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Republic of the Philippines


Camp Col Rafael C Rodriguez, Butuan City


No. 18-2022


Guidelines for the Conduct of Local Peace Engagements (LPE),
National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict

TO : See Distribution

DATE : June 9, 2022

a. Command Memorandum Circular No. 14-2022: PNP IMPLAN to
Guidelines for the Conduct of Local Peace Engagements (LPE), National
Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC);

b. Executive Order No. 70 dated December 4, 2018 entitled:

“Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining Inclusive and
Sustainable Peace, Creating a National Task Force to End Local
Communist Armed Conflict, and Directing the Adoption of a National
Peace Framework”;

c. September 18, 2019 signed by National Security Adviser (NSA) and

Director General, National Security Council (DG, NSC)A/ice Chairman,
NTF-ELCAC, and Chairperson, NCI P/Executive Director, NTF-ELCAC;

d. Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2019-169, Department of the Interior and

Local Government (DILG) dated October 11, 2019 with subject:
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Retooled Community Support
Program (RCSP) signed by Secretary Eduardo M. Ano; and

e. Memorandum from TDO dated April 23, 2021 with subject: Composition of
Local Peace Engagement (LPE) Teams and Local Peace Panels.

This CMC sets forth the guidelines and procedures to be observed by the
PNP in support to the implementation of the Local Peace Engagements (LPE) under the
National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), to address
the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) problem.


The CPP-NPA-NDF has exploited the peace process as a strategy in their

National Democratic Revolution. It has humiliated and accused the government of social
injustice, human rights violations, militarization, and development aggression to forward
its own interests. As a result, the mandates, programs, projects and activities (PPAs) of
government departments and agencies are subverted and infiltrated. This has posed a
stern challenge in providing a strategic alignment and interdependence of government
PPAs in its quest for a progressive nation through a just and lasting peace while
ensuring public order and safety.

On November 23, 2017, PRESIDENT RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE signed

Proclamation No. 360 entitled, “Declaring the Termination of Peace Negotiations with
the NDF-CPP-NPA”, and on December 5, 2017 or 12 days after, subsequently signed
Proclamation No. 374 entitled, “Declaring the Communist Party of the Philippines
(CPP)-New People’s Army (NPA) as a Designated, Identified Terrorist Organization
under Republic Act (RA) No. 10168”.

Further, on December 4, 2018, or a year after, the President signed Executive

Order (EO) No. 70 (reference b) with the need to reframe and refocus government
policy for achieving inclusive and sustainable peace, recognizing that insurgencies,
internal disturbances and tensions, and other armed conflicts and threats are NOT ONLY
MILITARY AND SECURITY CONCERNS, but are symptomatic of broader social,
economic and historical problems such as poverty, historical injustice, social inequality,
and lack of inclusivity, among others. Under Section 3 of the EO, an NTF-ELCAC was
created with the President as Chairman, the National Security Adviser as Vice
Chairman, and members from different Government Agencies and representatives from
the Private Sector, providing an efficient mechanism and structure for the
implementation of the Whole of Nation Approach (WNA) aimed towards prioritizing and
harmonizing the delivery of basic services and social development packages in conflict-
affected areas and vulnerable communities, and ensuring the active participation of all
sectors of society in pursuit of the country’s peace agenda.

A National Peace Framework, anchored on the WNA, was formulated under

Section 5 of said EO that shall be responsive to the local needs and sensitive to realities
on the ground, and shall include a mechanism for local peace engagements or
negotiations and interventions that is nationally orchestrated, directed and supervised,
while being locally implemented. This was followed by the issuance of the Guidelines for
the Conduct of Local Peace Engagements (LPE) (reference d), to serve as guide to all
peace stakeholders on the conduct of nationwide local peace engagements in conflict-
affected and conflict-vulnerable communities, through community consultations and
problem-solving sessions, and local peace dialogues with Communist Terrorist Group


The PNP, concurrent with its mission and functions, in coordination with the
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the LPE cluster and other concerned clusters of
the NTF-ELCAC, shall provide the necessary support during the conduct of LPE in

target areas, starting with the pre-determined Barangays nationwide identified as


a. Concept of Operations:

The PNP shall actively render assistance during the holding and carrying
out of the following Local Peace Engagement (LPE) activities in pursuing
the localization efforts:

1) Track 1: Community Consultations and Problem-Solving


These serve as the government’s platform to ensure people’s

participation in the peace process. It is a secured democratic space for
continuing dialogues between the RTFs-ELCAC/LTFs-ELCAC
(P/C/M/B) and community stakeholders to surface, discuss, and clarify
issues and concerns that are at the root of, resulting from or affecting
the peace process. It also aims to gather recommendations and
strategies to address the concerns.

This track includes existing programs like Payapa at Masaganang

Pamayanan (PAMANA), and other convergence efforts at the regional,
provincial, municipal, and barangay levels. The target is the mass base
and underground movements including supporters, family members,
and other political infrastructures, which comprise 85% of the guerilla

The issues, concerns, and recommendations raised shall then be

considered in the formulation of the local peace agenda where
appropriate levels of response shall also be identified.

2) Track 2: Local Peace Dialogues with the Communist Terrorist

Group (CTG)

These refer to the dialogues conducted between the local mechanisms

and the leaders and/or members of the CTG. These may be
undertaken either openly or discreetly, with or without intermediaries,
with those who are willing to engage with the government, which will
result in local-level peace agreements and their availment of peace and
development programs. This track may also include peace dialogues
with armed members of the group who will avail of the E-CLIP without
the benefit of Local-Level Peace Agreement (LLPA).

These two tracks can be undertaken simultaneously as an integrated

whole package, or independently of each other, depending on the
situation prevailing in the locality. They are intended to be flexible,
adaptable and broad range, in order to cater to any modality that the
CTGs may avail of.

The Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) under the two-tracks of
the LPE concept should coincide with or interface with the PPAs of
other concerned Clusters of the NTF-ELCAC, in order to:

a) Ensure convergence of efforts at the community level (such as

delivery of basic services and socio-economic packages);

b) Ensure complementation of programs and services provided to the

individual former rebels (FRs), their families, and communities;

c) Establish and/or strengthen culture, values, gender and conflict

sensitive peace dialogues/local peace agenda-identification by
region and province; and

d) Strengthen local capacities for conflict prevention, resolution, and


b. Mechanics for Localization under the Two-Track Approach:

1) Track 1: Community Consultations and Problem Solving Sessions

to be conducted by the Regional Task Forces (RTFs)-ELCAC and
Local Task Forces (LTFs)- ELCAC Provincial/City/Municipality/
Barangay (P/C/M/B).

a) Pre-Localization Phase
(1) Request from the Retooled Community Support Program
(RCSP) operators the result of their area study to separate the
insurgents from the peace-loving people and identify the needs
of the people in the ground;

(2) The Peace, Law Enforcement and Development Support

(PLEDS) Cluster, through the RCSP, will conduct Local Conflict
Analysis (LCA) which will include the following:
(a) Assessment of Area Profile (areas, issues, and context);

(b) Identifications of Actors (causes and dynamics); and

(c) Prioritization of Issues.

(3) Social Preparation will be led by DSWD and DILG in

ground/community coordination. This will include information
dissemination, community education, and advocacy. The
Strategic Communications (StratCom) Cluster will be in charge
of the IEC materials;

(4) Coordinate with other agencies to join the Local Peace

Engagement Team (LPET) that will conduct the community
problem-solving sessions to validate the needs and problems
noted by the RCSP operators. The proposed members of the
LPET are Administrator, Engineering Officer, Social Welfare

and Development Officer, Agriculture Officer, Chief of Police,
AFP Commander, Representative Religious Organization,
President Liga ng mga Barangay, SK Chairman, Disaster Risk
Reduction Officer, and others as necessary.

(5) Advocate information drive to the affected barangays and

conduct Pulong-Pulong/Summing-Up of RCSP to ensure total
participation of the community.

b) Localization Phase
(1) Conduct community assemblies in the priority areas to inform
the public about the RTFs-ELCAC/Cabinet Officer for Regional
Development and Security (CORDS)/LTF (P/C/M/B) purposes,
and to surface issues and recommendations on how they
should be addressed so that peace can be realized;

(2) Validate the issue as pointed out by the area study;

(3) Classify issues and match with doable interventions and the
accountable persons and/or agencies. Based on the issues
raised and recommendations made at the community
assembly, it may analyze whether these require policy,
program/project, resources or process interventions. The
recommended intervention should be as specific, realistic and
doable as possible;

(4) Coordinate with concerned NTF-ELCAC Clusters and hold

commitment-setting session/s with the appropriate regional
and/or provincial agencies for issues that can be addressed
locally. It may send official communication to the NTF-ELCAC
and to the agencies concerned regarding specific requests for
action from the community prior to holding the pledging
session. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to implement
the doable interventions within a specific period may be forged.
Copies of the MOA shall be provided to the NTF- ELCAC and
the heads of the agencies, for monitoring purposes; and

(5) Ensure converged, timely, and efficient implementation of

commitments made by concerned agencies and other peace
building and development programs, projects and activities.

c) Post-Localization Phase

The Regional/Provincial/Municipal/Barangay LPET will then

conduct a feedback assembly with the community to report on the
resolution of major issues.

The RTFs-ELCAC, through the CORDS, will monitor and assess

the process/delivery of commitment This will be reported to the
NTF-ELCAC through the CORDS:

(1) The RTF-ELCAC, through the CORDS, will recommend action
to the NTF-ELCAC for issues that require Presidential
intervention or executive, legislative, and judicial action. It may
request the NTF- ELCAC’s intercession for issues that cannot
be addressed locally. The NTF-ELCAC shall immediately
deliberate on the same and endorse action documents for the
President’s approval;

(2) The RTFs-ELCAC, through the CORDS, will also hold progress
meetings with provincial agencies concerned to check the
implementation of agreed programs and projects, and send
regular monthly reports to the NTF-ELCAC regarding the status
of such programs and projects;

(3) The Regional/Provincial/Municipal/Barangay LPET will

consolidate unacted problems and issues to be presented to
the agencies concerned in the region through the RTF-ELCAC
under the supervision of the CORDS. Feedback on the status
will be given to the community concerned; and

(4) The RTFs-ELCAC, through the CORDS, will monitor and

evaluate to ensure that appropriate measures are being
undertaken to respond to the issues and concerns raised

2) Track 2: Local Peace Dialogues between the Local Peace Panel


a) Pre-Localization Phase
(1) Out of the community problem sessions, feelers or intention to
hold local peace dialogues or surrender may appear; and

(2) The Situation Awareness and Knowledge Management

(SAKM) Cluster will verify intentions and identity of the
members of the CTG through reliable
intermediaries/emissaries. This is necessary to validate the
legitimacy of the CTG and for the safety of RTF-
ELCAC/CORDS (Joint RPOC-RDC and sub level joint councils)
members. Once the intent and identity of the members have
been verified, then it may proceed.

b) Localization Phase

There are two options. The leaders and/or members of the CTG
may either enter into a Local-Level Peace Agreement with a Local
Peace Panel (LPP) or directly avail of the E-CLIP.
(1) Local-Level Peace Agreement
Upon the recommendation of the RTF-ELCAC/CORDS, the
NTF-ELCAC will create the LPP (Regional/Provincial/
Municipal/Barangay) that will conduct local peace dialogues

with the CTG. The proposed Local Peace Panel members are
Local Chief Executive, Local AFP Commanders, Local PNP
Commanders, Two accredited Civil Society Organizations, One
Religious Sector and One Academe, IP Mandatory
Representative (Provincial level - areas with ancestral domain)
or Traditional Leaders, and Provincial Prosecutor.

The LPP under supervision of the RTF-ELCAC through the

CORDS, shall:
(a) Set-up exploratory dialogues. This is an opportunity for the
body to consult and get inputs from the insurgent group on
how to peacefully settle the armed conflict, or at the very
least, how to humanize it. The body may request the
group’s leader to submit its proposed ground rules and
substantive agenda for the talks ;

(b) Coordinate with the RTF-ELCAC, through the CORDS,

regarding the CTG’s and government’s common talking
points. After evaluating the situation, the NTF-ELCAC shall
provide specific guidance to the body regarding the actual
conduct of peace dialogues. The NTF-ELCAC may also
designate one or two of its members to join the local panel;

(c) Draft the ground rules. This may include conditions for
holding the formal peace dialogues, such as: venue,
composition of both panels, issuance of safe conduct
passes, cessation of hostilities in the area, etc;

(d) Formulate the agenda. This should be informed of the

results of the consultations with the community. It may also
include other concerns to humanize the armed conflict;

(e) Draft the local-level peace agreement and submit to the

NTF-ELCAC, through the RTF-ELCAC/CORDS, for review
and approval;

(f) Hold the local-level peace agreement. The following

principles shall form the foundation of any dialogue with the
armed rebel group:
(f.1) The Philippine Republic is the only sovereignty. The
government shall never accord belligerency status to
any armed rebel group;

(f.2) The resolution of any issue or the response to any

demand shall always be within the bounds of the
Philippine Constitution and the ambit of law;

(f.3) The local peace panel, through the RTF-

ELCAC/CORDS, shall consult the NTF-ELCAC
regarding any demand or issue that involves a

question of national policy or security prior to making
any commitment; and

(f.4) Provide regular reports to the NTF-ELCAC, through

the RTF-ELCAC/CORDS, regarding the status of
local peace engagements.

(g) Submit to the NTF-ELCAC, through the RTF-

ELCAC/CORDS, the draft joint local-level peace
agreement, for approval;

(h) Sign the joint local-level peace agreement;

(i) Implement agreements;

(j) Monitor and evaluate compliance to agreements; and

(k) Sign Completion/Exit Agreement.

(2) E-CLIP
Should the CTG choose this option, the LPP shall conduct
initial dialogue with the group and endorse the latter to the E-
CLIP/Amnesty Cluster for the availment of benefits, programs
and services.

c) Post-Localization Phase
The E-CLI P/Amnesty Cluster shall submit regular quarterly reports
to NTF-ELCAC, through the RTF-ELCAC/CORDS. It shall also
facilitate government’s issuance of Amnesty Proclamation.

c. Tasks

1) ROD
a) OPR in the implementation of this CMC;

b) Provide support to the Peace, Law Enforcement and Development

Support (PLEDS) Cluster, NTF-ELCAC for the conduct of Local
Conflicts Analysis (LCA), including the following under Track 1:
(1) Assessment of Area Profile (areas, issues and context);

(2) Identifications of Actors (causes and dynamics); and

(3) Prioritization of issues.

c) Provide support to the E-CLIP and Amnesty Cluster in the

reintegration efforts for Former Rebels (FRs) from the CPP-NPA-
NDF, including their immediate family members, under Track 2;

d) Perform other task as directed.

2) RID
a) Provide support to the SAKM Cluster, NTF-ELCAC to verify
intentions and identity of CTG members, through reliable
intermediaries/emissaries under Track 2; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

a) Provide necessary logistical support to PNP offices/units involved
in the conduct of LPE; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

a) Assist the Strategic Communications (Stratcom) Cluster, NTF-
ELCAC in the conduct of strategic communications efforts to
effectively disseminate information on government programs and
counter the national propaganda of the CTG, while creating
internal mechanism to facilitate public engagement and policy
support; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

a) Include the activities associated in this CMC in the Annual
Operations Plans and Budget Estimates; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

6) RCD
a) Provide budgetary support for the implementation of this CMC;

b) Perform other task as directed.

a) Provide list of CTG personalities and organizations with pending
criminal cases (and establish data based on existing criminal
cases filed against them) through the Crime Information Reporting
and Analysis System (CIRAS); and

b) Perform other task as directed.

8) RLO
a) Review agreements entered into by the LPP (under Track 2)
whether or not such agreement is in conformity with the
Constitution, Law, Rules, and Regulation;

b) Provide necessary legal assistance to ail PNP personnel involved
in the activities under Tracks 1 and 2; and

c) Perform other task as directed.

9) RCSU13
a) Supervise the proper storage and security of turned-in firearms
and ammunition by the CTG; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

10) RCLO
a) Conduct examination and identification on firearms turned-in by
FRs, for possible involvement in criminal activities; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

a) Ensure the composition of the Local Peace Engagement Teams
(LPETs) and Local Peace Panels (LPPs) are updated monthly;

b) Provide the LPET with result of area study through the concerned
Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) operators, to
separate the insurgents from peace loving people, and identify the
needs of the people on the ground;

c) Direct all subordinate offices/units to ensure compliance of this

CMC; and

d) Perform other task as directed.

12) HRAO
a) Promote and advocate human rights in support to the
implementation of Track 1 and Track 2; and

b) Ensure that issues on human rights be lodged in the proper office

or venue;

c) Coordinate with the PPOs to mobilize its District, Provincial, City

and Station human rights offices; and

d) Perform other task as directed.

13) Other R-Staff and NSUs

a) Provide maximum support in the implementation of this CMC; and

b) Perform other task as directed.

d. Coordinating instructions:
1) All tasked offices/units shall submit IMPLAN to the Regional
Operations Division (Attn:ISOS) at email;

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2) The PPOs/CPO/RMFB13 shall submit accomplishment reports every
21th day of the month starting June 2022 and every month thereafter
to ROD (Attn:ISOS);

3) Tasked offices/units shall initially utilize existing resources to support

the implementation of requirements;

4) Respect for human rights shall be paramount, and strict adherence to

the Revised PNP Operational Procedures in all police operations is
required; and

5) Lateral Coordination is encouraged.


This CMC shall take effect immediately upon approval of RD, PRO13.

Police Brigadier General
Regional Director


Copy Furnished:
Command Group

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