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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Beven Yuhas Grade Level: 8th

Target Content/Lesson Topic: English Date: to teach on 04/27/23

This lesson is for a(n) __x___ whole class ___x__ small group _____ individual


Essential Question How can we use the plot to comprehend literary texts?

- What is the essential question that

this lesson addresses?

- What is the core purpose of the

lesson that includes the strategies and
skills necessary to accomplish the
deeper learning in the standard?

Sequencing This lesson will serve as a prequel to their next major unit. This will be building foundational skills in order to help
them comprehend the play write style of literature.
- How does this lesson fit into the
larger unit of study?

- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before

September 2021
State Learning Standards R.8.3 In literary texts, analyze how particular lines of dialogue or events propel the action, reveal aspects of a
character, or provoke a decision. (RL) In informational texts, analyze how individuals, events, and ideas are
List the complete, relevant grade-level introduced, related to each other, and developed. (RI)

Learning Target(s) and Learning Students will be able to use a reading strategy focusing on text comprehension and using these skills to understand
Objective(s) the play.

- Choose your learning target(s) and

objective(s) based on the relevant state
learning standard(s). I will be able to use the 5 parts of a story to understand the plot.

- Write focused targets and objectives

that describe the specific learning
outcome (what students should be able
to do as a result of the lesson).

- Be sure they are stated in observable

and measurable terms (e.g., ABCD+T).

Grouping Students will work as a whole class to read the story, and they will work in random small groups in order to find the
introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Describe how and why students are
grouped based on

- homogeneous, heterogeneous,

- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or

social-emotional, behavioral, language

Co-Teaching Strategy Yes, it will be one teach, one assist with a bit of team teaching.

Does this lesson involve co-teaching?

September 2021
If not, state N/A. If yes, identify the
co-teaching model and what role each
teacher will play.

-One Teach, One Observe; One Teach,

One Assist; Station Teaching; Parallel
Teaching; Supplemental; Alternative;
Team Teaching

Differentiation Content

Describe how you will meet individual Because this is a Word document, students may use this digitally or use a text-to-speech option if needed.
students’ needs by adjusting the (audiobook)
content, process, product, and
environment based on their readiness,
interests, and learning preferences. Process

If needed, students may pick their small groups in order to be more successful.


Students may use a digital comic maker, rather than use paper.


As long as students are safe and respectful, they may move as needed.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

September 2021
There are about half of the students that have some form of accommodation. However, I do not have access to those
goals. However, a cooperating teacher comes in and assists as needed.

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)
Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)


Formative Assessment The formative assessment will be the completed chart filled out as a class. I will also be monitoring groups’ progress
in their small groups.
- How will you monitor student
learning throughout the lesson?

September 2021
- Be specific about how your practice
assessments connect directly with the
lesson objective.

Formative Evaluation Criteria I will use a checklist and an annotated script that has the answers; I will be open to more than just what I have
annotated if students explain it well.
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?

- Attach a copy of your checklist,

rubric, observation criteria, or other

Summative Assessment Students will create a 3-5 box comic strip that illustrates their understanding of the plot of the text.

How will students demonstrate

mastery of the standard?

Note: This assessment does not have to

occur during/after this lesson but in
upcoming lessons.

Summative Evaluation Criteria I will use an answer key and my own knowledge of the subject.

- What material(s) will you use to

evaluate learning?

- Attach a copy of your checklist,

rubric, observation criteria, or other

September 2021

Opening: Introduction and I will start the lesson off with the daily journal and the agenda for the day. I will start by clarifying their next book
Connection to Previous Learning topic and explaining that I wanted to give them some extra tools to help them comprehend it a bit better because it
can be a difficult text. I will explain that this strategy is also useable in any fiction text, not just the next one.
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
I will then go over the strategy I plan to use and use an example of a children’s story that they would most likely
● Activate prior knowledge. know as an example. The text will then be handed out, and I will ask for volunteers for roles. There are about 8, and
if needed, I can combine some of the narrators to reduce the number of roles based on volunteers.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for the This text was chosen based on the students’ needs and the slight interest in mystery tropes in books from a previous
lesson. survey.
● Establish clear expectations.

● Model concept.

The groupings/instruction/lesson
progression may look different in
different parts of the lesson!

During: Lesson Progression Students will read the text once through to understand the story, taking about 15 minutes.

In this portion of the lesson, you will

be letting go and letting students
engage in productive struggle; They will then be randomly put into 5 small groups, evenly distributed, and each group will have to come up with
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we examples for each part of the plot (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution). I will give them as
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or much time as needed for this section. Each group can re-read as needed.
independent practice, or other learning
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of: I will draw the basic shape on the board, and then I will have a representative from each group write on the board
and, if needed, give some context. Most of it should be straightforward, so if clarification is needed, I will help.
● Students’ thinking and how
they will start the lesson.

● Provide appropriate support

September 2021
(not explaining how to do it). We will then, as a class, go over each point and add anything that we feel was missed.

● Provide worthwhile

● Provide opportunities for

students to engage in using the
academic language.

This is where you will be suggesting

or modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from

Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension To end the lesson, we will save this for future reference and somewhere easily accessible to the students to aid them.

End the lesson with a final review of I will then introduce the last part of the lesson, which is to create a comic strip of about 3-5 boxes that explains the
key ideas and knowledge. This is main points of the plot. They may turn it in digitally, or on paper, depending on what they prefer. This will be
where you have students talk about considered homework.
their thinking and share strategies with
the whole class. It’s important to name
strategies and use academic vocabulary If needed, to incentivize, I will turn it into a contest and have all turned-in ones hanging in the room. The top three
here, extending the lesson to broader categories will receive some sort of award. (most creative, funniest, and most accurate) This will be judged by myself
ideas. and my mentor teacher. I will have this due the next time I am in, which would be the Tuesday after the lesson.

● Promote a community of

● Listen actively and probe

thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do

September 2021
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will

Curricular and Instructional On the bottom is a copy of the text as well as a spot for boxes.
Resources or Materials
Students will need a writing utensil.
- List and provide a brief rationale for
all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the Strategy came from: Serravallo, J. (2015). The reading strategies book: Your everything guide to developing skilled
source. readers. Heinemann.
- Attach/link a copy of all materials the
teacher and students will use during
the lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to Page 185, titled conflict brings complexity
answer, slides, worksheets, and so on.

Supplies, Equipment and I will need access to the smart board or

one of those big sticky notes that we can write on (if this is the case, then having sticky notes may be more useful
- List all other supplies that need to be than writing on the paper)

September 2021
The Babysitter

Narrator 1

Narrator 2

Narrator 3

Narrator 4


September 2021





N1: One hot summer night, Katie Fuller was babysitting for the seven-year-old Keller twins in the small town of Canterbury.

N2: Grounded for breaking curfew with her boyfriend, Noah, sixteen-year-old Katie had nothing better to do than watch the kids overnight while the Keller’s took
a second honeymoon.

Katie: Awesome! The Keller’s have a dinosaur landline phone. I haven’t talked to Noah since my mom took my phone. She will never know if I talk to him here!

Max: Katie you are going to get in big trouble when I tell your mom that you were talking to your booooyfriend!

Pete: Oooooooo!

Katie: Maxie, be quiet and eat your PB&J!

September 2021
N3: After making five PB&J’s, enduring a pillow fight and refereeing multiple games of tag, Katie was exhausted.

Katie: I’m so drained. This stupid job does pay nearly enough for how crazy those kids are.

N4: Just as Katie sat down and got comfortable, she heard Pete bellow to her from upstairs.

Pete: Kaaaatie, I’m huuungry!

N1: Katie groaned and charged up the stairs to Pete’s room, where he was supposed to be sound asleep.

Katie: Pete, you had three sandwiches! There is no way that you can be hungry. I tell you what, close your eyes for 5 minutes and if you are still hungry, I’ll bring
you a snack. I’ll even set the timer. Sound good?

Pete: OOkkkay. But set the timer where I can see it!

Katie: You got it.

N2: Katie started downstairs, knowing well that Pete would never stay awake long enough to hear the timer.

N3: As her foot fell on the stairs, she heard a scared little voice softly calling her name.

September 2021
N4: It was coming from Max’s room, and Max had been asleep when she last checked on her.

Katie: Maxie? What’s the matter?

Max: Katie, something is in my closet. I’m scared.

Katie: Maxie, sweetie, nothing is in your closet! Remember, we checked for monsters before I tucked you in?

N1: Max had been afraid of monsters in her closet since Katie began babysitting her three years before.

Max: But I know I saw something this time!

N2: Katie wasn’t fooled. One night she had checked her closet a dozen times before she finally fell asleep.

Katie: Maxie, I want you to close your eyes and think happy thoughts. You’ll be asleep in no time. Okay bud?

Max: Okay. I will try. Goodnight Katie.

September 2021
N3 : And with that, Katie was finally on her way downstairs to catch up on her favorite Netflix show and eat all of the Keller’s junk food. But before she settled in,
she picked up the phone to finally talk to Noah.

Noah: Well hello stranger! I thought you were never supposed to talk to me again? I’ve been texting you like crazy.

Katie: I know; my mom took my phone. She is seriously crazed.

Noah: Where are you calling from?

Katie: The Kellers. I’m babysitting overnight. At least it gives me something to do while I’m grounded!

Noah: Aren’t you afraid to be in that big ol’ house by yourself? What if a psycho killer came in through the window?

N4: Katie did not scare easily, despite Noah’s teasing.

Katie: Oh please. The Kellers live on the most boring street in the world. I doubt anything dangerous, let alone interesting, has ever happened here. Except maybe
someone didn’t get invited to the neighborhood pool party!

N1: Noah chuckled. The two talked for hours as they usually did. It was just after midnight when Katie felt her yawns get more and more frequent. Noah and Katie
were wishing each other a good night when the call waiting beeped on the line.

September 2021
Katie: That’s weird, who would be calling after midnight?

Noah: Maybe the Kellers checking in?

Katie: Nah, I heard from them the last time about 10:30 remember? They were heading to bed…

Noah: Hmm, well you’d better click over and check it out.

N2: Katie quickly said good night to Noah and clicked to the next line.

Katie: Hello, Keller Residence…

Caller: Have you checked the children?

N3: Replied a voice so deep and quiet, it made Katie sit straight up on the couch.

Katie: What? Who is this?

Caller: Have. You. Checked. The Children?

September 2021
N4: The caller whispered back slowly, like an ominous whisper.

N1: Katie slammed the phone down and bolted upstairs.

N2: Breathless, she peaked in both kids’ room.

N3: There they were, sleeping soundly in bed.

Kate: Oh my gosh, what a jerk! I almost had a heart attack. Maybe it was Mr. Keller and a bad connection.

N3: Katie’s heart was racing, so she decided to return to the couch and turn on her favorite comedy, which always put her in a good mood.

N1: Not long after pressing play, Katie drifted off to sleep.

N3: Some time later, the phone jolted her awake again.

Katie: Heh, hello?

N4: Katie said groggily.

September 2021
Caller: Have you checked the children?

N1: Katie’s eyes widened and her heart started racing. She checked the clock on the wall…2:30am.

Katie: Who is this? What do you want?

Caller: Have you checked the children?

N2: Then the line went dead.

N3: Katie froze. Whoever was messing with her was not going to stop tonight, that was for sure. She picked up the phone and dialed Noah.

Noah: Katie? What’s going on? It’s 2:30 in the morning…

Katie: Noah! Someone has been calling and asking if I checked the children. It was the same person that beeped in when we were talking earlier! Did you tell
Bobby to mess with me? Because it’s not funny!

N4: Katie whisper shouted in one long breath.

Noah: Whoa, Katie slow down! I haven’t talked to anyone tonight but you. How many times have they called?

September 2021
Katie: I don’t know. It’s freaking me out!

Noah: Call the police, Katie. They’ll be able to trace the signal and figure out who’s messing with you.

Katie: Okay, I just feel stupid to call them. What if it’s a prank?

Noah: At least you’ll know. And Katie? Umm…have you check on Pete and Max?

Katie: Yeah, right before I fell asleep when that jerk called before. They were fine and the Keller’s have a security alarm. If anyone came in or out of this house it
would have gone off.

Noah: And you remembered to set it before you fell asleep?

N1: Katie froze. Had she? She couldn’t remember.

Katie: Okay. I’m calling the police.

Noah: Call me right back okay? If I haven’t heard from you in ten minutes I’m coming over there.

September 2021
N2: Noah’s urgent tone freaked Katie out even more. He was usually the calm one and she was the one to overreact.

N3: As Katie hung up, the phone rang again. Slowly, she picked it up.

Katie: Hello?

Caller: Have you checked the children?

N4: This time the caller followed up his statement with a sinister laugh that chilled Katie to the bone.

Katie: Listen jerk! I’m calling the cops right now!

N1: Katie slammed the phone down and immediately picked it back up to call 911.

Operator: 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?

Katie: I’m at the Keller home babysitting the boys and some nutjob keeps prank calling me. It’s starting to creep me out!

Operator: Okay, miss, what are the nature of the calls?

September 2021
Katie: He’s asking me if I’ve checked the children. Last time he laughed like a maniac. I’m too afraid to go upstairs…

Operator: Miss, stay right where you are, do not go upstairs. I’ll send an officer out immediately. I am also going to trace the line you are calling from for all
incoming calls. The trace will show the number and the caller’s location.

N2: Katie listened to instructions, but became even more alarmed by the operator’s urgent tone.

Katie: Why shouldn’t I go upstairs?

Operator: I don’t mean to scare you, but about twenty years ago the same thing happened at the residence. I cannot share the details, but it ended up being one of
the most horrific crime scenes in town history. Can you call your parents and ask them to come over?

Katie: It’s 3am. They’re asleep.

N3: Then, the call waiting beeped on the line.

Katie: He’s calling again.

Operator: Answer it, I’ll be able to get a reading if you can keep him on the line. An officer is on his way right now.

N4: Katie reluctantly clicked over.

September 2021
Katie: Hello?

Caller: Have you checked the children?

N1: This time, the caller grew more ominous. He whispered the words to her as though it were some kind of game.

N3: She slammed the phone down on its cradle.

N2: Then the phone rang again.

Operator: Miss! Get out of the house immediately! The call is coming from inside the house!

N4: Katie stood up, frozen in terror. She looked up at the security alarm key pad. It had never been set.

Katie: I can’t. I have to protect Pete and Maxie. Thank you for your help, operator.

N3: Katie went into the kitchen and pulled from the drawer the biggest butcher knife that she could find.

N1: She turned out the light that was glowing softly at the top of the stairs, the one that led to the hallway toward the kids’ rooms.

September 2021
N2: She knew that the light might give her away.

N4: Careful not to make a sound, she crept softly up the stairs, the knife clutched in her sweaty palm.

N1: The night was still. Everything down the dark hallway was silent.

N2: Maybe they were wrong, thought Katie. How could someone have gotten into the house without her knowing.

N3: Slowly, she approached the first bedroom door on her left; it was Maxie’s room.

N4: She could hear the sound of police sirens growing closer. She knew the officer was not far away now.

N1: She started for the doorknob, but her hands were trembling.

Katie: C’mon Katie. You can do this.

N4: She took a deep breath and swung open the door.

N1: There in front of her was the empty bed where Max should have been sleeping soundly.

September 2021
N2: The window was wide open.

N3: So was the closet door.


N4: Katie cried in desperation. She screamed despite her efforts to be silent.

N1: As she clutched her mouth in horror, she heard the sound of small feet approaching from Pete’s room.

Max: Katie what’s wrong?

N2: Maxie sobbed.

Pete: What’s wrong Katie?

N3: Pete repeated, wiping at his sleepy eyes.

Katie: You guys are okay!!

September 2021
N4: Katie took them both in her arms in a giant bear hug. She cried in relief.

Max: I’m sorry Katie. I kept hearing the creepy sound in my closet and so I snuck into Pete’s room.

Katie: Oh Maxie bear, that is okay! I am so happy that you are safe!

N1: Katie let out one more sigh of relief as she heard the police car pull into the cul de sac.

Katie: Come on boys, let’s go downstairs and wait for the policeman. It has been quite a night.

N2: As Katie flipped on the light at the end of the hallway, she froze in fear.

N3: A strange man stood threateningly at the bottom of the stairs, a large knife grasped tightly in his hand.

N4: Katie attempted to shield the twins as the strange man slowly crept up the staircase in front of them.

Caller: You finally checked the children.

The End

September 2021

*I modified the version on the lesson plan so it would be easier to read and print out if you wanted, on the other worksheet there are two more boxes for extra

September 2021

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