Music 7 - 4Q - 4a

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Quarter 4 – Module 4a
Music of Philippine Festivals and
Theatrical Forms I

What I Know


Direction: Identify what Philippine festival is described in each item. Write the
letter of the best answer in your Music notebook.

1. It is a celebration reflecting the commitment and great love of the Batanguenos

to their town patrons.
A. Sublian C. Moriones
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
2.A festival wherein people parade in the streets wearing masks and costumes
like the heroes and villains of the epic.
A. Sublian C. Ibalong
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
3. A colorful folk-religious festival during holy week.
A. Sublian C. Moriones
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
4. A festival wherein the petitioners usually yell out “Pit Senior.”
A. Sublian C. Moriones
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
5. It is the festival of Kalibo, Aklan.
A. Moriones C. Sublian
B. Ati-atihan D. Sinulog
6. Originated from the tribal festivals of the “Lumad” and Muslim tribes of Davao.
A. Sublian C. Ibalong
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
7. It features street dancing, harana, indigenous Filipino games, and Lupakan.
A. Sublian C. Ibalong
B. Sinulog D. Kadayawan
8. A festival celebrated during every third week of January and is known as the
wildest of Philippine festivals.
A. Moriones C. Ati-atihan
B. Sublian D. Sinulog
9. A festival wherein participants play the role of Roman soldiers and wear a
mask that no one can identify them.
A. Sinulog C. Ibalong
B. Kadayawan D. Moriones
10. A festival wherein people shout “Hala Bira!” and “Viva Santo Nino!” to
encourage enthusiasm and continuous dancing for the duration of the festival.
A. Moriones C. Sublian
B. Ati-atihan D. Sinulog

What’s In
Task 1: Direction: Write a check mark ( ) if the statement is correct and if it is
incorrect, rewrite the phrase or the statement to make it correct. Write your answers
in your Music notebook.

___________1. Sinulog Festival is celebrated during third Sunday of August in

___________2. Ati-atihan festival means “make-believe Atis”.
___________3. Ibalong Festival aims to express friendliness, enthusiasm, and good
will to all people.
___________4. Sublian Festival is a festival held during third Sunday of January.
___________5. Kadayawan Festival is a festival where people will cheer and shout
“Hala, Bira!” and “Viva Santo Nino.”

Self-assessment: Evaluate the level of your knowledge about Philippine festivals by

counting the number of your correct responses.

Excellent 5
Very Good 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1

What’s New
Task 2: Direction: Answer the following questions in your Music activity notebook.

A. What Philippine festivals are you familiar with? Write at least 5.

1. _____________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________.
B. How do you feel when you hear the musical accompaniment of some Philippine

What is It
Festivals of Aklan, Cebu, Batangas, Marinduque, Davao, and Bicol

The Ati-atihan Festival is known as

the wildest of the Philippine festivals which
means “make-believe Atis” wherein
participants portray the natives of Kalibo,
Aklan called, “Ati or Aetas”. It is a week-
long festival held annually every third week
of January that consists of a tribal dance
parade with drum music, costumes and
indigenous accessories to honor the Santo
Nino or the Holy Christ Jesus. People
cheer and shout “Hala Bira!” and “Viva Santo Nino!” to encourage enthusiasm
and continuous dancing for the duration of
the festival.

The Sinulog Festival is an annual

cultural and religious festival held on the
third Sunday of January in the city of Cebu
to honor the Santo Nino, commemorate the
Filipino rejection of their former religious
views, and acceptance of Christianity. This
festival is famous among local and
international tourists for its grand street
parade which imitates the type of dancing
done by the natives of Cebu before they
were baptized as Christians.
The petitioners often yell out ‘Pit
Senior”. They flock to the festival for prayer requests and thanksgiving while dancing,
believing that Santo Nino will hear them. Different groups of dancers dressed in
colorful attire are accompanied by rhythmic music of the drums, trumpets, and native

The Sublian Festival is an annual

celebration on the twenty third day of July
reflecting the Batanguenos’ commitment
and great love to their town’s patrons, the
holy Cross of Bauan and Agoncillo, and the
Santo Nino of Batangas City. It was
originally a religious ceremony that
involves prayer, eating, dancing the “Subli”,
and singing verses with strict skeletal
This religious commitment was translated to “Subli”, a dance local to

Batangas. Traditionally, the subli is performed with chanting and accompanied by
drums. Subli come from two word: “subsub” (bending your body forward or downward)
and Bali or (broken.) Thus, throughout the dance, male dancers are in trunk forward
bend position to give the impression of broken bodies.
At present, the Sublian Festival features street dancing, harana (singing of
Filipino courtship song), indigenous people games, and Lupakan (sharing of “Nilupak”
a delicacy made from cassava, sweet potato, or banana).

Moriones Festival is a colorful folk-

religious festival during holy week in the
island known as the “heart of the
Philippines,” the island of Marinduque. The
festival is a reenactment of the story of
Saint Longinus. He was the centurion who
pierced the side of Jesus Christ and regain
his vision after drops of blood and water hit
his eyes. He proclaims the miracle and
because of this he was punished to great
pain and was beheaded under Pontius
Pilate’s order. Participants played the rule
of Roman soldiers and wear the Morion’s
costume so that no one can identify them. The Morions wear their costumes for an
entire week. Only when they eat or sleep, that they take it off. They perceive this as a
form of sacrifice as they must stand and walk around on thin strap slippers under the
hot sun while wearing the heavy wooden masks. The Moriones scare children away
and court the ladies by singing and dancing for them.

Kadayawan Festival is held in

Davao every third week of August in
celebration of thanksgiving for good
harvest with parade floats of fresh fruits
and flowers, and street dancing with
colorful tribal costumes, and accessories.
Kadayawan comes from the word
“Madayaw” meaning thanksgiving for
nature’s gift; warm and friendliness
greeting; and to describe things that are good, valuable, superior, and beautiful.

This celebration originated from tribal festivals of the “Lumad” and Muslim tribes
of Davao in the 70’s featuring the dances and rituals of thanksgiving. It used to be
called “Duwaling” to promote Davao’s famous icons: the highest peak of the country
“Mt. Apo”; King of fruits “Durian”, and queen of orchids “Waling-waling”.

Ibalong Festival is held in the Bicol
Region, aims to express friendliness,
enthusiasm, and goodwill to all people.
Bicolanos and tourists celebrate the
festival to commemorate the three heroes
of the Bicol epic in the town of Ibalong
namely Baltog, Handyong, Bantong.

In this festival, the people parade in

the streets wearing masks and costumes like the heroes and villains of the epic.

What’s More
Task 3: Direction: Copy and complete the table. Write you answers in your Music

Philippine Date/Week/month
Place of origin Origin
Festival Names of Celebration
Commemorates the
three heroes of the
Ibalong August 1. ____________ Bicol epic namely
Balyog, Handyong,
Means Madayaw
Kadayawan 2. _____________ 3. ____________ meaning, thanksgiving
for nature’s gift.
Ati-atihan 4. _____________ Kalibo, Aklan __________________
Reenactment of the
Moriones 6. _____________ Marinduque story of Saint
Sinulog 7. _____________ 8. ____________ __________________
Comes from two
words: “subsub”
Sublian 10. ____________ Batangas (bending your body
forward or downward)
and “bali” (broken).

What I Have Learned

Congratulations for completing this module. Before we proceed, what are your
thoughts about this lesson? Share your insights by completing the following sentence
prompts in your notebook.

I have learned that

I have realized that

I will apply

What I Can Do
Direction: Create a musical instrument that is commonly used to accompany any
Philippine festival. Use materials that are readily available. After making the
instrument, play it along with the music of any Philippine Festival. Let your
parents/guardian rate your performance by using the scale below.

5- Excellent, 4- Very good, 3-Good, 2-Needs a little improvisation, 1-Poor

Answer these questions in your notebook.

1. How did you feel while doing the task?

2. What is the name of the instrument you draw? What is its classification?
3. How is music related/connected to Philippine festivals?

Direction: Identify what Philippine festival is described in each item. Choose your
answers from the pool of words in the box. Write your answers in your notebook.

Ati-atihan Ibalong Sublian

Kadayawan Moriones Sinulog

_______________ 1. It is a celebration reflecting the commitment and great love of

the Batanguenos to their town patrons.
_______________ 2. A festival wherein people parade in the streets wearing masks
and costumes like the heroes and villains of the epic.
_______________ 3. A colorful folk-religious festival during holy week.
_______________ 4. A festival wherein the petitioners usually yell out “Pit Senior.”
_______________ 5. It is the festival of Kalibo, Aklan.
_______________ 6. Originated from the tribal festivals of the “Lumad” and Muslim
tribes of Davao.
_______________ 7. It features street dancing, harana, indigenous Filipino games,
and Lupakan.
_______________ 8. A festival celebrated during every third week of January and is
known as the wildest of Philippine festivals.
_______________ 9. A festival wherein participants play the role of Roman soldiers
and wear a mask that no one can identify them.
_______________ 10. A festival wherein people shout “Hala Bira!” and “Viva Santo
Nino!” to encourage enthusiasm and continuous dancing for
the duration of the festival.

Additional Activities
Direction: Complete the statements by giving your honest responses. Write these in
your notebook.

1. What I hoped to accomplish prior to learning Philippine festivals is that….

2. What I realized about myself in the process of learning the origin of the Philippine
Festival is that …

3. In this topic, I will apply the value(s) of …


Quarter 4 – Module 4b
Music of Philippine Festivals and
Theatrical Forms II

What I Know


Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the letter of the best
answer in your music notebook.
1. It is a collaborative form of theater, music, dance, and literature that
portrays day to day struggles and triumphs of common Filipino.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
2. It is one of the colorful theatrical traditions in the Philippines used by the
Spanish as a method to spread Christianity.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
3. This intermission act featured comedy skits, music, monologue, acrobats,
and even magical acts performed in between long sarsuela acts during
the Japanese period.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
4. It is a type of stage performance that portrays the clash between Muslims
and Christians.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
5. One of the most famous Sarsuela in the Philippines.
A. Comedia de San Miguel C. Batalla
B. Arakyo D. Walang Sugat

What’s In

Task 1:

I. Direction: Rearrange the letters in each number below to form names of some
Bodabil stars.



What’s New

Direction: Answer the following questions in your Music notebook.

1. What can you say when you hear the words Komedya, Sarsuela and
2. In your own opinion, why do you think these three (3) Philippine theaters
exist in our country?

What to know

Komedya comes from 16th century Spanish
comedia (play). It is a play written in verse which
uses traditional methods of the marcha (march) for
entrance or exit, Batalla (choreograph fighting) and
magia (magical effects). It is one of the colorful
theatrical traditions in the Philippines used by the
Spanish as a method to spread Christianity. This
theatrical form describes the conflicts of Christians
and Muslims. This theatrical performance spread
instantly but was criticized because of its lack of
national importance and realism.

The two types of Komedya:

1. Secular Komedya – usually performed in town celebrations. An example of secular

komedya popularized in the 1600’s is the “Moro-moro”, which uses stories that
revolve around kings, queens, princes, princesses, animals, and supernatural
beings. Most of the time, it portrays the clash between Christians and Filipino

Another type of Secular Komedya in Nueva Ecija is the “Tibag” or “Arakyo” that
is performed during Santacruzan. It is a reenactment of the search for the Holy
Cross by Queen Helena and her son Emperor Constantine.

2. Religious Komedya – Mostly performed to enhance religious festivities. It focuses
on the life of religious icons (Jesus Christ, St. Michael, and other patron saints.)
Examples are Siete Palabras, Comedia de San Miguel and Senakulo; the lenten
presentation of Passion of Christ.

Sarsuela is an art form of lyric

theater drama, comical in nature and it is
incorporated with singing, dancing, and
dialogue. It is a play in prose. Sarsuela
originated from Spain and was made
popular in the Philippines in the 1800’s. It
portrays the typical Filipino realities and
stories and social relations which viewers
can relate in their lives such as elections
and feasts, marriage and family, vices,
and values. Walang Sugat is one of the
most famous Sarsuela in the country.

Bodabil is another stage show that became popular during the Japanese
period based on the Frenc vaudeville. These were called stage show during Japanese
occupation and later variety shows. Bodabil was developed because city growers
wanted to uplift their emotional stability from the usual stage acts to a stage
presentation featuring comedy, musical, monologue, skits, impersonators, acrobats,
and even magical acts. Bodabil forms musical trends and musicians; performers; and
performance genres. The entertainers helped to make jazz and blues popular and
admired in our country. Here are sample pictures of the different Bodabil stars:

Bayani Casimiro Dely Tay- Togo and Pugo Atayan https://humorouspina

Rogelio de la Rosa Leopoldo Salcedo
photos/nccaofficial/1825 http://nostalgiamanila.blogs

Dolphy Katy Dela Cruz

What’s More

Task 2:
Direction: Complete the graphic organizer below. Copy and answer it on your Music
activity notebook.

Komedya PHILIPPINE Sarsuela

(Give at least 1 THEATER (Give at least 1

characteristic) characteristic)

(Give at least 1

Task 3:
Direction: Inside the box are the different words that are related to Komedya,
Sarsuela and Bodabil. Write each word below the column where it relates to. Copy
and answer this in your Music notebook.
Tibag Walang Sugat Colorful
Batalla Marriage Senakulo
Election Acrobats Dolphy
Jazz Vices Impersonator
Monologue Realities Moro-moro

Komedya Sarsuela Bodabil

What I Have Learned

Congratulations for completing this module. Before we proceed, what are your
thoughts about this lesson? Share your insights by completing the following sentence
prompts in your notebook.

I have learned that ________________ ________________ ______.

I have realized that ________________ _________________ _____.

I will apply _____________ _________________ _______________.

What I Can Do

Task 4:

Direction: On a short bond paper, create/write your own song with 2 or 3 stanzas
either in Cebuano, Filipino or English lyrics, depending on your interest. You are free
to choose the type of song, worldly songs or Christian songs. After writing, ask your
family to listen to your original composition and let them rate you accordingly.

5 is Excellent, 4 is Very good, 3 is Good, 2 is Fair and 1 is Poor.

Finally, answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. What was your song all about?

2. Why did you write this kind of song?

3. If you are going to classify your song, what would its genre be?

4. How did you feel after writing your song? After sharing it with your family?


A. Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the letter of the best answer in
your music notebook.

1. One of the most famous Sarsuela in the Philippines.

A. Comedia de San Miguel C. Batalla
B. Arakyo D. Walang Sugat
2. It is a type of stage performance that portrays the clash between Muslims
and Christians.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
3. It is a collaborative form of theater, music, dance, and literature that
portrays day to day struggles and triumphs of a common Filipino.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
4. It is one of the colorful theatrical traditions in the Philippines used by the
Spanish as a method to spread Christianity.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela
5. This intermission act featured comedy skits, music, monologue, acrobats,
and even magical acts performed in between long sarsuela acts during
the Japanese period.
A. Bodabil C. Moro-moro
B. Komedya D. Sarsuela

B. List down at least 5 artists/stars that are popular in Bodabil.


Additional Activities

Think of 1 word that best describes the Philippine Theater for you. Why do you choose
that word?

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