Module-2 Activity

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Activity 3 (Module 2 Topics)

Science, Technology, and Society

3rd Term A.Y. 2022-2023

Module 2: The Foundations of Human Behavior Toward Science, Technology, and Society.

A. Technocomplex: Kindly think of a specific technocomplex tool from the Philippine ancient civilization and describe its uses and how it helped
the specific culture that developed it. (20pts) (Always include your sources) (Observe proper citation format – APA style)

Warren Peterson (1974) identifies three tool types: antler points, v-shaped points, and keel shaped bone peddles. His descriptions are extensive. There
were two antler points, one with a length of 2.7 cm, a diameter of .8 cm, and a length of 3 cm and a diameter of .9 cm. Throughout history, antler has
been used to produce tools like hammer batons, knife handles, pressure flakers, and conical arrows. Antler tools make axes and handles for harpoons.
Antler is a particularly flexible substance that may be used to create powerful weapons, which were acquired while hunting or collected from antlers
shed by animals, in the area of their activity.

B. Complete the box below by providing your ascribed, achieved, and master social status. Maximum of three (3) items per category. Do not put
answers given already from the lecture/modules. (20pts)

Ascribed Social Status Achieved Social Status Master Social Status

● Spouse ● Being a Mother
● Ethnicity ● Doctor ● Extreme wealth and physical disability
● Birth Order ● Athlete ● Being Poor or Rich
● Culture

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