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Do all arts express beauty?

Justify your answer.

Answer: Yes, I do believe that
beauty of arts expresses its
emotion, uniqueness,
creativity, value and its own
beauty. It is that something you
can see if you look
deeper beyond its meaning and
value that depends on how you
appreciate the
beauty of its masterpiece in art.
2. When can u say that a craft is
made with the application of
Answer: Basically when
something cannot be explained
by the application of a
natural process, we suspect it is
manufactured by a Human
Intelligence. If we
also know how something could
be manufactured, our suspicion
rises toward
3. How art and crafts started
during the 19 century?
Answer: The arts and craft
movement emerged from the
attempt to reform
design and decoration in mid
19 century Britain. It was a
reaction against a
perceived decline in standards
that the reformers associated
with machinery and
factory production.
4. Do we need to attend formal
schooling in order to become a
artist? Why or why not?
Answer: Technically you do not
at all need to have any type of
schooling in order to
become a successful
professional and legitimate
artist. School however, when
taken to
broaden one’s understanding of
art and skills of the trade. While
some talent can be
born in you and practice alone
can fine tune it, there is
something to be said for the
lessons learned through the
trials and errors of others. By
studying the work and
techniques that have been
passed down to us over
centuries from masters, we can
apply these approaches to our
own art and grow as artists.
5. What is the contribution of
William Morris in the realm of
arts and crafts?
Answer: One of the most
influential figures during this
time was William Morris,
1. Do all arts express beauty? Justify your answer.

-Yes, I do believe that arts express beauty. Each arts have their own unique creativity, value and
meaning. With this, it depends to the viewer of the art whether what he/she thinks about that art.
Beauty of an art depends on how you appreciate the masterpiece and how you understand the deeper
meaning and value of the art. Art is used to express ourselves, which is why it's beautiful. Art can be
used to express every thought, every emotion, and even those things that cannot be described in words.

2. When can u say that a craft is made with the application of human intelligence?

I can say that a craft is made with the application of human intelligence if there is design and creativity
in it. Human intelligence is capable of creating and designing crafts that are appropriate for a wide range
of uses. They are appealing while still having a goal, a plan, and a function. Only a human can create a
design which are unique in their own way. When compared to other species, the use of creativity or
creative ideas in the creation of any craft demonstrates the true potential of the human intellect.

3. How art and crafts started during the 19th century? Explain.

The arts and crafts started during the 19 th century in Europe as a design reform and as a social
movement motivated by the William Morris. It involves activities related to making things which require
a combination of skill, speed, and patience. The Arts and Crafts movement emerged from the attempt to
reform design and decoration in mid-19th century Britain. It was a reaction against a perceived decline
in standards that the reformers associated with machinery and factory production (Wikipedia).

4. Do we need to attend formal schooling in order to become a professional artist? Why or why not?

There is no need for you to attend a formal school to be called a professional artist. A degree isn’t
required to be an artist. However, some artists attend school in order for them to hone and develop
their skills very well. They attend school to know more about art. Some artists are just self-taught. The
lessons they are learning as they experience ups and downs when creating an art helps them to develop
their skills. As what the saying says, experience is the best teacher.

5. What is the contribution of William Morris in the realm of arts and crafts?


William Morris was known for his pattern designs, particularly on fabrics, and wallpapers. As a
proponent of socialist ideals, Morris believed that a designer should have the skill of any media in
producing designs that intricate intertwining fruit, flower, and foliage pattern. He also made a concerted
effort to promote the joy of workmanship and the splendour of nature. Morris rose to prominence as a
maker and designer around the world after creating more than 50 wallpaper designs over the course of
his career. A key player in the development of design was the movement's founder, William Morris.
From the 1860s until the 1890s, Morris was actively involved in designing furniture, stained glass,
textiles, wallpapers, and tapestries.


Based on the results of the test, I am 60.7% Heterosexual and 21.4% Homosexual, which places me in
the Heterosexual quadrant. For me, I agree with the result of the test. There is actually a part on me
where I get to be attracted with a girl. To be honest, I have girl crushes, but I only find them attractive,
not in a way that I want to have a relationship with them. I actually have 2 definitions of crush, this is
just in my opinion. First, crush is when you are idolizing someone. You idolize their talents, beauty,
behaviours, and such. On the other hand, I also define crush as when you are loving that person. You
feel what we call ‘’love’’ to him/her. I agree that I should be in a Heterosexual quadrant because I can
only imagine myself having a relationship to the opposite of my sex, which is a man. I have a strong
feeling of wanting to have a man in the future, the man who will be with me for the rest our lives. The
21.4% of being homosexual, I think, it is because I am still confuse. Confuse of so many what if’s in my
orientation. But having the desire to have a relationship with my opposite sex is the most prevailing
feeling I have ever since.

1.Sex, it is because women are the only people who can breastfeed the babies. It is only natural for a
woman, that when she gives birth to a baby, she is obliged to breastfeed the baby in order for the infant
to provide health benefits.

2.Gender, it is because women aren’t born to just do household chores or a man to take care of his
child, any gender can do these without referring whether you are a woman or man. This is a common
mistake to other people because they think that if you are a woman, you should just be inside the house
and do things like household chores while men should be in their work. But it doesn’t work that way.
Both men and women can do the things other sex or gender can do.

3.Sex, it is because women are the only people who can get pregnant, thus the reason why they have a
maternity leave. Women are born to have a reproductive system which allows them to be able to get
pregnant when they reach the stage of puberty or after puberty.

4.Gender, it is because there is no specific gender of who is the psychologist talking to. Anyone can have
a special organ, no matter what your gender is.
5.Gender, it is because the situation did not specify who was the teacher referring to. It could be anyone
with whatever his/her gender is. Anyone could be make someone’s classroom a circus if they have skills
in making the people around them laugh.

1.Walled Freedom

-In my opinion, this is a unique title that I can think of. Walled Freedom, I think suits this painting.
Glancing at the painting, we can see that a girl is wearing a facemask and she looks frustrated. We can
also see the birds, which symbolizes freedom. I think this depicts what is currently happening in the
world, the pandemic. The woman represents us people and at the same time, the world. WE are free to
do what we want, but with the current situation, we are restraint to do things to the extent, as if our
movements became limited. The birds shown can be an evidence that we are free yet we are limited to
do things. The colours also shows different kinds of emotions which I can feel just like sadness.

2.This painting makes me feel like I am in the painting. This is because, in my opinion, the meaning of
the painting and what I am experiencing right now are just the same. This made me feel as if my
freedom is not the same as before. I felt the sorrowful and dejected heart of the painter.

3.This painting represents sociological because this painting depicts the current situation of our world,
wherein we are experiencing a pandemic. Every person, even all the other living things, are affected. The
functioning of every person’s lives changed from being free to unchained, from being unlimited
movements to limited.

4.With honesty, there are some minor lessons that I have learned from this painting. But, I couldn’t help
but also wonder. Today, our world is slowly healing, the people are also healing from the damages
caused by the pandemic. But what if we go back to normal? As if nothing happened. Or, what if another
pandemic will happen? This painting supports many of what if’s in my mind. This painting made me
wonder about what is going to happen as time passes by. This just proves that a painting will not just
only give you a lesson, but will also leave you a mark where every time you see this painting, you will
always wonder about certain things.

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