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 to act as deposit insurer, as a co-
THE CREATION OF THE PHILIPPINE regulator of banks, and as receiver and
DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION liquidator of closed banks.
(R.A. No. 3591, as amended)  PDIC exists to protect depositors by
providing deposit insurance coverage
Basic Policy
for the depositing public and help
1. To promote and safeguard the interests promote financial stability.
of the depositing public by providing
Composition of the Corporation
insurance coverage on all insured
deposits and helping maintain a sound  Board of Directors
and stable banking system.
 powers and functions of the Corporation
2.  To strengthen the mandatory deposit should be vested in and exercised by
insurance coverage system to generate, the Board of Directors which shall be
preserve, maintain faith and confidence composed of seven (7) members 
in the country's banking system; and
1. Secretary of Finance
protect it from illegal schemes and
machinations. 2. Governor of the BSP
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation 3. President of the Corporation
 Philippine Deposit Insurance
Corporation or also known as PDIC was Note: The president of the corporation shall
created by R. A. No. 3591 on June 22, serve on the term of 
1963 as an insurer of deposits in all             six years on full-time basis.
banks entitled to the benefits of
insurance under the PDIC Charter to          The president of the corporation shall
promote and safeguard the interests of also serve as the Vice 
the depositing public by way of providing           Chairman of the Board 
permanent and continuing insurance
coverage of all insured deposits.  4. Four members from the private sector

 Government must extend all means and Note: These four appointive directors shall
mechanisms necessary for the serve for a term of six     
Philippine Deposit Insurance            years unless sooner removed for cause
Corporation (PDIC/Corporation) to and shall be subject to 
effectively fulfill its vital task of
promoting and safeguarding the            only one
interests of the depositing public by way 1. Reappointment
of providing insurance coverage on
bank deposits and in helping develop a 2. Appointees shall serve for  a period of
sound and stable banking system. three (3) years
 The appointive director shall continue to
hold the position or office until the
successor is appointed.
6. Approve policy on local and foreign
travel and the corresponding expenses,
Qualifications of the members of the board
allowances of the Corporation
o No person shall be appointed as
7. Adopt an annual budget and authorize
member of the board unless he/she be:
such expenditures 
 Of good moral character
8. Approve the target level of the Deposit
 Of unquestionable integrity and Insurance Fund (DIF) for determining
responsibility reserves for insurance and financial
assistance losses
 Of known prohibit and patriotism
9. Review the organizational set-up of the
 Is recognized of competence corporation and adopt a new revised
 At least thirty-five (35) years old organizational structure as it necessary
for the Corporation
Powers of Board of Directors
10. Design, adopt and revise of the
o The Board of Directors shall the corporation and adopt a new revised
authority: organizational structure as it necessary
1. Approve and issue rules and regulations for the Corporation 
for banks and the depositing as it 11. Promote and sponsor the local or
considers necessary for the effective foreign training or study personnel in the
discharge of its responsibilities fields of banking, finance, management,
2. Act as the policy - making body and information technology and law
constitute Board Committees of the  President of the Corporation
corporation to oversee the
managements, operations and  The president of the corporation should
administration of the corporation be the Chief Executive Officer and the
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
3.  Establish a human resource
management system which shall govern Powers and Duties of the President of the
the selection, hiring, appointment Corporation
transfer, promotion or dismissal of the 1. Prepare the agenda for the meeting 
2. Submit for the consideration of the
Note: such system shall aim to establish Board, the policies and measures which
professionalism and excellence at all levels of he believes to be necessary to carry out
the Corporation the purposes and provisions of this Act
4. Approve a compensation structure as an 3. Execute and administer the policies and
integral component of the corporation’s measure which are approved by the
human resource and development Board
4. Direct and supervise the operations and
5. Appoint, establish the rank, fix the internal consideration of the Corporation
remuneration, benefits including health in accordance with the policies
care services and medical benefits established by the Board
through Health Maintenance
Organization (HMO) Note: The President may delegate certain of
his administrative responsibilities to other
officers of the Corporation, subject to the rules 11. Serve notice of closure Others
and regulations of the Board
12. Dividend declaration 
5. Represent the Corporation in all
13. Payment of insured deposits on closed
6. To authorize contracts with his/her
14. Financial assistance
signature upon prior authority the board
Represent the Corporation 15. Authority to borrow
7. Represent the Corporation 16. Issuance of bonds, debentures, and
other obligations 
8. Delegate his power to represent 
The functions of PDIC can be summarized as
Note: There must be a prior approval of the
 Deposit Insurer 
9. Exercise such other powers as may be
vested in him by the Board  Co-regulator of Banks
Powers and Functions of the PDIC   Receiver and Liquidator of Closed
1. Insurer of deposit liabilities of banks
Note: The PDIC’s power as a Corporate body
2. Conduct insurance risk evaluation 
is almost the same with corporations discussed
3. Assessment of members banks  during the BSA 1203: Business Laws and
Regulations - Partnership and Corporations. 
Sanctions Against Unsafe and Unsound
Banking Practices Prohibition’s
4. Examine any insured bank and submit Personnel of the Corporation are hereby
the report of examination to the prohibited from:
Monetary Board and to secure
1. Being an officer directly or indirectly of
corrective action. 
any bank except otherwise provided in
5. Institute corrective action in case no this Act.
corrective action.
2. Receiving any gift from any employees
6. Terminate the insured status of any of banks. 
bank that fails to comply with the
3. Revealing any information without any
corrective action. 
Bank Resolution
Note: The examiners are also prohibited to
7. Commence bank resolution  borrow from their assigned bank to be
8. Be provided by the BSP with information
9. To examine, inquire, or look into the
deposit records of a bank incase of o unpaid balance of money or its
failure of prompt corrective action. equivalent received by a bank in usual
course of business and for which it has
Liquidation of a Closed Bank; Notice of
given or obliged to give credit to an
Closure and Takeover Activities
evidence of deposit issued in
10. Act as receiver
accordance with BSP rules and Membership
Membership with PDIC is mandatory for all
o Deposits that are insured by PDIC: banks licensed by the BSP to operate in the
 Deposits of all commercial banks,
savings and mortgage banks, rural  Banks incorporated under Philippine
banks, private development banks, laws, such as commercial banks,
cooperative banks, savings and loan savings banks, mortgage banks, stock
associations, as well branches and savings and loan associations,
agencies in the PH of foreign banks and development banks, cooperative banks,
all other corporations authorized to and rural banks
perform banking functions in the
 Domestic branches of foreign banks
As of 31 December 2020, there are 535 banks
in the Philippine banking system. These
o BoD will determine and prescribe by consist of 46 commercial banks (including
regulations to be deposited liabilities of branches of foreign banks), 48 thrift banks
the bank.  (savings banks, mortgage banks, stock savings
and loan associations, and development
 Provided: Obligation outside of banks), and 441 rural banks (including
the Philippines shall not be a cooperative banks).
deposit for any purposes of this
act. And in case of banks Insured Deposit and the Extent of Liability
incorporated in the Philippines
 Insured Deposit - The amount due to
and it has branch outside the
any bonafide depositor for legitimate
country, it will be subject to
deposits in an insured bank as of the
Approval from the BoD.
date of closure not to exceed 500,000
o Foreign Currency Deposits are also php. 
insured by PDIC pursuant to RA 6426
 RA 9576
and Central Bank Circular No. 1389.
o April 29, 2009 - The PDIC propose to
The Corporation shall not pay deposit
adjust the Maximum Deposit
insurance for the following: 
Insurance Coverage  
 Investment products such as bonds and
o June 01, 2009 - The start of the
effectivity of the proposal.
 Deposit accounts/transactions which are
o When the maximum deposit
fictitious or fraudulent 
insurance cover may be adjusted.
 Deposit accounts/transactions
 In case of a condition that
constituting unsafe and unsound
threatens the monetary and
banking practices 
financial stability of the banking
 Deposits that are determined to be the system, the MDIC may be
proceeds of an unlawful activity adjusted in such amount for
such period, for such deposit
 Requisites:   Risk Classification of a bank 
 Meeting called for the purpose and  Possible resolution modes
chaired by the Secretary of the
Prohibition Against Splitting of Deposits
Splitting of deposits occurs whenever a deposit
 Unanimous vote of the Board of the
account with outstanding balance of more than
the statutory maximum amount of insured
 Approval of the President of the deposit maintained under the name of natural
Philippines  or juridical person into is broken down and
transferred into two or more accounts in the
names of the natural or juridical persons or
Calculation of Liability entities who have no beneficial ownership on
transferred deposits in their names within 120
 Per depositor, per capacity rule -  in days immediately preceding or during a bank
determining the amount due to any declared bank holiday or immediately
depositor, added together all deposits in preceding a closure order issued by the
the bank. monetary board of the bsp for the purpose of
 Joint Accounts - regardless of whether the availing of the maximum deposit insurance
conjunction “and”, “or”, “and/or” is used, coverage.
shall be insured separately from any Penalty for Splitting of Deposits -
individually-owned deposit account: imprisonment not less than 6 years but not
o If the account is held jointly by 2 or more more than 12 years or a fine of not less than
natural persons, or by two or more 50,000 pesos but not more than 10 million
juridical entities = maximum insured pesos or both at the discretion of the court
deposit shall be divided into as many shall be imposed upon the any director, officer,
equal shares as there are individuals employee or agent of the bank for spitting of
and juridical persons, unless stipulated deposits or creation of fictitious or fraudulent
otherwise.  loans or deposit accounts.

o If the account is held by a juridical Prohibition against issuances of Temporary

person or entity jointly with one or more Restraining Orders
natural persons = maximum insured  Temporary restraining orders (TRO) are
deposit shall be presumed to belong short-term pre-trial temporary
entirely to such juridical person. injunctions.
o Note: The aggregate of the interest of General Rule: No court, except Court of
each co-owner over several joint Appeals, shall issue TRO, preliminary
accounts, shall likewise be subject to injunction or Preliminary Mandatory Injunction
MIDC of 500,000 php.  against the Corporation for any action under
Insurance Risk Evaluation this act. 

Bank is determined by BSP to the capital Exemption: when the supreme court may issue
deficient, the Corporation may conduct an a restraining order or injunction
insurance risk evaluation on the bank. The  extreme urgency involving a
evaluation may include the determination of:  constitutional issues such that 
 FMV of the assets and liabilities of the  unless a temporary restraining order is
bank issued
 grave injustice  the affirmative vote of at least five members of
the pdic board shall determine whether the
 irreparable injury will arise
bank may be resolved
1. Through the purchase of all its asset
 Shall file a Bond in amount to be Fixed and assumption of all its liabilities
by the Supreme Court 
2. Merger or consolidation with a qualified
 Shall accrue in favor of the corporation if investor or
the court should finally decide that the
3. Acquisition by qualified investor
applicants was not entitled to the relief
sought.  Factors to consider in determining the
appropriate method of resolution
In determining the appropriate resolution
any restraining order or injunction issued in
method for a bank corporation shall consider
violation of this section is  void and if no force
and effect and any judge who has each with
the same shall suffer the penalty of suspension 1. fair market value of the asset of the
of at least 60 days without pay bank its franchise as well as the amount
of its liabilities
Bank Resolution
2. availability of a qualified investors 
 the term resolution refers to the action
undertaken by the corporation under 3. least cost of the DIF
section 11 of RA 2591 amended to
4. interest of the depositing public
1. protect depositors’ creditors and the
Role of PDIC in Relation to Banks in
2. safeguard the continuity of essential
banking services or maintain financial
stability The term takeover refers to the act of
physically taking possession and control of the
3. prevent deterioration or dissipation of
promise’s assets and affairs of a closed bank
for the purpose of liquidating the bank 
Commencement of the resolution of a bank
Notice of Closure upon the designation of the
the corporation in a coordination with the bsp corporation as receiver of the closed bank, it
may comments that a solution of the bank shall serve a notice of closure to the highest
under the section upon: rank officer of the bank present in the bank
premises are in the absence of the such
1. failure a prompt corrective action as
officer, post the notice of closure in the bank
declared by the monetary board
premises or on its main entrance.
 due to capital deficiency
2. request by a bank to be placed under 
Proceeding in Receiving and Liquidation under
Modes of resolution
the NCBA
Within the period of 180 days from a bank and
whenever upon report of the head of the
three into the solution the corporation through
supervising or examining department, the
monetary board finds that the a bank or quasi- 1. Conventional liquidation - the
bank:  standard process of liquidation  
1. Unilateral Closure or has been dormant 2. Purchase of assets and assumption
for at least 60 days  of liabilities - refers to a transaction
where an insured bank purchases any
or in any manner has suspended the payment
or all assets and assumes any or all
of its deposit / deposit substitute liabilities, or is
liabilities for another bank under
unable to pay its liabilities as they become due
in the ordinary course of business 
Note: The consent of the stockholders, board
Note:  this shall not include in ability to pay
of directors, creditors, or depositors of the
caused by extraordinary demands induced by
closed banks is not needed.
the financial panic in the banking community. 
Powers of the Corporation as receiver
2. Has insufficient realizable assets , as
determined by the bangko sentral to In addition to the powers of a receiver provided
meet its liabilities  under existing laws. the Corporation, as
receiver of a closed bank, is empowered to: 
3. Cannot continue in business without
involving probable losses to its 1. Represent and act for and on behalf of the
depositors or creditors.  closed bank
4. has willfully violated a cease and desist 2. Gather and take charge of all the assets,
order under section 37 of ncba that has records, and affairs of the closed bank and
become final, involving acts or administer the same for the benefit of Its
transactions which amount to fraud or creditor
dissipation of the assets of the
3. Convert the assets to the closed bank to
cash or other forms of liquid assets, as far
Designation of PDIC as Receiver as practicable
Correlate this provision with section 12 of RA 4. Bring suits to enforce liabilities of the
3591 as amended which provides that directors, officers, employees, agents of the
whenever a bank is ordered close by the closed bank, and other entities related or
monetary board the corporation shall be connected to the closed bank or to collect.
designated as receiver and it shall proceed recover, and preserve all assets, including
with the takeover and liquidation of the closed assets over which the bank has equitable
bank in accordance with this act for this interest 
purpose of banks closed by the monetary
5. Appoint or hire persons or entities of
board shall no longer be rehabilitated 
recognized competence in banking
Liquidation finance, asset management, or remedial
management as it deputies. assistants or
The term "liquidation" refers to the process of
agents, to perform such powers and
winding up business affairs by settling
functions of the Corporation as receiver of
corporate obligations or debts and distributing
the closed hank, or assist in the
remaining corporate assets through liquidating
performance thereof 
6. Appoint or hire persons or entities of
The receiver is authorized to adopt and
recognized competence in forensic and
implement any or a combination of the
fraud investigations
following modes of liquidation:
7. Pay accrued utilities, rentals, and these fees including any unpaid
salaries of personnel of the closed bank for advances under the immediately
a period not exceeding three (3) months, preceding paragraph, shall be subject to
from available hinds of the closed bank approval by the liquidation court.
8. Collect loans and other claims of the 14. Distribute the available assets of the
closed bank and for this purpose, modify, closed hank, in cash or in kind, to us
compromise or restructure the terms and creditors in accordance with the Rules
conditions of such loans or claims as may on Concurrence and Preference of
be deemed advantageous to the Interests Credits under the Civil Code or other
of the creditors of the closed hank laws,
9. Hire or retain private counsel as may be 15. Dispose records of the closed bank
necessary that are no longer needed in the
liquidation in accordance with guidelines
10. Borrow or obtain a loan, mortgage,
set by the PDIC, Board of Directors,
pledge or encumber any asset and of the
notwithstanding the Laws on archival
closed bank, when necessary to preserve
period and disposal of records.
or prevent dissipation of the assets. or to
redeem foreclosed assets of the dosed 16. Exercise such other powers as are
bank, or to minimize losses to its depositors inherent and necessary for the effective
and creditors discharge of the duties of the
Corporation as receiver. (Sec.13(b). RA
11. If the stipulated interest rate on deposits
3591. as amended)
is unusually high compared with
prevailing applicable interest rate, the Effects of liquidation
Corporation as receiver may exercise such
The placement of a bank shall have the
powers which may include a reduction of
following effects:
the interest rate to a reasonable rate 
1. On the corporate franchise or existence - to
NOTE: Any modifications or reductions
shall apply only to earned and unpaid
interest  Note: In no case shall the bank be reopened
and permitted to resume banking business
12. Utilize available funds of the bank
after being placed under liquidation.
including funds generated by the
receiver from the conversion of assets 2. On the powers and functions of its
to pay for reasonable costs and directors, officers, and stockholders -
expenses incurred for the preservation terminated
of the assets, and liquidation of the
closed bank, without need for approval 3. On the assets - deemed in custodia
of the liquidation court;  legis (in the custody of the law)

NOTE. Fn. banks with insufficient funds, the 4. On the labor relations - deemed
Corporation is authorized to advance the terminated
foregoing costs and expenses, and collect 5. Contractual obligation - may be
payment. as and when funds become terminated by the receiver
6. On the interest payments - to cease
13. Charge reasonable fees for the upon closure
liquidation of the bank from the assets of
the bank provided, That payment of
7. Liability for penalties and surcharges for 3. depositors who failed to update address via
late payment and nonpayment of taxes - MAUF (Mailing Address Update Form)
no liability
4. depositors who maintain accounts under the
8. Bank charges on services - may be name of business entity
imposed by the receiver
5. deposits not eligible for early payment, as
9. Actions pending for or against the determined by PDIC 
closed bank - suspended, subject to
Not required to claim:
1. depositors of valid account that has below
10. Final decisions against the closed bank
- stayed
2. depositors without outstanding bank
11. Docket and other court fees - deferred
12. Assets, records, and documents in
3. has updated personal information via MAUF
the possession of the closed bank at
the time of its closure - presumed held Who should sign the claim:
by the bank in the concept of an owner.
General rule: should be signed by the
13. The exercise of authority, functions, depositor
and duties by the receiver under this
Act is presumed to have occurred in the exceptions:
regular course of business. - minor - parents & guardian can sign the claim
14. Even if administered by the receiver, - “by accounts” - agent can sign the claim
the closed bank's assets and
documents must remain private. - "in trust for" or ITF, the one who will sign the
Matters relating to the exercise by the account is trustee
receiver of the functions under this Act - Joint accounts - all of the joint depositors
shall be subject to visitorial audit only by should sign the claim
the Commission on Audit.
Period of filing the claim: 2 years from actual
Claims - practicing your right to avail the takeover of the bank
insurance, it is a formal declaration on your
part as a creditor to exercise your right to Period of enforcing claim: 2 years after filing
accept the insurance claim

 claims must be filed during the claims PDIC may require a proof of claim. PDIC can
settlement period, as announced - upon also require court determination.
the PDIC's announcement the claims Effects of failure to file and/or enforce
settlement period will already claim.
1. barred from rights against PDIC
Who should claim:
2. Revocation of depositor rights against the
1. depositors of valid accounts of more than closed bank
3. PDIC is discharged from liability
2. depositors with outstanding bank
Mode of payment - cash, or via direct deposit 2. Any official or employee of a banking
in a new bank, under the depositor's name institution may not disclose to any person of
any information concerning said deposits
—————————————————— Acts not covered by the Prohibition:
Non-bank official or employee is not covered
by the prohibition. Neither is disclosure by any
bank official or employee of information about
bank deposit in favor of a co- employee in the
course of the performance of his duties
covered by the prohibition.


Kinds of Deposits Covered
R.A. 1405 & R.A 6426
1. All deposits of whatever nature with banks
or banking institutions found in the Philippines;
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the or
Government to give encouragement to the
2. Investments in bonds issued by the
people to deposit their money in banking
Philippine government, its branches, and
institutions and to discourage private hoarding
institutions. (Sec. 2, R.A. 1405).
so that the same may be properly utilized by
banks in authorized loans to assist in the 3. Trust Account
economic development of the country.
NOTE: Despite such pronouncement that trust
Coverage funds are considered deposits, trust funds
remain not covered by PDIC.
All deposits of whatever nature with banks
or banking institutions in the Philippines Confidentiality granted by RA 1405 does NOT
including investments in bonds issued by the extend to Letters of Credit and Trust Receipts
Government of the Philippines, its political
subdivisions and its instrumentalities, are (Opinion of the Secretary of Justice No. 5,
hereby considered as of an absolutely Series of 1982; Opinion of the Secretary of
confidential nature and may not be Justice No. 126, Series of 1989)
examined, inquired or looked into by any May a deposit in a safety deposit box be
person, government official, bureau or also considered a bank deposit?
office, except upon written permission of the
depositor, or in cases of impeachment, or upon YES. The non-disclosure of deposits law (RA
order of a competent court in cases of bribery 1405) includes all deposits of whatever nature
or dereliction of duty of public officials, or in with banks and banking institutions.
cases where the money deposited or invested Exceptions to the Rule on Secrecy of Bank
is the subject matter of the litigation. Deposits
Prohibited Acts 1. Upon written consent of the depositor or
1. Bank deposits may not be investor;
examined/inquired/investigated by any person, 2. Impeachment cases;
government official, bureau, or office.
3. Upon order of competent court in cases of
bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials
or where the money deposited or invested is 11. Upon order of the Court of Appeals,
the subject of litigation; examination by law enforcement officers in
terrorism cases under the Human Security Act
4. Upon order of competent court in cases
(Secs. 27 and 28, RA 8372);
involving unexplained wealth under the Anti‐
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, RA 3019 12. Inquiry into illegally acquired amounts
(Bangko Filipino vs. Purisima) under the Pl under Law (RA 7080);
5. Upon inquiry by the CIR into the bank 13. In camera inspection by the Ombudsman
accounts of the following: under the Ombudsman Act (Sec. [15][8], RA
a) deceased depositor determines his net
estate; 14. Report of banks to AMLC of covered and
suspicious transactions;
b) any taxpayer who has filed an application for
compromise of his tax liability by reason of 15. Without court order: In cases filed by the
financial incapacity plus waiver of his privilege Ombudsman and upon the latter's authority to
(Sec. 6[f][1], NIRC); examine and have access to bank accounts
and records (Marquez v. Desierto, GR 138569,
6. Upon court order when there is probable
Sept. 11, 2003);
cause that the deposits or investments
involved are in any way related to any unlawful 16. Where there is a waiver in case of DOSRI
activities or a money laundering offense under loans.
the AMLA;
Are Trust Funds Covered by the Term
7. Without need for AMLC to secure court "Deposit?"
order: If there is probable cause that the
YES. The money deposited under the trust
deposit or investment are related to the
agreement is intended not merely to remain
following: (HK‐MADS)
with the bank but to be invested by it
a) Hijacking; elsewhere. To hold that this type of account is
not protected by R.A. 1405 would encourage
b) Kidnapping for ransom;
private hoarding of funds that could otherwise
c) Murder; be invested by banks in other ventures,
contrary to the policy behind the law. (Ejercito
d) Destructive Arson; and v. Sandiganbayan)
e) Violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act. Note: Despite such pronouncement that trust
8. Upon a general or special examination of a funds are considered deposits, trust funds
bank authorized by the Monetary Board after remain not covered by PDIC.
being satisfied that a bank fraud or serious Are Foreign Currency Deposits Governed
irregularity has been committed; by the Secrecy in Bank Deposits (R.A.
9. When an examination is made by an 1405)?
independent auditor hired by the bank to No. Foreign currency deposits are governed by
conduct its regular audit. the Foreign Currency Deposits Act (RA 6426).
10. Disclosure to the Treasurer of the Does Garnishment of a Bank Deposit
Philippines for dormant deposits for at least 10 Violate the Law on Secrecy of Bank
years under the Unclaimed Balances Act. (Sec. Deposits?
2, Act No. 3936);
No. Bank accounts may be garnished by the (2) To issue certificates to evidence such
creditors of the depositor. There is no violation deposits;
of the Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits if the
(3) To discount said certificates;
accounts are garnished. The amount of deposit
is actually not disclosed and the intent of the (4) To accept said deposits as collateral for
legislature does not cover garnishment (PCIB loans subject to such rules and regulations as
v. CA, G.R. No. 84526, Jan. 28, 1991). may be promulgated by the Central Bank from
time to time; and
Are Foreign Currency Deposits Subject to
Garnishment? (5) To pay interest in foreign currency on such
GR: NO. Foreign currency deposits shall be
exempt from attachment, garnishment, or any CONFIDENTIALITY OF FOREIGN
other order or process of any court, legislative CURRENCY DEPOSITS
body, government agency or any
administrative body whatsoever (Sec 8. R.A. All foreign currency deposits as amended by
6426). XPN: Subject to garnishment to prevent PD No. 1035, as well as foreign currency
injustice and for equitable grounds, i.e. deposits authorized under PD No. 1034, are
American tourist found guilty of repeatedly declared as and considered of an absolutely
raping a 12 year old child (Salvation vs. Central confidential nature and no instance shall
Bank of the Philippines) foreign currency deposits be examined,
inquired or looked into by any person,
Rule in Foreign Currency Deposits government official, bureau or office whether
judicial or administrative or legislative, or any
Foreign currency deposits cannot be inquired
other entity whether public or private.
or looked as they are absolutely confidential
(Sec. 8, RA 6426) EXCEPTION: upon the written permission of
the depositor.
Note: Protection under this law is intended only
for depositors who are non-residents and are FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS
not engaged in trade and business in the COVERED BY RA 6426
Philippines (Estrada vs. Desierto)
PD No. 1034 (September 30, 1976)
CURRENCIES  Transactions of offshore banking units with
residents of the Philippines including those
Any person, natural or juridical, may deposit with local commercial banks and local
with such Philippine banks in good standing branches of foreign banks authorized to
designated by the Central Bank for the purpose receive foreign deposits.
PD No. 1035 (September 30, 1976)
foreign currencies which are acceptable as part
of the international reserves.  foreign currency loan from and transactions
with non-residents Offshore banking units in
AUTHORITY OF BANKS TO ACCEPT the Philippines (Offshore banking system)
(1) To accept deposits and to accept foreign OF R.A 6426
currencies in trust Provided, That numbered
accounts for recording and servicing of said 1. When there is written consent of depositor
deposits shall be allowed; (Sec. 8);
2. AMLC may inquire into any deposit with a 2.) Civil Forfeiture Suit brought by AMLC
bank or financial institution in case of violation through the OSG pursuant to Sec. 7(4) & 12 of
of RA 9160 if there is probable cause that it is AMLA and Sec. 18 of TFPSA.
related to an unlawful activity (S11, AMLA);
3.) The Freeze order pursuant to AMLA and
3. Upon ex parted application by a law enforcer Anti-Terror Law.
authorized by the Anti-Terrorism Council, the
justices of the CA designated as special court
to handle anti-terrorism cases may authorize Any willful violation of this Act or any regulation
the examination of deposits in a financial duly promulgated by the Monetary Board
institution upon finding probable cause of the pursuant hereto shall subject the offender upon
commission of terrorism or conspiracy to conviction to an imprisonment
commit terrorism (S27-28, Human Security Act,
RA 9372) not less than one year nor more than five
years or a fine of not less than five
4. Under Sec. 10 of RA 10168 where AMLC is thousand pesos nor more than twenty-five
authorized to inquire into or examine deposits thousand pesos, or both such fine and
and investments with any bank or non-bank imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
institution without a court order;
5. CIR is authorized to inquire into bank
deposits of the following:
a) Decedent to determine his estate;
b) Any taxpayer who has filed for an
application for compromise of his tax liability;
c) Specific taxpayer upon request for tax
information from a foreign tax authority
pursuant to an international convention or
agreement on tax matters to which the
Philippines is a party (S6[f], NIRC);
6. Disclosure to the BSP in the course of
examination to ensure compliance with the
Anti-Money Laundering Act; and
7. PDIC's inquiry into and examination of
deposit accounts and all information related
thereto in case there is a finding of unsafe of
unsound banking practice under (S8, pr. 8, RA
3591, as amended by RA 9576)
1.) Pro Hac Vice (For that instance only) case
The Supreme Court allowed the garnishment
of FCD of a Foreign transient who molested a
minor, and escaped. The garnishment of his
foreign currency was allowed to prevent an
injustice and for equitable grounds.

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