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Group _3_: Lesson # _2_

Lesson Title: Modeling clay mini meals/ healthy plate Big Idea/Topic: critical thinking,
thinking about healthy foods and
having a balanced diet
Names: Lyla Lalani and Lee Mullin


Description of the Big Idea/Topic to be explored in this lesson:

Students will be asked to think about their favorite foods. They will also be able to explore how
having a variety in your diet can keep you energized throughout the day, and what is means to
have a balanced diet. The balanced meal plate will be shown which includes 4 sections; protein,
fruits, vegetables, and grains

Relevance for Learners:

This is relevant for the learners because they can explore different cultures through food and
expand their interests in food that they would be willing to try while also allowing them to use
their fine motor skills, and making something from scratch. They can also learn about creating a
balanced plate using the balanced plate model and how they can incorporate different foods into
their meals.

Essential Questions: Enduring Understandings:

How can they make a healthy meal from scratch? By the end of this lesson, students will
What are some of their favorite foods? understand:. The students will
How can they make their meal balanced? understand how to make balanced
Why is a balanced meal important? meals and include a variety of foods in
their diet.

Lesson Goals:
Students will know:
More about balanced meals and why it is important

Students will be able to:

Students will be able to identify how to create a more balanced meal without having to get rid of
their favorite foods

Materials List: crayola modeling clay, paper plates, construction paper, colored pencils, healthy
plate diagram handouts, scissors, glue, pencils, color mixing chart

Learning Steps

The Teachers will: The Students will:

1. Introduce the project and ask them what their Listen to instructions
favorite foods are. Tell them what materials they
are using and tell them that they will be making
their favorite food or foods that they want to try

2. Show them examples of our own foods that we Draw inspiration from our
examples/starting to think about
what they will make

3. Introduce the balanced food plate and ask them Think about what foods can make
what they can add with their favorite food to
their meal balanced
make it complete and balanced

4. Supply the students with modeling clay Make their own foods by following
the balanced plate diagram

5. Ask the students to present their foods and how Present their work
they chose to make their plate balanced



Assessment of Learning
How will the students’ understanding and work be assessed? (This will be informal for our purposes)
We will go around and ask them what they have added to their plate and how it fits into the
balanced plate model.

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