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Global Gallery Detail Developing Cross-Cultural Understanding through Online Forums [Global Gallery] Reima Al-Jarf, King Saud University Demonstrates how OWCP online forums are used to develop cross-cultural understanding, change stereotypes, and raise awareness of current global and cultural issues among international participants.


Wednesday, June 23 10:00 am12:00 pm

Location: Level: Webcast: Exhibitor: ISTE 100:

MCC La Nouvelle Ballroom All No No No

Theme/ Strand: Special Emphases: Keywords: Audience: E-mail: URL:

Learning Environment Theme Other Subject Areas Global Learning Community cross-cultural understanding, online forums, cross-cultural awareness, international students,EFL. Teacher Educators (College/University Faculty), P-12 Teachers, General

Global Gallery Summary Objectives Learn how collaborative online forums can be used to develop cross-cultural understanding among students and instructors from different countries around the world, what cross-cultural themes can be posted for discussion by the students, and what resources can be used for obtaining those themes. Outline I will introduce the Online Writing Collaboration Project (OWCP); who developed it; when it was developed; number of participants; their educational levels and countries; its cross-cultural components; the cross-cultural communication forums; number of threads posted; who selects the themes; where threads are obtained; examples of the cross-cultural threads posted by American and Saudi students; and participants viewpoints of the effect of participating in the OWCP cross-cultural communication forums on developing cross-cultural understanding, changing stereotypes, and awareness of current global issues. I will use a PowerPoint presentation on my laptop that will give an overview about OWCP and show Web

pages from the OWCP cross-cultural communication forums and examples of the threads discussed. Supporting Research The following are few examples: Abrams, Zsuzsanna (2002). Surfing to cross-cultural awareness: Using internet-mediated projects to explore cultural stereotypes. Foreign Language Annals, 35, 2, 141-152. Beyer, Deborah and Can Ells, Paula (2002). Using the World Wide Web to teach Francophone culture. The French Review, 3, 542-551. Daines, Erika. Virtual investing in the German-for-business course: Combining language, culture and business. ED 459 607. Kinginger, Celeste, Gourves-Hayward, Alison and Simpson, Vanessa (1999). A Tele-collaborative course on French-American intercultural communication. The French Review, 72, 5, 853-866. Okubo, Masamichi and Kumahata, Hajime (2001). Collaborative cultural studies over the internet: Learning cultures with virtual partners. A project between Baylor University and Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics. ED470128. Ritchy, Anne. (1997). Academic skills and cultural awareness through GlobaLearn. Techtrends, November-December, 41-44. Schoorman, Dilys and Camarillo, Debara (2000). Increasing multicultural awareness through correspondence: A University-school partnership project. ED 442442. Global Learning Community The presentation demonstrates how the OWCP, a portal for teaching and learning EFL writing online helps develop cross-cultural understanding among Arab and non-Arab students around the world. More that 2,500 students and 50 instructors from the United States, Singapore, China, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria are registered in OWCP. A total of 250 threads and 1,351 posts were posted in the OWCP "Cross-cultural Communication" forums. A participant can post any thread about a global or local issue and participants from around the world may post their reactions. The threads chosen for discussion are based on a movie, a newspaper news story, an issue that was read in a T.V. Web site like BBC, current world events and issues, or the participants personal contact with people from other cultures. The discussion threads are posted on a voluntary basis and respondents are free to agree or disagree with the issue under discussion. Examples of the cross-cultural themes discussed by the participants are: Saudi Arabia, the Land of Desert; Headscarves and France; Sayings of Prophet Mohammed; The Media and Culture; Happy Eid; Arabs and Literacy; Political and Social Change for Arabs; Socio-cultural Awareness; Saudi Women Need More Jobs, Better Rights; Clinton tells Saudi: Dont Fight the Tide of Change; Ethnocentrisms; Proverbs from different cultures; The Way We Talk; Ethnic Food Recipe Sharing; The 30 Most Influential Characters in History; When the RBG Doesnt Kill Anymore; Egyptian Civilization; Pictures from Bulgaria; Disguised Lampoon of Hitler; American Thanksgiving; American Culture American Dream; and 9/11. In addition, OWCP provides "Culture through Pictures" and "Culture-Related Media." Presenter Background & Qualifications I am a professor at the College of Languages and Translation, King Saud University, where I teach ELT and translation. I teach a Language and Culture course to translation students. I have given the following conference presentations about cross-cultural and global issues: Using Online Dialog to Develop Cross-cultural Undertanding. To be presented in a Conference entitled the Role of Language in Dialog among Civilizations. Isfahan, Iran. April 24-25, 2004. A Model for a Global Education Course for Saudi Schools. To be presented at a Conference entitled the Globalization and Educational Priorities Conference. King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 1718, 2004. Building intercultural communication through online collaboration. IX TESOL Ukraine Conference entitled: Building Cross-Cultural Understanding through ELT. Horlivka, Ukraine. January 29 31, 2004.

Developing Global Awareness in the EFL Classroom. IX TESOL Ukraine Conference entitled: Building Cross-Cultural Understanding through ELT. Horlivka, Ukraine. January 29 31, 2004. Teaching Language and Culture Online. APETAU 2nd International Conference. Amman, Jordan August 26-28, 2003. Global Themes in Singaporean Secondary Social Studies Textbooks. Conference on Curriculum Development. College of Education, King Saud University. May 13-14, 2003. Global Themes in the Saudi National History Textbooks for Grades 4-12. Conference on Curriculum Development. College of Education, King Saud University. May 13-14, 2003. I have also the following refereed published articles: Global Themes in Singaporean Secondary Social Studies Textbooks. Proceedings of the Curriculum Development Conference. College of Education, King Saud University. (2003). Global Themes in Saudi history textbooks for Grades 4-12. Proceedings of the Curriculum Development Conference. College of Education, King Saud University. (2003) Impact of Web-based instruction on EFL Students Cultural Awareness. International Journal of ArabicEnglish Studies. Beirut, Lebanon, 5, 2004. In addition, I have been to many countries in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia,and New Zealand, and USA, Canada and Mexico; and visited more than 50 unviersities around the world. Prerequisites Basic internet skills. Referenced Web Links

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