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Lee Mullin

ARED 2110S

Reflection 2

April 12, 2023

Reflection 2

The second lesson at double helix was easier for me. I was way less nervous and anxious,

so I really just got to have fun with the students. Our lesson was on what constitutes a balanced

plate of food and how to make a complete meal. We used modeling clay and let the students

make their favorite food. Then, we asked them what they can add to their food to make a

complete plate of food. We gave them a paper plate and white, red, blue, and yellow clay. My

partner and I also made a poster of what a balanced plate looks like and a color mixing guide.

The biggest struggle for me in these lessons is to keep the 8th grade boys on topic. They did a

much better job with this lesson than they did with the last one because I think this one was more

fun and hands on. It was easy to think of their favorite foods, too. I think I just do better with the

younger kids because I found it easier to get them interested in the topic we discuss. I had so

much fun with all the students. This time I think I did a better job with the older students because

I was over at their table and asking the more questions about their art than I did last time. I think

this is because I was more nervous last time. I think I really connected with everyone better in

this lesson. I am glad we got to go back to the school for another time because I really like it! It

is so different than my normal day to day classes, so I love the change of pace. I am sad to not be

able to go back!

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