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Date: Date:

1. Write information questions about the baseball team. Use the simple present.

2. Complete the conversations with so, because, or because of.

3. Complete the conversations with the words from the boxes.

4. Read the article and choose the correct answer.
1. Which statement best describes the main idea of this article?
a. How to find time to exercise every day
b. How exercise is good for our bodies and minds
c. The best types of exercises for our bodies and minds

2. Complete the following sentence with the correct phrase.

Activities like football and dance classes _____ basic exercise.
a. are better for our brain than
b. are worse for our brain than
c. are as good for our brain as

5. Think about your healthy habits, or things you do to stay healthy, happy, or relaxed. Think about
how often you do these activities and why you do them.
Write at least 60 words

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