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Fishing System Reviewer for Midterms Inland Fishing Gear- cover pot, fish trap, lift

net, fish trap, pole-and-line, push net, skimming net,

Fishery -all the activities connected with the securing of cover net, gillnet, dredge, cast net, among others.
animal and vegetable products from the earth waters.
Destructive Fishing Methods- Dynamite, Cyanide
 Non-motorized type – 3-7 m /GT 0.1-0.2/
fishing and Fine mesh net.
 Motorized type – 5-18 m / GT 0.5 – 2.9/
Fisheries sector classified into two: Capture Fisheries
and Aquaculture

Republic Act (RA) 8550- Philippine Fishery Code of1998

– Amended by RA 10654

Capture Fisheries classified into three:

Municipal Fisheries – Traditional, artisanal and small-

scale fisheries. ( 3GT or less)

Commercial “ – All fishing operations that use of vessel

of over 3.1 GT and above

Commersial fisheries classified into three:

 Small scales – fishing vessels of 3.1 – 20 GT HISTORY OF FISHING GEARS
 Medium scales- “ “ of 20.1-150 GT 2nd halt of the 19th Century- Steam Driven Capstans
 Large scales- more than 150 GT
Evolution of fishing gears
Commercial fishing- needs (CFVL) commercial fishing Hands / Spears and lances / Line Fishing / Barriers /
vessel licensed from BFAR- renewal every 3 years Netting
Inland “ – operate enclosed freshwater areas ( lakes
and reservoirs using vessel of 3GT or less.) Seine net – mukot
Trawl – galadgad
Fishing Gear Troll – sibid-sibid
Passive Fishing Gear – Fish must seek out the gear Longline – Kitam
Active Fishing Gear – Gear must seek out the fish Drift Longline- Floating kitam
Life net – Salambaw
Allowed Fishing Gears Ring net- Pangulong
Purse seine -
✓1. will not deprive anyone of the use of the municipal Fishing corrals – Baklad
✓2. will not harm coastal and marine habitat 4 FISHING GEAR CLASSIFICATION
✓3. will not deplete fish stock  Nets
✓4. will promote a balance in the marine and coastal  Traps and Barriers
ecosystem  Hooks and Lines
✓5. will not endanger the health and safety of the  Hand instruments
people NETS
 Gillnets - caught by "gilling" the
Not Allowed Gears - all other fishing gears that fail to fish is caught in one of the meshes of the
satisfy any of the above mentioned criteria. gillnet, normally by the gill region
Municipal Fishing Gear - gillnets, hook and line,  Trammel Nets - look like a gillnet. the gillnet has
traps/pots, cast nets, beach seine, and fish corral. a single panel of meshes, the trammel net has
Commericial Fishing Gear -ring net, trawl, handline, three - one middle panel of small meshes and
two side panels of larger meshes.
purse seine, bag net, and longline.
Gear that is set or stationed in the water for a certain
period, regardless of the kind of material used for their
 Crab trap - A crab trap is a passive fishing
gear used mainly to trap crabs. It is composed of a
bamboo frame and netting material.
 Drive-in net - It is a dustpan-shaped net. The
front part of the net is laid along the seabed. the net is
closed by lifting the front end so the fish cannot escape.

 Fish Corral - A fish corral is a stationary

fishing gear that is primarily made of bamboo and
netting panels.

 Lift-net - A lift net has an opening which

faces upwards. The net is first submerged to a desired
depth and then lifted or hauled from the water.

 Barrier net - A barrier net targets fish that move

to the mangrove area during high tide.

 Push net- A push net is a "small

triangular fishing net with a rigid frame that is pushed
along the bottom in shallow waters.
The ebb phase is the outgoing phase, when the
tide drains away from the shore.
 Fish pot - A pot is a passive fishing gear that is
made of bamboo and netting. It works by luring
target organism into the enclosure.

 Seine net - A bag shaped net with two

wings, normally, the wings are larger than those of
trawl nets. The net is pulled towards a stationary boat
or onto a beach.
The fish are attracted by the natural or artificial bait One of the oldest form of fishing is gathering
(lures), hooked, and held by the mouth until they are shellfish by hand. Other types of fishing gears
brought aboard the operating vessel which periodically under hand instruments are scoop, spear and
hauls the gear. harpoon, dredge, modified scythe, and snare.
 Simple Handline - Handline fishing is the use of  Scoop Net - scoop net is a small fishing gear
a single hook attached at the end of the made primarily of conical-shaped netting with a
weighted PA monofilament. bamboo frame and handle.

 Spears and Harpoons - is a spearlike weapon

with a barbed head used in hunting whales and
large fish while spear is a long stick with a sharp
tip used as a weapon for throwing or thrusting,
 Multiple Handline - A multiple handline has or anything used to make a thrusting motion.
about 20-30 hooks attached to the mainline.
Fish is lured using baits.

 Dredge - A manual dredge resembles a scoop

net. This gear is dragged or pushed along the sea bed
usually to collect molluscs such as mussels, oysters,
scallops, clams, etc. knee to waist high waters.

 Bottom-set Longline - A bottom-set longline

consists of a PA monofilament mainline with
about 200-400 PA monofilament branchlines. Each  Modified Scythe-modified scythe (karet) is used
branchline has a single hook. Distance between to locate and unearth eel that has buried itself
branchlines is about 1 m. in the substrate.
 Snare - By simply baiting your skewer hook,
which is a carved bone hook, and tying it to a
snare line one can catch fish unattended.
SPIRAL WRAPPED DESIGNED FISHING ROD “ACID- particular quantity of the product is less than its sale
WRAPPED” -It allows for a lighter build with better value.
overall balance and weight distribution throughout the
blank—resulting in more power and sensitivity from • Biologically over fishing would mean taking more
your tackle system. catch per year than the maximum that the stock can
 LESS FATIGUE replace through breeding and growth.
 BETTER ALL-ROUND FISHING XP Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) - The maximum
 MORE POWER annual catch should be not more than the maximum
that will accrue to the population by way of breeding
CHAPTER 3- FISHING GEAR DESIGNS and growth per year.
Mesh regulation - By mesh regulation, certain portions
BASIC PRINCIPLES IN FISHING GEAR DESIGN of a population is protected by restrictions on the gear.
Many factors enter into the choice of the fishing This is effected by fixing minimum sized meshes in the
method and gear used to catch particular species of fish cod end of trawls to allow escape of young juveniles.
in a particular area.
1. The species being fished. -The various species Mesh size – 50% escape level
of commercially important fishes have different
habitates, movements and reactions to stimuli. Selection: It is the mechanism by 'which fishes
2. Individual value of the species. - Depending on with certain characteristics are captured and
the way in which it is marketed and processed a others escape.
certain type of fish may have a high, medium or
low individual value. Selection Factor: Index related to escapement
3. The depth of water. - Fishing gear are designed factor expressing relation between 50% point and
to be operated with in particular depths of the size of mesh involved.
water as in the case of surface SF= 50% / Average actual value of mesh size in mm
4. The characteristics of the seabed. - Some types
of fishing gear like bottom trawls are Selection ranges: Ranges in fish length over which
susceptible to damage due to hard, uneven or the gear exercises selection i.e. 25% to 75%
rough sea beds. escape/retention

FACTORS RELATING TO DESIGN OF FISHING GEAR Selectivity: It is the selection properties of a fishing gear
1. Kinds of fish aimed for and refers to the size of fish selected from the
2. Sizes of fish School population.
3. Size and shape of fish body
4. Behaviour of fish School COD END – most important area of escape
5. Density of Schooling
6. Swimming speed of fish and School Effect of Selective Fishing
7. Fish migration etc. - extinction of species of fishes
-imbalanced leading to depletion
Fish behaviour in relation to fishing gear
the appetite of a certain species of fish for certain types Fishing Regulation
of bait makes it vulnerable to fishing by means of hooks. - Quota
Fishing Management - Closure of certain fishing areas
an unrestricted catch of spawning fish, finger lings and - Restriction of fishing to selected seasons
young fish would destroy their stocks themselves. - Restriction to the size of fish being marketed
Therefore, preventive measures against overfishing are - Restriction on the size of vessels
absolutely necessary for the maintenance and - Restriction on the types of fishing gear used
preservation of various fisheries. Potential yields – average annual yield that can be
OVERFISHING taken over a period of time.
 Economically - it may mean that the fish density Construction of Fishing Gears
has been reduced by fishing to the level where - Only metres (m) and millimeters (mm)
the cost of a

The design of a fishing vessel is done to meet the

requirement of the fisherman. The type of fishing,
number of days for fishing, capacity of fish store and
speed are very important. At the same time the vessel
designed and built should be economical for the owner
in terms of fuel consumption.


 Type of fishing and deck equipment
 Material
 Dimensions of the Boat
 Capacity and method of fish storage
 Speed of Vessel
 Draft of the vessel
 Hull Shape
 Other facilities such as accommodation, toilet
and galley
 Selection of machinery and equipment
 Safety Requirements
 Rules and Regulations


 Step 1 - The Design Statement.
 Step 2. The Conceptual Design Phase.
 Step 3 The Preliminary Design Phase.
 Step 4. The Detailed Design Phase.

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