Akshara's Speech - Importance of Trees

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The famous poet and writer Khalil Gibran says “Trees are poems that earth
writes upon the sky.” Lofty ideas of a philosopher right? But, it is not only for
philosphers....they have their importance to all of us ordinary people too!

Trees are essential for life....

Since the beginning of civilization, trees have furnished us with two of life’s
essentials, food and oxygen. As we evolved, they supported our additional
necessities like shelter, medicine, and tools. Now even in our modern day
life, they give us clean air, reduce the impact of pollutants and greenhouse
gases, act as natural air-conditioners, and provide important habitats for the
world’s wildlife.

Trees have great community and social value...they create a peaceful, and
aesthetically pleasing environment in our neighbourhood. Trees reduce the
“heat island effect” caused by pavement and commercial buildings in cities.
Trees absorb and store rainwater which reduce runoff and sediment deposit
after storms. Even fallen leaves from trees make excellent compost that
enriches the soil.

The pet that your grandparents had during their childhood will not be alive
now .. the friends they moved with might have passed over...BUT, You can
climb the same tree that your grandfather climbed 50 years ago – is it not?
The trees that the family maintains would live through the ages, connecting
many generations seamlessly!

Trees properly grown around buildings can reduce airconditoning needs by

up to 30% ....

There are five levels in Maslow's pyramid of needs. Trees provide value at
each level of the pyramid of needs.

Without trees, life cannot exist on earth. There will be no rain, our soils would
be unprotected, and the air would be unsuitable for breathing.

To sum it all up, I will echo what the philosopher Martin Luther said:

“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far
more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.”

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