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Project Persuasive Analysis

In this document you will analyze your language and approach to the blog you have created. There are
no right or wrong answers, but a rationale of your decisions. Remember to include what criteria you
have used for the: video, letter, about us & images.

Audience The Second Chance Foundation focuses its

● Who’s your audience? What are their messages and calls to action to all citizens
needs? How much knowledge do without distinguishing between age ranges
they have about the issue? Will they or social classes. Citizens need a foundation
agree or disagree with your content? that provides voluntary services to improve
people's lives by providing security and
well-being for all by reducing the crime rate.
Although there are people who have no
knowledge about prisons because
fortunately no one known has been
incarcerated, most people know about the
precarious conditions in prisons and the few
opportunities for rehabilitation and growth
in prisons. The Second Chance Foundation
understands that there are people who do not
agree with the purpose of the organization
because they demand justice and cannot
offer another opportunity to criminals,
however, the purpose is to be able to
dissuade people from offering alternatives.

Appeals Currently, there are many foundations

● Which appeals have you used? Why wanting to hold workshops in prisons due to
did you choose to do it that way? the great impact they have on the lives of
prisoners, however, many times these
workshops are not carried out in the right
way or simply are not carried out due to lack
of resources and the deplorable state of the
prisons. For this reason, in our foundation
we resort to donations in order to have those
necessary resources to carry out all the
activities and in addition, we request
improvement and conditioning of the
prisons by making direct contact with city
halls and governments. Finally, we know
that in this way we can achieve that
expansion and impact more and more people
so they can have a second chance.

Rhetorics LOGOS: Our logical argument is based on

● Indicate what are your: LOGOS, the high recidivism rates in Colombia and
ETHOS and PATHOS Barranquilla.
● Is your content addressing your ETHOS: We are a recognized foundation in
needs? Did you find a common Colombia and our page give to the audience
ground [audience & you]? How? the credibility to donate or join us. Also, we
are always posting photos or videos of our
work to get more recognized and
trustworthy. Additionally, we are people
trained in human resources and national and
international volunteers.
PATHOS: We all deserve a second chance,
and we can do things every day to be a
better version. That's why we base our
message on the fact that people make
mistakes, and we can improve ourselves.
Also, we focus our message on the
dehumanization and conditions that
prisoners live in every single day in jails and
how through these workshops we can make
a difference in their lives.
Within the need to which we are offering a
solution we consider is a content that is
focused on showing the reality of prisons
through our video. For that reason, we
consider that our content is focused on
showing the needs that are considered in this
context. However, the same purpose is
evident with respect to reducing crime and
improving security and that is why we
propose a solution that is based on
education, which is a common aspect for all.

Language Through our platform we are since people

● What emotive language did you use? deserve a second chance and that despite
Or was it rational? What strategies what they have done, personal improvement
did you use? can be achieved. So, we consider that the
training of people within these environments
can contribute to changing their thinking
and that they are reformed so that they are
reintegrated into society with a purpose
related to their abilities to have a better
future and better opportunities.
This foundation is based on different
courses which are focused on art, music,
sports, cooking, theater, leadership,
decision-making, entrepreneurship and
more, so that they can choose the one that
best suits their preferences and can develop
great potential and impact with their
experiences to improve their living
conditions in the future.

Now this question is as a group: What did From this activity we learned how important
you learn from: it is to support and provide solutions to the
i) Social Justice in Colombia? number of social injustices that are
ii) Actions that should be taken experienced every day in Colombia and in
individually? the world. In addition, we understand how
iii) how persuasion works? necessary it is to have empathy and put
yourself in the place of the other to build a
more just and equitable society. Normally,
in our society we judge people who are in
unfavorable situations numerous times
without taking the time to think about the
background of each situation, which is why
it is necessary to build a society without
inequities. Finally, in societies like ours it is
very easy to persuade people to do what we
want consciously or unconsciously, but in
matters of social justice it is when they least
have empathy or interest in contributing or
providing solutions.

Add your Google Sites/Blog link:

Holistic Grading Rubrics- Each artifact will be graded individually using the following criteria.
Persuasive letter for donors:
Persuasive pitch to attract volunteers:
5. Content is highly persuasive, relevant, clear, and engaging to the audience.
3. Content is somewhat persuasive, relevant, clear, and engaging to the audience, but could be
1: Content is not persuasive, relevant, clear, nor engaging to the audience.

5: Fully follows AIRA models
3. Missing section
1. Does not follow format.

Language Use (x3)

5: 1-2 grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
3: 3-4 grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors
1: accuracy does not meet level standards
Deductions: lack of conciseness 0.5-1 points
HATS 0.5 - 1

IG Post: to increase curiosity and invite the viewer to find out more about a cause
About Us: on the main page to welcome visitors and show them the purpose and the personality of
the organization while increasing curiosity.
5. Content is highly persuasive, relevant, clear, and engaging to the audience.
3. Content is somewhat persuasive, relevant, clear, and engaging to the audience, but could be
1: Content is not persuasive, relevant, clear, nor engaging to the audience.

5. Increases curiosity
3. Increases curiosity but could be improved.
1: there isn’t any purpose.

Accuracy x3
5: Excellent use of vocabulary, no grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
3: Some use of vocabulary, 1-2 grammar, and sentence structure.
1: Accuracy does not meet level standards

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