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“Betel Nut Chewing Addiction and its Harmful Effects on the Health of SLCB

College Students”
Survey Questionnaire
Direction: Please check (/) and rate yourself honestly based on what actually do given the
1.What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
a. Course/Department
( ) - COED ( ) - BS Crim ( ) - BSIT / AB-PolSci / English
b. Ethic Affiliation
( ) - Tinglayan ( ) - Lubuagan / Pasil ( ) - Pinukpuk / Balbalan
( ) - Tanudan ( ) - Tabuk / Rizal
2.Direction: Please check (/) the level of benefits in chewing betel nuts and rate yourself
honestly based on what you actually do, given the statements using the following scales:
4 - Very much agree
3 - Agree
2 - Moderately agree
1 - Disagree

Benefits (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. To make the teeth more stronger.
2. To keep the gums healthy.
3. To warm the chewer to provide a certain energy boost.
4. To make more active in daily activities
5. It increases stamina
6. Stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion
7. Stimulates appetite
8. Reduces gums swelling

3.Direction: Please check (/) the extent of chewing betel nuts effects and rate yourself honestly
based on what you actually do, given the statements using the following scales:
4 - Very much agree
3 - Agree
2 - Moderately agree
1 - Disagree

Effects (4) (3) (2) (1)

1.Discoloration of teeth and gums,sometimes turning them reddish-brown

2.Mouth ulcers and gum disease

3.Oral cancer or sub-mucous fibrosis

4.Stomach ulcer

5.Dependence of betel nut

6.Heart palpitation


8.Tremors (panginginig)
4.Direction: Please check (/) the level of implementation and solutions to avoid chewing betel
nuts and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually do, given the statements using the
following scales:
4 - Very much agree
3 - Agree
2 - Moderately agree
1 - Disagree

Solutions (4) (3) (2) (1)

1.Chewing candies in replacement of chewing betel nut
2.Alternative activities such as sports, music, dance and art programs
3.Counseling services to students who are struggling with betel nut addiction
4.Schools can create peer support groups students who are struggling and provide a
safe and supportive environment for students to share their experiences and seek help.
5.School policies that include disciplinary measures for students who violate the policy.
6.Parent involvement in educating them about the issue and encouraging them to
monitor their children’s behavior
7.Community partnerships to provide additional support and resources to students
struggling with betel nut addiction
8.Health education campaign

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