house 1 hour ago; their current where-
A) Wernicke’s area abouts are not known. Magnetic resonance imaging
B) Broca’s area shows retinal hemorrhages in both eyes, a subdural
C) Angular gyrus hematoma, and cerebral edema. Which of the follow-
D) Dentate nucleus ing is most likely to be increased in this infant?
E) Prefrontal lobe A) Brain oxygenation
B) Cerebral venous volume
Questions 109 and 110 C) Intracranial pressure
A 45-year-old man is taken to the psychiatrist because of D) Visual acuity
delusional behavior in the workplace. The man accused
115. Stimulation of the punishment center can inhibit the
a co-worker of scheming with his neighbor to transplant
reward center, demonstrating that fear and punish-
poison ivy in his backyard. This plot was revealed to the
ment can take precedence over pleasure and reward.
man by a voice in his head. Other examples of delusional
Which of the following cell groups is considered the
thinking and voices in the man’s head are abundant. Use
punishment center?
this information to answer Questions 109 and 110.
A) Lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei
109. What is the most likely diagnosis? B) Periventricular hypothalamus and midbrain cen-
A) Bipolar disorder tral gray area
B) Dissociative identity disorder C) Supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus
C) Multiple personality disorder D) Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
D) Schizophrenia
116. Drugs that stimulate specific adrenergic receptors are
110. A decrease in size of which brain structure is most called sympathomimetic drugs. Which drug is a sym-
likely in this man? pathomimetic drug?
A) Globus pallidus A) Reserpine
B) Hippocampus B) Phentolamine
C) Lateral hypothalamus C) Propranolol
D) Red nucleus D) L-dopa
E) Subthalamic nucleus E) Phenylephrine

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