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To run the business effectively, it is necessary to have the good operation of each department and
the cooperation between those departments. Besides the human resources department, sales and
marketing department, technical department, etc., the accounting department also plays an
indispensable role. Accountants play an important role in assisting companies in budgeting
expenditures and profit and loss statements to balance accounting, financial position and cash
flow to evaluate transactions.
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1. The context and purpose of accounting

1.1. The purpose of accounting.

The purpose of accounting is to gather and present financial data regarding a company's
operations, finances, and cash flow. Afterwards, decisions regarding how to operate the business,
make investments therein, or extend credit are based on this information. Once documented
through typical business transactions like client or sales receipts through either more specific
interpretation, known as journal entry, it is then aggregated in the accounting records alongside
financial accounts. Financial statements such a retained earnings, balance sheet, statement of
cash flows, statement of sales income, etc. are frequently used to organize it.

1.2. Scope of accounting.

The numerous applications of accounting have an impact on every aspect of community,

encompassing company, commerce, politics, investment firms, individual customers, and
families. Contrary to popular belief, arithmetic is not essentially focused with a company's
financial operations. Accounting is necessary for all business entities, including individuals and
their households.

 Persontional Life:

The financial transactions that take place in a person's personal life are recorded properly in their
accounting records with the goal of determining their assets, liabilities, and receipts as well as
their payments.

 Business Organisation:

It makes sense that the account is titled "Language of Business." A corporate concern's financial
activities are documented in the books of accounts in order to determine operating outcomes and
financial status.

 Non-profit organisations:

These groups maintain records of all their payment information, especially payments received,
membership dues paid, and all expenses. In order to do this, statements including the income
statement, revenue and expense account, and receiving and transaction account are made in
accordance with accounting rules.

 Government Organisations.

Even state-owned and centrally controlled organizations fall under the purview of accounting.
The accounting information system is used by these companies for a variety of tasks, such as
determining revenue, expenditures, and the effective running of the executive branch.

 Professional:

In order to manage their income and expenses and determine their tax liabilities, practitioners
like builders, specialists, lawyers, and athletics also take account of their money.

2. A critical evalution of the accounting function in informing decision making and

meeting stakeholder

The foundation of decision-making is accounting information. Accountants may also provide

details regarding a business's financial circumstances and the outcomes of its commercial
operations, and other topics so that people can use the information to make informed choices by
gathering information about economic as well as financial events, processing that information,
and applying their analytical techniques.
- Business:
Using measuring tools, financial data analysis, and development strategies, businesses can
monitor their production and business activities, take into account the relationship between
revenue and expenses, and increase profits in the industry in which they operate.
- Lending Decisions
The importance of accounting information extends to debtors like stockholders and governments.
Because accounting information disclose all of a firm's profits as well as the past and future debt,
creditors are more competent in evaluating a company's dependability.
- Investing Decisions
Inferential statistics relies heavily on the accounting data provided on a business's financial
statements, including the accounting records, statement of comprehensive income, and the
statement of cash flow. Market participants and analysts use the data from financial accounts to
establish opinions about the worth and financial health of a company in order to set price
objectives and figure out if a stock's price is fair or not.
- Corporate Governance

Accurate accounting offers a useful purpose for internal business operations as well as for
external lenders and investors.

3. The branches of accounting and job skillsets and competencies required for

3.1. The branches of accounting.

- Financial accounting:

A company's economic ventures are closely monitored, assembled, and disclosed using audited
returns in budgetary control. The financial report, the operational income, the statement of
liquidity, and the profits statement for cash flows are also included. Creditors, stockholders, and
tax authorities can learn more about an organization's business thanks to these financial reports.
(Kenton, 2023).

- Management accounting:

Managerial accounting offers managerial executives with data which constitutes an industry's
structural properties. Managing needs receive priority in managerial accounting, which can
sometimes not follow GAAP accounting policies.

- Cost accounting:

Cost accounting, which is regarded as a subset of management accounting, is concerned with

cost analysis. To effectively estimate the cost of a project or endeavor, this branch takes into
account all manufacturing-related elements.

- Auditing:

Auditing, a branch of bookkeeping, is frequently done both domestically and externally. Internal
auditor examine and monitor a corporate accounting moral fortitude, accounting correctness, and
conformity with tax legislation and rules.

- Tax accounting:

This segment offers details on how tax rates impact organizations and could offer suggestions on
how to lower taxes or manage the results of tax decisions. Tax professionals calculate income
and other taxes using the firm' organisation culture.

3.2. Job skills of accountants.

- Knowledge of Accounting Practices:

Accounting fields of study will likely become familiar with generally accepted accounting
principles, or GAAP. These regulations aim to standardize accounting practices throughout all
American industries and company segments. to ensure that the requirements for revenue
recognition are fulfilled and that the organisation's information operations are conducted with

- Technological Savvy

Accounting is a profession that uses technology more than most, thus accountants need to keep
up with changes in the area. Accounting professionals must possess advanced Excel abilities,
ERP knowledge, knowledge of business technology innovations, and expertise in big data
analysis, based on staffing service Robert Half.

- Ability to Analyze Data

One of a company's most valuable assets is its financial data. It is essential for maintaining the
continuous success of the business and can help with decisions in almost every aspect of
operations. Because of this, the ability to gather and interpret uncooked financial data is a crucial
competency for accountants.

- Communication skills:

Accounting professionals need to be capable of understanding the significance of the data,

particularly for coworkers in other sectors who might not be as acquainted with accounting
standards and jargon.

- Critical thinking:

Using analytical abilities can be beneficial for negotiating ambiguity, handling different
variables, and assessing likelihood in real-world scenarios.

- Time management:

The many accounting professionals handle various task concurrently. Accountants and auditors
that have the capacity to perform multiple tasks and effectively schedule their time can handle
pressure and produce remarkable results for their consumers.

3.3. Accounting Competencies:

Accounting competencies are the install the software of the trade that add value to businesses
and foster a productive future.

- Risk Assessment, Analysis, and Leadership:

Use the appropriate principles, professional judgment, and skepticism to assess, evaluate, and
successfully manage for positive organizational supervisors.

- Measurement Analysis and Interpretation:

To analyze data for a specific purpose and intended use, choose and employ accurate, verifiable

- Reporting:

While following to ethical guidelines, legal regulations, as well as the demands of the globalised
economy, select the pertinent information and communicate it to the target demographic in a
straightforward and unbiased method.

- Research:

To aid in research and decision-making, locate, obtain, and employ the best professionals
principles, norms, and guidelines.

- Systems and Process Management:

Find the appropriate business functions, service(s), multiple underlying, and policies to help with
the creation and execution of system applications for lucrative and successful operating.

- Technology and Tools:

Find and utilize relevant resources and technological advances to examine the data, submit
assignments effectively and efficiently, and support other capabilities.

4. Accounting systems and technology's significance in present accounts

4.1. Accounting system.

An accounting framework is employed to regulate a business's earnings, expenses, and other

financial activities. A company may keep records of many different financial activities with the
use of a financial statements, including expenditures (expenses), revenues (invoices and income),
obligations (funding, accounts payable), and also more. Also, an accountancy system has the

capacity to generate thorough periodic data that provide leadership or other relevant individuals
with a precise set of data to aid in judgment.4.2. Role of technology in modern-day
- Technology has had a huge impact on contemporary accounting operations, revolutionizing the
collection, handling, and analysis of financial data. Modern technologies have improved
accounting systems' speed, correctness, and privacy, allowing for better decision-making and
financial reporting. This article will look at how modern accounting practices employ
- Technology now plays a big part in accounting, increasing productivity and making it easier to
analyze statistical data. Technology also makes it possible for companies to capture data in real-
time, compile data from many sources, and swiftly automate activities in order to lower errors,
provide better outcomes, and improve financial decisions..

5. Issues of ethics, regulation and compliance and the extent to which they are constraints
or thre

• Ethical Issues in Accounting explores various accounting-related subjects with

significant ethical dimensions, including creative accounting, the ethical implications of
accounting regulation, the ethical dilemmas faced by accountants working for the
government, the personal and professional challenges connected with information
leakage, audit committees, morally justifiable training for accounting professionals,
taxation practising, and social financial reporting, which contains accounting. Ethical
Concerns in Accounts offers a challenging and contested exploration of the role of ethics
of a broad range of economic topics for financial reporting trainees, Bachelor of Business
Administration graduates, and the discerning professional.

Ethical Considerations in Accountancy provides an interesting and contested exploration of the

role of ethics of a broad range of accounting topics for financial trainees, Bachelor of Science
bachelor of commerce students, and the discerning profession.
All participants in a regulatory system, including regulators, traders, clients, auditors, and
stakeholders, ought to be urged and assisted to behave morally. It should establish norms,
rewards, and guidelines that encourage moral behavior on the part of people and organizations
rather than working against it. Via their enforcement methods and procedures, legislators,
regulators, prosecutors, judges, and corporations themselves should encourage and acknowledge
corporate commitment to an ethical approach. Impacting both individual and collective behavior
will be crucial. A company's culture plays a crucial role in its professionalism and ethical
behavior. (Steven Mintz, 2021).

6. Analyzing budget

Starting with the sale, the first month's payment is $10,000. Sales have risen by 10% per month
that since February 20% discount. After one month, sales income will be composed of 65% cash
sales and 35% signal revenue. The proceeds will consist of both cash income and signal revenue
added together. Thirdly, the cash to be spent is a guaranteed item, with a profit rate of 30% of the
inventory needed. The business expects to spend £5,000 on the initial storage project by
purchasing £1,500 of inventory each month because the company's inventory may be disturbed
after the fiscal year. Providers of trade signals will have access to the total amount of the trade in.
In February or the next month, trade signal distributors will have access to the whole value of the
trade, which includes the required amount of inventory, the price of buying the products, and the
initial inventory charge. The financial component will also increase earnings and wages,
particularly the £800 starting in January. Tenths of the preceding month's sales will be added to
spend pay starting in February. The total cost for the first six months will be £750, and for the
following six months, it will be £800. Spending will be reduced by 15%, and the company will
pay £36,000 in January to rent an office space through the end of June. During July, the costs for
utilities, equipment, and additional equipment are £13,000, £15,000, and £9,000, respectively.
We will receive the complete amount of money paid from the total amount of money spent. The
$100,000 contribution comes from the company's founders. Beginning in February, the closing
cash balance will equal the sum of the net cash flow and the period cash balance, which will be
the closing cash balance for the preceding month.

The categories for paid payments, purchases, and commissions in Table 2 are the same as those
in Table 1 above. However, this table has some variances, such as: Increase the marketing budget
in note 1 (Sales) by 10% each month to produce 20% higher sales income. Then, marketing
expenses for January will total £400 and be paid in cash in the month of expenditure.

Notes 1, 2, and 4 in Table 3 are the same as those in Tables 1 and 2 above. The payment of all
purchased merchandise (including initial inventory) will now be made in cash in the first month,
as opposed to cash, as stated in note 3. after a month, the two tables above. Also, unlike Table 2,
this table does not include any marketing expenses.

2. The benefits and limitations of budgets for an organization

Benefits of Budgets Limitation of Budgets

Management and control help to check and Illogical and misleading: As expenditures
make judgments based on their capabilities, are dependent on estimates and judgments,
establish conservatism regarding expenses, their execution should make all of the
and provide a strategic plan of action. budget plan's projections significant and
challenging to manage.

Evaluation of policies: Analyzing defined Inflexibility: It might be challenging to shift

objectives and guidelines to guide future course while making judgments when you
spending choices. are dependent on a particular organization's
or goal's policies.

Capital augmentation is the process of Examining a person or an organization from

utilizing resources and capital that are all angles to make sure that the money is
already accessible to boost productivity and being spent on a particular objective takes
earnings. time.

gives instructions on how to spend the Conflict: The ineffective operation of the
money or resources in a useful way. organization can result in various strains and
rifts due to the failure of a budget plan.

Systematic and organized: a disciplined, Financial orientation: The desires and

methodical approach to budgeting will necessities are not reflected in the budget.
ensure the effective analysis and execution While the requirements are more qualitative
of organizational or personal plans and in nature, it is more profit-oriented and
initiatives. quantifiable.

- Control and Budgetary planning:

Checking and controlling actual vs. planned activity is a critical strategy, which is using budgets
to handle income and expenditure budgets. Yet for this to work, the money is supposed to be
realistically allocated throughout the months of the fiscal year. The budget is being "phased" in
as a result. Actual and expected activities can be meaningfully compared with a budget that has
been correctly phased.

3. Problem and Soltion.

They run into trouble because we define net cash flow from operating activities (such as renting
office space, equipment, or vehicles) as the difference between total cash inflows and total cash
outflows. The excess is usually bad when it comes to the information above. The outcomes are
rather inconsistent from month to month. Typically, the quantity of sales income received is less
than the entire amount due, which results in a loss on the company's investment.

As a result, the company has poor financial management, minimal profit flow, and insufficient
revenue to cover expenses, which causes revenue to be lost and makes it challenging to maintain
business operations. As a result, the whole sum likewise has a negative cash flow each month.
The answer is that the business must determine the best course of action by requesting

investment funds, earning customers' confidence through product marketing, and rewarding
fortunate customers with presents in order to generate profits.


The company still has insufficient financial management; the cash flow loss exceeds the profit
and is insufficient to pay expenses. As a result, it is clear that the overall surplus in the cash
budget is always negative, and if it remains that way, the business would lose money and become
challenging to manage. Also, flexible budgeting differs from actual costs, but in terms of fixed
costs, so the business might be more profitable. In general, the business continues to meet
production goals and is successful.


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