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VNRVJIET Name of the Experiment: Name of the Laboratory: Experiment No. ___ Date. Ansys InTRopuction a 7 Historically, finite element rnodelting tools wore only capable of aolving aimplet engineering Petoblema ushich tended to seduce the problem be pane cred Aize L ‘cope. There easily FEA tools contd generally solve steady abste, Linea problem in two dimensions 2 MS numerical technique have advanced & computory power her increased, analysis tool haw abo advariced fe Aolve move complen problem: A seal lije enginerni] frotlem may Involve difprent physics Auch oa plaid How, heat dvanfor, electvomagnelam. The finite element method has been wed to solve enginening problem in all of these auccempully b&b the goal of most Adftware developes wv to include an much af steal Won Aimutation wor! 1 , per in many ( biwalion , Mae gy Abmp ly hing te 2 en > Howe a aymmelyy , Anisymmetyy , plane 5 h annum prions auc Ayre , plain piven » These amumption Ahould be Weal y problem being powed neqwives tb In other words, there Ui no need te Penjorm a fott 3-D analyars op agmmetyy uw. preserit >The Aimutation wouatly begi by ming ‘A 8 Dicad’ + model fo Lonbruct Tite elemerl mesh aa \q imposing loadsa be bounday condition. Shep» nequived fot polssing a Problem :- pinite element analunvs yor mul complete cwrthin tasks which can be ‘tong ht os a dbeps Heqpaired fer completing the Analynu. 2 There are Aome task which mut be performed in -Thae tasks are: ~ =) In perforin any orden to complete Analy 1) Generate. the meh ii) Define / pesign the matevial: itt) Define the Aralgies type iv) get toading we boundary Conditions v) Solve vi) Review tHe Herault + Static Sheuctural t- Dota :- Thu cell Heprarent the material k bench] | >Engionnin property definition everything in the model- fia Analyars : By dbefarcelt wor amume > Geometry ix Tha cell sefrerent the solid model % axl @1) anembly fo be analysed The geomet can] be unported from Anath cad package generated: the a = Model, Aetup , Aolutron Kalo By defautt» 3 hapdled i mechanical applic on aight aide a each col! (e* all Auch cetls | => The 40 icon appear} VNRVIIET Name of the Experiment: Name of the Laboratory: AD (enna lab Experiment No. —— Icon Meaning - 2 Atlertion wo Aequived TE means that no upstream data ‘uw available yet- CD Refresh a requived . This icon means that upstream data has changed choose the content to take nequived action Update is nequived within tha Thin toon means change cell has happened which Hequive output from the cell upto date. Date from cell w upto data & d te, downstream celle Vv ; NRVJIE T Name of the Experiment: ____ Name of the Laboratory: Genie bean _____ ————Avicam "Experiment No.1 Date. lal Morn To perform stew analysis after eonsbmining sb anc! leading ‘sb with 0b lead. The beam wu inches long de hast inch Aqrave Gron- ection Proceduve tx B) Fivstly , 9° to Abatic abtructuyal J donble click on it name it as cantilever beam: Then 92 ‘to geometry. 3) Draw a Aectangle W give dimensions as hequtred DThen extrude ib with olepth of winches & then gene u) Give the unite ke then mesh ite 5) Then , go te support in thal, qe doy fined Support w& select dace 07 which the Aupport in to be ee I 6) Then apply load in the vequived component #) Then ge ‘lo qeomely y x aight click 2 Bename as beara 8) Then solve i By. clicking on solve in the bar a) click Aolve ve by Clicking on dolve in the menu menu bax» jo) click on Aolvtion . Now, in the aide tree go fer dejovm ation. opbon & pelect oli vectional deformation & keep orientation Foe Caleutation :- ge PP oF 362 SAG 3424-01 KICK =) 50) {il 1636 ) 0-004 e624 inch My SOKUxOS L xP he ane VNRVIJ TET Name of the Experiment: Name of the Laboratory: — sla ap/cam Experiment No. 1 Date. aliz n) Got. “Rep ort preview? Wothe veport will Woe generated take a pvintoub. Resubt - : Manual calculations axe compared with Amys T ji t Vatubes > The displacement Ate daivly cle. The tren a Valun 40 ne are Nery good correlation. al di t oh 4. Dijjevence | Manual Anays> 164 i Lo. 00454 86 | Mart deflection 8.00462 4 & 33-3 16,012 pe Man bending 12, 000PSL Styew a ey, | Page | of | Normal Stress sean a EE Ne ene nN nS nT TOT EE T ‘Subject: ‘Author: Prepared For: Date Comments: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 2 23 ee — 19°94) ‘ 0500 file://C/Program%20Files/ANSYS%20Ine/v19 /aisol/DesignSpace/DSPages/himl/Print... 04-09-2018 Page 1 of 1 Ta reer 0.000 2.000 in) =") 1,000 —— file:///C-/Users/student/A ppData/Roaming/Ansys/v191/preview.png, 04-09-2018 Name of the Experiment: VNRVJIET Name of the Laboratory: Fi sbhorle # enn Experiment No. 1 Date. 4Afaliz Anny te ‘ To perorm air analysis afta tonal raining and loading the figuye shown . Soltware:- Ansys Problem Statement A tom tong rectangular beam carvier a patch load 9 SN/im as Ahown. Draw the Ahtan Jorce, bending moment diagram and calerlate i RPaoceduye t- 1) Fivetly chen abatic sleuctural’ and click on engineering data nowrce to change “the material» Select the metlerial and add. the Wbrary. 2)In ordor to change the properties ob the standaral material, night dick and lick on duplicate change the propertion 8) Right dick on * reometry and click on new designer qeometyy: i k) Select -x-y plane and click Aketch view 5) Take & point (0,0,0) and gener ate. Mack other pombl at (@0,0,0), (05,0) , 690 x0 ,0) siespectively, 6) click C concept? ‘lines prom point? and elect piret pownt and fold ctrl and Aclect Accond point. Grenevate Aisi lar la repeat dev oth: VNRVJIET Name of the Experiment Name ofthe Laboratory: pepperied bee ————— AR ep fay Experiment No. 2 Date, [4/13 __ ) tltck ‘ver , ‘ fon ) voncept “> “Gross section’ » ‘Rechangulan? : > Give B= eeem and He eIm oimemiom in debatls view and generate. ¢) On the tee , Xpand * past body’, ‘Line bedy',” cio jection , rectangle’ and click on generate 4) Go to ‘model’ in problem Achematic. click view 3 polids . Go to mesh and click generate mesh. I) Suppor . click on fined Aupport? aetect the face Cuecte x peledion) and click on abbly W) Subport , chick on remote diaplacernent’ click on point x and Z are 0, ¥ wm tra and sobations ate 0 Cn details View > And click apply tp) Loads, click on “line premure,’ select middle Aection , To change linn 3 unih > metred Apply. in) Click on Aolubion > imerl > deformation and total and tompound 3 SN /m directional defoxrnation CY) wmert > Beam tool. tn) To oreate a path ( bending moment diagram ree> models torstwucbion path > Edger aclect all 3 Knes 15) Beam tool > sight click > umestl > — moment diagram , Ahear fore > Ahearn rnoment diagvam « Select the path jor the shea moment diagram We) Click on ‘Aolve- Result Analysis “ potormed aa are obtained. on the given beam and Abeast jowe , bendin 0.000 2,000(m) 1.000 a 7 Page | of 1 ear Force “Total Shear Force Unaveresed) 6.3984e-11 Min 0.000 2.000 (mn) 1.000) file:///C:/Users/student/AppData/Roaming/Ansys/v191/preview.png 04-09-2018 Page 1 of | 0.000 2,000(m) = 1.000) filev//C:/Users/student/AppData/Roaming/Ansys/v19 /preview.png 04-09-2018 24. Determine the nodal deflections, reaction forces, and stress for the truss system shown below (E = 200 GPa, Cross section of the truss is rectangular of size 50X65 mm?), 5 Le 3.6 m—eh 3.6 mee 3.6 ms — aaa T Drawing) for the following part drawings of stuffing box by 20. Prepare the drafting ( using Creo Parametric software. Obtain its respective views. Parts list PariNo| Name | Mat! | aty 1 | Body a [a 2 | Gland — [Brass| 1 3 | Bush Brass | 1 4 | Sud us | 2 5 | nami2 | mus | 2 21, Execute a stress analysis after constraining it and loading it with a SOOIb load by using [ANSYS Workbench. The beam is 4 inches long and has a 1 inch square cross-section. G 500 Ibs. VNR VIJIET Name of the Experiment: Experiment No. 4 Date. 11a liz Rin s- t en % perforin a alres Analyse after consbreinigg it and leading “ib with loads ¢ Software :- Anaya Procedure tn batic ) Fiveh , Go te vatrnctaval and donble dick on after opening the Ao tware - 2) And name the project as Planan Tru and enter 3) ick on XY plane and go got New sketch and go fe Wook, at Jor Viewing XY plane b) And the give the wri in millimeter. And then give the dimemion for the mequived component s) Go to modelling and then r (ft Concept in menu ban and click on rectangular tube 6) Then click on Aketch and in Concept go Jor the Line from Aketche Select tb & Apply. 4) The Goto view in imenu ban and activate the wrowection Aolid- 2) Then , Go Jor meshing keep he and in it tn ining element size a2 [9omm: 4) Now, we need fo give ahodic abuctuval hy fined dh roller Aupport kL click on tt 1) For thin , go fe - tat gee Bee IPS Uy VNRVJIET Name of the Experiment: _____—— Name of the Laboratory: ofcam fa Expe 1) Now th election moote 9? Jor vertex option and click in the fequived position where you want te iment “the jollowing anpport - 1) Then Aepeat the Aame procedure jor dtinplacement - 13) Then allot the yercn & sreaction as Megqire of we) Then in dolution give deform ation , anial Jorees » bending moment and Ahear Jorce . ately: 5) Then chick on adve fe solve the diagram compl Y Reawtt Planan drm ‘uw done and meaction ane Analyses on p force » total bending moment, obtained: Total defovm ation total Ahear moment oliagvar “ otal Ahean joree 5 obtained - Pee, 6 r Project ot)» ae st ae Stan lfama A Page 7 of 11 Model (01> Sut strc (91> Solan > eam Tel> Minium Canines Ses — Coe file://C:/Users/student/A ppData/Roaming/Ansys/v191/Mechani Report/Mechanical_... 11-09-2018 Project fileJIC:fUsers/student API tt) te on > salt) orion Set ame + su see > evn Wau anid Ses sin ed ‘ee anconpof crn Pes nasa caw] JS exons Cn Se EE >not enh? swoon st een sn tO a pDataiRC@ming/ Ansys .91/Mechanical_Report/Mechanical_.. Page 8 of 11 11-09-2018 Project Page 9 of 11 ott 08> Set pea eile =a ___ moda ay suse Sct 8 (ayes a pour 1 os oy Sin sot 0 Seen 6) Foe ction ae S a file: AvceAdsersttutent/Appbata/Roaming/Ansysiv19 Mechanical Repor’Mechanical 11-09-2018 Project Page 10 of 11 Material Data Structurat Steel file AC 10sersitudent/AppData/Roaming/Ansysiv191/Mechanieal Report/Mechanical_. 11-09-2018 Project Page 11 of 1! eee et 11-09-2018 1/Mechanical_Report/Mechanical_- file: icendsersewdenv/Appbaternoaming/ ANSE! 9 VNRVJI : i IET Name of the Experiment: r Experiment No. 4 Date, _1g!4lig. Bien: To perforrs Atrem analp apber conabraining ane loading with loads. Sopbwarte in Arys Procedure t- on engineer n odie Atruchoral’ 5 click D Firstly open material’ Je adal the bibrary. clata aource to change the 2) In ovaer to change the propertia of the Atanoard material night dick and click on duplicate, change, the properties 3) Right click on eometry- te) gelect xy plane & click geometry & click on new daignen on Avketch new. 5) Change the unite in meta and then give the dimermion ov fequived component with yadims bem and thicknew 0-02m Then chick on aleetch and in concept go ge the teher j detect ut & apply. menu bar ys activate element nize aa 6) Draw an aye rom Ake the c/e Acid line ¢) Then # to N a) Then 9° der te require a ped te give tha Pee ie o-@mpa- avatic Abructural & right tick on jew rnerhing % Keep the To to) Now, we qote qive pray’ YE iment = Premure Ooneacoutey pepe oven joe. then click file://C:/Users/student/A ppData/Roaming/Ansys/v19 /preview png, Page 1 of | 18-09-2018 VNRVIJIET Name of the Laboratory: i re ere el M Labs Experiment No. __ Date. Name of the Experiment: = Into —iNTRop UcTION To CAM car (compute aided manufacturing): Dt can be defined i ined as the me of the Com pucben oyster te plan i ond conwol ; i F the — operations of a Manufacturing plant vowgh either indirect computer interface within the Plants Production serourcer - Definition of CNG A pysbem in which the controlled by divect| auyphere action ane insertion A Numerical aaba at some point . The Portion t atleast some ENE rT his date | hemoneal Control. i must auctomatically interpe cnc Ww oa Acronym qr" Computer N war mathematica and ecoordiin mation about what te yections at once. These # A cNe machine ate Aye te undevtand and proces ‘unfe to where > controlled ai eatted anis. ductance A machine Or a | move , directions ane A The avw are eo Av mple pot fo machine i must travel « the move ment. front from left to sight. movement (normally d olown ) with may be bo back. y the movemen always vertical z in almost movement up An the apindle® positionia able ve communi cate Wg tne machine Tush be ; ieel} to operate: A .compuber Numeric conbyol wnt sends positions _commanda to motors. The mators roust talk back indeed, they have acted comectly to the contol that, a gwen distance. The many i Bot mere divecion, Lona almost any derived patty a Je move the machine a one rackines to move wonce allows them to wieale 1 Ahape - AU of thw proconing happens very jou | Zee Poin —sieferience Point 1) Machine Zoro Ponty Tt coordinate nyse: ) vehange the ‘The work piece Feo point, at toordinate system Tt can be’ located at the origin a the machine 9) Home Z010 ‘point CR took at this Poi ab. 3) WIP 240. Point ch) the origin of the w/P freely Aelected, and he . where most of the dimemion utd be located at the point origin ale in the drawing Type Co-ordinate Sysbems > 1) Absolute ¢o-ordindle system i) Trevemental coordinate system. ) Absolute co-ordinate system: Next location =v fa wae a | ee aE LL aaavent location oF ee In core of absolh = mi ‘ oye Coordinate system the bool Location ys Apseified in velation fe gore pont é , be dvilled at somm above yravn and gmm te be sight piole of y-axis , the 7 ai : coordinate location in” Apecijied aa meth hs °F we — VNRVJIET Name of the Laboratory: Name of the Experiment: Experiment No. __ Date, i) Incrementat coordinate pystem 4 . 6 1 pent location 5 & 3 Oy > 1 Curent location o'r 3 4 5%6 y In case of incremental Go-ordinate Aystem ,the tool location ane Apecitied “with Jrefevence fe the Previous tool location. As Ahown in fig, if the hole w duilled at an absolite positton uz +e, ye rg in the incremental coordenate system Next Location will be os ods, yete te move the dni ll to the position . Aic- Words i The combination off binary digits in sa now on the tape denctes A “chavactes» The collection of Ne worels ua calle ota block The black of Ne woroh i a complete ne) insluetion + Follow ing ane, the NC words wed in the jermation of blocks N-word) = The pret word ia every block if 1 Sequence Number C eo the sequence number Tt is weed to Yedentify the block 2) Preparatory Function Ctr words) '= The Prepavelory toons © ‘prepare the control nit el that are te follows - dk ow wrepreaente al by “two ij na git _ proceeded by G1 Le to erecule the imlractt oy Groo---- AI9- 8) fovovdinates Ct,y, % Swords) There words give final coor . ting. positions jow WY} mottona, Im wwe) An CNE Athen, : » le words woulel be Meal. only two- coorein hy) Feed Functions (F- word) = The pes punction A ued ty specify the a rate in the machining operation, The ject vate w expremed in mm/rin ov mm hey” 4 funedion (s- word) nevolution per minute (Spm) Th ahe machine, i vequird s) Spindle ope The spindle Apeed iy apecijied either in ot ae me at goorpyn the tyes pet roinute- we mn Apece will be apeci{fect ar S$ ZO0+ 6) Tool selection the part programming apesyie & wsed in the operabton- The toot number jor 4 as T0O to T44. Function (T-word)= The Tword in hich tool wb be partioular operation iw apecifie a toi denotes -tool number ol. 4) Mace laneons Function (M-wordasl:- The mucellancow wn wsed be specthy corbain mincellane whieh do nat velate to the o] the machine. , quntion wore ov auxiliary gunction dimemional movemen VNRVJIET Name of the Experiment: Name of the Laboratory: AD [car lal Experiment No. __ Date. G codes Creometvic coder \s- Gi Coden ane irmbructiona desenibing machine -boot movement GO0- Rafiel tyamvene Gol - Linear tnterpe lation C cuctling fed) tor - cxcular interpolation ¢ clockwise) 103 ~ cvteuton Interpolation Counter clockwise) t10#—Pwell trou - Deell tio - Imperial Comput in wncha) &21 - Metric CLmput in metres) trot - Go to vie porence pt sreburn check ore - to te neperence pb (Home posi bion Go - Finishing cycle : sremoval in burning (Multiple burning ty) Get - Stock Gray - Multiple acing eye ay ~ pattern sepeating eyete atte peck ailing cycle ets ~ Grooving byes Faubiiiple Hrrending cycle drilling / qrooning cyele Ger - single aI - single J quening cycle aR single thread cyte oak - single jacing cycle at - constand auface apeee unc tion (M- codes) = Miscellaneous 4 machine Th desnibes junctions Moo - Program Atop optional Atop Mol - Mor - Program end Moa - gpindle foros? Mok - Spindle wenene Mos spindle bop Mob - Auto matic fool change Moe coolant OM Moar - coolant OFF j MIO vice / chuck oper Mu wice 7 Chuck dese | M30 7 Program atope & yewinel 4 mae ~ Poot oper | maa - Dot clae | Mage Sub program call | m eit’ Sub progy™ Maa- VNRVIIET Rite ebgeac Name of the Laboratory: weno ecm Experiment No. ___ Date. RNELONE Progvarm Proceduve :- ‘he peliowing Proceduve iw adopted fe prepare a ne /one Program 1) Canefut abudy 0] eomponent drawing. 3) Study gh Apecifications of machine Coded tay the contre t aypbem af 4) collecting letailed data on tools, tool heldew an iM cutting conditionou CApeed eect daba) Jor a given i Snatton . fool workpiece combuna a of operations to be performed woull e k) Sequence yammer. decided ar part perform Program a ___ MILL na ERATION VNRV JIE T Name of the Experiment: _CAc Program n iL fir: Name of the Laboratory: fast 01 activ Experiment No. 1 Date, —@holis_ — MULLING Operation! Aim :- To peor pail hn operation by wing ene prograrni Sobtware''- CNC train Programi- (eiLLer x00 y1o0 z10] Gt Gak aas &r8 XO Yo 20 moé Tos Mos $2000 “ao Goo X50 Y50 ZI0 Gol Z2 Gor 2-5 Od ‘ Gol X-30 Y30 2-5 FID Gol xo ¥-6o Gol x60. YO f Goel X-30 Yo Z50 br the billet by Result im . . a Milling operabion pogorn* program - wing CN

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