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Biology Unit 2 Marks : / 100 Name:

1. Answer any 1 out of 2

The Diagram below shows an alveolus ( plural alveoli)

a. Explain one features seen in the alveolus in the diagram which allows an efficient gas
exchange. (2)

b. Using an X on the diagram in part (a) indicate where the oxygen content of the blood is the
highest (2)

2. The following list contains structures found within the breathing system.

structure order

nasal cavity  
 alveolus 1
Complete the table by numbering the structures to show the sequence in which air passes
through them during an exhalation. The first structure has been numbered for you. (1)

3. Describe the actions of the intercostal muscle and diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation

4. a. Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the three different types of blood vessel. 

Figure 1

Complete the table below by putting a tick (✓) in the correct boxes for each type of vessel
shown in Figure 1. 


The elasticity of blood vessels can be measured using the equipment in
 Figure 2.
A student set up the equipment in order to compare the elasticity of arteries and veins. 

The student found that the artery tissue could stretch significantly more than the vein. 
Explain why this is an important feature for this type of blood vessel. (3)

5. shows a diagram of the heart. 

a. Label out the organ pf heart from the following diagram. (2)
b. Compare the thickness of the walls of chamber A and chamber B. (2)
c. Blood from the body enters the heart through the vena cava.Describe how this blood
flows through the heart and lungs to leave the heart through the aorta. Include references
to the chambers of the heart and the relevant valves in your answer. (6)

6. Compare RBC, WBC and Platelet on a table (4)

7. Fig. 1 is a photomicrograph showing a surface view of many villi in the small intestine.

(i)State the function of villi.(1)

(ii)Describe the structure of a villus.(3)
8. a. During digestion enzymes act on different types of food to produce simpler substances that
can be absorbed.Complete Table 1 by inserting the missing information.

enzyme acting on the simpler substances

food type
food type produced
Protein Protease  
Fatty acids and

9. Answer any one out of 2

a. The following diagram from no 8 includes some of the stages of food breakdown and
descriptions of these stages (4) 

b. Complete the following by drawing lines to connect each stage of food breakdown with
the correct description. (4) 

Stage of food
Breakdown of large
Ingestion   insoluble molecules into
small soluble ones
Digested food
Absorption   molecules move into the
cells of the body
Digested food
molecules move
through the wall of the
Chemical Taking in food and
digestion drink through the mouth

10. (a)The eye is a sense organ.Fig. 1 is a diagram of a section through the eye.
Shade in the part of the eye that gives people different eye colours on Fig. 1 (1)

b. The boxes on the left show parts of the eye. The boxes on the right show the functions of
different parts of the eye. Draw four lines to link the part of the eye with its correct function. One
has been done for you. (3)

c. The skin is another sense organ. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the skin on a person’s arm.
The skin of the person is responding to a stimulus.

(i)State the stimulus for the response shown in Fig. 2. (1)

(ii) State the effector that causes the response shown in Fig. 2. (2)

11. (a ) The endocrine system in mammals produces hormones. Define the term hormone. (2)
b. Complete Table 1 to describe.the effects of the hormone released when a person is in a
dangerous situation (4)
organ effect of the hormone





c.. Describe iris reflex in bright kight and dim light. (4)

12. a. Describe two ways a person can monitor their blood glucose level. (2)

b. Explain two ways that a person with diabetes can help to control their glucose level. (2)

13. (a)(i)State what is meant by the term thermoregulation. (1)

(ii) Identify which part of the brain constantly monitors temperature. (1)

b. Complete the following sentence. Choose answers from the box. (4)

Regulation          External          Homeostasis         


__________ is the __________ of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain

__________ conditions for function in response to internal and __________ changes

c.Using thermoregulation as an example, explain why it is important to maintain the body's

internal environment in response to change.(3)

(a)Describe the changes that occur when the brain detects a change in blood temperature (6)
(b) Explain how vasoconstriction and vasodilation help to control body temperature (4)
(c)Osmoregulation is the balance of water and mineral salts in the body. Explain why
osmoregulation is important. (3)
15. (a) Fig. 1 is a diagram of the human female reproductive system.

function letter name

releases oestrogen    

site of fertilisation    

site of implantation    
dilates during the
process of birth
Complete Table 1 to show the letter and the name of each of the structures that perform these
functions. (4)

15. Fig. 1 shows the male reproductive system.

Table shows information about the male reproductive system shown in Fig 1. Complete it.
name of
function letter in Fig. 1
transports sperm but not
tube for urine and
  seminal fluid through the  
prostate gland    
  contains the testes  
16. Sperm and eggs each have a nucleus which is haploid.

(i)Define the term haploid nucleus.(1)

(ii) State the number of chromosomes in a human haploid nucleus. (1)

17. Fig. 1 shows a fetus developing inside the uterus.

Fig. 1

The fetus developed from a fertilised egg cell

a. Put an X on Fig. 1 to show where an egg cell is normally fertilized

b. State the functions of the structures labelled A and B. (2)

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