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Grade 10 Canadian History

Unit Two Test Review – World War One

Part A: Fill in the blanks

- Can be from any chapter; pay attention to jeopardy

Part B: Chart

- Fill in a chart with the following as possible examples

- Goals of countries at Paris Peace Conference, reasons for victory at Vimy Ridge, reasons why
U.S. entered the war, conditions of the trenches, causes of the war

Part C: Definitions

- Study definition lists paying close attention to those that were discussed in class.

Part D: Timeline

- Given list of events surrounding World War One and you have to put them in correct order. This
can include events that happen before WW1, but would be viewed as causes; battles…

Part E: Identifications

- Identify different personalities that were involved in the war or on the homefront. Again pay
particular attention to those people that we directly discussed in class.

Part F: Essay question:

- Will be one of the following:

o Fully discuss 10 ways that people on the homefront contributed to the war effort.
o Fully discuss 10 conditions that soldiers in the trenches had to face In World War One.
o Fully discuss the indirect and direct causes of World War One.
o Fully discuss Canada’s participation in the war making specific references to battles in
which Canada participated.

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