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How to create a chart in Microsoft Excel

1. Gather the data that you want to put into a chart

a. You can either use 1 or multiple data sets
2. Data is usually entered in columns to make it easier
3. It is best to create headings for your data
4. Enter the data 
5. Before you can create a chart, you need to select the data that
you want to chart, then go to the Insert menu.

6. In the Insert menu you will see an area with charts in it. Depending on which version of Microsoft
Office you are using, this will look slightly different. In Office 2016, you will see “Recommended
Chart”, whereas earlier versions will not have this.
7. Depending on the data that you have to chart you need to select the appropriate type of chart you
want to create from the list. For this set of data, I will create a pie chart.
8. In the pie chart section, you will see a number of different options to choose which type of pie
chart you want, eg 2D, 3D, doughnut etc. You will see a preview before it goes onto your

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How to modify your chart:

If you want your chart on a separate

worksheet and not on the same one as your
data, right click on the chart and select
“Move Chart”. You will then have an option
to move it to another worksheet. By doing
this, it will take up the whole of the
worksheet, whereas copying and pasting it
will still be an object in the worksheet.

Formatting Features

By selecting the 3 buttons on the top right of the chart, you can modify various features 

chart elements, ie, title, labels and legend


chart filters, ie values and names

Chart Tools

Once you have the chart selected, you can make many modifications.


If you want to change the font, colour or size etc of the heading, simply click on the text box surrounding it
so modify it.

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