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第 1 頁
共 8 頁
第 壹 部 分 : 選 擇 題 ( 占 72分 )
一 、 詞 彙 題 ( 占 15分 )
1. Helping high school students ______ to college and university leads to higher enrolment.
(A) graduate (B) employ (C) imply (D) apply
2. Due to global warming, many natural disasters have become more ______ and have resulted in more
damage and losses.
(A) drastic (B) drowsy (C) memorable (D) ineffective
3. Employees tend to leave their jobs and look for new places to work if they don’t feel at home with
their current ______.
(A) capital (B) employer (C) radiator (D) demonstrator
4. You should call the police or the firefighters in case of ______.
(A) democracy (B) variety (C) emergency (D) opportunity
5. In today’s rapidly changing world, it is ______ that organizations hire the smartest, most capable
people possible.
(A) essential (B) considerable (C) potential (D) resistant
6. My colleague wished _____ to get promoted so she could solve her financial problems.
(A) potentially (B) thoughtfully (C) desperately (D) effectively
7. We deeply believe that education is the _____ of the national development.
(A) foundation (B) fascination (C) medication (D) relation
8. The blood center ______ donations to keep up with the needs of hospitals caring for patients in
(A) annoys (B) urges (C) offends (D) explodes
9. When Selina and her friends went to Japan on vacation, they shared their travel and hotel ______.
(A) occasions (B) medals (C) expenses (D) origins
10. The brave king ______ the enemy and saved his people from harm.
(A) defeated (B) furnished (C) polished (D) recited
11. While admiring artistic works, people should try hard to ______ their beauty so that future
generations will have opportunities to appreciate them.
(A) identify (B) overlook (C) witness (D) preserve
12. The credit card company will charge you a late fee as a ______ if you don’t pay your bills
on time.
(A) tragedy (B) criminal (C) welfare (D) penalty
13. People who are more ______ tend to adapt to a new environment more easily.
(A) stubborn (B) conservative (C)flexible (D) intimate
14. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and ______.
(A) smelled (B) digested (C) breathed (D) ignored
15. Experts say that extremely loud noise can cause ______ hearing loss, so you’d better turn down
the volume while you are listening to music.
(A) standard (B) permanent (C) preferable (D) marvelous

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第 2 頁
共 8 頁

二 、 綜 合 測 驗 ( 占 15分 )
第 16 至 20 題為題組
Power plants, factories, and cars are the main causes of global warming. They 16 pollution
into the air. That causes the Earth’s temperature to rise, leading to many problems. Indeed, fighting
global warming may be the biggest challenge now.
As temperatures rise, 17 sea levels. If they become too high, they could flood cities near
the ocean. Warmer temperatures also make storms like typhoons more serious. There is good news.
We have the technology to slow down global warming. New equipment can lower the pollution
from power plants. Also, car makers can use new technology to make engines 18 . Plus, we
can get more energy from wind, solar, and other clean sources.
New laws are needed to make these changes happen. However, some governments worry that
such laws will 19 their economies. Getting the world’s governments to agree on the issue is
not easy.
People like you and me can help in the fight. For example, buy refrigerators and light bulbs
that use less energy. Also, when buying a new car, consider one with a hybrid engine. 20
working together, it is possible to slow down global warming.
16. (A) donate (B) promote (C) grow (D) release
17. (A) do for (B) so do (C) do with (D) also do
18. (A) cleanliness (B) cleaner (C) cleaning (D) cleanly
19. (A) hurt (B) raise (C) throw (D) offer
20. (A) For (B) About (C) By (D) To
第 21 至 25 題為題組
If you had 18 minutes free, what would you do? It would be a good idea to 21 those 18 minutes
watching a TED talk. These are thought-provoking speeches 22 can inspire us and teach us many
things. TED, which 23 Technology, Entertainment, Design, was established in 1984. Each
speaker has 18 minutes to share his or her ideas. Starting in 2007, videos of the talks have also been
available for free online. 24 , these videos have been watched more than one billion times around the
world. The videos have been a great success, helping to share innovative ideas with anybody who has a
little free time and wants to watch one. Watching one of these videos is like standing on the shoulders of a
giant. You can see so 25 and learn so much more. Watching one of these speeches might even help
you to change the world one day.
21. (A) make (B) cost (C) spend (D) take
22. (A) who (B) what (C) when (D) that
23. (A) goes along with (B) deals with (C) stands for (D) mistakes for
24. (A) Far and wide (B) At present (C) In place (D) On the other hand
25. (A) much farther (B) much stronger (C) very powerful (D) too farther

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第 3 頁
共 8 頁
The sun is a huge, fiery globe of gas. Every now and then, it sends out massive waves of charged
particles that hit Earth 26 speeds upwards of a million kilometers an hour. These charged particles
interact with our magnetic northern and southern poles, 27 a breathtaking light show that enthralls
all its viewers.
These light shows are known as auroras. Since Earth’s magnetic field is strongest at its poles, auroras
appear most brightly near the North and South Pole. They are not 28 because they occur at any
time of the year. Auroras appear as slowly moving curtains, bands, spots of color, and a variety of other
shapes that shift across the sky. They can also exhibit more than one color at a time. The colors, ranging
from purple to green, 29 on the altitude of oxygen and nitrogen penetrated by solar energy. The
most common color on view is green because it is at lower altitudes and people can see green the easiest.
Photographing the breathtaking auroras is not difficult, but photos don’t do them 30 . Viewing
auroras is something that needs to be experienced in person.
26. (A) at (B) by (C) in (D) from
27. (A) serving as (B) checking out (C) reporting to (D) resulting in
28. (A) regional (B) seasonal (C) universal (D) normal
29. (A) to depend (B) depend (C) depending (D) dependent
30. (A) harm (B) wonders (C) justice (D) favors

三 、 文 意 選 填 ( 占 10分 )
第 31 至 40 題為題組
While online gaming has become a favorite pastime of millions of people, researchers are investigating
how gaming can 31 work performance. Studies in the medical field show that surgeons who play
video games using a joystick improve their hand-eye coordination, resulting in 37 percent fewer errors
during 32 surgery. Other interactive software allows doctors to perform simulated surgery on avatars,
providing practice time before 33 on actual patients.
In the workplace, companies have developed performance games that run 34 on employee’s
computers. The games award points for tasks such as being on time for work, attending meetings, and 35
segments of projects. This reward-based type of gaming triggers the release of dopamine in the brain,
raising performance levels and 36 . Other companies have discovered that 37 video games with
audio instructions raises retention levels of employees. Skills are then acquired more quickly.
IBM has placed Innov8, a business game, at over 1,000 universities. Students 38 real-time
business models that provide immediate feedback on the decisions they make. This 39 education tool
enhances book learning and lectures by allowing students to apply learned material. Decision-making skills
are improved, as students learn by trial and 40 , and strengthen analytical skills.
(A) real-life (B) interactive (C) improve (D) error (E) behind-the-scenes
(F) operating (G) production (H) finishing ( I ) linking ( J ) participate in

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第 4 頁
共 8 頁

四 、 閱 讀 測 驗 ( 占 32分 )
第 41 至 44 題為題組
January 25, 2019
Dear Sir or Madam,
I stayed at your Prince Hotel in Chiayi from 21st to 23rd January 2019 in Room 1518. I am writing for
your assistance in finding my Minnie Mouse T-shirt that I have carelessly left in the room during my stay
at your hotel.
First of all, I am gratified to have an outstanding service at your hotel. My family and I really enjoyed
it and we would definitely like to come again. Now, I would like you to help me locate my T-shirt. It is a
white women’s tee and has a silhouette of Minnie’s head on the front, below which is my name “Miranda.”
I accidentally stained the shirt with soy-bean sauce while having breakfast in your hotel. After going back
to my room, I quickly washed it to remove the stain and hanged it in the balcony chair. The last day during
our stay in your hotel, to catch the train back to Taipei, we hurried to check out and forgetfully left my T-
shirt in the balcony.
As you can see, the T-shirt I left at your hotel is a customized one. My family of four had the T-shirts
tailored during our trip to Tokyo Disneyland last summer, and I have learned that they do not offer this
kind of service any longer—that is, the tee I left behind is one-of-a-kind. We have made a plan that every
time we go traveling, we will wear them together since it is a token of our family bond. Hence, I am very
dismayed that I should forget my favorite T-shirt! Please check with your lost and found department about
this item of clothing. I would highly appreciate it if you can find it, inform me at your earliest convenience,
and deliver it to my address on the attached envelope. Of course, I will bear the postal charges.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and expect another vacation in your hotel again.
Yours faithfully,
41. Which of the following pictures best describes the lost T-shirt?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

42. Where did the writer leave her T-shirt when she left the hotel?
(A) In the balcony of her room.
(B) In a chair at the hotel lobby.
(C) In the bathroom of her room.
(D) In the restaurant for breakfast.
43. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?
(A) She is disappointed at the hotel service.
(B) She is expecting to travel to Chiayi again.
(C) She traveled to Chiayi on business by herself.
(D) She went to Hong Kong Disneyland last summer.
44. What does “tailored” in the third paragraph most likely mean?
(A) hand-made (B) shop-bought (C) mail-ordered (D) custom-made

第 45 至 48 題為題組
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第 5 頁
共 8 頁
Mount Mayon, which is the most active volcano in the Philippines, is known for its steep-sloped cone
shape, which is often compared to Mount Fuji in Japan. Like other volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean,
Mayon is a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Smithsonian reports that the volcano’s picturesque
symmetry makes it something of a tourist attraction, with visitors trying to get to its rim. However, it is also
the perfect cone shape that actually indicates how frequently the volcano erupts and how dangerous the
volcano can be. Its geology and location could soon combine in explosive, and deadly, fashion.
Since Mayon’s first recorded eruption in 1616, it has erupted about 58 times, the latest one in this
January, ranging from sputters to calamities. Many of Mayon’s eruptions have involved spraying out lava
that collects at the rim. As it sputters over the top, it builds up over time, causing the steep slopes that have
made it famous.
For comparison, the Italian volcano Mount Vesuvius of Pompeii has also erupted over 50 times in
recorded history. In the past, Mount Vesuvius has had a roughly 20-year eruption cycle, the last serious
eruption in 1944. The best known eruption was in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the city
of Pompeii for hundreds of years under many tons of volcanic ash unfolded in much the same way --
explosions, ash raining down, air so thick that it’s hard to breathe, and then finally a pyroclastic flow -- an
explosive blast that sends ash, lava, and volcanic gas raining down fast onto the sides of the volcano. It is
the most devastating part of an eruption. It’s what buried Pompeii, and Mayon may erupt in a similar fashion.
45. What is the most dangerous part of a volcano eruption?
(A) Gas and ash (B) Thick air (C) Pyroclastic flow (D) Explosion
46. What may be the feature that Mount Mayon attracts the tourists?
(A) To see the spectacular shape (B) To breathe the air
(C) To compare it with Mount Fuji (D) To see the pyroclastic flow
47. Which is NOT true about Mount Mayon and Mount Vesuvius?
(A) Mount Mayon is famous for the steep-sloped cone shape.
(B) Mount Mayon erupts about every twenty years.
(C) Both have erupted over 50 times in recorded history.
(D) Both may erupt in a similar way.
48. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Mount Mayon’s eruptions were all very serious.
(B) Mount Fuji has symmetric steep slopes.
(C) Mount Mayon erupted this January.
(D) The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 was devastating.
第 49 至 52 題為題組
The story of Venice begins in the 5th century A.D. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire,
barbarians from the north were raiding Rome’s former territories. In order to escape these raids, the
Venetian population on the mainland escaped to the nearby marshes, and found refuge on the sandy
islands of Torcello, Iesolo and Malamocco. Although the settlements were initially temporary in nature,
the Venetians gradually inhabited the islands on a permanent basis. In order to have their buildings on a
solid foundation, the Venetians first drove wooden stakes into the sandy ground. Then, wooden platforms
were constructed on top of these stakes. Finally, the buildings were constructed on these platforms. This
process took two years and two months to be completed. On top of that, the wood had to be obtained from
the forests of Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, and transported to Venice via water. Thus, one can

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第 6 頁
共 8 頁

imagine the scale of this undertaking.

The use of wood as a supporting structure may seem as a surprise, since wood is relatively less
durable than stone or metal. The secret to the longevity of Venice’s wooden foundation is the fact that
they are submerged underwater. The decay of wood is caused by microorganisms, such as fungi and
bacteria. As the wooden support in Venice is submerged underwater, they are not exposed to oxygen, one
of the elements needed by microorganisms to survive. In addition, the constant flow of salt water around
and through the wood petrifies the wood over time, turning the wood into a hardened stone-like structure.
As a city surrounded by water, Venice had a distinct advantage over her land-based neighbors. For a
tart, Venice was secure from enemy invasions. For instance, Pepin, the son of Charlemagne, attempted to
invade Venice, but failed as he was unable to reach the islands on which the city was built. Venice
eventually became a great maritime power in the Mediterranean. For instance, in 1204, Venice allied itself
with the Crusaders and succeeded in capturing the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. Nevertheless,
Venice started to decline in the 15th century, and was eventually captured by Napoleon in 1797 when he
invaded Italy.
49. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The history and construction of Venice.
(B) The culture and tradition of Venice.
(C) How Venetians became a great maritime power in the Mediterranean.
(D) Why Venice declined and was captured by Napoleon.
50. Which area was NOT involved with providing wood for early Venetians?
(A) Croatia (B) Montenegro (C) Slovenia (D) Malamocco
51. Which of the following statements about Venice is NOT true?
(A) Venice benefited from its geographical position if compared with its land-based neighbors.
(B) The Byzantine capital was occupied by the combined force of the Venetians and the Crusaders in
(C) The Romans escaped to today’s Venice because they made their living on fishing and salt trading.
(D) The Venetians made their first settlements on the sandy islands of Torcello, Iesolo, and Malamocco.
52. Why can Venice’s wooden foundation last for such a long time?
(A) The foundation was built on top of many solid rocks.
(B) The microorganisms that decompose wood are unable to survive in water.
(C) Barbarians from the north did not have a chance to destroy it.
(D) Venetians have good techniques in repairing the wooden foundation.
第 53 至 56 題為題組
With the plethora of payment options, greater security and improved delivery, 96 percent of adults
with internet access and a bank account now shop online, which is almost the entire customer base.
Online shopping is now as popular as shopping in store (or even more so), as customers can save time,
avoid the crowds and select products at their leisure without stepping outdoors.
But e-commerce isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for people to place an order online only to be
disappointed by delayed delivery, or receiving an item that fails to meet expectations. Perhaps they want
to ask an extra question before clicking the purchase button, or to feel an affinity with your brand.
Millennials, in particular, increasingly need to identify with your brand and message, before committing
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第 7 頁
共 8 頁
to buy. Experts stated that humanizing the e-commerce experience will lead to higher sales and improve
customer retention. In fact, it’s not just a good idea; it’s imperative.
With online shoppers notoriously fickle, many business owners find themselves faced with a
quandary. How do they take their businesses online without sacrificing their brand’s customer service
differentiation, delivered through personal touch? It’s all about creating an online experience that
surpasses the customer’s expectations. Investing in the right technology is a necessary start. A tech-
enabled business is the first step towards building a product or service that is measurable and sustainable.
Delivering a superlative user experience online means ensuring that your site functions to perfection. It’s
imperative that your shopping cart is fast and secure, your customers aren’t left with any doubts, and there
are no broken links or error messages.
In addition, the purchasing experience should be as simple as possible. One of the main reasons for
shopping cart abandonment is forcing users to create a new account or jump through too many hoops in
order to complete a purchase. 60 percent of consumers are less loyal to brands after just one poor
experience with their website or app. In the evolving world of online e-commerce, customer satisfaction
is as much about competitive differentiation as it is about evolving with the times. To provide an
exceptional customer experience as well as to keep your online brand strategy focused on the user
experience is critical. Only by doing this, can a business execute the ‘human’ touch for their product or
53. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Focusing on distribution to guarantee on-time delivery.
(B) Making online shopping carts as large as possible.
(C) Using the right technology to improve online shopping experiences.
(D) Encouraging customers to create new accounts.
54. What does it mean by “online shoppers notoriously fickle” in the third paragraph?
(A) Customers who shop online are critical and cynical.
(B) People who shop online do not have strong brand commitment.
(C) Online shoppers are loyal shoppers and big spenders.
(D) Those who purchase online want to save as much time as possible.
55. According to the passage, which of the following is a factor that makes e-commerce prosperous?
(A) Secure payment options. (B) Promotions and discounts.
(C) Quantity purchases. (D) Custom-made products.
56. According to the passage, what do experts recommend?
(A) Making the shopping site visible is the most important.
(B) Creating as sophisticated shopping experiences as possible is essential.
(C) Online businesses need to create humanized shopping experiences.
(D) Online companies should develop more technology-driven products.

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第 8 頁
共 8 頁

第 貳 部 分 : 非 選 擇 題 ( 占 28分 )

一 、 中 譯 英 ( 占 8分 )
1. 隨著網路普及,能打破時空障礙的線上課程已是不可或缺的學習管道。
2. 透過線上課程,有些人實踐終生學習的理想,有些人藉由分享知識,創造有價值的內容。

二、英文作文(占 20 分)
擔心的會是什麼?寫一篇 120 字以上作文,文分兩段,第一段寫你一定會準備的三樣東

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